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1、综艺节目制作合同协议书范本文章正文:*合同协议书*Contract Agreement*甲方(制作方):*Party A (Producer):*乙方(节目主持人/艺人):*Party B (Host/Artist):*鉴 于:*鉴于甲方具有从事综艺节目制作的资质和经验,乙方具有一定的知名度和演艺实力,双方均有意合作制作综艺节目,特订立本合同。*鉴 于 The following premises are customarily stated in made in respect thereto:*第一条 合作节目*Article 1 Collaboration Programme*1.1 甲

2、乙双方将共同制作一档名为节目名称的综艺节目,节目的内容、形式和形象将根据双方协商确定。*1.1 The Parties hereby agree to collaboratively produce a variety show named Program Name. The content, format, and image of the program shall be determined by mutual agreement of the Parties.*1.2 节目的制作周期为_个月/年,具体时间视实际情况而定,生效日期为双方签署本协议之日起。*1.2 The producti

3、on period of the program shall be _ months/years, subject to actual conditions. The effective date shall be from the date of signing of this agreement by both parties.*第二条 节目制作*Article 2 Program Production*2.1 甲方负责确定节目的拍摄地点、时间和制作团队,并承担节目制作的全部费用。*2.1 Party A shall be responsible for determining the s

4、hooting location, time, and production team of the program, and bear all the expenses of the program production.*2.2 乙方应配合甲方完成节目的录制,并保证出演时间及形象符合节目调性,不得随意变更造成节目制作进度延误。*2.2 Party B shall cooperate with Party A in completing the recording of the program, and shall ensure that the performance time and i

5、mage comply with the tone of the program, and shall not arbitrarily change them, causing delays in the production progress of the program.*第三条 薪酬分配*Article 3 Distribution of Compensation*3.1 乙方出演本节目将获得的报酬为_(币种),报酬支付方式为_。*3.1 The remuneration that Party B will receive for appearing in this program sh

6、all be _ (currency), and the payment method shall be_.*3.2 甲乙双方另行签署明细报酬协议,详细规定乙方在节目播出期间的薪酬和奖金以及支付方式。*3.2 The parties will separately sign a detailed remuneration agreement, which will specify in detail Party Bs salary, bonuses during the broadcast of the program, and the payment method.*第四条 节目播出*Art

7、icle 4 Program Broadcast*4.1 节目名称由甲方负责向电视台或网络平台等媒体出售,乙方授权甲方代表自己与相关媒体进行联系洽谈,并参与节目的宣传工作。*4.1 Program Name shall be sold to television stations or online platforms by Party A. Party B authorizes Party A to contact and negotiate with the relevant media on behalf of Party B, and participate in the public

8、ity of the program.*4.2 节目播出期间,甲乙双方应保持无异议合作,不得私自披露节目情节和结果,以免影响节目播出效果。*4.2 During the broadcast of the program, the Parties shall cooperate without objection and shall not disclose the plot and results of the program privately, so as not to affect the broadcast effect of the program.*第五条 保密条款*Article

9、 5 Confidentiality Clause*5.1 甲乙双方均应对本合同的全部内容严格保密,未经对方书面同意不得向第三方透露。*5.1 Both parties shall strictly keep confidential all the contents of this agreement and shall not disclose them to any third party without the written consent of the other party.*5.2 保密期限为_年,约定期满后,如有需要继续保密的,应另行签署书面协议。*5.2 The confi

10、dentiality period is_ years. After the expiration of the agreed period, if there is a need to continue confidentiality, a separate written agreement shall be signed.*第六条 违约责任*Article 6 Breach of Contract Liability*6.1 若甲乙任何一方严重违反本合同的约定,应当承担相应的违约责任,包括但不限于经济赔偿、名誉损失等。*6.1 If either Party A or Party B s

11、eriously breaches the agreement of this Contract, they shall bear the corresponding liabilities for breach of contract, including but not limited to economic compensation, reputational damage, etc.*6.2 若因一方原因导致节目无法制作或播出,违约方应当承担相应的法律责任,并赔偿守约方的损失。*6.2 If one partys fault leads to the inability to prod

12、uce or broadcast the program, the breaching party shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities and compensate the non-breaching party for its losses.*第七条 法律适用*Article 7 Applicable Law*7.1 本合同在履行过程中不可抗力因素或其他不可预见的事件,依法减轻或免除应承担的法律责任。*7.1 During the performance of this agreement, force majeure fa

13、ctors or other unforeseeable events shall reduce or exempt the legal liability that shall be borne according to laws.*7.2 若甲乙双方发生争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方有权向有管辖权的仲裁/法院提起诉讼。*7.2 In case of disputes between Party A and Party B, they should resolve them amicably through negotiations. If no agreement can be

14、 reached through negotiation, either party has the right to initiate arbitration/court proceedings before competent authorities.*附则*Additional Provisions*8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至节目播出结束之日终止。*8.1 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties and terminate on t

15、he day when the program broadcast is completed.*8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*8.2 This agreement shall be made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both copies having equal legal effect.*甲方(制作方)签字盖章:*Party A (Producer) Signature and Seal:*乙方(节目主持人/艺人)签字盖章:*Party B (Host/Artist) Signature

16、 and Seal:*签约日期:*Signing Date:*以上为双方就节目名称制作事项达成协议,以资确认为凭,本协议自双方签字之日生效。This Agreement is entered into by the Parties regarding the production of Program Name as proof of confirmation, and this Agreement shall be effective from the date of signing by both parties.以上为综艺节目制作合同协议书的内容,希望能够满足您的要求。如果需要对合同内容

17、进行修改或添加其他条款,请告知具体意见,我们将根据您的需求进行调整。谢谢! The above is the content of the contract agreement for the production of variety shows. We hope it meets your requirements. If you need to modify the contract content or add other clauses, please let us know your specific opinions, and we will make adjustments according to your needs. Thank you!

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