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1、Cultural corner Cultural corner Warming up:Enjoy the sayings and guess what they mean?An old mans sayings are seldom untrue.不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。An old horse knows the way.老马识途。老马识途。If you wish good advice,consult an old man.若要听忠言,求救老人前。若要听忠言,求救老人前。Cooperative discussion:Is there any old man impr

2、essing you and how did he affect or direct you?Santa Fes Living treasures:www.sflivingtreTask1.Fast-readingDividethepassageintofourpartsaccordingtothemainidea_Howdidthelivingtreasuresprogramdevelop?_Howdidtheideaoccur?_HowdoestheProgramwork?_Forwhatwasthelivingtreasureshonored12,34,56Write a 30-word

3、 summary of the textSummary:ThepassagemainlyintroducestheSantaFesLivingTreasuresProgramhonoringthelivingoldersforachievementintheUSAtous,especiallyitsdevelopment,originandhowitworks.Task 2:Detailed ReadingRead the passage again and answer the question:1.When and where did the Living Treasure Program

4、 originate?2.When and why did the Living Treasure Program start?3.How does the Living Treasures Program work?4.Was it their own idea for the program?5.Why are the living honored?1.When and where did the Living Treasure Program originate?2.When and why did the Living Treasure Program start?In Santa F

5、e,New Mexico in the USA in 1984.It started when a Santa Fe organization called the Network for the Common Good was established.It was to celebrate the lives of members of the older generation.3.How does the Living Treasures Program work?Old members of the community are selected tobe celebrated by th

6、e town.They are filmed,recorded and photographed,and these thingsare displayed as reference for everyone.4.Was it their own idea for the program?No,they got the idea of it from a Japanese Tradition of honouring folk artists.5.Why are the living honoured?They are honoured for their achievements in ma

7、ny different areas of life.Read the passage quickly,true or false?1.The Living Treasure Program is only carried out in the state of New Mexico.2.The Living Treasure Program is also carried out in Japan.3.The living treasures are all very important people in the town.4.The living treasures are honore

8、d because they have made contributions to the protection of their culture.FFFTDiscussionDo you think the living treasures is worth honoring and why?(Give your opinions)Inmyopinion,itisworth/not.Therearemanyreasonsforit.Firstly,.Secondly,.Words from our TreasuresMyaimistostriveforunderstanding.John H

9、ightower,journalistYoulookinside.Youexperiment.Youexplore.Youdothingsthataredifferent.Alan Houser,sculptor and painterShowfriendship,showrespect,andbehelpful.Bill Aragon,good neighborIdontarguewithpeople.Ijustletthembewrong.Clementine Ponce,Girl Scout executive,hotel managerInordertoseewhatisreallyaroundus,wemustlearntolookwithoutjudgment.John B.Jackson,geographer,teacher,writerWhateveryoudo,doitwithyourwholeheart.Faith Meem,civic advocateHomework1.Read the passage again and underline the sentences you think worth memorizing2.Do the excrises on page 124.

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