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1、Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 乘车兜风 Why did the writer not get off the bus at Woodford Green? I love travelling in the country, but I dont like losing my way. I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected. Im going to Woodford Green, I said to the conductor as I got on the

2、bus, but I dont know where it is. Ill tell you where to get off. answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. Youll have to get off

3、here, the conductor said. This is as far as we go. Is this Woodford Green? I asked. Oh dear, said the conductor suddenly. I forgot to put you off. It doesnt matter, I said. Ill get off here. Were going back now, said the conductor. Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus, I answered.参考译文 我喜欢

4、在乡间旅行,但却不愿意迷路。最近我作了一次短途旅行,但这次旅行所花费的时间比我预计的要长。 “我要去伍德福德草地,”我一上车就对售票员说,“但我不知道它在那儿。” “我来告诉您在哪儿下车,”售票员回答说。 我坐在汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。过了一些时候,车停了。我环视了一下身旁,惊奇地发现车里就只剩我一个乘客了。 “您得在这里下车,”售票员说,“我们的车就到此为止了。” “这里是伍德福德草地吗?”我问道。 “哎呀,”售票员突然说,“我忘了让您下车了。” “没关系,”我说,“我就在这儿下吧。” “我们现在要返回去,”售票员说。“好吧,既然如此,我还是留在车上吧。”我回答说。一、New word

5、s and expressions 生词和短语ride n. 旅行 excursion n. 远足conductor n. 售票员 view n. 景色 ride n. 旅行 骑马, 乘车; 骑马(或乘车)旅行Q同义词sit on, manage, mount, sit on top of 反义词walk变化形 动变roderiddenriding 变化形 名复rides(1) n. 乘、骑eg:”Give me a ride on your shoulders , Daddy “.爸爸,让我在你肩膀上骑一会儿吧. eg:Its only 5 minutes bus ride to schoo

6、l . 到学校只有5分钟公共汽车车程。take sb for a ride 欺骗某人take for 把认为是,把看成为eg:Dont be serious . Just take it for a joke . 不要太认真就把它当作是一个笑话。(2)v. 骑、乘 (马、自行车、汽车等)ride a bicycle / horseride in a bus ; ride on a train ride the rails 逃票乘火车 excursion n. 远足同义词trip, journey, outing, tour 变化形 名复excursionstrip 短期旅行journey 旅程

7、、旅行、路程travel 常期间的各处旅行(尤指出国旅行)tour tu为游玩的目的到几个地方观光tourism turizm n.旅游事业tourist turist n.旅游者,观光者voyage vi-idvi.航海,航行,旅行go on an excursion v. 去远足, 做一次短途旅行 conductor n. 售票员 、 领导者; 管理人; 响导同义词leader, director, head, executive变化形 名复conductorsconductress 女售票员 ; ticket man 售票员booking-office clerk (售票处的)售票员 t

8、icket inspector 查票员conduct (1) n. kndkt 行为、品行、举止a man of good conduct 品行端正的人the rule of conduct 行为准则honorable conduct 光荣的行为shameful conduct 可耻的行为(2)v.kndkt 引导, 指挥, 管理eg:He conducted me around the museum . 他带领我到博物馆内四处参观。 eg:The young man conducted the tour . 这位年轻人担任该队的导游。 view n. 景色 、视力; 视野U同义词see, s

9、ight, behold, observe 变化形 名复views变化形 动变viewedviewedviewing(1) n. 景色fine natural scenery 优美的自然风光eg:This room has a fine view of the mountains . 这个房间可看见山区的美景。eg:The view from the top of hill is wonderful . 从山顶看景色非常美。同义词:landscape(陆地的)风景、景色 (scenery of an area of land) scene(c) 景色、景象、景致 (view as seen b

10、y a spectator) scenery(u) 景色、风景、风光(general natural features of an area , eg. Mountains , valleys , rivers , forests , etc.) (2)n. 视界、视野 come into view 看得见eg:The plane soon went out of view . 这架飞机很快就从视野消失了。(3) n. 看法、想法、意见eg:Whats your view on the subject ?关于这个主题你有何看法是什么?in my view in my opinion 照我看来/

11、 观点eg:In my view , the foreign policy of the government is wrong .在我看来,政府的外交政策是错误的。take a gloomy view of life 人生悲観viewpoint point of view 观点、立场、意见eg:Id like to give you some advice from a doctors viewpoint . 我想以医生的立场给你一些建议。 二、 关键句型Key Structures一般现在时表习惯性动作的动词:belong to属于, consist of由组成 , contain vt.

12、包含,容纳;控制,抑制desire vt.渴望;要求,请求 n.愿望,欲望 , detest vt.憎恶 , like , dislike ,hate , hope , love , matter vi. 有关系, 要紧 ,mean打算, mind介意 , need , want , wish vt.希望;祝愿, believe , doubt , see , hear , know , understand , think , consider认为 , feel , look看起来, seem看上去, show显示 ,have 有 , sound 听起来 ,taste 尝起来 , requi

13、re要求 , possess 拥有 , care 关心 , eg:This box contains 48 matches . 这个包厢包含48场比赛eg:Those papers belong to me . 这些文件属于我eg:He need a new pair of shoes . 他需要一双新鞋eg:I hate writing letters . 我讨厌写信三课文讲解:Text Taken for a ride 被当作是乘车兜风take for 把认为是,把看成为 ;take sb for a ride 欺骗某人, 诈骗某人标题相关 : 1)乘车兜风 2) 我被骗了 I love

14、travelling in the country, but I dont like losing my way.我喜欢在乡间旅行, 但却不愿意迷路. love / like / prefer + to do(一次性喜欢) love / like / prefer + to doing(长期性喜欢) love to do 想要做某事 ; love doing 喜欢做 enjoy doing eg: Love me , love my dog . 古谚说: 爱屋及乌lose ones way 迷路 ; lose ones job 失业lose ones face 丢脸 ; lose ones t

15、emper 失去控制,发脾气lose weight减肥 ; put on weight 增加体重 、加胖 lose ones cool 沉不住气 、失控发火 ; keep ones cool保持镇定lose ones head 失去理智 、惊慌失措 、不知所措lose ones shirt on 保持冷静 ; lose ones life丧命 lose ones breath 喘不过气来,呼吸困难 、喘息,上气不接下气lose oneself 迷失方向, 迷路 、沉迷于 eg:He lost himself in reading . 他沉迷于读书区别 lose , loose , misslo

16、se lu:z v.丢失;迷失(lost - lost) eg:I dont like losing my way .我不喜欢迷路。eg:Take care not to lose your passport .小心别把护照弄丢了eg:Im lost . 我迷路(弄不清)了loose lu:s a.(宽)松的;不精确的;自由的,散漫的eg:Several screws have come loose . Ill have to tighten them .几个螺丝松脱。我必须拧紧miss mis vt. 想念、vt. 漏掉, 错过eg:We havent seen you for a long

17、 time . We have missed you .好久不见了,我非常想念你。eg:We must hurry or well miss the train .我们必须快点,否侧的话我们将错过火车。eg:I miss her in the crowd. 在人群中,我把她丢了。 I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected.最近我作了一次短途旅行, 但这次旅行所花费的时间比我预计的要长. recently lately (常用于一般过去时或现在完成时的句中) take sb some t

18、ime to do took sb some time to do eg:It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station .从这走到火乍站将花掉我们30分钟时间。eg:It took him a lot of money to buy her a fur coat .他花了很多钱给她买了一件裘皮大衣eg:It will take a lot of courage to tell the truth .说出真相,这将需要很多的勇气。 eg:This vending machine takes 10-dollar coins

19、.这种自动售货机需要10元硬币。 vending machine vendi 自动贩卖机 vending n. 贩卖 expect vt.预料,预计;等待,期待,盼望;要求 wait for 等候eg:My trip took me longer than I expected .这次旅途比我想象的要长一些。eg:I am expecting Jack to arrive at six oclock , but I shall not wait for if he is not here by 6.15.我预计杰克六点钟到达,如果他6.15不到这里,我将不会等待, Im going to Wo

20、odford Green, I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, but I dont know where it is.“我要去伍德福德草地, “我一上车就对售票员说, “但我不知道它在哪儿. “ get on 上(车,马等);进展(to)转话题get off (从)下来;出发;下班;逃脱惩罚get into 进人 、对发生兴趣;卷入get out of 逃避,改掉 、逃避, 戒除, 由 . 出来 、从出来,从出租车(轿车)下来 Ill tell you where to get off. answered the conductor.“我

21、来告诉您在哪儿下车, “售票员回答说. 特殊疑问词 + 不定式作宾语 I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.我坐在汽车的前部, 以便饱览农村风光. in the front of 在前部in the front of the car 在车的前座in front of 在前面,在面前in front of the blackboard 在黑板前面 get a good view of 能够清楚地看到的景色、 观赏.的美景 country n.国家,全国人民; ;the农村,乡村countryside

22、 n.农村,乡下、 暗含偏僻之意politically correct ph. 政治上正确的, 有政治标准的; 识时务的, 合时宜的rural area 农村部、农村地域; urban area 城市地区suburban area 郊外地区 After some time, the bus stopped. Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.Youll have to get off here, the conductor said. This is as f

23、ar as we go.过了一些时候, 车停了. 我环视了一下身旁, 惊奇地发现车里就只剩我一个乘客了. “您得在这里下车, “售票员说, “我们的车就到此为止了. “ as far as so far as 远至,到程度 so far as(否定句)walk as far as the foot of a mountain 走到山脚那么远as far as(the)eye can reach 就目力所及、就视线所及as far as I know 就我所知道as far as I am concerned 就我而言carry too far 太过分carry a joke too far 玩

24、笑开得过分 、Is this Woodford Green? I asked. Oh dear, said the conductor suddenly. I forgot to put you off. “这里是伍德福德草地吗?” 我问道. “哎呀, “售票员突然说, “我忘了让您下车了. “ put sb off 让.下车 ; put off 推迟,推延;阻止,劝阻put off the meeting 推迟会议eg:Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today .决不把今天能做的事情推到明天。今日事、今日毕forget to do .

25、 忘记去做某事 It doesnt matter, I said. Ill get off here.Were going back now, said the conductor.“没关系, “我说, “我就在这儿下吧. “我们现在要返回去, “售票员说. It doesnt matter Thats all right 没关系 Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus, I answered. “好吧, 既然如此, 我还是留在车上吧. “我回答说. case n.事例;情况in the case 既然如此 (if that happen

26、s) in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 (at any rate) in no case 无论如何都不,决不; in case 假使,以防(万一)eg: Youd better take an umbrella in case it rains .你最好带把伞,以防下雨in case of . 假如,如果发生;防备eg:In case of fire , ring the alarm bell . 遇火警时立即按警铃小case !a piece of cake轻松的事, 不费吹灰之力 Its a peanut (花生) No sweat ! 轻易 Its a breeze 表示事情很

27、简单,很容易breeze bri:z n.微风,轻风 vi.飘然而行stay on the bus 留在车上 ; stay at home呆在家里stay in bed 卧病在床; stay up 熬夜 prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿prefer sth to sth 更喜欢前者,而不是后者prefer doing to doing 更喜欢做前者,而不是做后者宁愿做A而不作B 、比起B更喜欢Aprefer to do rather than do. 宁愿作某事,而不愿作某事(一次性的喜好) eg:I prefer coffee to tea . 我喜欢喝咖啡而不是茶。eg:He prefer

28、s walking to cycling . 比起骑自行车 ,他宁愿步行eg:She prefers to be alone rather than have supper with him .比起与他吃晚饭,她宁愿独自一人Special Difficulties:A. Exercise选择正确的词 : 1. Hurry up! Youll (lose) (miss) the bus.2. That doorknob has come(lose)(loose). It will fall off soon. doorknob d:.nb n. 门把手3. Do you(expect)(wait

29、 for) him to change his mind?4. If you bet on that horse you will (loose) (lose) your money. bet bet vt.打赌;确信 vi.打赌 n.打赌;赌注5 . He (waited) (expected) at the street corner for over half an hour before his girlfriend arrived.1. miss 2. loose 3 .expect 4. lose 5. waited vi (wait for)bet on sth 就.打赌B. E

30、xercise : 改写以下句子, 用It takes或It took来开头. 1. I get to the office in an hour. It takes me an hour to get to the office2. I reached Tokyo in fifteen hours. It took me fifteen hours to reach Tokyo.3. He wrote the book in six months. It took him six months to write the book.四Exercise:1. a in the country i

31、s something he loves .a. Traveling +ing 起名词作用可做主语 b. Travelc. The traveling() d. To traveling() 2. This is as far as we go. We dont go a .a. any further更远b. more far () c. further more(而且, 此外) d. so far 迄今为止;到某个程度not any more = not any longer = not any further 不再further more 更进一步, 更有甚者的是3. There was

32、 a good b of the countryside from the front of the bus .a. sight n.视力;眼界;情景 pl.名胜 vt.看见b. view n.观点;观察;景色 vt.看待;观察,看c. scene si:n n.场,镜头,节;地点;景色;舞台;吵闹d. scenery si:nri n.风景,景色;舞台布景4.I was advised to arrange for insurance b I needed medical treatment .a. so that 所以,因此;为使,以便b. in case 假使,以防(万一)c. alth

33、ough conj.虽然,尽管;然而d. nevertheless nevles ad.仍然,然而,不过五复习Review:1. Key structures:一般现在时表习惯性动作,或者是表喜好,感觉的词,通常使用现在时eg:I love traveling in the country .eg:I dont like losing my way .2. Main Points:take for a ride 被欺骗或捉弄人、就当作是乘车兜风take for 把认为是,把看成为go on an excursion v. 去远足, 去旅行get off (从)下来;出发;下班;逃脱惩罚get

34、on上(车,马等);进展(to)转话题in the front of 在 . 前部 ; in front of 在前面,在面前get a(good) view of the countryside 饱览乡村的景色。love doing sth 喜欢做某事 ; lose ones way 迷路it takes sb some to do sthit took sb some time to do sthin the case 既然如此 ; in case. 假使,以防(万一)stay on the bus 留在巴士上六补充内容:谚语:1. It take all sorts to make a

35、world .人们的喜好、性格和才能各不相同,是上总有各式各样的人2. Its a long road that has no turning . Its a long lane that has no turning .无论怎样长的巷子也有转弯处。(申意义为:耐心等待终会时来运转)。七. 听力训练(歌曲) : Where have all the flowers goneWhere have all the flowers gone ? Long time passing Where have all the flowers gone ? Long time ago Where have a

36、ll the flowers gone ?Young girls have picked them every one Oh, when will they ever learn ? Oh, when will they ever learn ?Where have all the young girls gone ? Long time passing Where have all the young girls gone ? Long time ago Where have all the young girls gone ?Gone to husbands every one Oh, w

37、hen will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?Where have all the husbands gone ?Long time passing Where have all the husbands gone ?Long time agoWhere have all the husbands gone ?Gone to soldiers every one Oh, when will they ever learn ?Oh, when will they ever learn ?Where have all the sol

38、diers gone ? Long time passing Where have all the soldiers gone ? Long time agoWhere have all the soldiers gone ? Gone to graveyards every one Oh, when will they ever learn ?Oh, when will they ever learn ?Where have all the graveyards gone ? Long time passing Where have all the graveyards gone ? Lon

39、g time agoWhere have all the graveyards gone ? Gone to flowers every one Oh, when will they ever learn ?Oh, when will they ever learn ?Where have all the flowers gone ?graveyard greivj:dn.坟场说明 :Where have all the flowers gone ? 花儿们哪里去了?Long time passing 好长一段时间过去了Long time ago 很久以前了Young girls have picked them every one 女孩子把花摘下来了Oh, when will they ever learn ? 他们何时才明了10

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