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1、Lesson 42 Not very musical并非很懂音乐 What happened when the snake charmer began to play jazz? As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we w

2、ent to have a look at him. As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surpri

3、sed when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs. The snake, however, continued to dance slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!参考译文当我们穿过旧德里的市场时走了很长一段路,我们在一个广场上停下来休息。过了一会儿,我们注意到广场的那一边有一个带着两个大筐的耍蛇人,于是就走过去看看。他一见我们,就拿起了一个长长的上面镶有硬币的管乐器

4、,并掀开了一个筐的盖子。当他开始吹奏一支曲子时,我们才第一次看到那条蛇。它从筐里探出身子,随着乐器的摆动而扭动。当耍蛇人突然又吹奏起爵士乐和现代流行乐曲时,我们感到非常惊奇。然而那蛇却还是缓慢地“舞动”着。显然,它分辨不出印度音乐和爵士乐!一、 单词讲解New words and expressionsmusical adj. 精通音乐的market n. 市场,集市snake charmer 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制)pipe n. (吹奏的)管乐器tune n. 曲调glimpse n. 一瞥snake n. 蛇movement n. 动作continue v. 继续dance v. 跳舞o

5、bviously adv. 显然difference n. 差别Indian adj. 印度的musical adj.1)音乐的a musical instrument 乐器a musical performance 音乐演奏a musical score 乐谱a musical film 音乐片2)(声音等)富有音乐性的,美妙的a musical voice美妙的嗓音3)喜爱音乐的,精通音乐的例:Her family are all musical 她们全家都喜欢歡音乐。a musical child 精通音乐的孩子a musical snake 精通音乐的蛇market n 市场,集市be

6、ar market 熊市bull market 牛市a failing market 股票下跌的行情a rising market 股票上扬的行情a weak market 疲软的市场market price 市场价格sales Price 销售价marketing n U销售学,市场推广,市场推广部market/market place/market square 市场, 集市bazaar (东方国家的)市场,商业区fair1)集市(尤指买卖牲口,农产品的地方,在固定的地点定期举行,常伴有娱乐表演)2)展览会a world fair 博览会,展览会mart 集市,市场,贸易中心outlet

7、经销商shop 商店,店铺store(美)shop 常构成复合词department store 百货商店 a drugstore 药店 a winestore 酒店snake charmer玩蛇者(借音乐控制)charm1)n uc魅力,引人喜爱的特质例:He has a lot of charm他很有魅力。the charm of the countryside in spring郊外的春光明媚Her happy smile is one of her charms.她愉快的笑容是她的魅力之一。2)V取悦,迷住,吸引例: He charms everyone he meets.他使他遇见的

8、每一个人都很愉快。We were charmed with the music.We were charmed by the music 我们陶醉在音乐中。charm a person asleep对人施魔法使其睡着(对某人施催崔眠术)charmer n 有吸引力的人snake-charmer 玩蛇者(借音乐控制)charming/delightful adj 令人高兴的,迷人的,可爱的charming village 迷人的小村庄a charming song 一首令人愉快的歌曲Her smile is very charming. 他的笑容非常有魅力。pipe n1)管子 (tube) t

9、ju:b, tu:ba water-pipe 排水管a gas-pipe 排气管a drain-pipe 排水管a waste pipe 排(排废水)水管an exhaust pipe 排气管2)烟斗smoke a pipe 吸烟斗light ones pipe 点燃一斗烟3)管乐器a bamboo pipe 竹笛piper 吹笛者例: Put that in your pipe and smoke it.(口)(指责之后,要求反省而说)你仔细想想我的话。tune n曲调,曲子play a tune吹奏曲子例: The tune of this song is easy to remember

10、.The tune to this song is easy to remember.这首歌的曲子很好记。in tune和谐,协调eg. His ideas were in tune with the times.他的思想合乎潮流。Out of tune走调,不协调例:He sang out of tune 他唱歌走调。The flute c长笛) was out of tune with the orchestra.(管弦乐队)长笛和整个管弦乐队协调。idiom: change one s tune 改变举止或态度(前据后恭)He who pays the piper calls the t

11、une 花钱的人说话算数。sing a different song /sing a different tune改变看法或态度glimpse1)n(通常作单数)一瞥,一看a quick glimpse at the newspaper headlines迅速看一眼报纸的大标题例:One glimpse on him is enough 看他一眼就够了。have a glimpse of/catch a glimpse of/get a glimpse of瞥见,看见同义词:glancetake a glance at the TV programs 看一眼电视节目=give a glance

12、 over the TV programs2)V瞥见,乍看,看一眼例: I glimpsed him running through the crowd.我看见他跑过人群了。He only glimpsed at my new dress and said nothing.他看了一眼我的新裙子,什么也没说。snake1)n蛇例:I saw a snake wriggle away.我看到条蛇蜿蜒爬开=l saw a snake crawl away.a snake in the grass隐患:不忠实的朋友;伪装成朋友的敌人2)V蛇行,沿曲折道路前进snake one s way蜿蜒前进,蛇行

13、snake across /wind across 蜿蜒穿过move v.1)移动,改变位置例:Don t move, stay still 别动,呆在那别动!Move a chair nearer to the fire 把这把椅子移近火堆。The teacher asked her to move to the front of the classroom.老师让她移到教室前面去。She moved her lips but didnt say anything.她嘴唇动了动,但是什么也没说。2)搬家,迁移move fromto.从搬到-例: They move from Taian to

14、 Nanjing.他们从泰安搬到南京了。We are going to move to a new house in the suburbs.我们搬进了郊区的一座新房子。=We are going to move into a new house in the suburbs.我们搬进了郊区的一座新房子。=We are going to move into a new house in the suburbs3)使(某人)感动,使动心、/touch例:The story move us deeply 这个故事让我们深深感动了。We were greatly moved by his perfo

15、rmance of the piano concert.他的钢琴协奏曲演奏会令我们非常感动。moving/touching. 令人感动的moved/touched 感到感动的movement n移动,运动,活动the movements of planets 行星的运动a political movement 政治运动make a movement of impatience 做出不耐烦的姿态continue v1)继续continue to do /continue doing继续做某事例: He continued reading when I spoke to him.当我和他说话的时候

16、,他继续读书(不理我)。=He continued to read when I spoke to him.In spite of my efforts, the baby continued crying.尽管我努力了,这个小孩继续哭。=In spite of my efforts, the baby continued to cry.go on to do 继续做某事例: After my math homework, I go on to do my English homework.当我做完数学作业的时候,我继续做英语作业。go on doing 继续做同一件事We go on wor

17、king without rest 我没有休息,继续工作。go on with 继续做某事After a cup of tea, he went on with his story.喝完茶之后,他继续讲故事。2)仍旧,持续状况The weather continued cold 天气持续寒冷。My father continues in good health。 我父亲依旧身体健康。dancel)n 跳舞例:May I have the next dance?可以请你跳一支舞么?make a song and dance 小题大做a storm in the teacup 小题大做,大凉小怪d

18、ance-hallballroom (ball正式举办的舞会) 舞厅2)v跳舞Would you like to dance? 请你跳一支舞好么?to dance a waltz 跳华尔兹舞obvious adj. 明显的,易解的,显而易见的(clear)例: It was obvious that he turned against us.很显然,他背叛我们了。an obvious traffic offense 明显的交通违章He told her an obvious tie 他明显对她说谎了obviously adv 明显地,易解地,显而易见地例: Obviously he cant

19、tell the difference between them.很显然他不能辨认区别。Obviously she needs help 很显然她需要帮助。He was obviously drunk. 很显然他喝醉了。The snake obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz.很显然这条蛇不能辨认印度音乐和爵士乐的区别。difference n.1)差别,差异difference between A and B A和B的差别例: Can you see any difference betwe

20、en these two pictures?你能看出这两幅画的任何差别吗?Its easy to tell the difference between the twins.很容易辨认双胞胎的区别。Its easy to tell the difference between Indian music and jazz很容易辨认印度音乐和爵士音乐的区别。It s easy to tell the difference between effect and affect.很容易辨认effect和affect的区别2)意见相左,不和,争论a difference of opinion.意见不合例:

21、 Do you think the two countries can settle their difference?你认为这两个国家能够解决彼此的纠纷吗?different adj 不同的,相异的A is different from B /A is different than B (美)A和B不同例:We went to different high schools 我们上不同的高中。differential adj 区别的,差别的,(数学)微分的Indian adj印度的,印第安人的India 印度the Indian Ocean 印度洋Indian file 一路纵队源自印第安人穿

22、越森林时的走法。印第安的勇士们出征时为了防备敌人的袭击,在行进时总是成一路纵队,后面的人踩着前面的人的脚印走,队伍中最后一个人把所有的脚印抹去。这样别人便无法了解其数目和踪迹了。walk in Indian file 一路纵队行进Indian giver送礼给人指望对方还礼的人或送他人东西日后又索回的人源自北美某些印第安部族中习俗。据说印第安人向别人赠送礼物时,往往期待日后得到对方的偿还,如得不到任何东西作为回报,他们便礼物索回。Indian summer小阳春,晚秋的晴暖气候源于新大陆的首批移民之口。当他们在陌生的北美洲的土地上遭遇第一场霜冻时,因为冬天即将到来,准备迎接冬雪。印第安人告诉他

23、们,在下雪之前,大地将再次回暖。一、 关键句型Key Structures用have+名词來代替普通动词:例: I walked in the garden.I have a walk in the garden. 我在花园里散步。He wanted to drink a glass of water.He wanted to have a drink of water. 他想喝一杯水。We will talk about the problem tomorrow.We will have a talk about the problem tomorrow.我们明天将讨论这个问题。Look a

24、t this.Have a look at this看这个Exercise练习用have+名词来代替括号中的内容:1. Yesterday I (rode) on a horse for the first time in my life.Yesterday I had a ride on a horse for the first time in my life.2. I (was looking) at those old photographs last night.I had a look at those old photographs last night3. He (washed

25、) before going out.He had a wash before going out4. I (swam) in the sea this morning.I had a swim in the sea this morning.5. Those two sailors (fought) in the bar last night.Those two sailors had a fight in the bar last night.6. Don and Caroline have been (quarrelling).Don and Caroline have been hav

26、ing a quarrel.7. He (tried again). /He had another try.8. She is (resting). /She is having a rest.9. I wanted to (smoke). /I wanted to have a smokeIO. Did you(sleep well) last night?Did You have a good sleep last night?三、课文讲解TextAs we had had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi, we s

27、topped at a square to have a rest.through在表满之下通过或在中间通过,与in有关例: The train went through some tunnels.火车通过了若干隧道。The sun shone through the clouds. 阳光穿过云层照射下来。The Seine runs through Paris 塞纳河贯穿巴黎。across在表面上穿过,其含义与on有关The old man walked across the road carefully.老人很小心地穿过马路。We II be across the border by to

28、morrow.明天我们将越过边界。square a1)广场,街at the square在广-场a market square集市广场2)正方形,正方形物3)平方例:The square of 7 is 49. 7的平方是49。back to square one (事情,工作等)因无进展退回起点After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him.after a time 过了一会at a

29、 time 一次,同时eg: We cannot do two things at a time.我们不能同时做两件事情。at one time往昔,一度,从前例: At one time, there were not so many cars on the street.从前马路上没有这么多的车。for a time -时,暂时,短时间内例:He got better for a time。 他暂时好转了。at the other side of另一边side1)n. 一边,一侧,一方面on the opposite side of the park 在公园的对面on the west s

30、ide of the city 在该市的西区。the inner side of a thermos 热水瓶的内侧2)侧面Ive got a pain in my side 我的侧腹疼。3)旁边,一旁The child never left his mother s side.这个小孩不离妈妈左右。4)山腰,斜坡例: There was a cottage on the side of the hill.在小山的山腰上有个小房子。As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and ope

31、ned one of the baskets.pickpick up 拾起,拿起例:He picked up a long pipe他拿起一个长长的管乐器。III pick you up in the car this evening.(pick sb up in the car开车接.)今天晚上我开车去接你。I picked up a lot of English while I was in England. (通过,丈践学会) 当我在英国的时候学会了很多英语。He fell over and picked himself up again(站起来)他摔倒又站了起来。挑出来pick out

32、 例: There are so many beautiful cards on display, I can t pick out the ones I like best.有这么多卡片在展出,我没有办法挑出我喜欢的。工can t pick him out 我认不出他来了。be covered with 盖满,掩盖例: Our apple tree is covered with fruit.我们家的苹果树硕果累累。open1)V打开 (反义词shut,close)open one s mouth 张开嘴巴open one s arms 敞开双臂open up the window 打开窗户

33、open a shop/start a shop 开一家商店例:Schools open today. 各校今天开学。2)V通向,朝向,面向例:The door opens into the hall 那扇门通往大厅。The windows open to the south 窗户面向南方。3)adj打开的,开阔的,开着的,公开的an open window 一扇开着的窗户例:The flowers are open 鲜花都开了。The store is open on Sunday afternoons.在周日下午这家商店开张了。Today most occupations are open

34、 to women.今天,绝大多数职业对妇女是开放的。opener n 开启的工具a can opener 开罐器When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. rise v.1)(太阳,月亮等)上升,升起,(反义词set),(东西)上升,上涨(反义词fall)Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east.每个人都知

35、道太阳在东方升起来。The moon has risen above the mountains. (rise-rose-risen)月亮已经爬上山头。2) 站起来,起身,起床例: The injured man couldn t rise by himself.那个受伤的人自己站不起来了。He rose from his chair when the door bell rang.当门铃响的时候,他从椅子上站了起来。rise from the table(吃完饭)离开餐桌We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly b

36、egan to play jazz and modern pop songs. very much surprised 非常吃惊very surprised/most surprisedplay jazz 演奏爵士乐play a tune 吹奏一支曲子play a pipe 在吹奏管乐器The snake, however, continued to dance slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!tell (tell the different between sth

37、)当辨别讲的,常与can, could, be able to连用,有时也与介词by,from连用例: Can You tell the difference between these two words?你能辨别这两个词的区别吗?工cant tell one from the other. 我不能辨认它们How can you tell whether the meat is cooked or not?你怎么辨认这个肉煮过还是没煮过呢?You can tell by the color of the meat.你可以根据肉的颜色去判断。=You can tell from the col

38、or of the meatSpecial Difficulties难点用Pick短语来代替括号中的内容:1. That book has fallen on the floor Please(get it)for me.That book has fallen on the floor. Please pick it up for me.2. I ll(collect)the parcel on my way to work.I ll pick up the parcel on my way to work.3. I can t(select) the material I want.I c

39、ant pick out the material I want.4. Where did you (learn) those tricks?Where did you pick up those tricks?四、练习 Exercises1. Did it _ out of the basket?A. rose C. raise B. rise D. risen分析:A rise的过去式C是动词原形;是及物动词”举起,抬起”;D是过去分词,只能用于完成时态。答案是B2. We were very much surprised.We were _ surprised.A. more C. mo

40、st B. many D. the most分析:A较多的:B许多,不能修饰形容词: D更,最,用于最高级。答案是C3. He began to play a tune. It was a nice_.A. melody C. echo B. music D. harmony分析:A歌曲,调子B音乐 C回声 D和声,和睦。答案是:A4. After a quick _ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.A. glance C. gaze B. glimpse D. stare分析:A扫视,匆匆一看,一瞥:B瞥见,是glance的结果。“take a glance at”(看一看)的结果便是:”get a glimpse of.”(瞥见了);C盯,凝视(由于赞赏) Dstare.at凝视,盯着看(瞪大眼睛)答案是: A六、补充内容谚语1. Every dog has its day.有时候写作:Every dog has his day人在一生中总有成功或当权的时候; 时来运转:凡人皆有得意日。2. Fine feathers make fine birds.羽毛漂亮才使鸟儿漂亮;人靠衣装,马靠鞍:佛靠金装,人靠衣装。

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