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1、精品教育Lesson 84 On strike 罢工Who will be driving the buses next week? Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. No one knows how long it will last. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working c

2、onditions. Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week. Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses

3、while the strike lasts. All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. The students are going to take the test in two days time. Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work. But so far, the public has expressed it

4、s gratitude to the students in letters to the Press. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast! 参考译文公共汽车司机决定下星期罢工。罢工定于星期二开始,谁也不知道会持续多久。司机们声称此次罢工将一直持续到就工资和工作条件问题达成全面协议的时候为止。多数人认为此次罢工至少会持续一个星期。很多私人汽车的车主正准备为乘车上班的人们提供“免费乘车”的服务,这将在某种程度上减轻对火车的压力。与此同时,有一部分大学生自愿在罢工期间驾驶公共汽车。所

5、有的学生都是开车的能手,但在驾驶公共汽车之前,他们必须通过一项专门测验。学生们准备在两天后就接受测验。即使这样,人们仍会感到上班有困难。但到目前为止,公众已经向新闻界写信表达他们对学生们的感激之情了。只有一两个人提出反对意见,说学生们会把车开得太快!【New words and expressions】(11)1 strike straik n.罢工2 busman bsmn n.公共汽车司机3 state steit v.正式提出,宣布4 agreementgri:mnt n.协议5 relieve rili:v v.减轻6 pressure pre n.压力,麻烦7 extent ikst

6、ent n.程度8 volunteer vlnti v.自动提出,自愿9 gratitude grtitju:d n.感激10 Press pres n.新闻界11 objectbdikt bdekt v.不赞成,反对一单词讲解: strike (1) n. 罢工a general strike 大罢工 ; be on strike 在罢工be out on strike 举行罢工 ; go on strike 举行罢工go out on strike 实行罢工(2) n.进攻、袭击eg:They made a strike on the enemy bass .(3) v. 殴打、打击、攻击

7、strike the keys 敲击琴键; strike the keyboard敲击键盘eg:The clock will strike 12 in 5 minutes . 五分钟之后这个钟会敲响12点。 busman n. 公共汽车司机bus stop 公共汽车站; miss the bus 错过公共汽车、失掉机会a school bus 校车 ; a double-decker bus 双层公共汽车 state v. 正式提出,宣布eg:She stated her opinion. 她正式提出她的意见。eg:She stated the date of her departure .

8、她宣布她离开的日期。state + that ./以 wh 开头的特殊疑问句eg:The Prime Minister stated that he would visit Canada the next year .总理说,他将在明年访问加拿大。eg:He didnt state whether the article was true .他没有说明,这篇文章是否是真实的statement n. (1) 陈述、声明、言明make a false statement 作出虚假陈述 make a correct statement 作出正确的陈述 eg:I couldnt believe his

9、 statement . 我简直不敢相信他的发言(2)(政府等的正式) 声明issue an official statement 官方声明(3) 陈述句a simple statement 简单的陈述句a compound statement 并列句a complex statement 复合句 state n. 州、状态the United States of America 美利坚合众国eg:How many states are there in the universe ? 宇宙中有多少物种存在的状态? agreement (1)(意见等) 一致、赞成、同意 disagreement

10、 eg:Were all in agreement on that point . 我们都同意这一点nod to show ones agreement 点头表示同意by mutual agreement 经彼此同意(2)n. 协议 eg:The meeting ended when we reached an agreement .会议结束时我们达成了协议。The meeting ended when we came to an agreement .The meeting ended when we arrived at an agreement .a trade agreement be

11、tween China and the U.S.中国和美之间的贸易协议break an agreement 违约 violate an agreement违背协议 relieve (1) v. 减轻eg:The drug relieved my toothache .(2) 使 (人)放心、安心、松一口气eg:The news relieved me . I was relieved at the news . 听到这个消息,我感到安心了。(3) 解除 (负担、重负);使快乐relieve sb of 使某人摆脱某事eg:My assistant relieved me of all the

12、chores .我的助理分担了我我所有的琐事。eg:Let me relieve you of your suitcase . 我来帮你拿手提包吧。 relieve ones feelings (以哭等)发泄感情relieve oneself 去卫生间、去方便一下、(本义)轻松一下eg:Where can I wash my hands ?请问洗手间在哪里? relief (1) 宽慰、安心give a sigh of relief 大舒一口气 have a sigh of relief松了一口气eg:It is a great relief to find they are safe .得知

13、他们安然无恙,我感到极大的欣慰。eg:Will this medicine give immediate relief from pain ?吃了这药能马上止痛吗? to ones relief 令感到放心的是; relief works 失业救济工程 pressure (1) n. 压力(精神上的) 、沉重压力eg:Is he suffering from pressure of work ?他患了工作的压力?(2)(社会的) 压力the pressure of a politician 政治的压力(3) 压力、压迫eg:I felt the pressure of his hand on

14、my shoulder. 我觉得他的手压在我肩上a pressure of 60kg to the square foot 每平方英里60公斤的压力blood pressure 血压相关短语 :at high pressure 使劲干(处于高压); at low pressure 紧张put pressure on (upon) sb bring pressure on(upon) sb 对某人施加压力eg:They put pressure on me to sell my precious land . 他们施加压力要我卖掉我的宝贵的土地。 They brought pressure on

15、 me to sell my precious land . under the pressure of 在 . 的压力下; pressure cooker 压力锅press v. (1) 压、按press the button 按按钮eg:The bag pressed hard against my back . 袋子重重压在我的后背。(2) 催促(某人) 、强迫(某人)eg: Please , dont press me . 不要逼我。eg:He pressed his father to buy him a car . 他要求他父亲为他买一辆新汽车press for higher wa

16、ges 要求提高工资press for reforms 逼迫改革 extent (1)n. 程度、限度to some extent to a certain extent在某种程度上to a great extent to a large extent 大部分eg:I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge . 我对他知识的渊博感到惊奇. to the extent that to such an extent that达到这样的程度以致 .,(2) 宽度、大小 a vast extent of land 广大的土地eg:The road is ab

17、out 20 miles in extent . 障条路约 20英里长。eg:From the hill we can see the full extent of the town . 从山上我们可以看到城市全景。 volunteer v. 自动提出,自愿volunteer help 主动协助; volunteer to do志愿做某事eg:The man volunteered to stop the drunken men from fighting . 该名男子自愿去劝阻醉汉从战斗。volunteer for 自愿做. ; volunteer for the army 志愿军eg:I

18、volunteer for his election campaign . 我自愿为他的竞选活动。n. 志愿者eg:Are there any volunteer for the event ?这件事情有志愿者吗? gratitude n. 感激 ingratitude忘恩负义eg:Id like to express my gratitude to you for your advice . 对您的建议我想表达我对您的感谢。out of gratitude 出于感激; with gratitude 感谢地 Press (1) n. 新闻界freedom of the press出版自由 ;

19、the daily press 日报(2) 记者群、报导者的阵容eg:The president will meet the press this evening .今天晚上布什总统将会见记者。eg:The press was / were shut out from the summit meeting .在高级会议上记者被拒于门外。(3) 出版社 oxford University press 牛津出版社press conference记者招待会; press release 新闻稿press agency 通讯社; press agent 新闻广告员 object bdektv. 不赞成

20、,反对eg:The boss doesnt object if you smoke in his office .object to 反对、讨厌(to是介词) eg:Some members of the committee . 委员会的一些成员eg:He objects to being treated like a child . 他讨厌对像对孩子似地对待他。object that 提出异议eg:They objected that the schedule was too tight . 他提出异议,说时间也太紧了。n. object bdikt (1) 东西、物体eg:I could

21、see a shining object in the sky .我可以看到一个物体在天空中闪耀。eg:Whats that strange object in the box ?在箱子里有什么奇怪的东西吗?(2) 对象、目标an object of interest 有趣得东西 an object of pity 同情的对象(3) 目的、目标 aim / propose eg:His object in life is to become rich . 他的生活目标是致富。eg:Whats object of your visit ? 你来访的目的是什吗?objection bdekn n.

22、反对,异议;反对的理由eg:Do you have any objections ?你有任何异议?eg:He raised an objection to what I proposed . 他提出了一个反对我的建议。eg:Ive got no objection to his going there . 我没有反对他去那里。二Key structures: 一般将来时(参见12, 36, 60课) will (shall) do; be going to be + to do .; be about to 【Text】Who will be driving the buses next we

23、ek? Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. No one knows how long it will last. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions. Most people believe that the strike will last for at

24、 least a week. Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All the students are expert drivers, bu

25、t before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. The students are going to take the test in two days time. Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work. But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press. Only one o

26、r two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!三课文讲解: Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. 公共汽车司机决定下星期罢工。 go on strike 举行罢工; be on strike 在罢工 The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. 罢工定于星期二开始,due adj. (1) 定于(某时做某事) be due to do 将要做eg:He is due to start this evening . 他将于今天

27、晚上开始eg:His new novel is due next month . 他的新作小说将于下月出版发行。 (2) 到期的、满期的eg:He didnt pay the rent when it was due . 到期的时候,他没有支付租金。due to 由于.eg:The game was postponed due to rain . 比赛因下雨延期. due to 归因于、归咎于eg:Her word-wide fame is due to his support .她的举世闻名归因于他的支持。eg:The accident is due to your careless dri

28、ving .这次事故归咎于没有小心开车。No one knows how long it will last. 谁也不知道会持续多久。The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.司机们声称此次罢工将一直持续到就工资和工作条件问题达成全面协议的时候为止。 Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week. 多数人认为此次

29、罢工至少会持续一个星期。Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work. 很多私人汽车的车主正准备为乘车上班的人们提供“免费乘车”的服务, offer(1) 提供、提出议案、推举offer a bribe to 向行贿; offer to do 建议将做eg:He offered to help us . 他提出要帮助我们。offer+ sb + sth offer + sth + to sb 向某人提供eg:She offered him a cup of tea

30、 . She offered a cup of tea to him .她给他端上一杯茶。(2)(卖方对买方)开价(出售物品) eg:She offered 800 for the antique print .这幅古画她开800美金。eg:He offered an old camera at a reasonable price.他以合理的价格出售了一台的旧相机。 free adj. 免费的、不要钱的、无税的(无比较级变化)duty free 免税的 ; a free ticket to the concert 一张免费的音乐会入场券ride n. eg:Could you give me

31、 a ride ? 我能搭个满废的车吗?、能载我一程?eg:An hours ride in the bus will take you to your destination . 一个小时的车程后您将到目的地。rider n.骑马的人;乘车的人This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.这将在某种程度上减轻对火车的压力。 to some extent to a certain extent 在某种程度上 Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered t

32、o drive buses while the strike lasts. 与此同时,有一部分大学生自愿在罢工期间驾驶公共汽车。 volunteer to do sth 自愿做. last adj. 最后的eg:You are the last one I want to see. 你是我最不想见的人。v. 持续eg:The war lasted(for)8 years . 战争持续了8年。All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a s

33、pecial test.所有的学生都是开车的能手,但在驾驶公共汽车之前,他们必须通过一项专门测验。The students are going to take the test in two days time.学生们准备在两天后就接受测验。take the test 接受测验。pas the test 通过测试、考试及格make a test carry out a test 进行实验 in two days time in two days 两天后 Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work.即使这样,人们仍会

34、感到上班有困难。eg:He thought it easy to pass the examination . 他认为通过考试是很容易eg:He considered it wrong that she should have to wait . 他认为她不得不等待是不对。eg:I feel it right that he should be punished .我认为他应该受到惩罚。eg:I think it wrong for people to behave like that .我认为人们那样做是不对。 But so far, the public has expressed its

35、 gratitude to the students in letters to the Press. 但到目前为止,公众已经向新闻界写信表达他们对学生们的感激之情了。public adj. 公开的the public 公众、大众; in public 公开地Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast! 只有一两个人提出反对意见,说学生们会把车开得太快! only 仅仅only 修饰主语,放在句首,句子的为语并不倒装语序。eg:Only you can do it . 你是唯一可以做这事的

36、人eg:Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation here . 只有这样,才能你有希望改善这里处境。only + 状语放句首、句子的为语采用倒装语序。四Special Difficulties: 新东方补充:【Special Difficulties】 it作先行宾语在主语+动词+宾语+宾语补足语的句型中,常用it作先行宾语,真正的宾语为后面的动词不定式或从句: People are going to find it difficult to get to work.常用这种结构的动词有:find,think,consider

37、,feel,make,keep等: She felt it right for them to arrest the thief. They consider it impossible to finish the work in three days.五Exercise:1.The strike is due to begin on Tuesday . Thats when it a .a. is going to begin b. began c. has begun d. will have begun 2. The strike will last for a week . Thats

38、 what d people believe .a. most of b. the most of c. the more d. most 3. It will last for at least a week . So it might be a than a week .a. more b. less c. much less d. a good deal less 4. We were struck by the extent a which teachers decisions served the interests of the school rather than those o

39、f the students . extent ikstent n.程度,范围,限度;广度,宽度,大小a. to b. for c. in d. with 六Review:1. Key structures:一般将来时 be going to do将要; will do sth 将做某事2. Main Points:be on strike 举行罢工; state that 宣布某事reach an agreement 达成一致 ;to some extent 在某种程度上 volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事 ; object that 反对某事七补充内容:谚语:1. Tomo

40、rrow is another day . 明天是新的一天、明天总有希望2.Too many cooks spoil the broth . (谚)厨子多了做坏了汤(人多反倒误事) 八. 听力训练(短文)New words and expressions1. navy neivi n.海军2. temporarily temprrili ad.暂时地3. low-frequency adj. 低周波的, 低频率的4. sound wave device 声波设备5. sonar sun: n. 声纳, 声波定位器6. submarine sbmri:n n.潜水艇 a.水底的,海底的7. co

41、mpromise kmprmaiz n.妥协,折中 vi.妥协 vt.危及,放弃(原则等)8. environmental in.vairnmentl adj.环境的, 有关环境的9. legal action 法律诉讼, 法律行动10. halt h:lt n.停住,停止,暂停 v.(使)停住,(使)停止11. whale n.鲸The United States Navy has agreed to temporarily limit testing of a new low-frequency sound wave device it wants you use on ships in

42、the worlds oceans . this sonar device is used to find enemy submarines at great distances .The agreement is a compromise between the Navy and environmental groups . The groups took legal action to halt the testing of the new sonar system . They said the noise from the device would injure or kill whales and other animals that live in the oceans .美国海军已同意暂时限制测试一个新的低频率声波设备上使用,它希望你在世界船舶的海洋。这种声纳装置是用来寻找敌人潜艇在很远的距离。这项协议是一个妥协之间的海军和环保团体。该集团采取了法律行动,以制止新的测试的声纳系统。他们说,从设备的噪音会伤害或捕杀鲸鱼和其他动物,生活在海洋。-可编辑-

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