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1、 Unit 2 Reading Home aloneProblems with parents Not understand each other(generation gap)make decisions for childrenforce children to do sth question childrenLack of communicationDo you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents?If so,what is the best way to solve the problem?Growi

2、ng painsGrowing pains?It means the troubles and difficulties that teenagers experience when they grow up.what is the best way to solve those troubles and difficulties?Positive attitudePositive attitude a smile a talk a walk a letter a gift understandingGrowing painsGrowing painsBrief introduction:Gr

3、owing pains was on TV from 1985 to 1992,a total of seven years,and it told over 160 different stories.It was about a family of six.The father was a doctor and the mother,a reporter.The oldest child was Mike.He was the important reason for the programs huge success.The program was so popular in the U

4、SA that many of the people,both at home and abroad,still watch them now.Its stories were about ordinary family problems.Like Mikes parents,many parents who work often worry about their children.Families with childrenFamilies with children 2.What will happen if you parents are away and you are alone

5、at home?When the cat is away,the mice will play.1.Do you want to stay with your parents at home?Home aloneHome Alone-A play about Daniel and Eric who were left alone at home.What is a play?What is a play?A play is a piece of writing which is intended to be performed in a theatre,on the radio or on t

6、elevision.A play usually consists of several acts.Each act can have several scenes.acts;scenesdialogues(different styles of speech)instructions1.In the form of a _2.Read the dialogue_3.Remember to pay attention to the _Readinga playReading a normal textalouddialogueinstructionsReading comprehension1

7、.Who are the main characters in the play?2.Why do the parents get angry?3.What happened to their dog,Spot?Eric,Daniel,Mom and Dad.The room was a mess./There was trash all over.Spot was ill.1.This passage is mainly about _.A.What Mom and Dad did after they returned from vacation.B.What Daniel and Eri

8、c did at home.C.the reason why the dog was tired and hungry D.a big quarrel an American family hadMultiple choice 2.Mom and Dad left Daniel in charge at home because _.A.he was an adult B.he was the youngest C.they liked him very much D.they thought he could take good care of everything while they w

9、ere away.3.Which is NOT true according to the passage?A.The children were very excited when their parents came back a day earlier than expected.B.The children didnt use the money for themselves.C.Daniel was left in charge at home while their parents were away.D.Eric wanted to tell his parents why ha

10、d happened,but Daniel said they didnt need to.4.The main reason for their quarrel is that _.A.Daniel was too rude.B.Eric didnt tell his parents what had happened C.the parents blamed Daniel without giving him a chance to explain D.Daniel and Eric didnt behave well at home.5.What do you think is the

11、most reasonable end of the play?A.The parents punished Daniel and he respected them more than before.B.After the parents had a long talk with the boys,they knew about the truth and said“sorry”to Daniel.C.They didnt mention the quarrel and didnt trust Daniel.D.Daniel knew he was wrong and said“sorry”

12、to his parents.Read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form:Characters Feelings Mom and DadBack home from vacation-_Finding garbage all over the room-_ EricSeeing Mom and Dad arrive home out of his _-_ DanielBeing _by his parents-_excitedDetailed readingangryfrightenedexpectationangrydist

13、rustedRead Act Two of the play carefully and fill in the form:Characters Feelings Daniel Having no chance to _-_Eric_ his brotherWanting to tell the truth MomBeing too _on Daniel-_ Dad Hard to _ Daniels rude behavior-_Deciding to _Daniel-_Detailed readingangryexplainComfortingcalm-_hardregretfulforg

14、ivepunishangrystubborn Show time!Role-play Dad:And look at this room-garbage all over the place!Where is your brother?(shouting angrily)Daniel!Dad:(sounding very angry)Listen to me,young man-we left you in charge!We thought you could act like an adult,but look at the mess!I dont know why the house is so dirtyDiscussionSuppose you were one of the two children,what would you do?Would you stay silent or offer an explanation to your parents?Post-readingFather and mother I love you!family1 Write an end to the play.2 Role-play the dialogue in groups of five.Thank Thank you!you!

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