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1、奖惩Rewards and Punishments11.1.奖励11.1 Rewards11.1.1.员工奖励共分为:贡献奖、记大功、记功、嘉奖、表扬五种。11.1.1 Rewards for employees include Contribution Award, Record of Great Merit, Record of Merit, Praise and Compliment.11.1.2.员工具有下列行为之一者,应予晋级、发给贡献奖、记大功记功:11.1.2 Promotion, Contribution Award, Record of Great Merit and Rec

2、ord of Merit will be awarded to the employees who:对于生产技术和管理制度建议改进,经采纳实行有效者; Give effective advices for improvement of production technology and management systems, which have been accepted;才能卓越,成绩优异堪任现职以上者; Be brilliant and competent, perform outstandingly in work an

3、d are competent to hold a post higher than now;对于侵害公司权益事情,能事先举报或制止,使公司减免损失者。 Be able to report or to stop in advance the actions that do harmful to interests of the Company, so that the Company will reduce or even avoid losses;敢于和坏人坏事做斗争,事迹突出者; Dare to fight against

4、 the evildoers and wrongdoings with salient features;遇有非常事故能随机应变,措施适当,减少公司损失者; Be instinctive in any emergencies and immediately take proper action to reduce loss of the Company;研究发明或改善生产设备具特殊功效者; Research or improve equipment with special functions;在每次文体活动

5、和技能竞赛中,成绩斐然者; Make elegant achievements in all recreational and sports activities and competitions of skills;在年终被评选为优秀员工的。 Be appraised and elected as Excellent Employee at the end of the year.11.1.3.员工具有下列行为之一者,应予记功、嘉奖、表扬:11.1.3 Record of Merit, Praise and Compliment will b

6、e awarded to the employees who:拾到现金10比尔以上或拾到物品价值10比尔以上; Pick up cashes more than 10 Birrs, or objects with value of more than 10 Birrs;技术超群,工作认真,克尽职守者; Be vastly skillful, hard-working and dedicated;工作方法得当,致使工作有优良成绩者; Make excellent achievements in

7、work with proper working methods;预防安全隐患之发生; Take precautions against potential safety hazards;节省财物或对废料进行合理利用有一定成绩者; Perform well in saving properties or in rationally using the wastes;改善工作方法,提高工作效率者; Increase working efficiency by improving working

8、methods;调解员工之间纠纷或改善员工之不良风气者; Mediate disputes among employees or correct the unsound ways and customs among employees;防止意外事件之发生,确保公司人员及财产安全者; Prevent potential fortuitous events to ensure safety of personnel and property of the Company;检举员工的不良行为,减少或防止公司损失,

9、经查证属实者。 Inform against bad behaviors of employees, which are confirmed true upon investigation, so as to reduce or prevent loss of the Company.11.2.惩诫11.2 Punishments11.2.1.对违规违纪行为实行纪律处分,并根据违规违纪行为性质之严重程度将纪律处分分为警告、申诫、记过、记大过、记大过两次、留厂察看、降职、辞退八类。11.2.1 Any violators will be subject to eight disc

10、iplinary actions over disciplinary offenses, which, in terms of severity of consequences, include Warning, Admonishment, Record of Demerit, Record of Major Demerit, Double Records of Major Demerits, Stand Down from Factory, Demotion and dismissal.11.2.2.对员工予以留厂察看处分的,留厂察看期限为三个月,留厂察看期间,根据其表现的优劣予以撤销留厂察

11、看或辞退处分。11.2.2 Employees subject to Stand Down from Factory will be given three months to stay in the factory but under surveillance. In the three months, his/her performance will dominate the determination to cancel the punishment or to fire the employee.11.2.3.员工具有下列行为之一者,属于严重违反公司规章制度的行为,不预先通知,予以立即

12、辞退处分,解除劳动合同:11.2.3 The followings state behaviors that severely go against rules and regulations of the Company. Immediate dismissal and termination of labor contract without any advance notice will be given to the employees who11.2.3.1.利用公司或法定代表人名义在外招摇撞骗; Swindle and bluff in society in the

13、 name of the Company or Legal Representative;盗窃同事或公司财物(含细小非贵重物品)经查証属实者,予以辞退;构成治安案件的移送警察局处理构成犯罪的,移送司法机关追究刑事责任; Steal properties (including tiny non-valuable items) of the Company and colleagues. The violator will be dismissed if the violation has been confirmed under investigation, w

14、ill be referred to the Police Station in case of public securities; or even will be prosecuted by Juridical Authorities for crime liability;携带枪支、弹药或驽、匕首、三棱刀、弹簧刀(跳刀)等刀具进入厂区; Carry guns, ammunitions or crossbows, daggers, three-square tools and flick knives in the factory;公款公

15、物挪作私用或提供给第三人形成不当得利予以辞退构成犯罪的移送司法机关追究刑事责任11.2.3.4 Have appropriate public funds for personal use, or for providing the third person to benefit. The violator will be dismissed, or even be referred to the Juridical Authorities for prosecution for crime liability;利用职务之便收受贿赂、回扣及手续费,予以辞退构成犯罪的,移送司法

16、机关追究刑事责任; Accept bribes, brokerages and commission by taking advantage of their positions. The violator will be dismissed, even be referred to the Juridical Authorities for prosecution for crime liability;利用公司场地、相关设施等资源从事盈利活动; Engage in profitable business by using resources

17、 of the Company, including places, facilities etc;伪造、变造、篡改、撕毁公司任何报告、合同、记录、公告等文件者11.2.3.7 Counterfeit, alter, distort or tear up any documents of the Company, including reports, contracts, records and announcements;故意毁损公司财物,价值250比尔以上(含250比尔),除照价赔偿外并解除劳动合同11.2.3.8 Deliberately damage

18、 any property with value of not less than 250 Birrs (including) of the Company. The violator shall compensate in accordance with fixed price and will be subject to termination of labor contract;散布谣言破坏生产、生活秩序; Affect regular production and life by spreading rumors;写恐吓信或者其它方

19、法威胁他人人身安全的; Poses threat to personal safety of other person by writing threatening letter or with other methods;公然侮辱他人或捏造事实诽谤他人的; Brazenly insult or defame other persons by fabricated information;在厂内或厂外打架斗殴者,予以辞退并送交警察局处理; Fight against others inside or

20、outside the factory. Violators will be dismissed and referred to the Police Station;酒醉后行为不检,扰乱工作、生活秩序; Disorderly misconduct and affect regular work and life when being drunk;应聘时提供虚假或伪造的学历証明、工作经历、身份証明及婚姻证明等証照的11.2.3.14 Provide false or counterfeited academic certificatio

21、n, employment histories, identity certificate and proof of marriage for employment;应聘前患有精神病、传染病及其它严重影响工作的疾病而在应聘时未声明的11.2.3.15 Suffer from mental disorder, infectious diseases and other diseases that severely affect works before employment, but fail to state when employing;应聘前曾被追究

22、刑事责任而在应聘时未声明的11.2.3.16 When being employed, the employee fails to declare that he/she used to be criminally responsible before employment;应聘前有吸毒等劣迹而在应聘时未声明的11.2.3.17 When being employed, fail to declare that he/she used to be involved in drug taking or other illegal actions before the empl

23、oyment;非火灾等特殊情形或工作需要,进入异性宿舍予以辞退构成犯罪的,移送司法机关追究刑事责任; Enter into dormitory of the opposite sex not for work need or not under special circumstances such as fire disaster; the violator will be dismissed, or will be referred to Judicial Authorities for pursuing criminal liabilities;11.

24、2.3.19.厂証借与厂外人员使用或擅自把厂外人员带进厂内; Borrow his/her factory badge to other persons or take other unconcerned persons into the factory without permission;擅自制作厂証; Make the factory badge without permission;诈骗、哄抢、抢夺、敲诈勒索公司或同事财物予以辞退构成犯罪的移送司法机关追究刑事责任; Swindle, loot

25、, seize or racketeer properties of the Company or of colleagues. The violator will be referred to Judicial Authorities for pursuing criminal liability if offence is constituted;虚报病假、事假进行兼职; Make a false report of sick leave and private leave for part-time job;在厂内赌博或乱搞男女关

26、系; Gamble or have unjustifiable relationship between man and woman;不服从管理人员的合理管理; Refuse to follow reasonable management by managers;擅自携带违禁物品或妨害公共安全物品进入厂内; Enter into the factory with contrabands or other articles that pose threat to public security with

27、out permission;故意泄露公司技术、营业上的机密,予以辞退构成犯罪的,移送司法机关追究刑事责任、民事赔偿责任; Deliberately disclose confidential the information on technology or business of the Company; the violator will be dismissed, or referred to Judicial Authorities for pursuing criminal or civil compensation liabilities i

28、f offence is constituted;违反技术操作规程和安全规则或违纪违章指挥造成事故; Cause accident because of failure in following technical specifications and safety rules, or due to improper command;违反消防安全规定,造成火灾,对直接责任人予以辞退构成犯罪的,移送司法机关追究刑事责任; Cause fire disaster because of failure in followin

29、g provisions on fire fighting; the directly responsible individual will be dismissed, or referred to Judicial Authorities for criminal liabilities;随意改变流程作业或擅自变更工作方法11.2.3.29 Alter operational process or operational methods without permission;引诱部属或同事离职,影响公司利益; Affect inte

30、rests of the Company by enticing subordinates or colleagues away from the Company;参与或教唆他人罢工或怠工或聚从要挟者; Be a part of, or instigate other persons to strike or slow down or gathering hold-up;在工作场所内制造私人物件或指使他人制造私人物件11.2.3.32 Make personal items or instigate others to make per

31、sonal items for you at workplace;在厂内发生纠纷,应报告单位主管或管理部进行处理在厂外发生纠纷,应报告公安部门等相关部门处理。未按规定程序处理而找厂外人员采取非法方式处理; Gather non-employed persons to illegally or improperly settle any dispute in the factory which should has been reported to the head of section or to Management Department, or any

32、 dispute out of the factory which should have been referred to police.伪造、变造或盗用公司印章; Counterfeit, alter or embezzle seals or stamps of the Company;未经批示擅自使用公司印章; Use seals or stamps of the Company without approval;伪造帐目,虚报费用; Make false accountin

33、g and false reporting of expenses;对检举人、检查人、证人、管理人员及其近亲属打击报复; Attack and retaliate offence-reporter, inspector, witness, managers and their close relatives;连续12个月违反公司行政管理行为给予纪律处分,累计记大过三次以上(含三次)者(二次警告合为申诫一次;二次申诫合为记过一次;二次记过合为记大过一次。; Have been given accumulatively n

34、ot less than 3 records of major demerits due to continual braches of administrative control of the Company for 12 months (note: two warnings are regarded as one admonishment; two admonishments are regarded as one record of demerit; two records of demerits are regarded as one record of major demerit)

35、在不胜任原岗位工作的情况下,应服从部门、岗位的调动。不服从调动者; Refuse to follow work transfer. The employee shall follow post or department transfer if the person is not qualified to the previous post and work;伙同或教唆他人打架斗殴11.2.3.40 Gang up with or instigate other persons to fight;吸食毒品或有其它不良

36、嗜好11.2.3.41 Drug up or have other bad habits;在职期间,被行政拘留或刑事拘留或劳动教养11.2.3.42 Suffer from administrative or criminal detention, or reeducation through labor during their incumbencies;在职期间,被追究刑事责任; Be pursued for criminal liabilities during their incumbencies;拒绝在公司

37、培训记录、会议纪要、劳动合同等需要由劳动者签收的文件上签名的,视为不服从公司正常管理,予以解除劳动合同; Refuse to sign their names on documents of the Company that needs signing-off by laborers such as Training Records, Minutes of Meeting, Labor Contracts. Such violators will be regarded as the one non-compliant with regular management of t

38、he Company, and will be subject to termination of the labor contract;利用网络发表对公司不利的言论; Post comments and/or statements unfavorable to the Company through Internet;将公司的任何资料(含计算机资料)泄露给任何宣传媒介或他人者; Disclose any information (including computer data) of the Company to

39、any media or other persons;扰乱公司重要会议,给管理造成困扰的; Disturb important meeting of the Company and make the management troubles;派发、散布、张贴对公司不满、不利的传单或言论或标语或非法刊物; Distribute, spread, post leaflets or comments, or slogans or illegal publications dissatisfying with or unfavo

40、rable to the Company;擅自进入其他部门车间或办公区域,并大声喧哗或吵闹; Rush into workshops or working areas of other department without permission and make noise or wrangle;向厂区内投掷杂物,不听制止的; Throw cats and dogs into the factory and refuse to be stopped;拒绝接受公司安排的身体检查的;

41、Refuse physical examinations organized by the Company;在厂内吸烟的; Smoke in the factory;违反国家政策、法律、法规。 Go against national policies, laws and regulations.11.2.4. 对员工予以留厂察看处分的,应参照本办法11.2.3.的规定依情节之轻重酌情予以处分。11.2.4 Stand down from Factory shall be appropriately given to

42、the employees depending on seriousness of the case pursuant to regulations of 11.2.3 herein.11.2.5.干部有下列行为之一者,予以降职处分:11.2.5 The leader will be demoted if he/she:生产管理过程中与员工发生激烈冲突,有推、踢等粗暴行为,情节轻微者;情节严重者按本办法第十七条规定处理; Severely clashing with employees in the process of production manageme

43、nt, and being found to push or kick the employee, but not very serious. However, severe cases will be handled pursuant to provision 17 herein;生产过程中,未看资料作业造成质量事故; Cause quality accident in the process of production because of failure to operate without following instructions;

44、.未经检验的产品或已经检验的不合格品,擅自放行; Release non-inspected products or non-conforming products without permission;各级干部对在管理过程中存在之问题隐瞒不报; Conceal and fail to report the problems found in process of management;行为不检,道德败坏,未够上辞退; Misconduct, morally corrupt, but do not meet c

45、onditions for dismissal;质量观念不强,造成重大质量事故; Cause major quality accident due to slight awareness of quality;不能胜任现职工作。 Unqualified for present post.11.2.6.员工具有下列行为之一者,予以记大过两次处分:11.2.6 Double records of major demerits will be given to employee who:离职人员以各种理由拒不交还厂

46、証11.2.6.1 Refuse to give factory badge back for various reasons;擅自接配电线及装接电器11.2.6.2 Connect wires and mounts electrical appliances without permission;违反交通安全规定; Going against provisions on traffic safety;故意毁损公司财物,价值250比尔以下,除照价赔偿外并记大过两次11.2.6.4 Deliberately damage pr

47、operties of the Company with value of less than 250 Birrs. The damager shall also compensate according to fixed price.随地吐痰或乱扔垃圾; Spit or litters everywhere;在墙壁上乱涂乱画或用脚踢、踏墙壁; Draw graffiti on walls or kicks or threads on walls;倒水下楼的; Pour water from

48、 upstairs to downstairs;疏忽检查或管理不善,致公司遭受损失; Cause loss of the Company due to careless inspection or improper management;公司人员借自己身份证给他人到公司应聘; Borrowing his / her identity card to others for employment in the Company;从厂内抛递物品到厂外,双方接受相同处分11.2.6.10 Throw articles out from the factory. Both thrower and receiver will be equally punished;带烟进入厂内。 Be in possession of cigarettes in the factory;11.2.7.员工具有下列行为之一者,予以记

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