1、-137-178248 “”(712000 813000)K825.1 A 10052089(2023)03137006 ()164 2023 (2023)-138-1782 1784 812 1791 820 ()1804 -139-18082 18139 18152 18221 1826 1834 18379 1838 13235 1841 ()1842 “”1846 1846 -140-130 37 39()“”-141-(1883)()-142-爱国爱教的七世班禅及其传记述略王旭萍 著 豆改加 译摘要:七世班禅额尔德尼丹白尼玛是藏传佛教著名高僧,在西藏历史上具有极其重要的地位。其弟子罗
2、藏津巴撰写的七世班禅额尔德尼丹白尼玛传记,详细记述了七世班禅爱国爱教的一生。此传记对于研究七世班禅的生平事迹以及西藏地方的历史有着重要的史料价值,而且对于研究我国各民族交往交流交融史实以及铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有重要的价值和意义。关键词:七世班禅;爱国爱教;卓越贡献作者简介:王旭萍,女,西藏民族大学在读硕士研究生。译者简介:豆改加,男,海南州藏文信息技术研究中心。The Seventh Panchen Lama Who Loves His Country And Religion And His BiographyWritten by Wang Xuping Translated by gd
3、ugs-dkar-bumAbstract:The 7th Panchen Lama Ar-ti-ni-bstan-bi-nyi-ma is a famous virtuous monk in Tibetan Buddhism and plays an extremely important role in the history of Tibet.The Biography of him,written by his disciple Blo-bzang-sbyin-pa,describes in detail the life of him who loved his country and
4、 religion.It has great historical value for studying the lifetime achievement of the 7th Panchen Lama and the local history of Tibet,as well as for studying the historical facts of the exchange and integration of various ethnic groups in China and the formation of a strong sense of community among the Chinese nation.Keywords:The 7th Panchen Lama;Loving Country and Religion;Outstanding Contribution