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1、ARDS患者如何进行通气支持治疗 上一篇文章: 基底动脉尖综合征患者的临床及影像学表现 下一篇文章: 绵羊急性呼吸窘迫综合征开放肺压力安全性的实验研究| 收藏此文到365KEY| 收藏此文到YOUNOTE 属性:作者:急诊论坛来源:急诊论坛点击数:更新:2006-6-12文章录入:vancomycin责任编辑:vancomycin功能:文字:变小 变大 【繁】作者:PEEPman时间:2003-05-29 22:10:07 ARDS患者如何进行通气支持治疗 -最近,美国重症监护医学学会第31届国际教育和科学研讨会举办了一次有关急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)患者通气支持治疗的技术与方法的专家座谈

2、会,与会专家就许多专题进行了广泛讨论。其中肺复张治疗、6 ml/kg小潮气量(VT)通气支持的必要性和高频振荡通气(HFOV),引起了听众的极大兴趣。ARDS治疗中的肺复张巴西圣保罗大学的Amato 医师援引其所在医院完成的一项研究(研究结果已发表在新英格兰医学杂志上),该研究显示,采用限制吸气末肺过度牵张的保护性通气策略(肺复张是这一通气策略的重要措施),可显著降低ARDS患者病死率。胸部CT扫描发现,相当数量的肺组织得以复原。他指出,肺复张的目的并非专为改善肺氧合,而是为减少通气机造成的肺损伤(VILI)。PaO2只是复张和降低VILI危险的指标。但有关肺复张的运用还有很多未解决的问题:(


4、方法缺乏肯定的疗效,因此已被停用,这些数据尚未发表。值得注意的是,虽然在这项研究中,肺复张采用的压力升高至35 cmH2O,部分肥胖患者甚至采用了更高的压力值,但根据ARDS患者病变肺区复张情况看,这一压力水平仍相对较低。疗效差的另一种可能原因是,复张后使用的PEEP水平不够高。此外,肺复张也有副作用,包括低血压和气压伤。ARDSNet治疗方案在ARDS患者中的应用马里兰州约翰斯霍普金斯大学的Brower阐述了ARDS患者的治疗是否应严格完全按照ARDSNet方案进行。他公布了一些尚未发表的资料,这些资料显示,纳入ARDSNet临床研究时平台压在较低四分位数的患者中, VT为12 ml/kg组

5、患者的平台压30 cmH2O,采用较低的VT 5 ml/kg或4 ml/kg(PBW)。3 如患者有呼吸窘迫或严重呼吸困难,只要Pplat医学院附属中大医院ICU 邱海波谭焰-顽固性低氧血症是急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)最突出的临床表现。机械通气是改善此症的重要治疗手段。传统的通气策略是采用较大的潮气量(1015ml/kg)促进萎陷的肺泡复张,维持正常的动脉血气,以最小的呼气末正压(PEEP)达到“足够”的动脉氧合,监测气道压力但不对其作严格限制,这种通气策略易导致肺泡过度膨胀,加重肺损伤。随着人们对ARDS病理生理特征的认识,近年来,有人提出了肺保护与肺复张通气策略,在改善患者氧合的同时,



8、提出了肺保护性通气策略,即采用较小的潮气量、限制气道平台压及应用最佳PEEP水平进行通气支持的策略。1 允许性高碳酸血症(PHC)PHC是采用小潮气量(47 mlkg),允许动脉血二氧化碳分压一定程度增高(4080 mmHg)。为ARDS患者实施PHC时,血流动力学改变主要表现为心排出量和氧输送显著增加,体血管阻力显著降低,肺血管阻力降低或不变,肺动脉嵌顿压和中心静脉压增加或无明显改变。PHC的禁忌证有:颅内压增高、缺血性心脏病或严重的左心功能受损等。2 应用最佳PEEP如单纯应用PHC同样可导致呼吸机相关肺损伤。主要原因是ARDS患者呼气末大量塌陷的肺泡在吸气初突然开放产生的剪切力,以及正常



11、补充。主要有以下几种:1、 叹息即为正常生理情况下的深呼吸,有利于促进塌陷的肺泡复张。对于ARDS患者,目前有学者间断地采用叹息,使气道平台压达到45 cmH2O。应用叹息后,患者的动脉血氧分压显著增加,二氧化碳分压和肺内分流率显著降低,呼气末肺容积增加。因此,叹息可有效促进塌陷肺泡复张,改善患者的低氧血症。但叹息不能改善患者的肺顺应性,其作用不持久,临床价值尚有争议。2、 间断应用高水平PEEP在容量控制通气时,间断应用高水平PEEP使气道平台压增加,也能促进肺泡复张。有学者在机械通气治疗ARDS患者时,每隔30 s应用高水平PEEP通气2次,可以增加患者的动脉血氧分压,降低肺内分流率。间断

12、应用高水平PEEP虽然能使塌陷的肺泡复张,改善患者的氧合,但它与叹息相似,不能保持肺泡的稳定状态,同样作用不持久。3控制性肺膨胀(SI)是一种促使不张的肺泡复张和增加肺容积的新方法,由叹息发展而来。即在吸气开始时,给予足够压力(3045 cmH2O),让塌陷肺泡充分开放,并持续一定时间(2030 s),使病变程度不一的肺泡之间达到平衡,气道压力保持在SI的压力水平。SI结束后,恢复到SI应用前的通气模式,通过SI复张的塌陷肺泡,在相当时间内能够继续维持复张状态,SI导致的氧合改善也就能够维持较长时间。4俯卧位通气利用翻身床、翻身器或人工徒手操作,使患者在俯卧位进行机械通气。其治疗作用是改善AR

13、DS患者的氧合。然而对血流动力学不稳定、颅内压增高、急性出血、脊柱损伤、骨科手术、近期腹部手术、妊娠等不宜采用俯卧位通气。作者:PEEPman时间:2006-03-10 22:04:04 Mechanical ventilation in ARDS: One size does not fit all - Editorial AJCCM Fri, 20 May 2005 ARMA was a government-sponsored, $41 million experiment involving 861 critically ill patients with severe lung in

14、jury-i.e., acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). It has been at the center of continuing debate prompted by revelations that researchers at 14 of the nations major medical research institutions comprising the ARDS Network,* violated fundamental medical ethics principles. 1 2 Patients with ARDS

15、 almost always need to be supported with mechanical ventilation to help them breathe. During this kind of support, breaths, termed tidal volumes, are administered to patients with a ventilator to inflate the lung to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. However, lungs with ARDS ar

16、e much stiffer than healthy lungs. In the 1980s emerging research strongly suggested that although necessary for survival, if tidal volumes with mechanical ventilation were too large, the high airway pressures they produced might themselves be harmful. In 1992, a survey of more than 1,000 physicians

17、 caring for patients with ARDS showed that most were aware that tidal volumes producing increased airway pressures might be harmful and that physicians adjusted their practice to account for this. 3 A consensus conference of physicians in 1993 warned of the need to reduce tidal volumes if airway pre

18、ssures were high, and recommended that physicians reduce tidal volumes when necessary to ensure that airway pressures remained below a potentially harmful level. 4 NIH sponsored the ARMA study to investigate the benefits of reducing tidal volumes in ARDS patients. Between 1996 and 1999, the ARDS Net

19、work enrolled 861 patients out of an eligible pool of 3,448 patients. Patients who were enrolled in this experiment had been receiving oxygen at a tidal volume setting according to the judgment of their primary, critical care physician. They were withdrawn from that ventilation setting, and randomiz

20、ed to receive one of two tidal volume settings-either high (12 ml/kg) which was termed traditional or low (6 ml/kg). The experiment failed to include a comparison control group receiving the current best treatment-which included individualized ventilation settings determined by the condition of the

21、individual patients lungs. Most of the patients enrolled in this randomized experiment were unable to Provide informed consent. Furthermore, the consent forms that had been approved by the institutional review boards (IRBs) at the participating hospitals ALL failed to comply with federal requirement

22、s of disclosure. See: urlhttp:/www.ahrp.org/ethical/CaromeARDS082802.php/url In fact, none of the consent forms informed patients or their families that they would be withdrawn from current best therapeutic treatment and randomly assigned to a fixed ventilation setting which might increase their ris

23、k of dying. Neither were they informed that an alternative to participating in the experiment was available at the same medical center. On July 29, 2002, AHRP filed a complaint with the federal Office of Human Research Protections about violations of informed consent. See: urlhttp:/www.ahrp.org/ethi

24、cal/Koski0729.php/url After enrolling more than 860 patients the study was stopped because mortality was substantially higher in the high tidal volume group (12ml/kg, 41%) compared to the low tidal volume group (6ml/kg, 31%). The ARDS investigators concluded that the low tidal volume (6ml/kg) increa

25、sed survival rate and recommended that it should be applied to all patients with ARDS. 1 Following publication of the trial in the New England Journal of Medicine, critical care physician-scientists at the NIH who analyzed the ARDS Network report raised concerns about the design of the experiment in

26、 the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (AJRCCM). 5 This independent analysis raised the following concerns about the design of the trial: First, airway pressures associated with the 12 mg/kg tidal volume were significantly higher than what critical care physicians were routi

27、nely administering in standard practice to their patients at the time of the trial. Second, the trials failed to include a control group in which patients would be provided individualized ventilation settings-as is the practice in standard care, and is required under the Declaration of Helsinki ethi

28、cal research standards. 6 Ethical research requires that: The benefits, risks, burdens and effectiveness of a new method should be tested against those of the best current prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods. Other groups of investigators were also examining what routine ventilatory ca

29、re was both before and during the ARDS trial. These studies showed that physicians varied tidal volumes based on how injured or stiff the lungs of patients were. A very sick patient with a very stiff lung would get a low tidal volume while a patient with a more pliant lung would receive a higher tid

30、al volume. Randomizing patients to high or low tidal volumes without regard for their underlying level of lung injury was (and is) contrary to what was at the time-and continues to be-the best therapeutic method of care. Therefore, the significant findings of the ARDS Network experiment may relate l

31、argely to having increased mortality in patients with very stiff lungs who had their tidal volumes increased to 12ml/kg. Ultimately the ARDSNET trial is impossible to interpret and its recommendations that all patients with ARDS should get very low tidal volumes-should be rejected precisely because the trial failed to provide a randomly-selected control group of patients who received standard treatment. Mechanical ventilation in ARDS: One size does not fit all, an editorial by Katherine Deans, Peter Minneci, Xizhounog Cui, Steven Banks, Charles Natanson and P

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