1、统考英语B,2011年9月,阅读理解及完形填空大纲,掌握可得40分,不可外泄一.阅读理解第一题这30个考1个,出现在第一题(每题三分,此部分5小题)以下部分精简为手抄(也可用 1代表A,0代表B)A man got -AAABB A story is told-ABAAB Albert Einstein-ABBABAll over the-BABAA Computers can-ABAABDieting to lose-ABABAElvis Aron-ABABBE-mail is one-AABABFor several-BABBAHere is a story-BAAAB Herman ha
2、d-BAABAHobbs was anABBABIn 1920, barely- ABBAAIf you travel by-AABBAIn the world-BABBAMany people-ABBAA Mr. White lived-ABABAMr. Young ran -ABAAAMy Aunt Edith -BBAABSnowflakes look-ABBABThe word horse ABABAThe workers who-AABBAThese days, -ABAABThree men-AAABBTom arrived -BAABAUntil 1983, -AABBAVery
4、ABWI-ABBBA二.阅读理解第二题这18个必考其中1个,出现在第二题(每题三分,此部分5小题)简化格式比如:(A characteristic of 可以精简为 AC,A foreigners 可以精简为AF) 就是文章的第一个单词的第一个字母+第二个单词的第一个字母组合,抄在手心或找到合适的地方使用A characteristic -ABDABA foreigner- DBDAC Britain and -DDADC By definition- CDDCB Community service-BCADB How men -DCDBA In the United-BBBDB It has
5、 been- CCDCB Laws have -ABDCB Many people who -BCBAC Paper is one -BAABC Places to stay-ABDCB Sixteen-year -DCCDA Shyness is the- BABCB There are three-BDCCC The French-CBDDD What makes -BCACD When John -DCBBDAC- ABDABAF-DBDACBA-DDADCBD-CDDCBCS-BCADBHM-DCDBAIT- BBBDBIH-CCDCBLH-ABDCBMP-BCBACPI-BAABCP
6、T-ABDCBSY-DCCDASI-BABCBTA-BDCCCTF-CBDDDWM-BCACDWJ-DCBBD三.完形填空(每题二分,此部分5小题)American people divide -DABECDo you know -ADCEB It seems quite -BADECMan can not go ECDABMany people would DABECMr. Clarke works -BCDEAParis,which is the capitalDBACEStrange things happen toBADCE The people began talking -BDEACThe world is not only hungry-EBCDAThis is my timetableBDEACTraffic accidents -AECDBYou may meet Americans-ECABDAP-DABECDY-ADCEBIS-BADECMCECDABMP-DABECM.C-BCDEAPWDBACEST-BADCE TP-BDEACTW-EBCDATI-BDEACTA-AECDBYMECABD