1、I was born in a small village.教学主题 Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village.一、教材分析本模块以过去生活为话题,介绍了一些过去所发生的事情。这节课是本模块的第一节课,目的在于让学生初步感知be动词的过去式was / were,能够理解含有动词be (was / were) 的一般过去时的陈述句、一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答,并能够运用动词be (was / were) 的过去式介绍自己或他人过去的生活,从而了解到要珍惜现在的生活,把握好现在,努力学习,长大后做一个有用的人。二、学生分析七年级的学生对英语已经有
2、了基本的知识与学习方法,对学习也很有上进心,但由于初中阶段对这一时态的要求较高,所以学生会感觉比较枯燥乏味,所以课堂教学任务要增添创新元素,充分利用信息技术教学,调动学生的积极性。教学环节一步步由易到难展开,让学生轻松地完成本节课的学习目标。三、教学目标A. 知识目标:1.掌握本专题的单词、短语及含“be(was/were)”动词的一般过去时的基本用法。2能用be的过去式(was/were)完成各项任务。B. 能力目标:1能听懂包含be的过去式(was/were)的对话。2能听懂并学会运用含“be(was/were)”动词的一般过去时讲述的内容,能用含“be(was/were)”动词的一般过去
3、时时态讨论过去的生活。C.情感目标: 通过学生对童年的回忆及表述这种方式,回忆过去,珍惜现在的生活,增进同学间的互相了解,进一步提高同学们的语言交际能力。四、教学环境简易多媒体教学环境 交互式多媒体教学环境 网络多媒体环境教学环境 移动学习 其他五、信息技术应用思路(突出三个方面:使用哪些技术?在哪些教学环节如何使用这些技术?使用这些技术的预期效果是?)200字本节课是一节听说课,在设计本课的过程中,每个教学环节贯穿使用了多媒体技术,并辅以点读笔进行学习,以此来帮助学生顺利地达成本节课的学习目标。A.在导入环节,通过播放视频音乐,既让学生迅速进入英语课堂、活跃课堂气氛,也为呈现 本课的目标做好
5、生活动信息技术支持(资源、方法、手段等)Warming up and lead in1.Play the old songYesterday once more2、Ask and answer:What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? 3、Read the words of Unit1 one by one. 4.show pictures and ask questions:Can you say something about them? When and where were they born? 5.Group Show.1.Li
6、sten to the old songYesterday once more.2.Answer questions after listening.3. Read the words of Module7 with reading pen in groups,then students read.4. Look at the screen and make a dialogue.5.Show your dialogue.(pair-work).S1:Do you know anything about? When was he/she born?S2: He was born in Do y
7、ou know where was he born?S1: Yes, he was born in .通过播放视频音乐,让学生听歌曲,既可以让学生及时回到英语课堂中来,又可以达到提高兴趣,快速进入英语思维的课堂中来。用PPT展示图片进行教学,逐步引入“一般过去时表达”的主题,直观又形象,使学生在反复操练中感知并熟悉本句型,加强语言知识的运用能力。Read the text1. Play the dialogues in students books- Betty, Tony and Lingling, and then explain that the following dialogue i
8、s about their past lives.2. Listen and match the questions and answers.3. Instructing the students to read the text by point-reading pen.1. listen to the dialogues in students books- Betty, Tony and Lingling. 2.Talk about their past lives in groups.3. Listen and match the questions and answers.4. Re
9、ad the tape script together. 利用学生手中的点读笔点读课文,让学生对课文的对话进行有效的朗读与感知。学生利用点读笔进行学习并跟着朗读课文,学生的学习积极性很高。Text learning1. Play the tape and show questions by the teachers:1) Where was Lingling born?2) Where was Tony born?3) Was Tony a naughty boy?2. Play the dialogue for the second time and let students choose
10、the correct answers to the questions.3.Show answers and let the students correct them.1. Students listen to the tape and answer the given three questions by the teachers:1) Where was Lingling born?2) Where was Tony born?3) Was Tony a naughty boy?2. Listen to the dialogue for the second time and choo
11、se the correct answers to the questions.3.Group work. Read and find outthe difficulties in the dialogue, solve them in groups or in class.4. Students need to fill in the blanks about the summary of the dialogue.1.利用白板的可写可画的功能和隐藏功能, 出示课文学习听后的问题,让学生回答,小组积分PK。2. 充分利用动画、声音,辅助学生对文本的理解,学生在学习中带着惊奇与竞争投入学习,充
12、分调动了学生学习的积极性。3.利用白板的录音功能,把学生的对话予以回放,让学生发现句子表达的正误。既锻炼了听的能力又容易引发学生学习的浓厚兴趣。Consolidation and improve1.Ask several questions , then let the students make dialogues in groups.2.Group show.3. Do Exercise4.1.Base on the basic sentence patterns from the screen, talk about past life in groups.2. Show dialogu
13、es to the whole class.3.Ask students to fill in the blanks about the information of the card given below.利用白板的隐藏功能,把学生需要的词汇、句型等呈现到白板上,供学生选择使用。通过在小组内交流彼此发生在过去的事情,运用本课所学句型,让学生用口语介绍自己或他人。Practice1.Give out papers.2. Base on the answers from PPT, correct answers in groups.1. Do a quiz on the students pa
14、per, then check the answers in class2.Correct the answers. Base on the answers from PPT, correct answers in groups.通过PPT展示当堂达标检测,学生在达标检测卷做完后,及时通过PPT进行答案展示,学生能清晰明了的进行更正,方便快捷。Summary and homework1.Summaryr the words and phrases.2. show homewok for the students,.3.Do a survey about your family or frien
15、ds, then share your ideas to describe their past life.1.Write down the homework.2.Talk about their past life to your family or friends by QQ.3.Read text by point-reading pen in the evening.4.Do a survey about your family or friends, then share your ideas to describe their past life.1.跟随点读笔流利阅读和有感情地朗
16、读课文。2.使用网络聊天功能进行所学话题的网络交流,进一步夯实所学的语言知识。七、教学特色(如为个性化教学所做的调整,为自主学习所做的支持、对学生能力的培养的设计,教与学方式的创新等)200字左右本节课是一节听说课型,以听说为主,兼顾读写的练习。在教学设计上,我按照新课程标准,采用任务型教学,用新技术方法(点读笔、音频、视频、电子白板及PPT)有效运用,以小组互助合作学习为主,充分利用动画、声音,辅助学生对文本的理解,在不断的听说练习中,从多角度、多方位让学生熟知一般过去时,并通过课文的对话进行操练,最后达到自主提升、自我升华语言的能力。 整节课上,我抓住学生们的好奇心和活跃性,在设计课文导入环节,以歌曲视频的方式让学生回归到英语课堂中来,进而通过图片的展示、对话的交流练习、课文的小组PK、小组的竞争超越、自我语言的提升、课堂所学知识的达标等,借助教学技术直观地展示本课的教学目标及任务。