1、The fine art of communicationCommunication is a two-way process. There is a sender who sends the information, and there is the receiver who receives the information. The communication is complete only if the receiver has received the information in the manner that the sender wanted to communicate. T
2、his can be confirmed through proper feedback. Ensure that effective feedback is taken. The ownership of communication is that of the sender. The greatest illusion about communication is when it is complete. The communication is complete when the receiver has understood the message. Some tips on impr
3、oving communication skills: Clarify your ideas before expressing. Examine the true purpose of communication. Consult with others in planning for having complete information. Be mindful of your tone while communicating; convey something of help or value to the receiver.Always be open and ready for receiving feedback.Be a good listener; improve your vocabulary.Use simple language; avoid grammatical errors. Be brief and concise.