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1、 Unit 9 My favourite subject is science. (Section A 1a-1c)学习目标:1. 掌握以下词汇: favourite, subject, P.E., science, music, Chinese, geography, history, why, because.2. 掌握以下句型:(1)-Whats your favourite subject? -My favourite subject is science.(2) -Why do you like science? -Because its interesting.学习重点:词汇fav

2、ourite, subject, P.E., science, music, Chinese, geography, history, why, because和句型学习难点:学习询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。教学流程:Step 1 GreetingGood morning,boys and girls!Nice to meet you.How are you today?What day is it today? Do you have English on Thursday? Whos your English teacher?Do you love Shirley?I lov

3、e you ,boys and girls.Step 2 Duty report (1) Now,its time for duty report. Whos on duty today? Lets welcome.(2) She talked about her favourite teacher.Who is her favourite teacher?Step 3 Lead inToday I have brought some beautiful photos of our teachers. Lets enjoy them,OK?(Show Chinese teachers phot

4、o)Look! Whos she? (Shes Miss Hu.) Shes our.? Yes,shes our Chinese teacher.(Present : Chinese)Step 4 Presentation(Present the words in the same way)Chinese, math, English, history, geography, music, PE, art(1) Ss read after the teacher row by row / line by line / group by group / one by one.(2) Ss re

5、ad after the little teacher.Now,boys and girls. There are 8 subjects. Yes? Teach “subject” T:Among them,my favourite subject is English. Because its interesting. Whats your favourite subject? Ask a line “Whats your favourite subject?” and ask them“Why do you like.?”lead them to answer my question an

6、d give the reason.PK game: Ask and answer one by one in a line. The fastest one of the 9 lines can get 2 points.Step 5 Pair work(Talk with your partner and try to know more about his/her favourites.)Step 6 Guessing game (Little teacher)Show a picture of a student with a book. Ask Ss to guess “Whats

7、his / her favourite subject?” and then lead Ss to read the sentences.Step 7 Group workThere is a superstar in your group and the others are the TV reporters. What will the TV reporters ask the superstar? Have a discussion and perform it.Step 8 Book task and exercises(1) Book task.(2) Exercises.(Ther

8、e are 9 numbers,please choose a number and finish the task behind the number and then you will get a surprise.)Step 9 Summary & HomeworkTo be successful, you should learn all subjects well,not only your favourite subject.Homework:(1)Listen and read; (2)Copy the words and try to remember them;(3)Ask your family and your friends about their favourites and write them down. 英语组:邱静


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