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1、。一、课程说明1.课程性质英语泛读教程是英语专业基础阶段教学的一门必修课,同时也是使学生大量接触英语读物和培养阅读能力的一门实践基础课。2.课程目的和任务旨在通过一定量的阅读实践来提高学生的理解能力,在阅读速度、词汇量等指标上达到规定要求,并增加对语篇结构、语境和语用理论的感性认识、提高语言鉴赏能力。阅读虽然是一门训练学生单项语言技能的实践课程,但它和旨在提高综合运用语言能力的综合英语课程相辅相成,也是其它单项语言技能课程在词汇、语法、理解和文化知识等方面的基础课程。3.适应专业本课程适应于英语专业一、二年级学生。二、课程内容Unit 1 LoveI. Teaching Objectives(

2、教学目标) Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Get some information about the Westward Movement in America and the life of the pioneers.Master the Reading skills: Develop the ability of previewingII. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点)1. The usage

3、of new words and phrases2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4. Reading skills: previewing (I)III. Teaching Methods(教学方法)Discussing Practicing IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periodsV. Teaching Content(教学内容)1.Reading skillsPrevi

4、ewing means looking ahead and checking for information in advance. Before you read a book in detail ,you can learn quite a bit about it by previewing .you can preview or examine specific parts of it first. Here are steps you may follow when you begin to preview a textbook .A title can tell you a gre

5、at deal about a book . Before you read , think about what the title means.Read the title of the book. The table of contents appears at the beginning of a book .Read the table of contents Read the preface Read briefly the index , glossary , appendix , bibliography and other special supplements .An in

6、dex is an alphabetical list that tells the reader where particular topics ,subjects and names of people , places or events ,etc. are referred to in a book .A glossary gives definitions to a list of difficult words or terms that appear in a book . An appendix adds to a book extra information ( charts

7、 , graphs , documents , facts , etc.) that is helpful to the understanding of the book.A bibliography is a list of some or all the sources that the author has used to write his or her book.2. Vocabularyconsult vi. 商议量, 考虑, 磋商 , 做咨询工作, 【医】会诊consult about the matter 商议此事consult with counsel 与法律顾问商议con

8、sult for a large building firm 为大型建筑公司做咨询工作vt. 找.商议, 请教, 咨询, 答疑, 请.鉴定 , 找(医生)诊治翻阅, 查考(书籍, 地图等) , 尊重, 考虑without consulting sb. 没征求某人的意见n. 古磋商 , 委员会ravenous adj. 贪婪食的 , 饿极的; 渴望的a ravenous appetite desire 贪婪的胃口欲望ravenously adv.ravenousness n.convince vt. 使相信信服, 说服 , 使承认; 使悔悟; 使认错罪convince sb. of sth. 使

9、某人相信某事convince sb. 说服某人convince sb. by sound arguments 以理服人We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane. 我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。He was convinced of his error. 他认识了错误convincedly adv.convincer n.be convinced of 确信, 承认be convinced that 确信, 承认be fully convinced 充分相信半信be half convinced 充分相信半信convince sb

10、. Of 使某人承认, 使某人信服convince oneself of 充分弄明白清楚arrange vt, vi arranged, arranging 排列;整理He arranged the books on the shelf. 他把书架上的书整理了一下。 In a dictionary the words are arranged in alphabetical order.词典里的词是按字母顺序编排的。安排;准备We have arranged a party. 我们准备了一个晚会。A special show was arranged to admit free the fam

11、ily members of the miners.安排了一个专场来免费招待矿工工人家属。商定Arranged with her to meet at 8. 和她商定8点钟见面。We had been trying every possible means to arrange a peace but failed.我们想尽办法试图达成和解,但没有成功。The bankrupt and the men to whom he owed money arranged an accommodation.破产者和他的债权人协议调解。音改编;编曲配器dwelling n. 居住 , 寓所; 住处chan

12、ge ones dwelling 搬家a portable dwelling 活动房屋lake dwelling (建造在木桩上的)湖上房屋mourn vi. 哀悼, 忧伤 , 惋惜 , 悲哀; (鸽子似的)咕咕低鸣mourn for over the dead 哀悼 死者vt. 向(某人)哀悼致哀; 为(某事)哀痛The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader. 举国上下哀悼敬爱的领导人。beside oneself 不知所措; 精神错乱, 为某事而忘形reserve vt reserved, reserving 保留;留下

13、备用 , 预订;预约I have reserved a room for you at the hotel. 我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。 n. 贮藏,储备reserve of food 食物储备 外汇储备 (= foreign exchange reserve) , 准备金,储备金 , 限价;最低价格 , 保护区a nature reserve 自然保护区谨慎;斟酌 , 候补队员;后备队员 后备部队 in reserve 备用的 without reserve 无保留地;无条件地I believe your story without reserve. 我毫无保留地相信你说的。. Summ

14、ary(小结) 1. Ask the students to remember key words and expressions in Text A. And conclude the general idea of section A2. Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII. Homework (作业)Home reading: A Wonderful PresentDiscuss the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading

15、Preview Unit 2Unit 2 Little House in the Big WoodsI. Teaching Objectives(教学目标) Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Get some information about the Westward Movement in America and the life of the pioneers.Master the Reading skills: Develop the ability of

16、 previewingII. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点)1. The usage of new words and phrases2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4. Reading skills: previewing (II)III. Teaching Methods(教学方法)Teaching Discussing Practici

17、ng IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periodsV. Teaching Content(教学内容)1. Related Information About the author: Laura Ingalls Wilder Laura Ingalls Wilder, well-known author of the Little House series of books, was born in the big woods of Wisconsin. When she was 7, she and her family traveled by covered wago

18、n and moved to the prairie land of Walnut Grove, Minnesota. Her family was one of the pioneer families who settled there, following the Homestead Act of 1862, which encouraged Americans to travel west and settle. Today, the people of Walnut Grove celebrate Wilders books every July with the Laura Ing

19、alls Wilder Pageant. The Pageant is a family-oriented outdoor drama with all of Laura Ingalls Wilders Little House on the Prairie book characters. An actress playing a 70-year-old Laura narrates the story, reflecting on her life in Walnut Grove during the 1870s. If youve never read any of the Little

20、 House books, you should, because you can learn a lot about life in America during the 1870s.Main WorksLittle House in the Big Wood (1932)Farmer Boy (1933)Little House on the Prairie (1935)On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937)By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939)The Long Winter (1940)Little Town on the Pr

21、airie (1941)Those Happy Golden Years (1943)Preview QuestionsWhat is the Westward Movement in America? What about the life of the pioneers?2. vocabulary in contextthaw vi. 解冻, 融化口(由于冷而引起的僵直、麻木的身体)渐渐温暖起来 , (态度、感情等)趋于和缓The ice is thawing. 冰在融化。vt. 使融化; 使暖和thaw (out) the guests 使客人们不再拘束strap He strapped

22、 the bag onto his bicycle. 他用带子把包捆在自行车上。 鞭笞 , 用绷带 包扎(伤口), quiver n.箭袋, 箭筒 , 箭袋里的箭 , 大群, 大量, 许多 , (能装一套东西的)容器body quiver 随身携带的箭筒floor ground quiver 地上箭筒vi.稳稳射中, 箭落入箭袋a quiver full of children 谑子女众多的大家庭have an arrow a shaft left in ones quiver 还有本钱, 还有办法可想have ones quiver full 本钱充足adj. 古迅速的, 敏捷的; 活泼的v

23、i. 轻微地颤抖, 抖动, 颤动The leaves quivered in the breeze. 叶子在微风中颤动。vt. 使震颤; 使颤动; (云雀等)抖动(翅膀)The butterfly quivers its wings. 蝴蝶抖动翅膀。n. 抖动, 颤动; 颤音 , 一闪a quiver of lighting 闪电的一闪quivering adj. 颤抖的 quiveringly adv.all of a quiver 浑身哆嗦; 心情十分紧张quiver like an aspen leaf 全身发抖chore n. 美(=chare) pl. 家庭杂务 , 零星的事务 ,

24、令人疲劳不愉快的工作vi. , 作零星工作chore around 美作短工3. Text ComprehensionComprehension QuestionsWhat had happened one night when the father was away in town?Why did Ma say that Laura was a good girl?How do you understand this sentence?The sun sank out of sight, the woods grew dark, and he did not come. Ma started

25、 supper and set the table, but he did not come. It was time to do the chores, and still he had not come.Note that the sentence he did not come has been repeated three times in this short paragraph. The repetition stresses the anxiety with which the children are waiting for Pas coming back.How do you

26、 understand this sentence?But he could have hurt us, couldnt he? she asked.Note that the question is put in its subjunctive mood. From the context we know that Mas consoling remarks make Laura feels better. When she asks this question, she knows well that the bear will not hurt them because they hav

27、e protections. So what she really implies is that without those protections, the bear will have hurt them. Topic for DiscussionWhat kind of people were Lauras parents? Discuss the kind of life the family lived in the big woods. Summary(小结) 1. Ask the students to remember key words and expressions in

28、 Text A. And conclude the general idea of section A2. Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII. Homework (作业)Home reading: A Wonderful PresentDiscuss the questions in small groups Practice Fast ReadingPreview Unit 3Unit 3 Young William ShakespeareI. Teaching Objectives

29、(教学目标) Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Getting to know some information about the early life of Shakespeare.II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点)1. The usage of new words and phrases2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words

30、 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.III. Teaching Methods(教学方法)Teaching Discussing Practicing IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periodsV. Teaching Content(教学内容)1. Related InformationAbout William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616) was the greatest English playwright, the best

31、 playwright in English language. He left the world 154 precious and incomparable sonnets, and 38 plays, at least 15 of which are masterpieces.Tragedies ComediesHamlet As You Like It Julius Caesar Merchant of Venice King Lear Merry Wives of Windsor Macbeth Midsummer Nights DreamOthello Twelfth Night

32、Romeo and Juliet Winters TaleAntony and Cleopatra Histories King Henry IV King Henry V King Henry VI King Henry VIII King John Richard II Richard III Preview QuestionsHow much do you know Shakespeare and his works?2. vocabulary in contextenrage vt. 常用于被动式触激怒, 使人愤怒be enraged at by sb.s conduct 因某人的行为

33、而极为愤怒be enraged with sb. 对某人勃然大怒monotonous (mono- 单 +tone调+-ous的) adj 单调的;无变化的; 令人厌倦的a monotonous voice which sent me to sleep 使我昏昏欲睡的单调声音My job at the assembly line of the car factory is rather monotonous. 我在汽车工厂装配线上的工作颇为单调乏味。Insignificant adj. 无意义的; 无关重要的; 无用的; 无价值的, 低微的, 可鄙的insignificant talk 废话w

34、aste time on insignificant points 时间花在琐碎事情上insignificant person 小人物insignificant chatter 无意义的闲聊天insignificant n. 无关重要的字、事物或人costume n. 服装, 外衣, 装束 , 女装(西装式短上衣及裙子一套) , 服装式样; 化装用服academic costume 学位服actors in policemens costumes 穿着警服的演员costume ball 化装跳舞会costume designer (影剧)服装设计员3. Text ComprehensionCo

35、mprehension Questions From the conversation between Toby and Will do you know what Will wanted to be? What did he do in order to realize his dreams?After he had a family (wife, three young children) he still wanted to leave Stratford. Why? Life in London in the early years for Will and Toby was very

36、 hard. What did Will do for the Queens Men?Besides acting in plays what did Will do else? Topic for DiscussionCan you find anything in Shakespeares early life in Stratford that might have contributed to his future success as a playwright? Shakespeare was a man eager to learn and determined to succee

37、d. Find examples from the text to illustrate that. . Summary(小结) 1. Ask the students to remember key words and expressions in Text A. And conclude the general idea of section A2. Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII. Homework (作业)Home reading: The Best Playwright i

38、n England by Jennifer Bassett Discuss the questions in small groupsLearn about reading skillsPractice Fast ReadingPreview Unit 4 Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeI. Teaching Objectives(教学目标) Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Get to know the relationsh

39、ip between shade coffee plantation and migratory birds and the importance of conserving migratory birds and their habitats.II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点)1. The usage of new words and phrases2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to

40、identify the Main Idea.4. Reading skills: Understanding the TopicIII. Teaching Methods(教学方法)Teaching Discussing Practicing IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periodsV. Teaching Content(教学内容)1. Related InformationUnder the category Research on coffee growing, you can see a list of some of the earlier researc

41、h on bird diversity on coffee plantations. Some facts gleaned from this research include:The majority of bird species in shade coffee plantations are feeding in the shaded overstory, not in the coffee. The coffee shrubs themselves offer few resources. This is why sun coffee monocultures do not suppo

42、rt a diversity of birds. The value of coffee farms is dependent largely upon the diversity of their canopy: both the number of different species and the structural complexity of the canopy. Invertebrates and nectar are the most important food sources for birds in coffee plantations, so coffee farms

43、are especially important to bird species that feed on these resources. Migratory birds are more flexible in their habitat requirements, and do better in coffee plantations than many resident species, which are more sensitive to habitat changes. Inga trees are especially important overstory species.

44、Use of coffee plantations by migrant birds is highly seasonal. Of course, North American migrants are only present in the tropics during spring and fall migration and in winter. However, even during winter some migrants, in particular those that feed on nectar or fruit, tend to increase in number fr

45、om early to late winter in plantations where these resources are available. Three North American migrants are strongly associated with the flowering of Inga trees: Baltimore Oriole (above), Orchard Oriole, and Tennessee Warbler. Here is a list of North American species that use coffee plantations. R

46、esident birds that make altitudinal migrations (up and downslope) also take advantage of flower crops available at shade coffee plantations, and are therefore more common at certain times of the season that others. The elevation of the plantations must be taken into account, because bird species composition and abundance vary depending on elevations; highlands are particularly important. Likewise, when examining

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