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1、焊接质量手册Welding Quality Manual批准Approved by:XXXXXXX审核/Reviewed by:XXXXXXX编制/Compiled by:XXXXXXX版次/Reversion:XX受控号/Control No.: 发布/Issue date: XXXXXXXXX目录/Content章节号Chapter标题Subject页码Page颁布令/Statement3前言/ Forward41应用范围/ Scope62参考标准/ Normative reference63术语及定义/ Terms and definitions84缩写词介绍/ Abbreviation

2、95要求评审和技术评审/Review of requirements and technical review106分承包/ Sub-contracting147焊接人员/ Welding personnel158实验及检验人员/ Inspection and testing personnel199设备/ Equipment2010焊接及相关活动/ Welding and related activities2511焊接材料/ Welding consumables3012母材的贮存/ Storage of parent materials3213焊后热处理/ Post-weld heat

3、treatment3314实验及检验/ Inspection and testing3415不符合项及纠正措施/ Non conformance and corrective actions4316测量、检验及实验设备的校准/ Calibration and validation of measuring, inspection and testing equipment4617标识及可追溯性/ Identification and traceability4718质量报告/ Quality records48附录 A Annex A任命书/ Appointment50附录 BAnnex B焊

4、接组织结构图/ Structure chart of welding coordination organization51附录 CAnnex C焊接职责分工/ Responsibilities of welding coordinators52附录 DAnnex D部门职责/ Responsibilities of all the departments59附录 EAnnex E修改控制/ Modification control63颁布令Statement本手册是公司焊接质量工作的纲领性文件,是实施焊接工作的行为规范,员工必须严格贯彻执行,以保证公司焊接质量管理体系得到有效运行,确保产品焊

5、接质量持续满足顾客及有关法律法规的要求,本手册现进行换版并正式颁布,于2012年4月1日起实施。This manual is guideline to welding quality of our company, is the highest rule for welding activities, all staff must strictly comply with it in order to ensure that welding quality management system get to be run effectively and that welding quality

6、of products continuously meet with requirements of customers and relevant laws or specifications. Now this manual is revision and issued officially and to be implemented on 1st.April.2012.总经理: General manager前言ForwardXXXXXXX有限公司(以下简称为公司)成立于20XX年,位于中国XXX城河北省XXXXXX。公司由XXXXXX和XXXXXX有限公司合资建立(以下简称XXX),目前

7、主要为XXX供应轨道车辆的铝制品部件,大量的为焊接件。XXXX Co.,Ltd (following will call it “the company”) was built-up in 20XXX. It is in the “XXXX” XXXXX city, Hebei province. The company is jointed venture by XXXXXX Group (following will call it XXXXl”) and XXXXX Co.,Ltd (following will call it “XXXXX”). The companys major

8、business is to supply aluminum alloy parts of railway vehicle to XXXXXX including a lot of weldments.根据公司生产产品的特点,决定按照“ISO 3834-2:2005 完整质量要求”做焊接质量控制体系管理。本手册编制于公司成立初期,主要为申请EN 15085-2 CL 1级资质认证,所以此手册在编制过程中将EN 15085-2的所有具体要求都会考虑到,并且结合EN 15085的第3至5部分的要求。另外,公司做ISO 9001或者其他质量体系认证时,此手册可作为其质量手册的分册,相应地,根据ISO

9、 3834系列标准和ISO 9001标准的关系,焊接质量管理体系可作为ISO 9001质量管理体系的子体系。The company decides to perform welding quality control system management according to “ISO 3834-2:2005 Comprehensive quality requirements” considering the characteristic of products of our company. This manual is prepared at the beginning period

10、after setting up the company, its major objective is to apply “EN 15085-2 CL 1” certification. All the specific requirements of this standard and the third to the fifth part of the series standard “EN 15085” will be considered. Furthermore, if the company determines to apply ISO 9001 or other qualit

11、y management system, this manual can be treated as a sub manual of quality manual according to ISO 9001 or other quality system. Corresponding, welding quality management system can be treated as sub system of quality system according to ISO 9001 based on the relation between ISO 3834 and ISO 9001.在

12、手册的具体编制过程中,为了便于对照ISO 3834-2进行检阅、审核,编制顺序基本上是完全按照ISO 3834-2进行,各个条款的标题基本上和该标准一致,除了第三条款以外。具体内容以ISO 3834-2的要求为基础,全面考虑到EN 15085的相应部分的相关条款的要求,结合公司实际,充分考虑到操作性而编制成。尽管如此,受各种条件制约,此手册在实际使用中可能会被发现有一些不合理的地方,从而需要修改,修改时一定要经过相关人员的协商并得到最高管理者的批准才能生效。In the process of preparing this manual, the compiling sequence was i

13、n ccordance with ISO 3834-2:2005 in order to be convenient for checking and auditing. All the titles of corresponding clause are in accordance with ISO 3834-2:2005 besides clause 3. The content of this manual is based on the requirements of ISO 3834-2:2005, comprehensively consider the requirements

14、of all the parts of EN 15085 and the actual status and operability. However, because of some reasons, this manual will be found that some requirements are unreasonable and need to be modified. Any modification must get approval of the general manager.1 应用范围/ Scope 本手册规定了影响到产品焊接质量的所有因素,适用于公司所有涉及到焊接的产

15、品,涉及到多个业务部门,因此作为本公司的焊接质量控制的纲领性文件。 This manual specifies all requirements for all factors that can influence welding quality of products. Its suitable for all the products involved in welding processing. Many departments of the company will be involved. This manual shall be regarded as guideline of t

16、he company in the aspect of welding quality management.2 参考标准/ Normative reference 引用标准中凡注明年号的,应该按此版本,未注明的使用其最新版本。 For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 3834-1:2005 金属材料熔化焊的质

17、量要求-第一部分 相应质量要求等级的选择准则 ISO 3834-1:2005 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials-Part 1 Criteria for the selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements ISO 3834-2:2005 金属材料熔化焊的质量要求-第二部分 完整质量要求 ISO 3834-2:2005 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materia

18、ls-Part 2 Comprehensive quality requirements ISO 3834-5:2005 金属材料熔化焊的质量要求-第五部分 确认符合质量要求所需的文件 ISO 3834-5:2005 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic EN 15085系列标准(1-5部分) EN 15085:2008 series standard(part 1-5) EN287-1焊工考试-熔化焊-第一部分 钢EN287-1 Qualification test of welders-Fusion welding-Part

19、 1 SteelsISO 9606-2焊工考试-熔化焊-第二部分 铝及铝合金 ISO 9606-2 Qualification test of welders-Fusion welding-Part 2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. EN 473 无损检测-人员的资格认证 EN 473 Non-destructive testing-Qualification and Certification of personnel ISO 13916 焊接-预热温度、道间温度及预热维持温度的测定 ISO 13916 Guidance on the measurement

20、 of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature for welding ISO 14731 焊接管理-任务及职责 ISO 14731:2008 Welding coordination-Tasks and Responsibilities ISO 15607 金属材料焊接工艺规程及评定-一般规则 ISO 15607:2003 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materia

21、ls-General rules ISO 15609系列标准 ISO 15609 series standard ISO 1561015614系列标准 ISO 1561015614 series standard ISO 1763517640系列标准 ISO 1763517640 series standard ISO/TR 17663 焊接-与焊接及相关工艺有关的热处理质量要求指南 ISO/TR 17663 Welding-Guidelines for quality requirements for heat treatment in connection with welding and

22、 allied processes. ISO 5817:2003 钢、镍、钛及其合金的弧焊(电子束焊除外)接头-缺陷质量等级 ISO 5817:2003 Welding-Fusion welded joints in steels, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded)-Quality levels for imperfections ISO 10042:2006 铝及其合金的弧焊接头-缺陷质量等级 ISO 10042:2006 Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloy

23、s-Quality levels for imperferctions3 术语及定义/ Terms and definitions 见ISO 3834-1:2005,EN 15085 系列标准。鉴于这两个标准都是英文版的,为了不至于被混乱的称呼,在此统一一下一些定义的标准中文名称。 See ISO 3834-1:2005 and EN 15085:2008 series standard. Because these two standards are all English revision, hereby list the English terms and Chinese terms c

24、orrespondingly. Welding coordinators:焊接管理者 Responsible welding coordinator: 焊接主管 Deputy of the responsible welding coordinator:焊接主管代表 Deputy of the welding coordinator:焊接管理者代表 Welding coordination organization:焊接管理机构 在我公司,焊接管理机构就是焊接中心。根据EN 15085-2的5.3条规定,焊接主管只有在属于公司的一个组织部门中,且在面临技术问题时能够不受生产压力做出指导和决定才

25、能无保留地承担起符合ISO 14731的任务和职责。所以,公司必须设立焊接管理机构,即焊接中心。 In our company, welding coordination organization is “Welding Center”. According to EN 15085-2:2008 clause 5.3, responsible welding coordinator can only be recognized if they are involved in the organization of the company in such a way that they can

26、accept their tasks and responsibility without reservation according to ISO 14731. For this purpose they shall have the authority to issue instructions and make decisions when there are technical problems independent of manufacturing pressures. So the company must set up “Welding Center”.根据企业实际运行情况,增

27、加关于“主管焊接工程师”的定义。所谓“主管焊接工程师”是指:主要负责某个(些)订单项目的所有或部分焊接产品的焊接技术工作。As actual management method hereby specify the definition of “responsible welding engineer”. Responsible welding engineer is that in charge of all welding technique job of one (some) project(s). 4 缩写词介绍/ AbbreviationsIWE 国际焊接工程师/Internatio

28、nal Welding EngineerIWT 国际焊接技术员/ International Welding TechnologistIWS 国际焊接技师/ International Welding SpecialistIWP 国际焊接技士/ International Welding PractitionerIWIP国际焊接质检人员/ International Welding Inspection PersonnelNDT无损检测/ Non-destructive TestingVT外观检验/ Visual InspectionpWPS焊接工艺预规程/ preliminary Weldi

29、ng Procedure SpecificationWPS焊接工艺规程/ Welding Procedure SpecificationWPQR焊接工艺评定报告/ Welding Procedure Qualification RecordWI作业指导书/ Work InstructionNCR不符合报告/ Non-conformance RecordQC质量检查/ Quality Check5 要求评审和技术评审/ Review of requirements and technical review5.1 总则/ General公司应针对顾客提出的招标书、询价书、合同、技术草案等要求,在承

30、诺前组织相关人员进行要求评审;以确保在接受订单、合同前,有足够的资源(包括设备、人员等)保证产品能按期交货,要求清晰、明确,不一致的方面已得到双方的沟通和认可,且有能力满足要求。当正式合同与先前的投标书、报价书、合同、技术草案所规定的内容存在差异或变化,应确保差异或变化部分易于识别,同时应让顾客清楚地了解由此所带来的控制、成本、进度的所有变化。 The company shall organize relevant personnel to review requirements of customer before promise (sign formal contract), such r

31、equirements may be shown in bidding documents, inquiry documents, contract, technique draft etc. , to ensure that the company has adequate resource (e.g. equipment, staff), the company can delivery on the time and all the requirements have been clarified, conflicting have been agreed before acceptin

32、g order or contract. If there is deference or variation between formal contract and previous bidding documents, quotation, contract (non formal) and technique draft, the company must ensure that the difference or variation easy to be distinguished , at the same time the company shall let customer kn

33、ow all the variation in the aspect of control, cost, progress etc.在焊接结构件的生产制造前,应对结构件的焊接技术、质量要求开展技术评审,确认与焊接相关的信息是否完整和适用,以确保能够按图纸、标准、合同及技术协议有计划地开展后序的焊接工作。 The company shall organize technical review before manufacturing weldments about welding technique, quality requirement and confirm completeness an

34、d suitability of all the information related welding to ensure that the company can carry out welding activity orderly according to drawings, standards, contract and technical agreement.5.2 要求评审/ Review of requirements项目部在向顾客提供产品的承诺前,应按规定组织进行要求评审,评审的内容应包括: Project department shall organize review of

35、 requirement before providing promise to customer. The contents of review shall include the following:a)将采用的产品标准及所有附加要求;the product standard to be used, together with any supplementary requirements;b)法定(法规)及常规要求; statutory and regulatory requirements;c)制造商确定的所有附加要求; any additional requirement determ

36、ined by the company;d)制造商满足描述要求的能力。 the capability of the company to meet the prescribed requirements.为满足顾客产品所涉及的焊接质量要求,项目部在评审前必须通知主管焊接工程师参加,相关评审记录必须有主管焊接工程师的签字认可。当合同中有关焊接技术质量要求的内容发生变更,项目部应通知主管焊接工程师对变更的内容进行评审。项目部负责保留要求评审的相关记录。 For satisfying the welding quality requirements of products of customer,

37、project department must notify responsible welding engineer to attend review meeting. Review record must have signature of responsible welding engineer. When relevant welding quality requirements in contract have been changed, project department shall notify responsible welding engineer to review ch

38、anged contents. Project department is responsible for saving review record.5.3 技术评审/ Technical review在产品的技术审查阶段,技术工艺部应通知主管焊接工程师参加技术评审,评审的内容应包括: In the process of technical review, technique department shall notify responsible welding engineer to attend technical review. The contents of technical rev

39、iew shall include the following:a)母材技术条件及焊接接头性能; parent material(s) specification and welded joint properties;b)焊缝的质量及合格要求; quality and acceptance requirements for welds;c)焊缝的位置,可达性及次序,包括试验和无损检测的可达性; location, accessibility and sequence of welds, including accessibility for inspection and for non-de

40、structive testing;d)焊接工艺规程、无损检验规程; the specification of welding procedure, non-destructive testing procedures;e)焊接工艺评定所使用的方法; the approach to be used for the qualification of welding procedure;f)人员的认可; the qualification of personnel;g)选择、标识及(或)可追溯性,(如材料、焊缝); selection, identification and/or traceabi

41、lity (e.g. for materials, welds);h)质量控制管理,包括某个独立检验机构的介入; quality-control arrangements, including any involvement of an independent inspection body;I)试验及检验; inspection and testing;j)分承包 sub-contracting;k)焊后热处理; post-weld heat treatment;l)其它焊接要求,如焊接材料的批量试验、焊缝金属的铁素体含量、时效、氢含量、永久衬垫、喷丸、表面加工、焊缝外形; other we

42、lding requirements, e.g. batch testing of consumables, ferrite content of weld metal, ageing, hydrogen content, permanent backing, use of peening, surface finish, weld profile;m)特殊方法的使用,如单面焊时不加衬垫获得全焊透; use of special methods (e.g. to achieve full penetration without backing when welded from one side

43、 only);n)坡口及焊缝的尺寸、细节; dimensions and details of joint preparation and completed weld;o)在车间或其它地方施焊的焊缝; welds which are to be made in the workshop, or elsewhere;p)有关工艺方法应用的环境条件,如很低的大气温度条件或任何有必要提供保护的有害气候条件; environmental conditions relevant to the application of the process (e.g. very low-temperature a

44、mbient conditions or any necessity to provide protection against adverse weather conditions);q)不符合项的管理。 handling of non-conformances;主管焊接工程师应根据上述内容对产品的焊接技术要求进行评审,并签字认可。对于评审时存在的疑问,主管焊接工程师应填入“技术评审记录表”中,并进一步与设计人员进行沟通和确认,所有问题在没有得到有效澄清和解决之前,图纸不得下发使用。如使用顾客提供的图纸,对审查时存在的疑问,应通过项目部与顾客进行沟通,达成一致并形成书面认可文件后,才能实施后

45、序焊接相关活动。图纸通过主管焊接工程师的审核后,签字确认。 Responsible welding engineer shall perform technical review according to upper contents and confirm by signature. For queries found during review, responsible welding engineer shall fill them in “technical review record table” and communicate with designer. Drawings can

46、t be issued before clarifying and solving all the queries. If the company uses drawings of customers, responsible welding engineer shall require project department to communicate with customers when queries are found in the process of review. 如承揽的项目未形成书面合同(如:口头合同),在进行技术评审时,参加评审的焊接人员应考虑“5.2要求评审”中的四项条

47、款内容。 Follow welding activities just can be carried out after getting agreement and formatting formal documents. Responsible welding coordinator shall stamp on the drawing that was reviewed by him/her.6 分承包/ Sub-contracting当公司需要将某些产品或某些服务分包出去时(如焊接、检查、无损检测、热处理),应向分包商提供满足使用要求所需的信息。分包商应按我们的要求,提供其相关工作的报告和文件。 When the company intends to use sub-contracted services or acti

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