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1、2022-2023高三上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1_ you hear from me to the contrary, expect me on Friday at about 6 pm

2、.AUnlessBUntilCWhileDAlthough2These new books are a very welcome _ to the school library.AadditionBarrivalCattitudeDaudience3 We would appreciate it if you could stay for lunch. Sorry, I . I have another appointment.AwontBshantCcantDmustnt4Good food,good sleep,no exerciseThats he gained weight Ahow

3、Bwhen Cwhat Dwhether5I am sorry I am very busy now. If I time, I would certainly go to the movies with you.AhaveBhadChave hadDhad had6OK, here _.Thank you for your lift. See you later.Aare we Bis itCwe are Dcomes it7Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way _ to the Home Circle Buildin

4、g.Aeasy enoughBenough easyCeasily enoughDenough easily8I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise, I _ you waiting for such a long time.Ahad not keptBwill not keepCwould not have keptDhave not kept9The house _ I live in is very small.A that B whom C when D what10He was greatly shocked

5、 at Donald Trumps taking office. Never did he expect that the voters _ be so unreasonable.Ashould BcouldCwould Dmight11After looking at many new cars, I found _ which I would accept just as suitable.AitBthisCthatDone12What about inviting Tracy to host the party?Good idea! She is very quick in mind.

6、Oh, _, here she comes.Adont pull my legBa little bird told meCspeak of the devilDits a piece of cake13We have decided to fulfill the task in time, difficulties we may meet with.Ano matter howBhoweverCwhateverDwhichever14Cell phones are now widely used in our daily lives,_ it possible for us to talk

7、to anyone easily.Ato makeBmadeCmakeDmaking15But for the metal cage to pull the miners to safety, the miners in Chile _ in less than twenty-four hours.Awould not be rescuedBwould not have been rescuedCwould be rescuedDwould have been rescued16If we want students to become effective in multicultural s

8、ettings, one thing is clear: there is no _ for practice.Aprescription BsubstituteCappetite Dsuspension17- Ann, our department may be named the Department of the Year because of the outstanding performance.- _.A Good to know B Ill sayC I hear you on that one D Cant argue with that18Recently, a progra

9、mmer criticized the “996” work schedule _ employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week, with the prospect of ending up in an intensive care unit.AwhereBwhenCwhichDwhose19Every man has his faults. We should, therefore, lean to be _ of others.AignorantBresponsibleCreliableDtolerant20Check your pape

10、r carefully to see _ you have made any mistakes.AwhatBwhichCwhetherDthat第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) We are obsessed (迷恋)with ourselves. We study our history, our psychology, our philosophy. Much of our knowledge revolves (使旋转)around humankind itself, as if we were the mos

11、t important thing in the universe.But in the course of the centuries we have come to realize just how many wrong ideas weve had. We have learned of the existence of black holes, waves of space, and of the extraordinary molecular structures in every cell of our bodies.The more we discover, the more w

12、e understand that what we dont yet know is greater than what we know. The more powerful our telescopes, the stranger and more unexpected are the heavens we see. The closer we look at the minute detail of matter, the more we discover of its profound structure.In a famous story told by Plato in the se

13、venth book of The Republic, some men are chained at the bottom of a dark cave and see only shadows cast upon a wall by a fire behind them. They think that this is reality. One of them frees himself, leaves the cave and discovers the light of the sun and the wider world. At first the light, to which

14、his eyes are unaccustomed, stuns and confuses him. But eventually he can see and returns excitedly to his companions to tell them what he has seen. They find it hard to believe.We are all in the depths of a cave, chained by our ignorance, our prejudices, and our weak senses reveal only shadows. If w

15、e try to see further, we are confused: we are unaccustomed. But we try. This is science. Scientific thinking explores and redraws the world, gradually offering us better and better images of it, teaching us to think in ever more effective ways. Its strength is its capacity to demolish (推翻)old ideas,

16、 to reveal new regions of reality, and to construct new, more effective images of the world. This adventure rests upon the entirety of past knowledge, but at its heart is change.The incompleteness and the uncertainty of our knowledge, hung over the abyss (深渊) of what we dont know, does not make life

17、 meaningless: it makes it interesting and precious.1、What does the author want to tell us in the first three paragraphs?AThe new discoveries of the universe prove to be wrong.BMan has created splendid cultures in the course of centuries.COur knowledge of the universe is incomplete and uncertain.DThe

18、 existing technologies are enough for further exploration.2、The story told by Plato is meant to .Amake us aware of the cruelty of realityBencourage us to explore the unknown worldCapplaud the heroic deeds of chasing freedomDjustify our ignorance and prejudice about the world3、What does the author wa

19、nt to stress in the passage?AExploring the universe makes our life meaningful.BLeaving things as they are makes our life perfect.CNew discoveries of the universe will cause confusion.DPast knowledge prevents us constructing a new world.22(8分)Young sunflowers turn and swing every day. New findings ad

20、d to evidence that the plants are animal-like.Harmer, a professor in the University of California at Davis, Department of Plant Biology, carried out a series of experiments on sunflowers in the field, in pots outdoors and in indoor growth chambers.By staking plants so that they could not move, Harme

21、r showed that he could destroy their ability to track the sun. He also noticed that sunflowers prevented from moving were not as tough and leafy as those that were free to move. When plants were moved indoor with a settled overhead light, they continued to swing back and forth for a few days.The ind

22、oor plants did start tracking the “sun” again when the apparent source of lighting was moved across the room. The plants could reliably track the movement and return at night when the artificial day was close to a 24-hour cycle, but not when it was closer to 30 hours.When sunflowers track the sun, t

23、he east sides of their stems grew more rapidly than the west sides. At night, the west sides grew faster as the stem swung the other way. The team identified a number of genes that were expressed at higher levels on the sunward side of the plant during the day or on the other side at night. A plant

24、growth-regulating hormone (激素), called auxin, appears to be a key driver.The “dance” to the sun cycle obviously slows when the sunflower matures (成熟) and its flowers open up. At that point, the plants stop moving during the day and settle down facing the sun in the east.“Bees like warm flowers.” Har

25、mer said, adding that the bees are cold-blooded, so landing on a warm flower saves them energy and perhaps feels really good.“The morning warmth changes the flowers in a way to make them more appealing to insects, perhaps causing them to release more attractive scents earlier in the day.” he said “W

26、ere currently testing this idea.”1、Why did Harmer do the experiment on sunflowers?ATo see how sunflowers grow upBTo show what sunflowers genes are.CTo study why sunflowers track the sun.DTo check if sunflowers swing in cloudy days.2、What does the underlined word “staking” probably mean in Paragraph

27、3?Atracking BfiningCgrowing Dsearching3、What is the result of sunflowers being stopped from moving?AThey will produce a number of new genes.BThey will grow faster than usual.CThey wont swing back though set free.DThey wont grow well.4、What is the advantage of sunflowers dance to the sun?AThey attrac

28、t more insects. BThey save more energy.CThey mature more rapidly. DThey produce more flowers.23(8分)China became the first country to clone a monkey using non-reproductive cells, reducing the need to breed lab monkeys and paving the way for more accurate, effective and affordable animal tests for new

29、 drugs, scientists said on Thursday .By December, the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had created two clone macaques(猕猴) named”Zhong Zhong” and “Hua Hua” by nuclear transferring of somatic cells(体细胞)-any cell in the organism other than reproductive cells.Tetra, a monkey

30、born in 1999, is the worlds first cloned monkey, but it was done by using a simpler method called embryo splitting(胚胎分割); but it could only generate four cloned offspring at a time and cannot be genetically changed to suit the experimental need.Cloning a monkey using somatic cells has been a world-c

31、lass challenge because it is a primate(灵长类) that shares its genetic makeup, and therefore all of its complexity, with humans.For drug and other lab tests, scientists have to purchase monkeys from all over the world, which is costly and bad for the environment, and produces inaccurate results because

32、 each monkey might have different genes.By cloning monkey using somatic cells, we can massively cultivate large numbers of genetically identical offspring in a short amount of time, and we can even change their genes to suit our needs. This can save time, cut down experiment costs, and produce more

33、accurate results, leading to more effective medicine.Sun Qiang, director of the non-human primate research facility at the institute, said most of the drug trials are currently done on lab mice. However, drugs that work on mice might not work or even have severe side effects on humans because the tw

34、o species are so different“Monkeys and humans are both primates, so they are much closely related and testing on monkeys is supposed to be as effective as testing on humans,”he said. This is especially useful in testing drugs for neural(神经的) diseases such as Parkinsons disease, metabolic syndrome(代谢

35、综合症) and immune system diseases, and tumors, he added.“This achievement will help China lead the world research in the international science projects related to neural mapping of primate brains, he said. However, bio labs from the United States, Japan, and European countries are also very capable, a

36、nd they will quickly catch up with China after the monkey cloning technology is made public, Sun added.“This means we have to innovate continuously and work extra hard this year to stay ahead, he said.1、Which of the following is the most important factor in cloning macaques named Zhong Zhong and Hua

37、 Hua?AReproductive cells. BSomatic cellsCNeural mapping. DGenetic makeup2、Why is cloning monkeys so difficult?ABecause it is bad for our environment.BBecause each monkey might have different genes.CBecause monkeys genetic makeup is as complicated as humans.DBecause it is too expensive to work on the

38、ir genetic makeup.3、What is the main idea of Paragraph 8?AThe cure for neural diseases.BThe process of cloning monkeys.CThe significance of cloning monkeys.DThe close relations between monkeys and humans.4、What can we infer from this passage?AMore effective medicine will be produced.BDrug trials on

39、lab mice will be abandoned.CChina is the first country to have cloned monkeys.DChina will stay ahead of the world in cloning.24(8分)Two Interesting StoriesShaving Away the EyebrowsSi Burgher had some of the longest eyebrows in Indiana. They were so long that he had to brush them every day so that the

40、y did not look like a wild hair. They measured more than three inches in length. However, according to NBC News, the one thing that was even more important to him was the Bloomfield Rotary Clubs campaign to end polio (脊髓灰质炎). According to MSN.com, it started out as a light-hearted joke in which his

41、fellow club members said that people would probably pay to trim (修剪) his eyebrows. After thinking about it, Burgher agreed.Tickets for trimming Burghers eyebrows started at $100 for a swipe (刮) with the razor. The first person in line was his wife. With each eyebrow taking eight swipes to finish off

42、, Burgher managed to raise $ 1,600 for the polio cure. His wife told reporters that she was delighted with his new look and that it made him look kind and handsome.Stunt (特技) DrivingAccording to the report from World of D, Sue Harding hated the stereotype (成见) that librarians were boring just as muc

43、h as she cared for the doctors and nurses in the Warwickshire and Northampton Air Ambulance Service. She came up with the idea to get rid of the stereotype by involving herself in a stunt driving course. In the process she raised funds. According to the Times, people could come out and watch. All ea

44、rnings were to be donated to the Warwickshire and Northampton Air Ambulance Service.When the big day came, her stunt driving skills turned out to be quite impressive for a librarian. She put the stunt car through the paces, throwing handbreak turns and following the speed and shoot chase formation.

45、Not only did it get rid of the stereotype but it also raised money for the Ambulance Service.1、What caused Si Burgher to have his eyebrows trimmed?AThe club members joke. BA report from NBC News.CHis wifes encouragement. DHis wish for handsomeness.2、What is Sue Harding?AA reporter. BA librarian.CA d

46、octor. DA nurse.3、What did Si Burgher and Sue Harding have in common?AThey collected money for others. BThey paid for interesting stories.CThey took part in a clubs campaign. DThey were tired of their boring jobs.25(10分) Depression and suicidal thoughts have doubled in young Americans, according to

47、a new study from the American Psychological Association.Likely triggers? Cell phones and social media.“More US adolescents and young adults in the late 20s, vs the mid-10s, experienced serious psychological distress, major depression and more attempted suicide (自杀)”, says lead researcher Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University. “These trends are w

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