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1、Unit 9 TSchindlers List (辛德勒的名单)I. Understanding the Movie1Background Information辛德勒的名单是犹太导演斯皮尔伯格对二战期间德国纳粹屠杀万犹太人惨剧的回顾,影片以悲观阴郁的基调和富于强烈戏剧张力的惊悚元素,透过主人公辛德勒的眼睛,重回二战时波兰的科拉科,带领人们经历这个城市从繁荣到废墟的一切,同时在那个没有人性的年代中努力寻找人性的微芒,最终揭示了一个主题人类的良知在任何恶劣的境况中都不会完全地泯灭。值得一提的是,斯皮尔伯格并不想以历史仇恨或历史批判的眼光来处理这个题材,不是要揭开历史的伤疤,加深它的痛楚,他只是想


3、得了奥斯卡最佳导演奖,对于他的才华来说,这是一份迟到的肯定。第届奥斯卡奖评委会辛德勒的名单具有回顾历史、发人沉思的艺术效果,我迫切要求你们去看看这部影片。美国前总统克林顿它让德国感到震惊,让世界感到震惊,它真实地再现了纳粹屠杀犹太人的恐怖罪行,它让我们重新回忆和审视那段历史,我们愿以真挚无华的追思,共同思考和感受那段历史的伤痛。德国前总统罗曼赫尔佐克对于我来说这是一次全新的体验,这次我感到重要的不是我的想像力,而是我的良心,突然间,我一惯用来逃避现实的摄像机直面现实,在拍摄中我哭了,我每天都流下了热泪。史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格年 月,德军在两周内攻占了波兰,犹太人的生活从此陷入了黑暗。刚从家乡来到科拉

4、科的德国人奥斯卡辛德勒想要借着战争发财,于是他买下一个经营不善的搪瓷厂以生产食用器皿,供应军需。他找到犹太人斯泰恩,要他当会计师和助手来管理工厂。在科拉科,犹太人是最便宜的劳工,因此,辛德勒的工厂只使用犹太人。年 月日,科拉科的犹太人遭到了惨绝人寰的大屠杀。亲眼目睹这一切的辛德勒受到了极大的震撼,他决定去找党卫军司令官阿蒙戈特,让他批准将自己的工厂定为一个附属劳役营,重新恢复生产,并向戈特许诺只要能达到目的一定会给他令人满意的报答。在德军疯狂屠杀犹太人的日子里,辛德勒开设的工厂成为了众多犹太人的避难所。年月,戈特奉上级之命要把剩下的犹太人运往奥斯威辛集中营。辛德勒清楚奥斯威辛集中营的可怖,他立




8、史经常被改写。财富是不是能取代人生的价值,历史是不是能抹煞存在的记忆是良心发现还是信仰发生?发现和发生一样地重要,否则,没有发现,生命的起点不会实现人生的目标;没有发生,人生的目标会违背人生的起点。发生让人们有根据,发现让人们做见证。身为这场战争的亲临者和目击者,辛德勒开始重新思考价值发生的根据,重新思考记忆发现的见证。于是,辛德勒以生产军火需要大量劳力的名义,开始用战争期间赚来的金钱买下一个个必遭集中营厄运的犹太人,辛德勒的名单救下了名犹太人。战争结束了,德国人失败了,工人们获得了生存的自由。“辛德勒的名单”作为价值让世人测度它的财富,“辛德勒的名单”作为记忆让世人缅怀它的历史。2. Syn

9、opsis 德国投机商人辛德是个国社党(即纳粹党)党员。他好女色,会享受,是地方上有名的纳粹中坚分子。他善于利用与关系攫取最大的利润。在被占领的波兰,犾太人是最便宜的劳工。因此,辛德勒的工厂只使用犾太人。然而这些人得到这份工作也就得到了暂时的安全,作为战争产品的生产者而免受屠杀。辛德勒的工厂成了犾太人的避难所。然而纳粹对犾太人的残酷迫害使辛德勒越来越不满,1943年,纳粹对克拉科夫犾太人的残酷血洗使辛德勒对纳粹的最后一点幻想也破灭了,他清楚纳粹对犾太人的屠杀和奥斯威辛集中营的可怖。从那时起,辛德勒只有一个想法,尽可能多的保护犾太人,使其免受奥斯威辛的死亡。他制定了一份声称工厂正常运转所“必须”


11、的犾太人而感到痛苦。辛德勒为他的救赎行动,已竭尽所能。他的全部财产都已用于挽救犾太人的生命。大雪之中,犾太人目送辛德勒离开了城市。他的义举永远被犾太人们铭记在心。3. Overview译名辛德勒的名单; 片名Schindlers List 年代1993; 国家美国; 类别剧情/历史/战争; 语言英语导演史蒂文斯皮尔伯格 Steven Spielberg 主演利亚姆尼森 Liam Neeson本金斯利 Ben Kingsley拉尔夫费因斯 Ralph Fiennes卡洛林古德尔 Caroline Goodall艾伯斯戴维斯 Embeth DavidtzII. Excerpts from the

12、MovieExcerpt 1(酒过三巡,辛德勒Shindler与纳粹军官阿蒙哥特Amon Goeth到阳台闲聊。平常,Goeth经常无缘无故开枪射击,乱杀无辜,他认为,随意杀人就是权力。Shindler却说,“正义”才是能让一个人操生杀大权的原因,宽恕才是权力。) Goeth: You know, I look at you. I watch you, and youre never drunk. Oh, thats.thats real control. Control is power. Thats power. Is that why they fear us? We have the

13、fucking power to kill, thats why they fear us. They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily. A man commits a crime, he should know better. We have him killed, and feel good about it. Or we kill him ourselves and we feel even better. Shindler: Thats not power, though. Thats justice. Its

14、 different than power. Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we dont.Goeth: You think thats power? Shindler: Thats what the emperors had. A man stole something; hes brought in before the emperor. He throws himself down on the ground, he begs for mercy. He knows hes going to die. And

15、 the emperor. pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go. Goeth: I think you are drunk.Shindler: Thats power, Amon.Excerpt 2今天是个历史时刻。今天会被人铭记心头。很多年后依然会有年轻人带着崇敬的心情问起今天发生的一切。今天将被载入史册,而你就是其中的一部分。600年前,犹太人背负着传播黑死病的罪名,所谓的卡奇米尔兹大帝告诉他们可以去克拉科夫。于是他们就来了。他们带着全部的家当进驻到这个城市。他们就这么定居下来,掌控了这里。他们大兴商业、科学、教育和艺术。他们当初

16、一无所有,两手空空却居然平地起高楼。六个世纪以来,克拉科夫一直被犹太人霸占着。想想吧,就在今夜过后,那六个世纪就将成为传说。什么也没发生过。今天我们将改写历史。Amon Goeth: Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it. Six hundred years ago when elsewhere they were footing the bl

17、ame for the Black Death, Casimir the Great - so called - told the Jews they could come to Krakow. They came. They trundled their belongings into the city. They settled. They took hold. They prospered in business, science, education, the arts. With nothing they came and with nothing they flourished.

18、For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow. Think about that. By this evening those six centuries will be a rumor. They never happened. Today is history.Excerpt 3(对犹太工人)刚刚德国已经宣布无条件投降。今天午夜时分,战争即将结束。明天你们就能去寻找你们幸存的家人。但对大部分人来说,可能是无果的。长达六年的杀戮后,全世界都在为这些受难者哀悼。但我们幸存了下来。你们中的很多人曾经上前亲自感谢我。感谢你们自己吧。感谢你们无所畏

19、惧的斯特恩,以及你们身边彼此关怀、并时刻共赴死亡威胁的人。我是一名纳粹份子,一名军火商,还从奴役劳工中获得了暴利。我是一个罪犯。今夜零点过后,你们将获得自由,而我就将成为逃犯。我会同你们一起待到零时5分,但届时请原谅我不得不远走高飞。(对德军守卫)我知道你们从司令官那里接到了来自他上司的指令,要求你们处决这个集中营里所有的囚犯。现在正是动手的好时候。他们就在这儿,他们全在这儿。这是你们的大好机会。或者,你们也可以选择离开,堂堂正正地回到家人身边,而不是成为刽子手。(对犹太工人)为了纪念你们民族无数的受难者,我建议我们共同默哀三分钟。(Addressing his workers at the

20、end of the war)Oskar Schindler: The unconditional surrender of Germany has just been announced. At midnight tonight, the war is over. Tomorrow youll begin the process of looking for survivors of your families. In most cases. you wont find them. After six long years of murder, victims are being mourn

21、ed throughout the world. Weve survived. Many of you have come up to me and thanked me. Thank yourselves. Thank your fearless Stern, and others among you who worried about you and faced death at every moment. I am a member of the Nazi Party. Im a munitions manufacturer. Im a profiteer of slave labor.

22、 I am. a criminal. At midnight, youll be free and Ill be hunted. I shall remain with you until five minutes after midnight, after which time - and I hope youll forgive me - I have to flee.(He addresses the factorys SS guards)Oskar Schindler: I know you have received orders from our commandant, which

23、 he has received from his superiors, to dispose of the population of this camp. Now would be the time to do it. Here they are; theyre all here. This is your opportunity. Or, you could leave, and return to your families as men instead of murderers.(the guards gradually exit; he addresses the workers

24、again)Oskar Schindler: In memory of the countless victims among your people, I ask us to observe three minutes of silence.III. TasksTask 1. Play reading the excerpts of the movieTask 2. Read the commentary on the movie in part IV, and try to make your commentsIV. Commentary1. Based on a true story,

25、SCHINDLERS LIST is Steven Spielbergs epic drama of World War II Holocaust survivors and the man who unexpectedly came to be their saviour. Unrepentant womaniser and war profiteer Oskar Schindler uses Polish Jews as cheap labour to produce cookware for the Third Reich. But after witnessing the violen

26、t liquidation of the walled ghetto where the Krakow Jews have been forced to live, Schindler slowly begins to realise the immense evil of Nazism. When his own employees are sent to a work camp, they come under the terrorising reign of sadistic Nazi Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes). With the help of his ac

27、countant, Itzhak Stern (Ben Kingsley), Schindler creates a list of essential Jews. Bribing Goeth, Schindler manages to get 1,100 people released from the camp and brought to the safety of his munitions factory in Czechoslovakia. Spielbergs glorious film is wondrously evocative, visually stunning, an

28、d emotionally stirring.2. Schindlers List was among the major cultural events of 1993, a superbly realized remembrance of European Jews who suffered genocidal persecution during World War II. As a film, it transcends critical evaluation with its overwhelming social message. Nonetheless, specific asp

29、ects of the film stand out, in particular Liam Neesons complex performance as the humane industrialist who protects his workers from the horrors of German concentration camps. Widely considered director Steven Spielbergs masterpiece, Schindlers List is a landmark moment in cinema. It is frequently u

30、sed as a teaching tool, and it has helped ensure a public awareness of Nazi atrocities for years to come. Richard Gilliam Based on a true story, Steven Spielbergs Schindlers List stars Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler, a German businessman in Poland who sees an opportunity to make money from the Nazis

31、 rise to power. He starts a company to make cookware and utensils, using flattery and bribes to win military contracts, and brings in accountant and financier Itzhak Stern (Ben Kingsley) to help run the factory. By staffing his plant with Jews whove been herded into Krakows ghetto by Nazi troops, Sc

32、hindler has a dependable unpaid labor force. For Stern, a job in a war-related plant could mean survival for himself and the other Jews working for Schindler. However, in 1942, all of Krakows Jews are assigned to the Plaszow Forced Labor Camp, overseen by Commandant Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes), an em

33、bittered alcoholic who occasionally shoots prisoners from his balcony. Schindler arranges to continue using Polish Jews in his plant, but, as he sees what is happening to his employees, he begins to develop a conscience. He realizes that his factory (now refitted to manufacture ammunition) is the on

34、ly thing preventing his staff from being shipped to the death camps. Soon Schindler demands more workers and starts bribing Nazi leaders to keep Jews on his employee lists and out of the camps. By the time Germany falls to the allies, Schindler has lost his entire fortune and saved 1,100 people from likely death. Schindlers List was nominated for 12 Academy Awards and won seven, including Best Picture and a long-coveted Best Director for Spielberg, and it quickly gained praise as one of the finest American movies about the Holocaust. Mark Deming

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