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1、We are having a class.We are having a class.We are having an English class.We are having an English class.We are learning the present continuous tense.What are we doing now?What are we doing now?What class are we having now?What class are we having now?Welcome to our class!第1页第2页学习目标学习目标一、现在进行时含义一、现

2、在进行时含义二、现在进行时结构二、现在进行时结构三、现在进行时标志三、现在进行时标志四、动词现在分词组成规则四、动词现在分词组成规则五、现在进行时否定句、普通疑问句及特殊五、现在进行时否定句、普通疑问句及特殊 疑问句句式变换疑问句句式变换第3页 一、含义:一、含义:现在进行时态表示现在进行时态表示现在现在(说话瞬间)(说话瞬间)正在正在进行或发生动作。进行或发生动作。第4页Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.Tony is eating a delicious ice cream.Wang Hui is takin

3、g some photos.Lingling is buying a few presents.Daming is having lunch and lying in the sun.Were enjoying the school trip a lot.Theyre working.People arent having dinner.Children are starting their lessons.第5页二、现在进行时基本结构现在进行时基本结构:(助动词)be(not)+(动词现在分词)V-ing助动词be随人称变为 am,is,are第6页She readisingnow.第7页H

4、e do his homeworkisingnow.第8页He eatisingnow.第9页The man talk on a phone isingnow.第10页Listen!The bird is singing.第11页Look!The boy is play soccer.ing第12页They watch TVareingnow.第13页The man runisningnow.第14页The boy swimismingnow.第15页The teacher writeisnow.ing第16页They dancearenow.ing第17页三、标志:三、标志:现在进行时口诀现

5、在进行时口诀现在进行时正在发生事,现在进行时正在发生事,look,listen,now是标志,是标志,be+Vt.ing不分离。不分离。两个错误要回避,两个错误要回避,一是掉一是掉be,二是掉二是掉ing.第18页四、动词现在分词动词现在分词(V-ing)组成组成:1.普通在动词原形后加普通在动词原形后加ing 如如:read-reading;eat-eating;listen-listening;jump-jumping;2.以不发音以不发音e结尾动词,去掉结尾动词,去掉e再加再加ing 如如:write-writing;make-making;ride-riding;take-taking

6、3.以辅音字母以辅音字母+元音字母元音字母+辅音字母辅音字母(辅元辅)结尾辅元辅)结尾重读闭音节动词,重读闭音节动词,双写末尾双写末尾辅音字母再加辅音字母再加ing 比如比如:sit-sitting;swim-swimming;put-putting;run-running;get-getting 4.特殊改变:特殊改变:lie-lying第19页Do you know how to get“-ing”?Lets try!do _ watch _ clean _ read_ eat_ play_ danc_ writ_ run _ swim _ing ing ing ing ing ing n

7、ing ming ing ing ee第20页1.The child _the windows now.(open)2.The boy _ a picture now.(draw)3.Look!She _ a book.(read)4.I _an e-mail to my pen pal now.(write)5.You _ your homework at home now.(do)6.We _ at school now.(run)7.They _ TV now.(watch)is openingis drawingis readingam writingare doingare runn

8、ingare watching第21页Lets play a game:Are they+v-ing?Is it/he/she+v-ing?第22页Are they dancing?What are they doing now?Yes,they are.NO,they arent.第23页Yes,they are.第24页What is the cat doing?第25页Is it eating something?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.第26页Yes,it is.第27页Whats she doing?Is she eating noodles?第28页No,she

9、isnt.第29页Is the pig?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.第30页Is he?Yes,he is.No,he isnt.第31页Is she?Yes,she is.No,she isnt.第32页1 1.普通疑问句及回答普通疑问句及回答:变普通疑问句变普通疑问句,直接把直接把am/is/aream/is/are提句首提句首,若原句有第一人称若原句有第一人称I/weI/we,把第一人称变成第二人称把第一人称变成第二人称youyou。必定回答必定回答:Yes,:Yes,主语主语+be.+be.否定回答否定回答:No,:No,主语主语+be+not.+be+not.比如:比如

10、:You are drawing a pig.You are drawing a pig.(变普通疑问句,再做必定、否定回答)变普通疑问句,再做必定、否定回答)-Are you draw -Are you drawinging a pig?a pig?-Yes,I am./No,I -Yes,I am./No,Im not.m not.第33页Unit534Is the girl _(get)up?No,she _.What _ she _?She _ _.getting isntisdoingis sleeping第34页2 2.变变特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:什么是特殊疑问句呢?什么是特殊疑问

11、句呢?答:就是对划线部分提问答:就是对划线部分提问/由由“疑问词疑问词+普通疑问句普通疑问句?”组成组成例例:Tom is playing football.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)分析:对分析:对am/is are+Ving+名词,名词,提问要用提问要用what.格式为:格式为:What am/is/are+主语主语+doing?What is Tom doing?第35页结构结构结构结构:be+doing (be要依据主语作人称和数改变要依据主语作人称和数改变)五、句型转换(总结)五、句型转换(总结)1.必定句转换成否定句必定句转换成否定句,要在要在 be 后加后加 not 组成组

12、成eg:We are reading English now.We are not reading English now.2.陈说句转换成普通疑问句陈说句转换成普通疑问句,把把be动词提到句首动词提到句首eg:The student is drinking.Is the student drinking?3.陈说句转换成特殊疑问句陈说句转换成特殊疑问句,由由“疑问词疑问词+普通疑普通疑问句问句”组成组成eg:He is working.What is he doing?第36页课堂小结(课堂小结(summary):):进行时很好记,进行时很好记,be加动词加动词-ing分词组成须仔细,分词组

13、成须仔细,直加双写去哑直加双写去哑e 别说别说be无词义,无词义,主语和它最亲密主语和它最亲密变疑问变疑问be提前,提前,否定否定not在后添在后添何时要用进行时,何时要用进行时,look,listen,now是标志。是标志。第37页Unit538第38页一、选择填空一、选择填空.1.My mother is _TV.A.looking at B.seeing C.reading D.watching2.-_you _a book?-Yes,I am.A.Do,read B.Are,read C.Are,reading D.Are,looking3.Kate _,the others _.A.

14、sing,listen B.is singing,is listening C.sing,are listening D.is singing,are listening4.I _my eraser,but I cant _ it.A.look for,finding B.am finding,look for C.am looking for,find D.find,look forDCDC第39页二、按要求完成各题二、按要求完成各题.1.Look!The cat _(run)up the tree.2.Lily,play,with,her,friends?(连词成句)_3.-_he _(c

15、lean)the blackboard?-No,he isnt.4.Lucy 和和Mary正在打篮球。正在打篮球。(翻译成英语)翻译成英语)_ _5.The boys are playing cards.(划线提问划线提问)is runningis runningIsIs cleaningcleaning Lucy and Mary are playing basketball.are playing basketball.Is Lily playing with her friends?What are the boys doing?第40页第41页Writing依据图画,用现在进行时写一篇

16、短文。依据图画,用现在进行时写一篇短文。词数:词数:50左右。左右。HellenBeibei第42页Its fine today.The children are playing in the park.Look!Some girls are playing games.Helen is climbing up a tree.A girl is standing behind a house.Beibei is looking for her.There is a boy over there.Whats he doing?He is flying a kite.They are all having a good time.Very good!第43页Thank you!第44页Marks family第45页12345第46页Are they watching TV?What are they doing?第47页Are they watching TV?What are they doing?第48页What is the bear doing?第49页What is the bear doing?第50页

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