1、网络工程师英语词汇AMI Alternate mark inversion 信号交替反转编码ALU 逻辑运算单元A/N 字符/数字方式ACF/VTAM Advanced communication facility/Virtual telecommunication access method APA 图形方式APPN Advanced peer-to-peer networking 高级点对点网络ASN.1 Abstract syntax notation 1 第一个抽象语法ASCE Association control service Element 联系控制服务元素ASE Applic
2、ation service element 应用服务元素ASK 幅度键控ACK 应答信号ARQ Automatic repeat request 自动重发请求ARP Address resolution protocol 地址分解协议ARIS Aggragate route-based IP switching ADCCP Advanced data communication control procedure ATM Asynchronous transfer mode 异步传输模式ABM Asynchronous balanced mode 异步平衡方式ARM Asynchronous
3、response mode 异步响应方式AFI Authority and format identifier ABR Available bit rate 有效比特率AAL ATM adaptation layer ATM适配层AC Acknowledged connectionless 无连接应答帧ACL 访问控制清单AS Autonomous system 自治系统ABR Available bit rate 可用比特率AP Access point 接入点ANS Advanced network services 先进网络服务ARP Address resolution protoco
4、l 地址解析协议ANSI 美国国家标准协会AMPS Advanced mobile phone system 先进移动电话系统ARQ Automatic repeat request 自动重发请求ADCCP Advanced data communication control procedure 高级数据通信过程ACTS Advanced communication technology satellite 先进通信技术卫星ACR Actual cell rate 当前速率ASN.1 Abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法符号1ADSL Asymmetric di
5、gital subscriber line 非对称数字用户线路ADSI Active directory scripting interface ADC Analog digital converter 模数转换器API 应用程序接口ARPA Advanced research projects agency 美国高级研究规划局ACE 访问控制条目ASP Active server pages ARC Advanced RISC computing AH 认证头ADS Active directory service 活动目录服务ATU-C ADSL transmission Unit-Cen
6、tral 处于中心位置的ADSL ModemATI-R ADSL transmission Unit-Remote 用户ADSL ModemBMP Burst mode protocol 突发模式协议BECN 向后拥塞比特B-ISDN Broadband integrated service digital network 宽带ISDNBSA Basic service area 基本业务区BSS Basic service set 基本业务区BGP Border gateway protocol 边界网关协议BER Basic encoding rules 基本编码规则BAP Bandwid
7、th allocation protocol 动态带宽分配协议BACP Bandwidth allocation control protocol 动态带宽分配控制协议BRI Basic rate interface 基本速率接口BIND Berkeley internet name domain UNIX/Linux域名解析服务软件包BPDU Bridge protocol data unit 桥接协议数据单元BER Basic encoding rule CRT 阴极射线管CCW 通道控制字CSWR 通道状字寄存器CAWR 通道地址字寄存器CN Campus network 校园网CNNI
8、C 中国互联网络信息中心ChinaNET 中国公用计算机互联网CERNET 中国教育科研网CSTNET 中国科学技术网CHINAGBN 国家公用经济信息能信网络CCITT Consultative committee international telegraph and telephone CEP Connection end point 连接端点CP Control point 控制点CONS 面向连接的服务CCR Commitment concurrency and recovery 并发和恢复服务元素CMIP Common management information protocol
9、 公共管理信息协议CMIS Common management information service 公共管理信息服务CATV 有线电视系统CRC Cyclic redundancy check 循环冗余校验码CBC 密码块链接CLLM Consolidated link layer management 强化链路层管理CLP Cell loss priority CSMA/CD Carrier sense multiple access/collision detection 带冲突检测介质访问控制CBR Constant bit rate 固定比特率CEPT 欧洲邮电委员会CCK Com
10、plementary code keying CLNP Connectionless network protocol 无连接的网络协议CIDR Classless inter-domain routing 无类别的域间路由CERN The European center for Nuclear Research 欧洲核子研究中心CGI Common gateway interface 公共网关接口CIX Commercial internet exchange 商业internet交换CAU Controlled access unit 中央访问单元CDDI Copper distribut
11、ed data interface CDPD Celluar digital packet data 单元数字分组数据CS Convergence sublayer 汇集子层CDMA Code division multiple access 码分多址CBR Constant bit rate 恒定比特率CVDT Cell variation delay tolerance 信元可变延迟极值CLR Cell loss ratio 信元丢失比率CHAP Challenge handshake authentication protocol 挑战握手认证协议CTD Cell transfer de
12、lay 信元延迟变化CER Cell error ratio 信元错误比率CMR Cell misinsertion rate 错误目的地信元比率CPI Common part indicator 公用部分指示器CGI Common gateway interface 公共网关接口CLUT Color look up table 颜色查找表CCITT 国际电报电话咨询委会会CLSID 类标识符CCM 计算机配置管理CAP Carrierless amplitude-phase modulation Capture trigger 捕获触发器CSNW Client service for net
13、ware Netware客户服务CA 证书发放机构CRL Certificate revocation list 证书吊销列表CPK/CDK Conbined public or double key 组合公钥/双钥CAE 公共应用环境CM Cable modem 电缆调制解调器CMTS 局端系统CCIA 计算机工业协会CMIS Common management information service 公共管理信息服务CMIP Common management information protocol 公共管理信息协议CGMP 分组管理协议DBMS 数据库管理系统DS Data Strea
14、m 数据流DS Directory service 目录服务DSL Digital subscriber line 数字用户线路DSLAM DSL access multiplexer DSSS Direct swquence spread spectrum 直接序列扩展频谱DARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划局DNA Digital Network Architecture 数字网络体系结构DCA Distributed Communication Architecture 分布式通信体系结构DLC Data link control 数据链路控制功能DLCI Data link connec
15、tion identifier 数据链路连接标识符DTE Data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DCE Date circuit equipment 数据电路设备DPSK Differential phase shift keying 差分相移键控DTMF 双音多频序列DCC Data county code DSP Domain specific part DPSK 差分相移键控DQDB Distributed queue dual bus 分布队列双总线DFIR Diffused IR 漫反射红外线DCF Distributed coordination functi
16、on 分布式协调功能DOD 美国国防部DNS Domain name system 域名系统DLS Directory location service DAT Dynamic address translation 动态地址翻译DCS Distributed computing system DIS Draft internation standard 国际标准草案DSMA Digital sense multiple access 数字侦听多路访问DES Data encrytion standard 数据加密标准DSS Digital signature standard 数字签名标准D
17、SA 目录服务代理DMSP Distributed mail system protocol 分布式电子邮件系统协议DPCM Differential pulse code modulation 差分脉冲码调制DCT Discrete cosine trasformation 离散余弦变换DVMRP Distant vector multicast routing protocol 距离向量多点播送路由协议DHCP Dynamic host configuration protocol 动态主机配置协议DFS 分布式文件系统DES 数据加密标准DCD 数据载波检测DSMN Directory
18、server manager for netware Netware目录服务管理器DSL Digital subscriber line 数字用户线路DDN Digital data network 数字数据网DDR Dial on demand routing 按需拨号路由DOS Denial of service 拒绝服务DAS Direct attached storage 直接存储模式EDI Electronic data interchange 电子数据交换 Enterprise network 企业网EN End node 端节点ES-IS 端系统和中间系统ECMA Europea
19、n computer manufacturers association EIA Electronic industries association 美国电子工业协会ESI End system identifier ESS Extended service set 扩展服务集EDLC Ethernet data link controller 以太网数据链路控制器EGP Exterior gateway protocol 外部网关协议EFS 加密文件系统EAP Extensible authentication protocol 扩展授权协议ESP 封装安全载荷FTAM File trans
20、fer access and management FDM Frequency division multiplexing 频分多路复用FDMA 频分多址FSK 频移键控FSM File system mounter 文件系统安装器FECN 向前拥塞比特FLP Fast link pulse 快速链路脉冲FTP File transfer protocol 文件传输协议FDDI Fiber distributed data interface 光纤分布数据接口FHSS Frequency-Hopping spread spectrum 频率跳动扩展频谱FTTH Fiber to the hom
21、e 光纤到户FTTC Fiber to the curb 光纤到楼群、光纤到路边FAQ Frequently asked question 常见问题FQDN Fully qualified domain name 主机域名全称FPNW File and print service for netware FWA 固定无线接入FD 光纤结点FEC Fast Ethernet channel 快速以太网通道GTT Global title translation 全局名称翻译GFC General flow control GACP Gateway access control protocol
22、GEA Gibabit Ethernet alliance 千兆以太网联盟GEC Giga Ethernet channel 千兆以太网通道GSMP General switch management protocol 通用交换机管理协议GGP Gateway-to-gateway prtotcol 核心网关协议GSM Global systems for mobile communications 移动通信全球系统GCRA Generic cell rate algorithm 通用信元速率算法GSNW Gateway service for netware Netware网关服务GPO G
23、roup policy object 组策略对象GBE Giga band ethernet 千兆以太网GD Generic decryption 类属解密GPL General public license 通用公共许可协议GBIC 千兆位集成电路Hamming 海明HDLC High level data link control 高级数据链路控制协议HEC Header error check 头部错误控制HNS Host name server 主机名字服务HTML Hyper text Markup language 超文本标记语言HTTP Hyper text transfer p
24、rotocol 超文本传输协议HIPPI High performance parallel interface 高性能并行接口HDTV High definition television 高清晰度电视HDT 主数字终端HFC Hybrid fiber coax 混合光纤/同轴电缆网HAL Hardware abstraction layer 硬件抽象层HCL 硬件认证程序HDSL High-bit-rate DSL 高速率DSLHFC Hybrid fiber/coax network 混合光纤-同轴电缆HE 视频前端HSDPA 高速下行包数据接入HSRP 热等待路由协议IR 指令寄存器I
25、D 指令译码器IS Instruction Stream 指令流IS-IS 中间系统与中间系统ICN 互联网络IMP Interface Message Processor 接口信息处理机ISP Internet service provider 因特网服务供应商ICP Internet Content Provider 网络信息服务供应商IPX Internet protocol eXchange ILD Injection laser diode 注入式激光二极管IDP Internet datagram protocol ISUP ISDN user part IDC Internati
26、onal code designator IDI Initial domain identifier ILMI Interim local management interface 本地管理临时接口ISM Industrial scientific and medical IR ifrared 红外线IRC Internet relay chat IFS Inter frame spqcing 帧间隔IP Internet protocol 网络互连协议IPSec Internet protocol Security Internet安全协议ICMP Internet control mess
27、age protocol 互联网络报文控制协议IMAP Interim mail access protocol IGP Interior gateway protocol 内部网关协议IFMP Ipsilon flow management protocol 流管理协议IDN Integrated digital network 综合数字网IDU Interface data unit 接口数据单元IMP Interface message processor 接口信息处理机ITU International telecommunication union 国际电信联盟ISO Interna
28、tional standards organization 国际标准化组织IEEE Institute of electrical and electronics engineers 电子电器工程师协会IAB Internet activities board 因特网活动委员会IAB Internet Architecture board Internet体系结构委员会IRTF Internet research task force 因特网研究特别任务组IPC Inter process communication 进程间通信IXC Interexchange carrier 内部交换电信公
29、司IMTS Improved mobile telephone system 该进型移动电话系统IGMP Internet group management protocol 因特网组管理协议IDEA International data encryption Algorithm国际数据加密算法IMAP Interactive mail access protocol 交互式电子邮件访问协议IPRA Internet policy registration authority 因特网策略登记机构ISP 因特网服务提供商ICA 独立客户机结构IPX/SPX 互联网分组交换/顺序分组交换Inter
30、NIC Internet network information center ISM Internet service manager ISAP Internet information server 应用程序编程接口IRC Internet relay chat 互联网中继交换ISL Inter switch link 内部交换链路IRP I/O请求分组IIS Internet information server Internet信息服务器ISU 综合业务单元ISDN Integrated service digital network 综合业务数字网IGRP Interior gate
31、way routing protocol 内部网关路由协议JPEG Joint photographic experts group 图像专家联合小组KDC Key distribution center 密钥分发中心LCD 液晶显示器LIFO 后进先出LED Light emitting diode 发光二极管LEN Low-entry node 低级入口节点LNP Local number portability 市话号码移植LAP Link access procedure 链路访问过程LAP-B Link access procedure-Balanced LAN Local area
32、 networks 局域网LANE LAN emulated LAN仿真标准LEC LAN仿真客户机LES LAN emulaion server LAN仿真服务器LECS LAN仿真配置服务器LLC Logic link control 逻辑链路控制LC 迟到计数器LCP Link control protocol 链路控制协议LDAP Lightweight directory access protocol LSR 标记交换路由器LER 标记边缘路由器LDP 标记分发协议LATA Local access and transport areas 本地访问和传输区域LEC Local exchange carrier 本地交换电信公司LIS Logical IP subnet 逻辑IP子网LI Length indicator 长度指示LDAP Light directory access protocol 轻型目录访问协议LILO The Linux loader L2TP Layer2 tunneling protocol 第2层通道协议LMI 本地管理接口LPK/LDK Lapped public or double key 多重公钥/双钥LMDS Local multipoint distribution services 本地多点分