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1、86 1 2*(1.8130002.810016)P.T.996 P.T.996 770 80850 K281 A 2095-0039-2023-01-0086-16 2021-7-4基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目“海外藏古藏文碑铭文献的收集与整理”(22BYY170)(1991-)*(1965-)804 8710 1P.T.996 “”2 “”3 P.T.996 P.T.996 2017 88 (石泰安)8508625 (张 亚 莎)760 8406 7(冲 本 克 己)8 850(霍 魏)8508629 (艾米 海勒)86210 838850

2、 862 838 850 “”4 89 5.6.7.”11 “”“4.90 (张掖市)(民乐县)(扁都口)(大佛寺)1.2.12 (文成公主庙)“1.2.”91(2)1.()华青道尔杰)华青道尔杰.吐蕃高僧益西央考辨J.青海民族研究,2017,(1).80414 15 806 ()“”“”“”“”“”“92 781 ”16 “”17 M 2020 197-198 P.T.818 才 让.敦煌藏文P.T.996号 大乘无别修习之道解读J.中国藏学,2013,(1)、(总第 106 期)93 “1.

3、”18 “”“”“”P.T.996 9 804816 806 P.T.996 770 850 80 M 2020 197-198 94”20 (衍 和 尚) P.T.996“ 16.”21 “19.20.”22 “16.17.”“23.24.”23 (衍和 尚)786 P.T.996“张亚莎)吐蕃时期的禅宗传承J.西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2004:(第 25 卷1 期)96”24 1434“”25 12 “”26 “(1914-1962)“P.T.9961.2.3.4.

4、5.97”31 “”32 “”33 “”34 “”35”36 (1914-1962)1807“”37 ”27 “”28 “”29 P.T.1287“”30 “98 804 779 P.T996 “36.37.”99 1234181920212223 G()850 10013 张建林.藏东部吐蕃佛教造像 M.社会科学文献出版社,2018:196.15 J 1988:(1)46.16 M 1985;92.24 M 1992;236-237.253132 M 1985:187;136;137.26272933343536 M 1987:345-346;347;214;238;240;242;283.

5、28 M 2010:3.30 王尧.王尧藏学论文集(卷一)M.中国藏学出版社,2012:42.37 M 1992:346.2017:41;40;41;41;37;37;38;38;38;38-39.5 法 石泰安著,耿异译.川甘青藏走廊古部落 M.成都,四川民族出版社,1992:132.6 张亚莎.吐蕃时期的禅宗传承 J.西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2004,(第 25 卷 1 期):26.7 才让.敦煌藏文 P.T.996 号 解读 J.中国藏学,2013,(1):64-71.8 日 冲本克己.敦煌发现的藏文禅宗文献及所遗课题.A.戒幢佛学 C.第二卷,2002:160-163.9

6、霍魏.论藏东吐蕃摩崖造像与吐蕃高僧益西央J.西藏大学学报(社会科学版),2015,(30 卷 第2 期);67.10瑞士艾米 海勒 著,杨莉 译.公元 810 世纪东藏的佛教造像及摩崖石刻 G.国外藏学研究译文集,第十五辑,拉萨:西藏人民出版社,2001:201-203.111417 M 2013:95;95;95.12 华青道尔杰(张延清).吐蕃高僧益西央考辨 J.青海民族研究,2017,(1):21-27.101大译师益西央生平考 夸加先,索南东主*摘要:根据敦煌藏文文献 P.T996 号写本记载,公元 8 世纪唐代禅宗高僧曼和尚,即摩诃衍、努南喀宁波禅师,其高徒大译师益西央在唐蕃文化交流

7、中有着举足轻重的地位。关于大译师益西央生平事迹,目前未见到完整的文献记载,只能在川甘青等地区发现的摩崖石刻题记文字考古材料、敦煌文献、后弘期藏文文献五部遗教及其他相关资料中探寻到一些蛛丝马迹。依据上述文献,考证了大译师益西央曾奉吐蕃赞普之命,率领工匠团队前往广袤的汉藏地界开凿摩崖造像、镌刻佛教经典等,留存了一些历史文化遗迹。还在朵麦阿琼南宗寺即尖扎、贵德等地区广收弟子,组织汉藏比丘僧团,弘扬佛法,并获得空性自在等无上成就。对此伟大生平事迹进行了深入探讨,认为堪布巴郭 益西央()、比丘大译师益西央()、比丘巴郭 益西央()、(益西)央()、布 益西央()等不同名字的写法均为不同版本的同一历史人物

8、,即益西央。益西央出生于今西藏自治区拉萨市尼木县巴郭()氏家族,生于公元 770 年,卒于 850 年,其法体在今黄南尖扎县安琼南宗寺安葬,享年 80 岁。关键词:大译师益西央;生平事迹;汉藏文化交流作者简介:夸加先(1991-)男,藏族,青海共和人,海南州藏文信息技术研究中心编辑。研究方向:古典藏语文与古代岩画艺术。*通讯作者:索南东主(1965-)男,藏族,青海贵德人,青海师范大学民族师范学院教授,硕士研究生导师。研究方向:古典藏语文与历史文献研究。A Study of the Life of Ye-Shes-dByangs:the Great TranslatormKhar-rGyal-

9、Byams&bSod-Nams-Don-vGrub*Abstrac t:According to the Dunhuang Tibetan document P.T996,monk Man-Ha-Shang,an eminent Buddhist monk of the Tang Dynasty in the eighth century A.D.,namely Mahayana and the Zen master gNubs-Nam-mKhai-sNying-Po,and his great translator Ye-She-dByangs,played a pivotal role i

10、n the cultural exchange between the Tang and the Tibetans.As for the life story of the great translator Ye-She-dByangs,there is no complete documentary record at present,and only some clues can be found in the archaeological materials of inscriptions on cliffs found in Sichuan,Gansu,Qinghai,Dunhuang

11、 documents and the documents of the Five Relics in the Tibetan language of the Later Hongji period and other relevant materials.Based on the above documents,the article proves that Ye-She-dByangs,the great translator,once led a team of craftsmen to dig cliff statues and engrave Buddhist scriptures i

12、n the vast Sino-Tibetan territory under the command of the Tibetan king,leaving some historical and cultural relics.In addition,it has also widely accepted disciples in areas such as the gNam-rDzong Monastery of mDo-sMan,namely,Jianzha and Guide,organized a group of monks from the Han and Tibetan mo

13、nks,promoted Buddhism,and achieved supreme achievements such as the freedom of emptiness.The article makes an in-depth study of this great life story,and believes that the abbot Pa-Gor-Ye-She-dByangs.The great translator of the bhikshu Ye-She-dByangs,the bhikshu of Pa-Gor-Ye-She-dByangs and sPug-Ye-

14、Shes-dByangs.These different names are written in different versions of the same historical figure,namely Ye-She-dByangs.He was born in 770 A.D.,in the Pa-Gor family of sNye-Mo County,Lhasa City,Tibet Autonomous Region,and died in 850.His body was buried at A-Chung-gNam-rDzong Monastery,in Jianza Co

15、unty,Huangnan today,as he passed away at the age of 80.Keywords:the great translator Pa-Gor-Ye-She-dByangs,life story,Sino-Tibetan cultureAbout the author:mKhar-rGyal-Byams(1991-),male,Gonghe County,Qinghai Province,editor at Hainan Tibetan Information Technology Research Center.Research interests:Classical Tibetan language and ancient rock art.*Co-author:bSod-Nams-Don-vGrub(1965-),male,Guide County,Qinghai Province,professor,advisor of Master students at Qinghai Normal University.Research interests:Classical Tibetan language and historical documents.

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