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1、序序言CHINESEJOURNALOFAPPLIEDCHEMISTRY2023年8 月1061-1062第40 卷应用化学第8 期D0I:10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.230213氢能源与燃料电池专辑序言一氢能助力的双碳目标实现葛君杰(中国科学技术大学化学与材料科学学院,合肥2 30 0 2 6)中图分类号:0 6 46文献标识码:A文章编号:10 0 0-0 518(2 0 2 3)0 8-10 6 1-0 2氢能是一种自然界丰富、应用多样性的二次绿色能源,也是实现能源与环境重要议题框架下“碳达峰”和“碳中和”目标的重要载体。当今世界正面临着百年未有之变革,技术革命和产

2、业升级同清洁低碳的绿色能源形成历史性交汇。各国家正全力布局绿色氢能产业,加快以能源结构升级,培育经济新增长点。我国也适时提出氢能产业发展的中长期规划,水分解制氢和燃料电池为基础的氢能应用多重技术的突破,为我国零排放的能源利用实现弯道超车,牢牢把握全球能源与环境发展的大势和机遇绿氢生产和燃料电池的催化技术是氢能产业的双翼,是氢能产业布局的重要内容,可实现高效的氢能技术升级。理论上,水电解制氢和燃料电池的热力学电势均为1.2 3V,但迟缓的反应动力学和高的过电势对氢能技术的造成严重的阻碍。先进电催化技术的研究,如贵金属材料、稀土过渡族金属和金属间化合物等几何与电子结构及界面等方面研究,揭示催化材料

3、构效机制,为科学探索和制备先进电催化技术提供高效指导。此外,先进电催化技术需要创新性思维、先进表征技术和制备方法,制备出先进的电催化材料,完成电催化技术储备和积,实现国家氢能的弯道超车。本专辑围绕着氢能的发展和技术升级的时代背景下氢能的发展和技术升级,收录了相关领域内具有经验和影响力的团队所撰写的12 篇综述性文章和研究性成果。专辑内包含9 篇综述文章,研究内容广泛,主题多样,涉及到产氢和氧还原的研究进展,关注几何与电子结构和催化剂界面等多方面研究方向;其它3篇研究性工作包括:分级孔结构的Fe-N-C催化剂用于高效电催化氧还原、RhPt内凹立方体核壳催化剂的制备及其乙醇电氧化性能和镍氮掺杂石墨

4、炔用作高效氧还原电催化剂。希望该专辑可广泛帮助广大读者深入了解电催化技术的研究现状和发展趋势,启发读者发展先进高效的电催化技术,推动我国氢能事业快速发展,完成氢能的弯道超车。在此,对本专辑的所有读者、审稿人及编辑部工作人员的卓越工作和辛勤付出表示衷心的感谢。2023-07-24收稿;2 0 2 3-0 7-2 6 接受*Cuest editor,e-mail:1062第40 卷应用化学Preface to Special Issue“Hydrogen Energy and Fuel CellsHydrogen Technology Promoted Globe DecarbonizationG

5、E Jun-Jie*(College of Chemistry and Materials Science,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China)Hydrogen energy,abundant in nature and diverse application,is a secondary green energy,whichcarries the goals of“carbon peaking and“carbon neutrality under the important issue frame

6、work of energyand environmental.Now faced changes not occurring in a hundred years,technological revolution andindustrial upgrading have a historic convergence with clean and low-carbon green energy.Countries aremaking every effort to lay out green hydrogen energy,accelerate the upgrade of energy st

7、ructure,and cultivatenew economic growth points.China has also put forward the medium/long-term plan for the development ofhydrogen energy industry,and resulting breakthroughs in multiple technologies of hydrogen energy applicationsbased on water splitting and fuel cells will realize the conner over

8、taking of Chinese energy utilization ofzero-emission energy.China will firmly grasp the opportunities of the development of globe energy andenvironment.The catalysis technologies of green hydrogen production and fuel cells,the two wings of hydrogen energy,are important contents of the hydrogen energ

9、y industry layout for realizing efficient hydrogen energy technologyupgrading.Theoretically,the thermodynamic potential of both water electrolysis for hydrogen production andfuel cells is 1.23 V.However,the sluggish reaction kinetics and high overpotential pose a serious obstacle tothe hydrogen ener

10、gy technology.The research on advanced electrocatalytic technologies,such as the geometricaland electronic structures and interfaces of noble metal materials,rare-earth transition group metals andintermetallic compounds,reveals the catalytic mechanism between structure and performance,and providesef

11、ficient guidance for the scientific exploration and preparation of advanced electrocatalytic technologies.Inaddition,advanced electrocatalytic technologies require innovative ideas,advanced characterization techniquesand preparation methods to prepare advanced electrocatalytic materials,complete the

12、 reserve and accumulationof electrocatalytic technologies,and realize the corner overtaking of national hydrogen energy.This special issue focuses on the development and technological upgrading of hydrogen energy in the eraof energy and environment,involving 12 related reviews and articles published

13、 by outstanding research group.9 reviews in the special issues appear in various research content and diverse topics,involving the researchprogress of hydrogen production and oxygen reduction,focusing on various research directions such asgeometric and electronic structures and catalyst interfaces;T

14、he other three research papers include:Fe-N-Ccatalyst with hierarchical pore structure for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen reduction,the preparation ofRhPt core-shell catalyst and its ethanol electrooxidation performance,and Ni-nitrogen-doped graphene as anefficient oxygen reduction electrocatalys

15、t.It is hoped that the special issue can widely help readers deeplyunderstand the research status and development trend of electrocatalysis technology,inspire readers to exploitadvanced and efficient electrocatalysis technology,promote the rapid development of Chinas hydrogen energycause,and complete the corner overtaking of hydrogen energy.Here,I also would like to express my sincere gratitude to allthe authors,reviewers and editorial staffs ofthe special issue for their excellent work.R1202307.24J2023-07.26Received 2023-07-24;Accepted 2023-07-26

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