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1、ForeignAffairs/外事ABP News Journalists Visit in ChongqingManogya Loiwal and hertwocolleagues from the Indian ABPNews visited Chongqing betweenMay 30 and 31.On request by ABPGroup,the Consulate General of the PeoplesRepublic of China in Kolkata assisted inarranging their visit to China and a specially

2、-assigned official to accompany them.Zhang Yaxi,Deputy Director-General ofthe Foreign Affairs Office of the ChongqingMunicipal Government,met with the ABPteam.During the meeting,the deputy directorintroduced Chongqings latest economicand social development and recalled thelong-time friendship betwee

3、n Chongqingand India.Both parties enhanced mutualunderstanding and friendship and exploredfurther development opportunities.Manogya said,Chongqings modernurban development,mesmerizing three-dimensional transportation system,abundant cultural and tourism resources,and welcoming and open attitudeareun

4、forgettable.Through the lens,these featureswill showcase an objective,authentic,andlively China,highlighting the diversity andcharm of Chongqing to various communitiesin India.Cricket is a sport that originated inEngland but has gained popularity incountries like India,Australia,New Zealand,and Bang

5、ladesh.India,in particular,hasproduced numerous exceptional cricketplayers and coaches through its trainingprograms.During their stay in Chongqing,theABPteamvisited ChongqingExperimental Foreign Language School inJiulongpo District,which features cricketsports education.The two sides discussedstreng

6、thening inter-school exchanges and conducting cricket-related cooperation.They watched students martial artsperformances and cricket training and played cricket withstudents.In addition,the team visited the Stilwell Museum to gaininsights into the historical collaboration between China and Indiaduri

7、ng the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression andtook photographs to document their trip.They also interviewedlocals and captured footage at several iconic sites,including theQiansimen Bridge,Hongyadong,and the Liziba monorail station.The team started their trip to China in late May.They have

8、visited seven places in China,including Yunnan,Hubei,Fujian,Zhejiang,Shanghai,Beijing,and Chongqing.On the eveningof May 29,ABP News aired the first episode of Manogyas tripto China at the Voice of India,attracting over 5 million Indianviewers.ABPGroup is one of Indias largest media conglomerates,de

9、livering news to audiences across the country in multipleIndian languages such as Hindi,Bengali,and Gujarati.With aweekly viewership of over 200 million people,its six channelshave a significant impact within the subcontinent of Asia.Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing ForeignAffairs Office5

10、4The World and Chongqing印度主流媒体ABP记者来渝采访玛诺基亚此次中国之行始于5 月下旬,先后前往云南、湖北、福建、浙江、上海、北京、重庆等7 个省市进行拍摄采访。5 月2 9 日晚,ABP电视台印度之话栏目播出玛诺基亚中国行第一期节目,吸引超过5 0 0 万印度民众观看。ABP媒体集团是印度最大的媒体集团之一,长期以印地语、孟加拉语、古吉利特语等多种印度语言向全国观众播报新闻,旗下6 个频道每周收看量超2 亿人次,在亚洲次大陆具有较大影响力。文图/重庆外事微信公众号与市政府外办工作交流。5月3 0 日至3 1 日,印度ABP媒体集团资深记者玛诺基亚罗瓦一行3 人到访重

11、庆。应ABP媒体集团要求,中国驻印度加尔各答总领馆协助安排来华采访行程并派员陪同。市政府外办副主任张娅茜与玛诺基亚一行进行工作交流,向其介绍我市最新经济社会发展情况,回溯重庆与印度历史渊源,增进相互了解和友谊,并探讨下一步合作可能。玛诺基亚表示,重庆现代化的城市建设、魔幻的立体交通、丰富与学生共玩板球。的文旅资源及热情友好开放的态度令人难忘,将通过镜头向印度各界展示客观、真实、生动的中国以及具有多元魅力的重庆。板球是一项源于英国,盛行于印度、澳大利亚、新西兰、孟加拉等国的运动项目,印度培养了许多优秀板球运动员和教练。访渝期间,玛诺基亚一行参访了将板球运动作为特色体育教育的重庆市实验外国语学校,与校方探讨加强校际交流、开展板球合作相关事宜;观看学生武术操表演、板球训练,并与学生共玩板球。玛诺基亚一行还赴重庆史迪威博物馆参访,了解抗战时期中印两国并肩作战的历史并进行拍摄;前往干厮门大桥、洪崖洞、李子坝轻轨站等地采访、拍摄。体验扎染艺术。TheWorld and Chongqing55

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