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1、长拖 1958铸光仓改造CHANGTUO 1958,WORKSHOP#3 RENOVATION设计:深圳易加设计有限公司/深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司地点:吉林省长春市Design:E+/UV Architecture LLC Location:Changchun,Jilin Province特辑:工业遗存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritage106东南角鸟瞰 Aerial view of southeast corner 金伟琦 JIN Weiqi1072022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice背景:长春拖拉

2、机厂于 1961 年建成,2006 年宣布破产并关闭。整个园区建筑用地约 14 万,包括 6栋大型厂房。2020 年,万科对原拖拉机厂进行重新规划,3 号厂房“铸造车间”是第一间被改造的厂房。它既是一个文保建筑,同时也被寄希望成为一个活跃的文化商业综合体。以此激活周边社区,加速整个园区改造的步伐。这就要求设计师冲破狭义的建筑视角,以人的活动为出发点,整合空间、景观、艺术、商业策划等资源,创造出一个真实的、具有持续活力的“城市客厅”。叠加:控制文物保护与活化使用之间的微妙平衡,通过新旧物件的叠加,形成一种混搭和对比的张力。建筑设计的留白,给后续的使用者提供参与再创造的可能,使得建筑成为不断丰富的

3、沉积物、不断进化的生命体。切片:建筑是凝固的时空。我们希望设计可以突破英雄式的思维和自上而下的纯粹审美。尽量保留历史进程中使用过的痕迹,叠加当下的活动印记,使当下改造的结果作为一份历史切片,反映当下的社会状态以及人们的需求。建筑立面:北立面作为面向城市的亮相,在原有建筑轮廓基础上,2,602 片体现机器美学的紫铜叶片,从下至上旋转 43,寓意长拖 43 年的历史。南面朝向公园,大面积的玻璃幕墙结合银灰色钛锌板,呈现工业感与文艺气质相结合的界面。东西立面对原有砖墙进行了修复处理,木构方格窗更换成大面积的铝合金窗。插入的新模块包括入口、阳台以及项目标志,都以灰色钛锌板为统一材料,展示新旧叠加对比。

4、空间规划:整个平面由一条 145m 长的中轴串联。为了完整地展示原有厂房的桁架结构,设计保留了简洁的直线动线。通过营造不同的空间特色和光线变化,打破了直线的单调感,形成空间的节奏。从北向南缓缓展开的是一幅时光长卷。“时光廊”展现的是原铸造车间的历史氛围,保留厂房老旧红砖墙、混凝土梁柱、桁架天窗,重现了当年的生产车间。地面暗埋了两副 21m 长的原装混凝土桁架,如历史化石般对人们诉说这里曾经的故事。项目中央,厂区里承载集体记忆的中央大街被引入到室内空间。4 棵 9m 高的榉木是空间的主角。在这个空间,混凝土桁架序列继续向前,天窗变成透明玻璃。业主长春万科房地产开发有限公司主持建筑师周奕奕设计团队

5、李甫(深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司)、周实(Studio 10)、武润泽、林兆梅、莫纯辉(Studio 10)、马凯、韦嘉兴、杨亢、赖家伟、金鑫建筑及文保施工图设计华东建筑设计研究院有限公司历史建筑保护设计院室内设计深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司、十间设计工作室、深圳九思室内设计有限公司(施工图)软装设计深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司、深圳市大森设计有限公司景观设计SWA艺术顾问北京方二文化艺术传播有限公司、尤艾普(上海)艺术设计咨询有限公司标识顾问图石设计幕墙顾问英海特工程咨询(北京)有限公司机电顾问铂诺客工程咨询(北京)有限公司灯光设计深圳市汉都灯光设计顾问有限公司室内植物设计杭州物喜文化创意

6、有限公司基地面积140,000 m2建筑面积13,000 m2设计周期2020.22021.5建造周期2021.62021.12厂房现状结构分析 Structural analysis of workshop 深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司 UV Architecture LLC“叠加”概念草图 Concept sketch of“overlay”深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司 UV Architecture LLC 1 改造前 3 号厂房现状 Workshop#3 before renovation 深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司 UV Architecture LLC 2 改造前南立面现状 So

7、uth facade before renovation 深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司 UV Architecture LLC 3 改造前鸟瞰 Aerial view before renovation 深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司 UV Architecture LLC 12312 m18 m12 m22.5 m14.5 m108特辑:工业遗存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritage总平面图 Site plan081640mN原来的砖墙被刷成清新的白色,配合银白色的栏板和玻璃栏杆,展现出和第一空间完全不同的视觉感受。在发动机市集,设

8、计以银色流线形镀锌钢板模拟发动机外壳,弧形玻璃包厢极具未来感。这个空间同时也被设计成一个弹性使用空间,可以用作举办周末市集和快闪活动等。二层两侧的包厢将会是绝佳的观演角度。中央大厅“BIGBOX”拥有 28m 大跨度,14m净高。设计希望保留这种震撼的空间感,尽量彰显原来的大跨混凝土桁架结构。空间留白成为一个公共广场,而和原来坚硬、粗犷的建筑做了一个强烈的对比,在中间插入一个软性而具有幽默感的大型互动游乐装置“魔法熔炉”,让孩子们在游乐过程中对厂房的历史记忆形成独特的沉浸式体验。一次非典型的改造尝试:用商业设计的手法改造厂房空间,是我们一次新的尝试。在这里,狭义的建筑美学让位于对人们的活动的关

9、注、对场景营造的重视以及对未来更新迭代的弹性预期。铸光仓是整个长拖 1958 改造的第一次亮相,也让历史照进现实,展现充满激情的未来场景。北主入口 North main entrance东入口 East Entrance南主入口 South main entranceAABB1092022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice北立面 North facade 金伟琦 JIN Weiqi东立面 East facade 金伟琦 JIN Weiqi110特辑:工业遗存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritage一层平面图 Fi

10、rst floor plan二层平面图 Second floor plan1 时光廊2 林荫大街3 发动机市集4 互动乐园5 商铺6 电梯厅7 连廊8 卫生间9 值班室10 楼梯间11 设备用房1 The gallery of time2 Boulevard3 Engine bazaar4 BIG BOX interactive paradise5 Retail6 Elevator hall7 Corridor8 Washing room9 Duty room10 Staircase11 Equipment room081 640mN南广场俯瞰 Aerial view of south squ

11、are 元创未来 YUAN STUDIO455555885555555555555555666117777710101010101111111110101093211112022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice艺术品“光影迁旅”Artwork“Light and Shadow Journey”金伟琦 JIN Weiqi长轴剖面透视图 Perspective view of long-axis section 深圳独特视野建筑设计有限公司 UV Architecture LLC南立面图 South elevation北立面图 North elevation过去 In th

12、e past未来 In the future时光走廊:历史,文化(红色)The gallery of time:history,culture(red)林荫大街:公共空间,功能活动(绿色)Boulevard:public space,functional activities(green)发动机市集:未来,餐饮市集(银色)Engine bazaar:future,food court&bazaar(silver)02420m112特辑:工业遗存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritage可开启玻璃天窗的可变空间 Flexible spac

13、e with openable glass skylights 金伟琦 JIN Weiqi林荫大街二层局部 Detail of the second floor of the boulevard 元创未来 YUAN STUDIO林荫大街二层局部 Detail of the second floor of the boulevard 元创未来 YUAN STUDIO1132022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice剖面图 Section AA剖面图 Section BB二层人视 Second floor view 元创未来 YUAN STUDIO02420m114特辑:工业遗

14、存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritageCLIENTChangchun Vanke Co.,Ltd.CHIEF ARCHITECTZHOU YiyiDESIGN TEAMLI Fu(UV Architecture LLC),ZHOU Shi(Studio 10),WU Runze,LIN Zhaomei,MO Chunhui(Studio 10),MA Kai,WEI Jiaxing,YANG Kang,LAI Jiawei,JIN XinARCHITECTURAL ANDCULTURAL PRESERVATION CONSTRUC


16、L CONSULTANTInhabit GroupMEP CONSULTANTPRCLIGHTING DESIGNHDAINTERIOR PLANT DESIGNHangzhou Wuxi Cultural and Creative Co.,Ltd.SITE AREA140,000 m2GROSS FLOOR AREA13,000 m2DESIGN PERIOD2020.22021.5CONSTRUCTION PERIOD2021.62021.12内外丰富的互动效果 Rich interactive effects inside and outside 金伟琦 JIN WeiqiiBackgr

17、ound:Changchun Tractor Factory was built in 1961 and closed in 2006.The entire campus covers an area of about 140,000 m2 including 6 large factory buildings.In 2020 Vanke started the renovation of the original tractor factory campus.Workshop Building#3Foundry Workshop is the first workshop to be ren

18、ovated.It is not only an interesting historical building,but also hopes to become an active cultural and commercial center.The aim is not just to activate the community but also help accelerate the pace of transformation of the entire park.This required that the designers break through the narrow ar

19、chitectural perspective and take peoples activities as the starting point,integrating space,landscape,art,leasing and other resources to create a real and sustainable urban living room.Overlay:With the balance between protection and revitalization,the design approach overlaid the existing and new el

20、ements,to create an interesting tension between historical and current elements.Large areas of void space was left empty to en-courage future users to participate in,allowing the building to be flexible and evolve with the unseen changes of the future.Slice:The design balances this bold integrated a

21、pproach with more sympathetic aesthetics,look-ing to retain the traces of the past,and superimpose the imprint of the current activities and interven-tions,so that the result of the current transforma-tion can be viewed as a moment in history,reflect-ing the current society and its values.Facade:The

22、 north facade,facing the city,ex-presses the optimism and enthusiasm for the new era.The original architectural profile was kept,and filled in with a series of 2,602 copper plates,which reflect the machinery aesthetics and the brick construction.These are rotated 43 from bottom to top,representing t

23、he long history of 43 years of the buildings original use.The south facade faces the park is composed of large glass curtain wall and silver-gray titanium-zinc panels,presenting an interface that combines industrial and artistic ideas.The east and west facades have had the original brick walls repai

24、red,and the wooden framed lattice windows have been replaced with large,high performance aluminum windows.The inserted new modulesincluding entrances,balconies as well as project logosare made of grey titanium-zinc sheets as a uniform material,showing the superim-posed contrast of old and new.Spatia

25、l planning:The entire plan is connected,in series,by a 145-m-long central axis.The axial design was adopted in order to fully display the truss struc-ture of the original factory building.The central axis showcases the rhythm of space by creating differ-ent spatial characteristics and light changes,

26、which unfold from North to South like a long scroll of time.Time Corridor shows the historical atmosphere of the original factory.The old red brick walls,concrete beams and columns,and roof trusses and skylights are preserved,recalling the workshop of the old days.2 pairs of 21-m-long original concr

27、ete trusses are embedded on the ground,telling people the stories of the past like historical fossils.In the center of the project,the central street car-ries the collective memory through the factory area into the interior.Four 9-m-high beech trees dom-inate the space.The glass skylight allows sunl

28、ight to pour in and the sunlight forms mottled light and shadow on the ground through the leaves,creating a bright,relaxed street experience.In the Engine Bazaar,the streamlined galvanized steel plate simulates the casing of the engine,and the curved glass box is very futuristic.This space is also d

29、esigned to be flexible use,and can be used as a weekend market and for pop-up events.The box-es on both sides of the second floor have excellent views.The central hall BIG BOX has a large span of 28 m and a clear height of 14 m.This creates the im-pressive Wow space,while highlighting the orig-inal

30、large-span concrete truss structure.The space is left blank and becomes a public square,and in strong contrast with the original hard and rough building,sits the soft and fun interactive playground called the Magic Furnace,allowing children to form a uniquely immersive experience of the histori-cal

31、memory of the factory during their play.An Atypical Renovation:This is a new concept of how to transform an industrial space with commer-cial design.Here,the narrow sense of architectural aesthetics gives way to the focus on human activi-ties,the emphasis on place making,and the flexibil-ity for future change.The Foundry Workshop is the first element in the overall renovation of the entire Changtuo 1958 campus,bringing history into reality and demonstrating a passionate future vision.1152022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice

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