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1、22-23竹建筑IBUKUM文:IBUKU番翻译:张帆质目报道二1:1224-25关于IBUKU“人类需要自然,或者更确切地说,需要感受并铭记自身是自然的部分。如果我们可以设计一幢建筑如同一座美丽的森林,或者一间卧室如同一个蚕董,那么我们就会感觉自己成功地与一种至关重要的东西再次相连。”-ELora HardyIBUKU由EloraHardy于2 0 1 0 年在印度尼西亚巴厘岛创立。IBUKU一直使用竹子建造房屋是因为其强韧、美观且具有弹性,也因其3 年生长周期和固碳能力,使其成为可获得的最具环保性的建筑材料。在一个通过对传统项目和材料进行翻新或再设计,使其不那么“糟糕”的世界里,我们决定开

2、启一个新的叙事。虽然竹子过去多被用在亚洲短期建筑中,新近的处理方法赋予其长期使用的更大空间。IBUKU的建筑师、设计师和工匠们创造了一种包含完整系列天然材料的全新语汇,已经证明天然建筑是美观、耐用且可靠的。天然材料不仅对环境有益,还有助于居住其中的人们与自然相连,从而提高生活品质。IBUKU的最初设想源于相信竹子可以改变我们的设计方式,引导我们进入变革和妙想的新世界。首个创新竹制结构是建筑师Cheong YewKuan在布满umbul-umbul(印尼语发音)旗帜的稻田里构思出来的。受竹子曲线的启发,他们在柱子顶端绑扎出一个高的拱形,最终成为Kapal Bambu,即巴厘岛的John Hard

3、yJewelry compound“竹船”的陈列室。2007年末,John和Cynthia一起打造了一个“作为给世界的礼物”的可持续教育新模式。他们组织了一个团队来设计和建造绿色学校(theGreenSchool)。绿色学校的首个构筑物是一座连通河谷校园两侧的桥梁,它嘉立在那里成为一个杰出的案例,用以说明建筑师、工程师、设计师和工匠们以一种新方式共同建造有哪些可能性。绿色学校的建设带来了竹制建筑和工程的诸多创新。雕塑家AldoLandwehr领导了绿色学校结构创新方向直至他2 0 0 8 年不幸离世。来自德国的竹材料建造大师Jorg Stamm带来了专业技术。他们负责开发很多现在被IBUKU使

4、用的设计美学和工程学概念。Jorg研发了建造中央篮子(像塔)的概念,用以支撑更大的建筑,给IBUKU提供了标志性曲线语汇库。2010年,Elora领导团队在巴厘岛及其以外的地区完成了超过100个不同的建筑。IBUKU的首个1 5 幢全竹定制住宅,大部分集中在绿色村庄(the GreenVillage),成为手工艺主导的精致的永久建筑的证明。自2 0 1 0 年起,IBUKU在创新不断扩展天然材料新设计语汇的同时,持续引领着竹材料革新的前沿。IBUKU目前已经设计了众多的综合材料和国际性项目,探索一种不断扩展的自然且可持续的材料组合。同样的原则也适用:倾听材料,针对优势进行设计。除了竹子,他们也


6、使用建筑设计5 个基本阶段来指导项目,但用建筑界非典型的专注程度来充实它。设计团队充满热情且热爱他们从事的事业。这种程度的专注使他们的设计上至美妙的工艺理念故事,下达空间最隐密的细节和纹理。其结果是设计提升了天然材料和地域文化,提供了精致体验,并将他们自身与自然相连,与彼此相连。规划IBUKU开创了一个新设计语汇,包含从总体规划到家具和室内细节的各个层级。其设计过程从场地研究开始。多年的现场设计,漫步土地和倾听周边,他们学会了提升环境。根据等高线、日照和当地文化进行设计。在他们所有项目中,都是从想象以理解场地的理想未来开始。在设计旅程中努力思考平衡使用者的体验和客户的需求。他们向自己发问,现在


8、设计,使用样板使其完美契合,而另一部分则是为商业空间提供巨型雕塑作品。他们的工匠将传统技艺与现代木工技术相结合来制作纯手工、全部竹制的定制家具,这些家具也可以用于出口。由于大部分的家具都是为IBUKU住宅设计,所以他们的家具为其与世界其他地方分享IBUKU魔法提供了大好机会。关于材料“从工匠的角度来看,这是一种持续的即兴创作。每一根竹子都是一个崭新且独特的舞伴。他或她必须进行调整以适合他们,接纳他们,找到他们的韵律,并将他们规划到项目的整体舞蹈中。”-Elora Hardy竹子是禾本科的一员,全世界分布有1 4 5 0 种分支。IBUKU主要使用的品种是马来甜龙竹,在印度尼西亚被称为Petun

9、g。可持续性3年的生长期和固碳能力,使竹子成为一种高效、可靠的独特资源,即使同样具有永久性的木材作为建筑材料都无法与竹子相比。强韧性竹子很结实,有混凝土的抗压能力和钢材的比强度快生长性无论是在野外还是种植园,竹笋可以在3 年内成材,与此相比,针叶树则需要1 0 2 0 年时间。一些物种甚至被测量到以每小时2 in(约5 cm),或最高到每日1.5 m的速度冲向天空。长寿性尽管竹子在传统上一直在亚洲广泛应用,但新的处理方法赋予其使用寿命变长的可靠性。IBUKU的竹子使用盐溶液进行生态处理,然后经过实验室测试,以确保其耐久性和集成度,使其经过适当处理和明智设计后,像木材一样耐磨。竹子的常见问题问:

10、“新处理方法使得竹子的寿命更长久”是指什么样的处理方法?答:我们主要的处理方法是使用硼溶液来抑制竹子中的葡萄糖成分生成,使得昆虫不能食用。问:在长期使用中,竹子需要如何维护?答:经过适当的处理和挑选,在设计精良的结构中,成熟的竹子不需要重大的结构维护。竹子只需要在建设开始前处理一次;针对昆虫的额外处理是不必要的。竹制建筑的屋顶需要维护以保护其中的柱子应对持续降雨和日光暴晒;暴露的竹竿应该进行监控和保护,每隔几年要对连接节点做检查以确保其安全性。外部结构和内部装饰竹子每隔2 4 年就要重新涂刷,以改善其外观和寿命。我们预计涂层的品质和技术随着时间的推移将会提升,包括防水和抗紫外线。长期的维护主要

11、是表面的修整。A0126-27问:哪种竹子可以用来建造房屋以及竹子来自哪里?答:Petung,即马来甜龙竹,来自巴厘岛、爪哇岛和佛洛里斯岛。它在河谷沿岸中丛生,通常生长在私人土地上。我们的竹子是从数百名农民那里购买的。问:在绿色村庄建造一栋普通大小的别墅需要多少竹子?答:我们巴厘岛绿色村庄的3 0 0 m住宅包含8 1 0 0 多米长的竹制结构或大约1 2 0 0 根竹竿。另有额外的3 0 0 0 多米用于室内装饰。问:竹子会在一段时间后变形吗?答:竹子是一种柔韧、抗拉的材料,其强度相当于钢。我们考虑了工程过程中的可变性,并努力确保我们的竹子跨越时间仍保持完整性。问:获得大量竹子容易吗?答:是

12、的,竹子在整个亚洲的河谷里很多,每年都会再生。竹子在3 5 岁时就可以用作建筑材料。问:竹子是使用化学药品还是进行自然处理?答:竹子是使用硼一种在自然界中发现的化学元素如在美国的大盐湖,进行自然处理的。它的毒性只比食盐稍微强一点,在家庭中使用是完全安全的。问:竹子的寿命是多少?答:根据我们工程师的计算,我们所做项目的结构耐久期限至少为2 5 年。南美洲和欧洲都有使用1 0 0 多年历史的竹结构。如果竹子选择得好,处理得当,设计精心,保养认真,竹屋可以维持一辈子。问:竹子是如何在阳光和雨水中存活的?答:我们的竹屋在设计和建造时就考虑了避免长时间的日晒雨淋。竹子上还涂有耐候涂层。问:公司是否对竹制

13、品进行了生命周期评估分析(LCA)?答:我们与雅加达和新加坡的测试实验室合作。测试结果验证了我们的竹子密度和处理效果。IBUKU白的建筑师、设计师和工匠们创造了一种包含完整系列天然材料的全新语汇,已经证明天然建筑是美观、耐用且可靠的。关于加工“竹子是伴随我成长的一种材料,能将其转化为世界范围内使用和欣赏的产品真是令人惊叹。能参与其中让我感到自豪。”MadeKura首先,IBUKU使用的竹子是从印度尼西亚巴厘岛和爪哇岛的河谷和山脉中精心挑选的。它是从植物丛中收获的,一旦形成,每年都会生长出新一代的嫩芽。一棵新竹笋只需要几个月的时间就可以长到最高,3 年内就可以成材以备收割。PTBP非常用心地确保


15、场,PTBP工匠提供参考图纸并按比例复制模型。在施工过程中,IBUKU的建筑师和设计师们与工匠合作,通过他们之手听懂竹子的语言。然后,他们会在任何需要的地方进行调整,以彰显竹子的材质,最大限度地满足客户的需求和期望。与多数建筑师事务所不同,IBUKU的项目在施工过程中的直线较少,他们需要与承包商保持密切联系,并跟踪那些需要密切关注和有力支持的微小细节。这些小细节决定了IBUKU所构想的空间特色。1 C1C:128-29ABOUTIBUKUPeople need nature,or rather o feel and remember that they are par!of it.If we

16、can design a building to feel like a beautiful forest or abedroom to feel like a cocoon,then we feel that we have succeeded inreconnecting somethingvital.-EloraHardyIBUKU was founded in 2010 in Bali,Indonesia,by Elora Hardy.IBUKU has always used bamboo because of its strength,beauty,andflexibility,a

17、nd also because with its 3-year growth cycle and carbonsequestration capacity,it is the most environmentally conscientiousbuilding material available.In a world of retrofitting or re-designingtraditional items and materials to be slightly lessbad,we decidedto start a new narrative.Though bamboo has

18、traditionally been usedthroughout Asia in short-term structures,new treatment methodshave given it a capacity for longer life.The architects,designersand artisans of IBUKU have created a completely new vocabulary.encompassing a complete range of natural materials,and haveproven that earth architectu

19、re is beautiful,durable and reliable.Notonly is a natural material palette good for the environment,it alsohelps the people living in that space connect to nature which thenenhances qualityof life.IBUKUs origins lie in the belief that bamboo can change the way wedesign,leading us into a new world of

20、 innovation and inspiration.Their first innovative bamboo structure was conceived with architectCheong Yew Kuan in a rice field full of tall umbul-umbul flags.Inspired by the natural curve of the bamboo,they tied the tips of thepoles together into a towering arch.This ultimately became KapalBambu,th

21、ebamboo shipshowroom at the John Hardy Jewelrycompound in Bali.In late 2007,John and Cynthia together built a newmodel forsustainable education as a gift to the world.They gathered a teamto design and build the Green School.The first structure at GreenSchool was a bridge,connecting the two sides of

22、the river valleycampus.It stands as an outstanding exampleof what is possiblewhen architects,engineers,designers,and craftsmen come togetherto build in a new way.The construction of Green School led to manyinnovations in bamboo architecture and engineering.Sculptor AldoLandwehr led the Creative Dire

23、ction of Green School structures untilhe died tragically in2008.Jorg Stamm,a Germanmaster bambo0builder,brought technical expertise.They were responsible fordeveloping many of the design aesthetics and engineering conceptsused by IBUKU today.Jorg developed the concept of creating centralbasket-like

24、towers to hold up larger buildings,as well as the Lidiconcept,giving IBUKU access to its signature curvilinear vocabulary.In 2010 Elora Hardy lead the teams to complete over 100 distinctstructures in Bali and beyond.The first 15 entirely bamboo bespokehomes of IBUKU manyof them at Green Village,beca

25、me atestament to the elegance of artisan-led sustainable architecture.Since 2010,IBUKU has continued to lead the cutting edge of bambooinnovation while pioneering a new design vocabulary in a broadeningpaletteof naturalmaterials.IBUKU now has designed numerous mixed-media and internationalprojects,e

26、xploring an ever-expanding palette of natural andsustainable materials.The same principles apply:listen to thematerials;design for their strengths.Beyond bamboo,they havetaken a more comprehensive approach to creating the humanexperience,designing as nature to create spaces of comfort andwonder.ABOU

27、TDESIGNBamboo buildings are like a living organism,every bamboo polerepresents the DNAof the building,each unique like real strands ofDNA.The strands of the bamboo DNA form a network structure,where each pole has its own specific function,be it in the walls.ceilings,stairs or roof.When they come tog

28、ether,to form a body.itwaits to be given a soul by those inhabiting the building.-DefitWijayaIBUKUs approach to design is distinct from other architecture firms.They work collaboratively,internally and externally.Design ideas areoften gathered from the entire design team,from interns to seniors,道报目项

29、and are developed in coordination with the clients and experts invarious creative and technical fields.IBUKU use the basic five stagesof architecture to guide a project,but flesh it out with a level of careatypical to the world of architecture.IBUKU is a design firm full ofpassionate people and they

30、 love what they do.This level of careenables them to design from beautifully crafted concept stories downto the most intimate details and textures of a space.The results aredesigns which elevate natural materials and local cultures,provideluxury experiences,and connect them to nature and each other.

31、PlanningIBUKU has pioneereda new design vocabulary which encompassesevery scale,from master planning to furniture and interior details.Their design process begins with a study of the location.Afteryears of designing in situ,walking the earth and listening to thesurroundings,they have learned to elev

32、ate the context.Designingwith contours,sunlight,and with the culture of the place.In all theirprojects,they begin with a vision to understand the ideal future ofthe place.Balancing these considerations with the user experienceand the clientsneeds to design the journey.They ask themselveshow being he

33、re will influence who they aspire to become.ArchitectureAs an architecture studio,they find solutions.Through researchingand discovering,often collaborating withbamboo experts,sustainability leaders,engineers and designers will help in theirpursuit.Over the years,they have grown and utilized a globa

34、lnetwork of world-renowned experts in their respective fields.The question most commonly asked in IBUKU studio is,What wouldNature do?All IBUKU designs are inspired by nature in the way thatthey respond to that which already exists.Every building celebratesthe natural world while providing sanctuary

35、 for its inhabitants.Theydesign with the intent to reconnect something inherently vital,andkeeping in mind that humanity is alsoa part of nature.FurnitureWhile the structure is under construction,the IBUKU interior designteam custom designs furniture and interiors for each building theycreate,servin

36、g a variety of clients.Some pieces are designed onsite,using templates to make a perfect fit,while others are giantsculptural pieces for commercial spaces.Their craftsmen combinethe traditional skills with modern carpentry techniques to producetheir bespoke,handcrafted,all-bamboo furniture,which is

37、alsoavailable for export.While most of furniture was designed for IBUKUhomes,their furniture is a great opportunity for them to share someIBUKUmagicwiththerestof theworld.ABOUTMATERIALABOUTMATERIALFrom a crafispersons perspective,there is a constant improvisation.Each piece of bamboo is a new and un

38、ique dance pariner.He or shemust adjust to fiu with them,accommodate them,find a flow wih them,and plan them into the overall dance of the item.-EloraHardyBamboo is a member of the grass family and there are 1,450species growing across the world.IBUKU primarily uses the speciesDendrocalamusAspera,kn

39、ownas Petung.SustainabilityWith its three-year growth cycle and carbon sequestration capacity.it is a uniquely efficient and responsible resource.Even sustainabletimber cant begin to compare with bamboo as a building material.StrengthBamboo is strong,with the compressive force of concrete and thestr

40、ength-to-weight ratio of steel.FastGrowthWhether in the wild or in a plantation,a bamboo shoot can becomea structural column within three years,compared to 10-20 years forsoftwoods.Some species have been measured shooting skyward at 2inches an hour or up to one and a half meters a day.LongevityThoug

41、h bamboo has traditionally been used throughout Asia,new treatment methods have given it a new reliability for longlife.IBUKUs bamboo is treated ecologically witha salt solution,then lab-tested to confirm its durability and integrity,making itas hard-wearing as timber when treated properly and desig

42、nedintelligently.30-31BambooFAQsQ:Thenew treatment methods have given the bamboo a newcapacity for long life.What kind of treatment methods are youtalking about?A:Our main treatment uses a boron solution that suppresses theglucose inside the bamboo and renders it inedible for insects.Q:What kind of

43、maintenance does bamboo require in the long run?A:Properly treated and selected,mature bamboo in a well-designedstructure does not require significant structural maintenance.Thebamboo should only be treated once,before construction begins;additional treatments against insects are not necessary.The r

44、oofof a bamboo housemust be maintained to protect the columnsfrom prolonged rain contact and direct sun exposure;poles that areexposed should be monitored and protected and joints reviewedevery few years to confirm that they remain secure.Re-coatingboth structural and interior bamboo every 2-4 years

45、 will improveits appearance and longevity,and we anticipate that the quality ofand technology behind coatings will advance over time,includingwaterproofing and UV resistance.Long-term maintenance isprimarily cosmeticrefinishing.Q:What kind of bamboo is used to build your houses and wheredoes it come

46、from?A:Petung,Dendrocalamus Aspera,which comes from the islands ofBali,Java and Flores.It grows in small clumps along the river valley.usually on privately owned land.Our bamboo is purchased fromhundreds of individualfarmers.Q:How much bamboo is required to build an average-sized villaat Green Villa

47、ge?A:Our 300sqm houses at Green Village Bali contain+8100 runningmeters of bamboo structureor approximately1200 poles.Anadditional+3000 meters is used in interior finishing.Q:Does bamboo lose its formaftera while?A:Bamboo is a flexible and tensilematerialwiththe strengthequivalentto steel.We account

48、 for the flexibility in the engineering process andwork to ensure our bamboo maintains its integrity over time.Q:ls it easy to have access to large quantities of bamboo?A:Yes,bamboo is plentiful in river valleys throughout Asia,and theclumps regenerate each year.Bamboo is ready for use as a building

49、materialatage3-5years.Q:Does it include the use of chemicals,or is the bamboo treatednaturally?A:The bamboo is treated naturally with boron,a chemical elementfound in nature-for example in the Great Salt Lake,USA.It is onlyslightly more toxic than table salt and is perfectly safe to use in afamily h

50、ome.Q:What isthe lifespan of bamboo?A:Structural performance of our structures based on our engineerscalculations is a minimum of 25 years.There are bamboo structuresin South America and Europe that are over 100years old.If thebamboo is chosen well,treated properly,designed carefully andmaintained,a

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