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1、31组动词固定搭配actact as 担任.职务 起.作用act out 表演(对话、故事等)act for 代理(某人职务);代为(处理某事)act up 捣乱;出毛病breakbreak away from 脱离,逃离break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚break in 闯进,打断;使顺服;插嘴(不及物)break into 闯入;强行进入(及物,后加进入的地点);突然开始break out (战争,疾病,火灾等)爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚break off 打断,中断(break the law 违反法律)(break the record 破记录)(break ones

2、 promise 失言)break through 冲破break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解bringbring about 引起,实现,导致(bring (a)round 使改变观点或看法;使苏醒;顺便把某人带来串门)bring back 送还;使想起,使恢复bring down 击落;打死,打伤;使倒下;降低(bring forth 产生,引起,结果)bring in 收获;获利;介绍,引进;聘请;逮捕bring off 从船上救出;成功地做bring on 促使生长;帮助提高bring out 取出,拿出;显示出,使出来;出版(bring over 说服,使改变(思想等))(b

3、ring through 使度过(困难,危机等))(bring together 使和解)bring up 提出,提起;抚养,培养;呕吐Callcall at (a place) 访问某地call in 叫某人进来,邀请call back 回电话call for 请求,为喊出,(接)找某人call on (upon) 号召,拜访call out 大声叫call up 打电话给;召唤,召集,回忆起catchbe caught doing 被发现做某事be caught in the rain 淋雨catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车catch a cold 伤风,感冒catch on

4、es word 听懂某人的话catch sight of 发现,瞥见catch up with 赶上,追及,追上carryCarry out 贯彻,落实(计划,命令)Carry off 夺走 =carry awayCarry on 继续,坚持下去Carry through 完成,渡过难关comecome about 产生,发生come across “偶遇”come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击come back 回来;恢复,复原come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒come from 来自,起源于,从产生,生于come in 进来

5、,进入;流行起来;获名次(come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成)(come into use 开始使用,获得应用)come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于(come to an end 终止,结束)(come to know 开始了解到)(come true 实现,成为现实;证实)come up 长出,发芽;升起;(被)提出cutcut down 砍倒,减少cut in 插嘴cut off 切除,断绝cut out 删去,略去,戒除cut up 切碎

6、diedie away 消失die down 逐渐平息die of 死于(外因)比如车祸die from 死于(内因)比如心脏病,伤心die out 绝种dobe done in 精疲力竭be done with 完全结束do a good deed 做一件好事do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于do its work 有效,有作用do much 极有用do wrong to 做错do ones best 尽某人最大努力do ones homework 做作业do o

7、nes utmost 尽力而为do proud 足以使骄傲do sb. justice 公平对待某人do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生do sb. a favor 帮助某人do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮do with 和相处,忍受,处理do without 不需要,不用do wonders 创造奇迹have much to do with 和很有关系have nothing to do with 与无关have something to do with 和有关in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下getget about 徘

8、徊,走动,旅行;(消息)流传(get accustomed to 习惯于,对习以为常)get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解get ahead of 胜过,超过get along 前进,进步;同意;离去get along with 与相处get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击get away 离开,逃脱get back 取回,回来;报复get behind 落后;识破get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁get down to 认真对待,静下心来(get familiar with 熟悉)get in 进入,陷入;牵涉get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身get on

9、 上车;穿上;get on with 进展;相处get out of 由出来,从得出;避免;退休get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成(get ready for 为作准备)(get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱)get through 到达,完成,通过;及格get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织(get used to 习惯于)givebe given to 沉溺于,癖好give about 分配;传播give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发give back 归还(give cause 给予的理由)

10、(give ear to 侧耳倾听)(give forth 发出,放出;发表)give in 屈服,让步,投降give in to 同意,接受;向让步give off 发出(烟,气味)give out 分发,公布(give place to 让位于,被所替代)(give rise to 引起,导致;使发生)give up 放弃;停止give way to 让步,退却;屈服于gogo after 追求,设法得到go about 着手处理,忙于go away 走开,离开go against 违反,反对go ahead 进行,进展,干吧,说吧,先走(用于回答别人的请求比如“我能开窗户吗?”)go a

11、long 开始,进展,赞同go around 流传,四处走动(go bad (食物等)变坏,坏掉)go by 走过,经过go for 去请,努力获取go in for 从事(某种事业或活动),喜爱,参加go on 发生,继续go off 走开,离开,去世go out (灯)熄灭,过时go over 审阅,检查,研究go through 审阅,检查,学习,练习,经历,经过go up 上涨,上升go wrong 出毛病go into 调查,研究,加入handhand down 留住,把传下去hand in 交上,交付hand in hand 手拉手,联合,和一起hand out 分发,施舍hand

12、 over 移交(by hand用手工)(at hand在手头,即将到来)holdhold back 阻止(经常是眼泪)hold on 等一等(电话用语)hold out 伸出hold up 举起,阻挡,停顿KeepKeep away from 避开,不接近(keep a record 作记录)keep back 阻止,隐瞒不讲,留下keep off 使不接近Keep on (doing sth.) 继续(反复)做某事keepout of 使不进入,挡住keep up 坚持,不使(斗志)低落,保持,维持,继续keep up with 跟上(keep in touch with 与联系)(kee

13、p fit 保持健康)looklook about 四下环顾;查看look after 照顾,看管look around 东张西望look at 注视,着眼于look back 回顾look for 寻找;期待,期望look down on 俯视;轻视look forward to 盼望,期待look into 窥视;调查;浏览look like 看起来象look on 旁观;面向look out 向外看;注意;当心,堤防look over 从上面看过去;检查look through 透过看去;看穿;浏览look up to 仰望,尊敬makebe made from 由原料制成be made

14、 of 由材料制成be made up of 由组成(make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗)(make a mistake 弄错)(make advantages/use of 使用,利用)make after 追求,追赶make into 把制成,使转变为(make oneself at home 随便,别拘束)make out 理解;辨认出;填写;开支票(+that:声称,假称)(make the best of 尽量利用;极为重视=make full use of)make off 匆匆离开make up 弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化妆make up for 弥补make

15、way for 为让路,让路于passpass away 去世,死(委婉说法)pass by 通过,从旁边经过pass down 传下来,流传,使世代相传 ,一代一代传下去pass on (to sb)转交给(某人),传给(某人)pass out 失去知觉,昏厥pass through 穿过,越过(pass the examination 通过考试)pullpull down 拆毁pull in 车停下,车进站pull off 完成,扯下pull out 拔出,抽出,车、船驶出,摆脱困境pull oneself up 立起身来pull through 渡过难关,恢复健康putput aside

16、 把放在一边;搁置;排除put away 把放好,把收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉put back 把放回原处;驳回put down 放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议put into 把放入;插入;翻译成put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞put on 上演;穿上,带上(put ones heart into 全神贯注,专心致志)put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列put up with 忍受,容忍put through 电话接通run(in the long run终究,到最后)run across 偶遇run after 追

17、捕,追求run against 违反,不利于run away 逃跑,花掉run into 偶遇,撞上,跑进,插进run off 逃走,流畅地写run out 用完(主语是被用的那个物)run out of 用完(主语是用东西的那个人)seesee about 负责处理(弄到、安排)see after=look after 照顾see through 看穿,识破see too 注意,照料,负责,修理sendsend away 把打发走send for 派人去请(医生什么的)send out 派遣,发出(光亮等)send up 发射(火箭等)send off 寄出,派遣;给送行,邮寄setset

18、about 着手干set aside 存蓄,留出set down 放下set in 设置(小说戏剧等)背景于set forth 陈述,提出set off 动身出发,引起set out 出发(to do)set up 创立showshowin 带进来show off 炫耀show up 暴露,露面standstand by 和一起,坚持、支持stand for 代表stand up 起立,(观点等)站得住脚satnd out 显眼,引人注目taketake away 拿走,减去;夺去,消除take after 长得像,性格来自于take back 取回,带回,归还,取消,撤回take down

19、拿下,取下;拆毁,拆卸;记下take in 吸收,吸取,摄取;包括;接受,收容;理解,领悟;受骗take it easy 放轻松啦啦慢慢来take off 飞机起飞;匆匆离开;脱去,拿去,取消take on 承担;从事;呈现;具有take out 拿出,取出,拔去take over 继承,接管,最终取代take up 开始从事,着手处理;拿起;占据;消耗;接纳(take a seat 就坐)(take a shower 淋浴,洗澡)(take care of 当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责)take for 把当作(take ones place 就坐,入坐)(take one

20、s temperature 量体温)(take part in 参与,参加)(take place = happen 发生,举行)(take the place of 代替)throwthrow about 乱扔(东西)throw at 投向throw away 抛弃;浪费throw off 扔掉,摆脱掉;匆匆脱掉衣服throw up 举起,抛起;吐出,呕吐turnturn on 打开(自来水,电器开关);反对;依靠,依赖,取决于turn off 关上(自来水,电器开关);解雇,辞退;避开(问题);制造;生产turn up 出现,露面;音量调高;寻找,查阅,参考turn down 音量调小;折

21、叠,翻下,驳回,拒绝考虑turn upside down 颠倒过来,翻过来;使陷入混乱turn into 变成,变为;翻译成turn out 培养,生产;证明是;制成;实际情况是turn out to be 原来是,证明是,结果是turn to 变成;着手于,求助于turn to for help 求助于(in ones turn 轮到某人做某事)turn (a)round 使变好;旋转,转过身来;改变意见;采取新政策turn over 翻身(take ones turn to do 轮到做)(take turns 轮流)(turn a blind eye to 对视而不见)WorkWork

22、at(on)致力于,从事于Work out 算出,制定出,想出(At work 在工作,在运转)(Out of work 失业)17组介词短语at 短语be angry at sth. 对某事生气arrive at 到达(小地方)knock at/on 敲at last 最后,终于laugh at 嘲笑look at 看,注视at the moment 现在,此时point at/to 指向at times 不时after 短语look after 照看,照顾name after以的名字命名run after 追赶;追求on 短语agree on (通过协商)达成共识call on 拜访,看望

23、come on 快点儿;加油on display 在展出hang on 稍等,别挂断on holiday 度假,休假play a joke on 和开玩笑,戏弄keep on 继续live on 以为食,靠生活put on 穿上;戴上turn on 打开,旋开(收音机、电灯、煤气等)work on 从事于,致力于to 短语agree to 同意,答应,接受(计划、建议、条件、安排等)go to bed 上床睡觉compare.to. 把与作比较from.to. 从到get to 到达do harm to 对有害处lead to 通往;导致pay attention to 注意to onessu

24、rprise 使某人吃惊的是take.to. 把带到/给write to. 写信给in 短语arrive in 到达(大地方)in danger 在危险中drop in 顺便拜访hand in 交上,上交join in 参加in a moment 马上,立即take part in 参加take pride in 以为荣in surprise 吃惊地,惊讶地of 短语be afraid of 害怕take care of 照顾;处理make fun of 嘲笑instead of 代替;而不是hear of 听说speak of 谈到,提起think of考虑;想出;认为about 短语car

25、e about 担心;关心be worried about 担心think about 考虑for 短语call for 需要,要求;提倡,号召care for 关怀,照顾except for 除了之外fight for 为而战leave for. 前往,去look for 寻找for a moment 一会儿pay for sth. 为付款send for 派人去请away 短语give away 分发;赠送put away 收好,放好take away 拿走,带走throw away 扔掉out 短语break out(火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发out of breath 上气不接下气f

26、ind out 发现give out 分发go out 出去make out 理解,明白point out 指出run out 用完sell out 卖完send out 发出set out 动身,出发;开始,着手take out 取出,拿出turn out 证明是,结果是work out 算出;解决with 短语agree with sb. 同意某人be angry with sb. 生某人的气keep up with 赶上catch up with 赶上,追上come up with 提出,想出be covered with 被覆盖deal with 处理;对待be filled with

27、 充满.make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友get along/on (well) with sb. 与某人相处(融洽)help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事over 短语come over顺便来访fall over 跌倒go over 复习,温习;检查look over 检查think over 仔细考虑turn over 把翻过来;移交,转交down 短语break down 损坏;中断cut down 砍倒;削减,压缩get down 下来go down 下落,下降pull down 拆毁put down 放下;写下set down 放下;记下shut

28、down 把关上,关闭take down 记下,拆卸turn down 关小,调低write down 写下,记下from 短语across from. 在.的对面break away from. 脱离.be different from. 与.不同hear from. 收到.的来信learn from. 向.学习tell.from. 区分/辨别.和.up 短语bring up 提出,呕吐,养育,教育call up 打电话;想起cheer up 使振奋fill up 填满,装满fix up 修理:安装go up 上升,上涨grow up 长大(成人)hurry up 赶快,赶紧look up

29、查阅,查找;向上看make up ones mind 决定,决心pick up (sb.) 拾起;搭载/接载(某人)put up 举起,挂起:张贴:搭建save up 存钱,积蓄set up 创立,建立show up 出席,露面sit up 坐起来stay up 不睡,熬夜shut up 住嘴speak up 大声说think up 想出tidy up 整理turn up 开大,调大(音量)off 短语fall off 从跌落get off 下车give off 发出(光、热、气味等)hurry off 匆匆离去put off 推迟see sb. off 为某人送行set off 出发,启程s

30、how off 显示;夸耀take off 脱下turn off 关掉(收音机、电灯、煤气等)重叠式短语again and again 再三地,反复地arm in arm 臂挽着臂bit by bit 一点一点地,逐渐地day after day 日复一日from door to door 挨家挨户face to face 面对面here and there 到处,处处from house to house 挨家挨户less and less 越来越少all day and all night 整日整夜neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下one by one 一个接一个地side by side 肩并肩;一个接一个step by step 逐步

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