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1、Unit 1 Hello Again!(Lesson 1-5 为新讲课 Lesson 6 为故事课)Lesson 1: How Are You?New Words / Phrases:pupil Mr. Wood Steven his herNew Sentence Pattern:Welcome back to school!My name is Jenny. = You can call me Jenny.向他人简介自己:(有三种措施)I am Jenny. = My name is Jenny. = You can call me Jenny.向他人简介第三方:1.(单数)Jenny,

2、this is Steven. He is a new pupil.2.(复数)Steven, these are my friends. His name is Danny. Her name is Kim.Lesson 2: Is This Your Pencil?New Words / Phrases:pen pencil ruler crayon rubber book notebook bag desk pencil caseNew Sentence Pattern:Whose pencil is this? Its Jennys pencil.疑问词:whatWhats this?

3、 Its a pencil.whereWhere is the cat? Its under the desk.howHow do you go to school? By bus.how manyHow many books do you have? Three.how muchHow much is the sweater? Thirty yuan.whoWho is he? He is my friend Li Ming.whoseWhose pencil is this? Its Jennys pencil.Lesson 3: Where Are They?New Words / Ph

4、rases:blackboard desk chair schoolbag方位介词:between and beside on in underNew Sentence Pattern:英语句型中旳主谓一致:Danny is between the desk and the chair.The crayons are under the desk.Lesson 4: How Many Books Are There?New Words / Phrases:game put on put on from to numbers 1-100:one two three four five six s

5、even eight nine teneleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteennineteentwenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundredNew Sentence Pattern:How many books are there? There are eight books.Lesson 5: Where Is Danny?New Words / Phrases:in front of behind in the cl

6、assroom on the playgroundNew Sentence Pattern:Where is Danny? Hes in the classroom. Hes in front of Steven. Hes reading a book.Where is Jenny? Shes on the playground. Shes behind Danny. They are playing a game.Letters and Sounds:ea meat read bread sweater sea thread oo zoo school book look moon wood

7、Unit 2 Days and Months(Lesson 7-11 为新讲课 Lesson 12 为故事课)Lesson 7: Months of the YearNew Words / Phrases:January February March April May June July August SeptemberOctober November DecemberNew Sentence Pattern:Whats your favourite month? December.Whose birthday is in July? My birthday is in July.Lesso

8、n 8: First, Second, ThirdNew Words / Phrases:first second third fourth fifth sixthseventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfthNew Sentence Pattern:This is a race. Li Ming is the first. The girl is the second. The boy in red shorts is the third.January is the first month.Lesson 9: When Is It?New Words

9、 / Phrases:New Years DayJanuary the firstthe Spring Festivalin January or FebruaryInternational Workers DayMay the firstChildrens DayJune the firstTeachers DaySeptember the tenthNational DayOctober the firstNew Sentence Pattern:When is the New Years Day? January the first is the New Years Day.Lesson

10、 10: Rain and SunNew Words / Phrases:sun cloud rain wind snowNew Sentence Pattern:I like rain and snow. What about you?Lesson 11: Hows the Weather Today?New Words / Phrases:cold snowy sunny cloudy windy rainyNew Sentence Pattern:How is the weather today? Its windy. Its cool.How is the weather in Jul

11、y? Its hot and sunny.What day is it? Its Tuesday.地名旳表达措施:Kunming Lanzhou Xian Changchun BeijingLetters and Sounds:ir first third ur nurse Thursdayer teacher driver or work wordTry to read: dirty fur dancer worldUnit 3 All About Me(Lesson 13-17 为新讲课 Lesson 18 为故事课)Lesson 13: How Old Are You?New Sente

12、nce Pattern:Steven: How old are you, Danny?Danny: Im nineteen years old.Steven: When is your birthday?Danny: My birthday is December 17.Lesson 14: Are You Short or Tall?New Sentence Pattern:Lets get to work, class.Mr. Wood: How tall are you?Kim: I dont know.Mr. Wood: Youre 1.3 metres tall.Li Lei: Ho

13、w tall am I?Mr. Wood: Youre 1.4 metres tall.Lesson 15: Where Do You Live?New Sentence Pattern:A: Where do you live, Steven?B: I live in a house beside the park.A: Whats your address?B: My address is 135 Ninth Street.Lesson 16: How Do You Go to School?New Sentence Pattern:A: How do you go to school,

14、Kim?B: I live near the school. So I go to school on foot.A: Jenny, how do you go to school?B: I go to school by bus. I live far from the school.A: How do you go to school, Steven?B: By car. My dad drives me.A: Do you walk to school, Danny?B: No, I ride my bike!Lesson 17: What Do You Like to Do?New S

15、entence Pattern:A: What do you like to do?B: I like to fly kites with my friends.Jenny likes to fly kites, but Steven likes to play ping-pong.Letters and Sounds:ou house cloudy mouse ow cow brown flowerar March far star ass class grass glassUnit 4 My Favourites(Lesson 19-23 为新讲课 Lesson 24 为故事课)Lesso

16、n 19: My Favourite ColoursNew Sentence Pattern:A: My favourite colour is brown. Whats your favourite colour?B: Blue is my favourite colour.I like blue. My favourite colour is blue.We like blue. Our favourite colour is blue.They like blue. Their favourite colour is blue.Lesson 20: My Favourite Clothe

17、sNew Sentence Pattern:A: I like skirts!B: Me, too!We like skirts. Our favourite clothes are skirts.They like shorts. Their favourite clothes are shorts.Lesson 21: My Favourite FoodNew Sentence Pattern:A: Whats your favourite food for lunch?B: I like hamburgers. Hamburgers are my favourite.Lesson 22:

18、 My Favourite SubjectNew Words / Phrases:subject Chinese English science math PE art musicNew Sentence Pattern:What subject is it? Its English.Whats your favourite subject? My favourite subject is English. I also like PE.Lesson 23: My Favourite School WorkNew Words / Phrases:interesting draw pictures write stories play games sing songsNew Sentence Pattern:A: Whats your favourite school work?B: I like to draw pictures. Thats my favourite school work. Its interesting!Letters and Sounds:or short forty cornour your four poural walk talk chalk

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