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1、9520232850000】1 2 9】1 6 7 4-9 2 4 3(2 0 2 3)0 2-0 9 5-1 22007-20142017963A9519720232.951M853525200435.225254521525375119878.951 M)235 39253375 2004:36.351252592353531751196:379955m2355252004:1.9823939535 2012:335.4522232017.98.99202325751989:35.10052250552010:6.10120232525055252017.711021【意 G杜齐.西藏考古

2、M.向红茄译.拉萨:西藏人民出版社,2 0 0 4:6 9.5255552008:21710320232V325211981:78225551990:361.10410520232浅谈 独家说唱本 其米多吉(西藏大学文学院,西藏拉萨8 5 0 0 0 0)【摘要】平定四元又名创世篇是青年艺人斯塔多吉说唱的一部格萨尔传,是一部独家说唱本。如果平定三界作为格萨尔传说唱本结尾,那么平定四元是格萨尔传的开篇。虽然格萨尔传中无法避开佛教内容,但平定四元整部书主要叙述了地神、火神、风神、水神和琼卵创造宇宙的故事,并且格萨尔传分部本中,有创世篇等说唱本,这些叙述只是“岭”地与“岭”部落的起源,而至今任何艺人

3、未说唱过器世间的起源。笔者认为斯塔多吉说唱的平定四元中叙述的内容来看,不仅涉及到原始宗教、苯教、波斯教等宗教思想成分,具有原始性、神话性、多元性文化特点,而且整部说唱本中巧妙利用西藏古老神话精髓,不仅填补了一部新的格萨尔说唱本,而且完善和丰富了格萨尔史诗内容,它对研究西藏原始神话与宇宙起源说,以及格萨尔史诗母体研究具有很高的参考价值。【关键词】平定四元;内容;特点;研究价值106诗史Primary Note on the Harmonization of the Four Elements-an Episodein Gesar EpicChime Dorje(School of Humanit

4、y in Tibet University,Lhasa,Tibet 850000)Abstract Vbyung Bzhi Bde Bkod is the opening episode of Gesar Epic exclusively sung by the young bardSithar Dorje as it has never been sung by other bards of Gesar Epic.If one says that Vbyung Bzhi Bde Bkod is theending episode of Gesar epic,the Srid Pa Chags

5、 Lugs is the opening episode of it.Although Buddhist content cannotbe avoided in the Gesar Epic,the entire book Vbyung Bzhi Bde Bkod mainly tells the stories of how the earth-lords,fire-lords,wind-lords,water-lords and the Garuda created the universe.In the sub volumes of the Gesar Epic,thereare sto

6、ries about the creation of the universe,which only narrate the origins of the land and tribes of King Gesar,and to this day,no any artist has spoken and sung about the origin of the artifact world.The author believes that thecontent described in Sithar Dorjes song Vbyung Bzhi Bde Bkod not only invol

7、ves religious ideological elements suchas primitive religion,Bon,and religions in Persia,but also has cultural characteristics of originality,mythology,anddiversity.Moreover,the entire episode book cleverly utilizes the essence of ancient Tibetan mythology,not only addinga new episode,but also impro

8、ving and enriching the content of Gesar Epic.Sithar Dorjes version does not only addone of the rare episodes of Gesar Epic,but also bears important value of researching the Tibetan antient myths,originof the universe,academic research on the Gesar Epic.It has high reference value for the study of Tibetan primitivemythology and the concept of the origin of the universe,as well as the study of the matrix of the Gesar Epic.Key words Vbyung Bzhi Bde Bkod;main content;characteristics;academic value作者简介:其米多吉,男,藏族,西藏浪卡子人,西藏大学文学院教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向:格萨尔史及其文化研究。

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