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1、第第1页页第第1页页Fundamentals of Writing English Business Letters英文商务信函写作基本知识英文商务信函写作基本知识 第第2页页第第2页页1.1 1.1 Introduction(简介)简介)目目的的:掌掌握握商商务务信信函函写写作作要要求求、写写作作原原则则、以以及及信封和信函基本构成和行文要求。信封和信函基本构成和行文要求。第第3页页第第3页页1.2 Requirements for Business Letter Writers(商务信函写作要求)(商务信函写作要求)要写就一封成功商务信函,需要起草人具备下列条件:(1)精通英语(Good

2、command of English)(2)通晓外贸理论和实务(Knowledge of business theory and practice)(3)通晓术语(Knowledge of technical terms)(4)通晓人心理(Knowledge of psychology)(5)熟悉推销艺术(Skills in salesmanship)第第4页页第第4页页1.3 Seven Guidelines of Writing English Business 1.3 Seven Guidelines of Writing English Business LettersLetters(


4、商务信函必须避免采用模糊、大约和抽象词语和语句,应尽量利用详细事实和数字,普通使用积极语态来陈说内容。5.礼貌(礼貌(Courtesy)在商务信函写作过程中,及时是礼貌之首。另外,应避免使用也许激怒、伤害对方言辞或语调,语调上要尽量站在客户立场上做到互惠互利。第第7页页第第7页页n6.体谅(Consideration)n发信人应尽也许从收信人立场来考虑问题,在分析对方会怎样了解信息基础上,提供其所需要信息。n7.完整(Completeness)n 商务信函必须力争完整,要包含写信人希望收信人做出主动反应一切情况,或是回答来信所提出全部问题和要求。第第8页页第第8页页1.4 Addressing

5、 Envelopes(信封写法)(信封写法)n 在寄往国外信函信封上,收信人和收信人地址以及寄信人和寄信人地址书写位置,都不同于国内信封写法,见图1-1。第第9页页第第9页页图图1-1 寄往国外信函信封写法寄往国外信函信封写法General Trading Co.28 North RoadBeijing 100020P.R.China Overseas Trading Co.52 Hooigracht Street Amsterdam,the Netherlands第第10页页第第10页页注意事项:注意事项:(1)寄信人姓名和地址应写在信封左上角,且务必与封内地址在形式和标点上一致。(2)收信

6、人姓名和地址写在信封中下偏右位置,收信人姓名和国名须分行书写。第第11页页第第11页页(3)寄信人和收信人姓名和地址书写顺序是:先写姓名后写地址。地址书写应由小至大,先写机构名称,再依次写门牌、街道、都市、州/省及邮政编码,最后书写国名。(4)关于信件类别、投递方式及其它事项阐明,写在信封左边寄信人地址下,或写在左下角。如怀疑信件能否送交收信人,可在信封最下边标明:IF UNDELIVERED PLEASE RETURN TO XXX,即:如无法投递,请退交XXX。第第12页页第第12页页1.5 Parts of English Business Letters(英文商务信函构成部分)(英文商

7、务信函构成部分)1.信头(信头(Letter head)信头也称为信笺抬头,由寄信人公司名称、地址、电话号码、E-mail地址和传真构成。信头通常位于信纸最上端。第第13页页第第13页页2.日期(日期(Date)日期顶边写在信纸左边或右边,距离信头三到四行。注意事项:注意事项:(1)年份必须所有写出。(2)月份最好用英文全拼,不提倡用缩略式。(3)日期能够用序数词或基数词。(4)年份前要加逗号。(5)日期切忌所有用数字表示。第第14页页第第14页页3.信函编号(信函编号(Reference number)给信函编号是为了便于往来书信存挡和查阅,普通采用Your Ref.(你方编号)或Our R

8、ef.(我方编号)。信函编号通常放在日期上方或与日期平齐靠左位置,打上下列字样:Your Ref.:Our Ref.:第第15页页第第15页页4.信内地址(信内地址(Inside address)信内地址包括收信人姓名、头衔、单位名称、营业地址以及都市、国家名称和邮政编码。收信人姓名和地址应和信封上内容相同。信内地址普通在信纸左上角低于日期地方。书写顺序是由小单位到大单位。每项内容单独成行:Mr.Francis Lawrence Vice President Swinton Co.87 Unico Avenue Toronto,ST 9878 Canada第第16页页第第16页页5.称呼(称呼

9、(Salutation)称呼写在信内地址下面空两行处。常见正式称呼有:Dear Mr.Smith,Dear Mrs.Smith,Dear Miss Brown,Dear Ms.White。假如称呼多个男性,则在姓名前用Mr.复数形式Messrs。Mrs.没有复数形式,假如称呼多个女性,则在姓名前用Mmes.,如Mmes.White and Gray。写信给一家公司时,通惯用Dear Sirs,也能够用Gentlemen。第第17页页第第17页页6.事由(事由(Subject)事由是为对方在阅读信正文以前对信主题、内容有一个理解,也便于登记归档和查卷。写在称呼下面、信中间位置。事由下面能够划线,

10、也能够不划线,有时可所有用大写字体。比如:Subject:Mens BicyclesRe:Sales Confirmation No.2536Your Order No.:Reference:第第18页页第第18页页7.信函正文(信函正文(Body of the letter)信函正文是商务信函中最主要部分,要遵循“7C原则”。正文普通遵循三段式格式。第一段普通是引入主题,第二段详细讨论,第三段以总结或提议来结束全文。需两页或更多信纸时,在前一页最后一行右边写上to be continued。续页应采用不带信头信纸,并注明收信人名称、页数和日期。如:Mr.John Smith,Page 2,J

11、une 3,第第19页页第第19页页8.信尾客套语(信尾客套语(Complimentary close)信尾客套语是一个礼貌,是结束信函正式方式,类似中文信函中“此致,敬礼”等。惯用有:Sincerely,Sincerely yours,Yours sincerely,Best regards;更亲切一点有:Cordially,Cordially yours;再正式一些有:Yours truly,Respectfully yours,Yours faithfully。注意,只有第一个字母大写。普通打印在正文下面空一行处。第第20页页第第20页页n9.署名(Signature)n n 署名通常在

12、信尾客套语下空三行位置。署名可采取不同写法,普通包含:企业名称、写信人手写署名、写信人打印署名、写信人头衔。有时,也能够不写企业名称。n比如:nYours truly,nGeneral Trading Co.n(Signature)nJohn SmithnSales Manager第第21页页第第21页页10.经办人代号(经办人代号(Reference notation)经办人代号是提供信件产生信息资料,便于必要时核对之用。经办人代号是由信件口授者和秘书姓名首字母构成,用冒号或斜线号分开,可用下列方式书写:FCM/HL,FCM:HL,FCM/hl,fcm:hl第第22页页第第22页页11.附件

13、(附件(Enclosure)假如信封内除信纸外,尚附有其它文献,能够在信中阐明附件份数和内容。当附件只有一件时,注明Enclosure 或Encl.即可;一件以上时,要加上编码,以便收信人辨认,用Enclosures.阐明。比如:Enclosures 3:1.Birth Certificate2.Visa3.Letter of Reference第第23页页第第23页页12.抄送(抄送(Carbon copy/C.C.)发信人若需把此信抄送给相关单位,可在附件下方即信左下端打上C.C.,然后打上抄送单位名称,比如:C.C.:The Bank of ChinaCopies to:director

14、sCc to:CEOCopy to:Sales Manager第第24页页第第24页页13.附笔(附笔(Postscript/P.S.)若写完信后还须附加项目时,就需补述,这类似于中文信中附言。有时并非真正将忘了写事情补上,而是故意引起对方注意。附笔被放在抄送下方。在写完P.S.之后,有时也把签字人姓名首字母缩写附在最后。第第25页页第第25页页1.6 The Opening and Conclusion of English Business Letters(英文商务信函开头和结尾)(英文商务信函开头和结尾)n信函开头应该直入主题,要避免空洞。依据书写商务信函目标不同,开头普通分为两大类:一

15、是回复信件;二是主动与对方联络。n对于回复信件,可采取以下方式开头。1.英文商务信函开头英文商务信函开头第第26页页第第26页页(1)感谢对方来信)感谢对方来信 We thank you for your letter(inquiry,telex,e-mail,fax etc.)of Thank you for We appreciate We were pleased to receive Please accept our thanks for 第第27页页第第27页页(2)对来信进行回复)对来信进行回复We are pleased to reply to your letter(inqu

16、iry,telex,e-mail,fax etc.)of In answer to In response to In reply to 第第28页页第第28页页(3)回复来信中相关问题)回复来信中相关问题With reference to your letter(inquiry,telex,e-mail,fax etc.)ofIn reference to Referring to We refer to 第第29页页第第29页页(4)回复来信中提出要求或批示)回复来信中提出要求或批示As requested in your letter of As required As instruct

17、ed According to the request/instruction In accordance with In compliance with In conformity with 第第30页页第第30页页(5)表示满意和欣喜)表示满意和欣喜We were gratified to learn from your letter of thatWe were glad It was a pleasure第第31页页第第31页页(6)表示遗憾和惊讶)表示遗憾和惊讶We regret to learn from your letter of that We were sorry We w

18、ere surprised 第第32页页第第32页页对于积极和对方联系商务信函,能够用下列方式开头。Your company has been recommended to us by We have learnt from that The name of your reputable firm has come to us throughWe have had your name and address given to us by(1 1)通过别人简介理解到对方)通过别人简介理解到对方)通过别人简介理解到对方)通过别人简介理解到对方第第33页页第第33页页(2)对以前信函补充或确认)对以

19、前信函补充或确认Further to our letter of 对对我方某月某日信函我方某月某日信函补补充下列充下列 With further reference to our letter of Confirming our letter/conversation of 我方确我方确认认某月某日信函某月某日信函/会会谈谈We confirm that out letter of and 我方确认某日信函并我方确认某日信函并 With further reference to 对对进进一步一步补补充下列充下列 第第34页页第第34页页(3)告知对方一些情况)告知对方一些情况This lett

20、er is to inform you that We are pleased We have the honor We have the pleasure informing you that 兹兹荣幸地告知荣幸地告知贵贵方方 We regret to inform you that 我我们遗们遗憾地告知憾地告知贵贵方方 第第35页页第第35页页2.英文商务信函结尾英文商务信函结尾 商务信函结尾应当简练、中肯,与写信主旨相符。依据是否需要对方回复把结尾分为两类。第第36页页第第36页页对于期待对方回复信件,能够用下列方式结尾。对于期待对方回复信件,能够用下列方式结尾。We shall be

21、glad to have a/an/your reply(answer,favorable news,comment etc.)We hope to be favored with We shall be obliged for We are waiting for We shall appreciate We look forward to 第第37页页第第37页页对于期待对方回复信件,能够用下列方式结尾。对于期待对方回复信件,能够用下列方式结尾。对于期待对方回复信件,能够用下列方式结尾。对于期待对方回复信件,能够用下列方式结尾。We trust to hear from you about

22、/concerning/in this respect/in this matter.We hope to hear We shall be glad to hear Please let us hear Will you let us hear 第第38页页第第38页页对于不必对方回复信函,能够用下列两种方式结尾:对于不必对方回复信函,能够用下列两种方式结尾:对于不必对方回复信函,能够用下列两种方式结尾:对于不必对方回复信函,能够用下列两种方式结尾:(1 1)表示感谢或希望继续合作意愿)表示感谢或希望继续合作意愿)表示感谢或希望继续合作意愿)表示感谢或希望继续合作意愿We thank you

23、 for the services you rendered in this matter.Thank you for your attention to this matter.We appreciate your patronage and hope that the pleasant relationship established between us will continue.Your favorable cooperation will be greatly appreciated.第第39页页第第39页页(2)表示歉意)表示歉意We apologize for the dela

24、y in replying to your letter.We regret the trouble we are causing you.Please accept our apology for the inconvenience we have caused you.We regret that we are unable to be of assistance to you.We regret that we cant meet your requirements.第第40页页第第40页页1.7 Useful Sentences in Common Business 1.7 Usefu

25、l Sentences in Common Business LettersLetters(普通商务信函中实用语句)(普通商务信函中实用语句)(普通商务信函中实用语句)(普通商务信函中实用语句)1.回信回信We are offering a sound article at popular price,and we should appreciate an opportunity to substantiate our claims.In answer to your favor of the 8th June,we inform you that we are unable to take

26、the goods offered by you.In answer to your inquiry for bran,we offer you 40 tons of the same.第第41页页第第41页页2.收讫收讫We acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday,and gratefully accept the appointment on the terms you mention.We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 15th inst.Kindly acknowledge r

27、eceipt,and have the goods sent by the last steamer in December.We duly received your favor of the 25th June,contents of which we note with thanks.第第42页页第第42页页3.告知告知We inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address.Having established ourselves in this city,as merchants and general

28、 agents,we take the liberty of acquainting you of it,and solicit the preference of your order.We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on the 1st August.第第43页页第第43页页4.确认确认In confirmation of my cable today,I regret to state that the factory was completely d

29、estroyed by fire last night.We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you.We confirm our respects of the 3rd June,and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived.Confirming our letter of last week,we ask you to appoint an early interview with our representative.第第44页页第第44页页5.愉快

30、欣慰愉快欣慰We have the pleasure to inform you that we will forward by tomorrows mail to the Bank five bonds of USD500 each.We have the pleasure of enclosing herewith the documents.We have pleasure in enclosing herewith a Bill of Lading covering 50 bales of cotton.第第45页页第第45页页6.附函附函We enclose for realizat

31、ion drafts as per the list at foot.Enclosed please find the invoice of 80 bales wool bought by your order.Enclosed please find three orders for immediate attention.An order form is enclosed.Fill it out and attach your check.第第46页页第第46页页7.迅即迅即Kindly see the empty sacks are returned as promptly as pos

32、sible.The goods were at once dispatched by rail to your address.Please give us forwarding instructions promptly.Please deliver these goods with all speed to the London dock.第第47页页第第47页页8.依照、关于依照、关于In accordance with your letter of yesterday,I am sending tonight 15 cases of whisky.Referring to our co

33、nversation of this morning,we enclose a pamphlet describing our new articles.With reference to your letter of the 16th inst.,we are glad to inform you that there has been a great demand for the articles.第第48页页第第48页页9.期满、到期期满、到期The steamer will be due in Yokohama on the morning of the 15th May.I rece

34、ived in due course your letter of the 28th June.We have duly received your valued favor of the 16th May.第第49页页第第49页页10.抱歉、遗憾抱歉、遗憾We are sorry to learn from your letter of the 10th June that your customer is still dissatisfied with the condition.We are sorry that we have taken the liberty in writing

35、you prematurely on the subject.I am regretted to have to inform you that two cases of them are so bad in quality.第第50页页第第50页页11.荣幸荣幸We feel specially honored to be given this opportunity to meet such a nice group of distinguished people like you.Today,we feel very much honored to have Prof.Wilson wi

36、th us.第第51页页第第51页页12.感谢感谢We take this opportunity to thank our patrons and friends for the liberal support extended to us during our business career.We appreciate your telling us about the defective sets,and are glad to make things right.While thanking you for your valued support,I wish to ask for a

37、 continuance of your confidence in the new company.第第52页页第第52页页13.提供服务提供服务We wish to assure you that we appreciate an opportunity afforded us for service.In the meantime,please be assured of our most cordial good wishes and of our desire to be of service.We thank you for the opportunity to be of ser

38、vice to you.We are always pleased to serve you at any time.第第53页页第第53页页14.希望、愿望希望、愿望We hope to hear from you favorably.We hope that you will give this matter prompt attention.We hope this action will meet with your approval.第第54页页第第54页页15.留意署名留意署名We would ask you kindly to note our respective signat

39、ures given below.I request your attention to his signature,appended below.第第55页页第第55页页16.诚请回信诚请回信Then send back the postcard and well gladly tell you without a bit of obligation,of course.A postcard is enclosed for your convenience in requesting further information.Make out your check for USD50,put

40、it in the enclosed envelope,and start it on its way to us at once.第第56页页第第56页页1.8 Formats of English Business Letters(英文商务信函格式)(英文商务信函格式)n 商务信函要达到良好沟通效果,一方面要撰写恰如其分句子和段落,另一方面还必须运用恰当有效信函格式。英文商务信函有三种常用格式:缩行式(the indented form),齐头式(the block form)和修正齐头式(the modified block form)。第第57页页第第57页页(1)缩行式)缩行式 如图

41、1-2所表示,缩行式信函日期行、结尾客套语、作者姓名和头衔都从所在行中间偏右位置开始写,事由行居中。每个段落第一行从左边界空5个字母位置开始,其它各行都从左边顶头写。第第58页页第第58页页图图1-2 缩行式信函格式缩行式信函格式LetterheadOur Ref No.:Your Ref No.:June 1,International Investment Ltd.77 Pearl RoadSwanton,Manchester,EnglandDear Madam,.Yours sincerely Zhaou Hua Zhou Hua Manager第第59页页第第59页页(2)齐头式)齐头

42、式 如图1-3所表示,齐头式信函每一行都从左面边界开始写,前面不留空格。第第60页页第第60页页图图1-3齐头式信函格式齐头式信函格式LetterheadOur Ref No.:Your Ref No.:June 1,International Investment Ltd.77 Pearl RoadSwanton,Manchester,EnglandDear Madam,.Yours sincerelyZhou HuaZhou HuaManager第第61页页第第61页页(3)修正齐头式)修正齐头式 如图1-4所表示,修正齐头式信函类似于缩行式信函,但段落首行不缩进。第第62页页第第62页页图图1-4修正齐头式信函格式修正齐头式信函格式LetterheadOur Ref No.:Your Ref No.:June 1,International Investment Ltd.77 Pearl RoadSwanton,Manchester,EnglandDear Madam,.Yours sincerely Zhou Hua Zhou Hua Manager第第63页页第第63页页

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