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1、哈尔滨市2009年初中升学考试英语试卷一、听力测试(本题共30分)听录音,每题读两遍。I听句子选出与所听句子内容相匹配的图画。(本题共 5分。每小题1分)听对话。根据问题选出正确答案。(本题共10分,每小题2分)( )6AA cat BA panda CA bear( )7ABy bus BBy bike COn foot( )8AHospital BShop CMuseum( )9AYellow BBlue CRed( )10A9:40 B10:20 C9:20昕对话。根据对话内容选出最佳答案完成各句。(本题共5分。每小题1分)( )11ItS_today Asunny Brainy Csn

2、owy( )12Now it is not_yet Awinter Bspring Csummer( )13ItS the_time that the boy has seen so much snow Afirst Bsecond Cthird( )14,11le boy comes from_ Athe north Bthe south Cthe west( )15They will_ Awatch TV Bmake a snowman Cgo skiing Iv听短文根据所昕内容选出短文中划线部分词的同义词或同义短语。(本题共10分,每小题2分) American country mus

3、ic is mainly about things that are 16 for everyone:feeling alone in the modem world,the value of having good friends and SO onDuring the 1950s,American country music was 17Then in the 1960s many young students were angry with society,SO songs were often 18 angerPolitical leaders were not well though

4、t of and those songs often 19themCountry music today keeps much the same as beforeOne subject to which country music often returns is“the good old days”In“the good old days”people thought well of 20People loved life in the open airThey believed that the best things in life were free:sunshine,laughin

5、g,walks in the beauty of the country,friends and music( )16Astrange Busual Cuseful( )17Amore and more beautiful Bnearer and nearer Cmore and more popular( )18Afilled with Bshort of Cin need of( )19Aplayed jokes on Bspoke highly of Cshouted at( )20Atlle others Bone another Cother people二、单项选择(本题共15分,

6、每小题1分)选择最佳答案。( )21Relax_!_you finish this English exam,you11 be free and feel on top of the worldYou can make it if you put your heart into it! AAs well as BAs soon as CAs good as( )22一Good news!Bill won_medal in the long jump just now 一Really?Thats his_ one at our sports meeting Aa:four Ban;fourth

7、Ca;fourth( )23Humor(幽默感)is very important to human beingsWe can never have too much of it Without humor,life would be_ Adisappointed Bboring Cbored( )24一ItS not just the governmentS duty to protect the_ 一I agreeMy grandpa often_up garbage for recycling and takes good care of animals and plantsHe is

8、a good example to US Aenvironment;picked Benvironments;pick Cenvironment;picks( )25A new study proves a_walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat A30一minute B30 minuteS C30一minutes( )26一How can I make friends in a new school? 一Say hello to_to you today,and you can have a friend

9、tomorrow Anew someone Bsomeone new Cnew anyone( )27You Can find a way to reach your goals when you are proud_yourself and stand tall like a sunflower Aon Bfrom Cof( )28Boys and girls,_up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp(夏令营) Aputting Bto put Cput( )29Everyone Can play an import

10、ant role in the societyAs members,we should try our best to do_ Awhat we should do Bwhat should we do Chow we should do( )30一What are you doing now? i y m writing to my cousinHe moved to America two weeks agoHe must be_ receiving my e-mail A1istening to B100king forward to Choping to( )31Ten months

11、has passed,but Chinese people still remember those exciting days_ they spent during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Athat Bwho Cwhen( )32Mind your table manners once you are invited to a formal western dinner party When you sit down at the table,take your napkin and put it_ Abeside your plate Bin you

12、r right hand Con your lap( )33If you stay in your room when an earthquake(地震)happens,you ought to_ hide yourself under the table (爹Stay in the safe place until the shaking stops keep yourself under the seat in the bus stay away from slass,windows,and anything that could fall make sure the lights are

13、 on and find all your valuable things A B c( )34The picture shows what nu Fei does on SundaysHe spends 96 hours sleeping and_hours doing sports a day A3 B6 C7( )35Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? AAfford BHonest CPrepare三、完形填空(本题共10分。每小题1分) Will you be happy if you

14、 have a new Nike T-shirt on?Probably you willBut what if you see a friend 36 a more fashionable(时髦的)and more beautiful one?You may not feel as satisfied37 you expect to and the feeling of happiness may disappear in a minute Why are we not s0 happy躺we should be?,11le secret is:we focus on(专注)what we

15、wantinstead of what we haveWe keep making OUr list of desires(愿望)longer and longerAs a result,we are not pleased with what we have 38 ownedWe say to ourselves,“I11 be happy when thisdesire is satisfied”However,another desire appears when this one is metSo。we still dont feel happy though we have got

16、what we wantHappiness 39 when we always have new desireshard to satisfy Luckilythere is a way to be happyThink mole about what we have than what we wantRathertllan wish you were 40 to have an enioyable vacation on the beachthink of 41 fun youhave had nelilhomeSimilarly,instead of hating to do much h

17、omework,42 teachers formaking you have the chance to practice moleThe list of what you have can also be endlessEachtime you find yourself falling into“I wish life weIe different”trap(陷阱),take a deep breath and think of 43 you have eveihad Pay lnole attention to what you have,and you11 probably get m

18、Ole of what you want 44example,your good attitude toward doing homework can bring exeeUent grades in exanlt8because 45 makes perfect Start to focus on what we have!The more we feel satisfiedthe more happily well live根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )36Awearing Bto wear CWOre( )37Avery Bas Ctoo( )38Aalready Byet Cfarf

19、 )39Acallt be found BCall be found Ccan find( )40Aused Bsad Cable( )41Ahow Bwhat Cwhose( )42Athank Brefuse Cdislike( )43Aeverything Bthing Cnothing( )44AAs BFor COn( )45Aexercises Bgrade Cpractice四、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) (A) Scientists think that a weather pattern(形式)called E1 Nin6(厄尔尼诺现象)caused thedrou

20、ght(干旱)in AustraliaE1 Nin6 causes different weather in different parts of the worldItcauses a lot of rain and floods in some placesIt causes droughts in other placesDroughts can badly affect people and the landE1 Nin6 lasts about a year In normal weather conditionswarm winds from South America blow

21、from east to west acrossthe Pacific OceanThe winds early storms to AustraliaThese storms bring rain to Australia During an E1 Nin6 weather patternthe winds change directionThey blow from west to eastacross the Pacific OceanThe storms n0 longer move across AustraliaSo Australia gets very little rain

22、during E1 Nino The drought began in January,1982E1 Nino often occurs at this time of yearBut that year,E1 Nino was stronger than usualThere Was very little rainfall(降雨量)in eastern AustraliaThere was also very little water in the riversThe drought WaS at its worst in February,1983At that time,the wea

23、ther was very hotThe forests and fields were very dryCotton growers eouldnt plant their cottonSheep farmers had no grass for their animals to eatSo many of them diedBecause the forests were dryforest fires started quicklySome of the fires burned for a monthMany forests were destroyedOver 2,000 peopl

24、e lost their houses in the fires and 75 people died The Australian drought of 1982-1983 affected thousands of people and animalsThe droughtcost the country over$3,000,000,000It was a reminder(提示)to Australians of how the weathercould change their lives1根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )46From the passage we know El N

25、ino is_ Aa powerful storm Ba place in Australia Ca weather pattern( )47The undedined word“DccH俗”in the passage means“_”in Chinese A发生 B发展 C消失f )48Picture_shows how E1 Nin6 causes a drought in Australia( )49W1lich of the following is NoT true according to the passage? AThere Was very little rainfall

26、in eastern Australia in 1982 BMany forests weI_e destroyed in the Australian drought Cne Australian government paid over¥3,000,000,000 for this drought( )50WhatS the main idea of the passage? AA drought happened in South America BE1 NinO caused a great drought in Australia CAustralia got much rain d

27、uring E1 NinO。(B)Travel Information根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。( )5 1It is said that the love story about Xu Xian and the矾ite Snake happened on_ ADragon Tower BWest Lake CWater Cube( )52If a person in Hangzhou feels like visiting Water Cube,he should call_to get information A045182187899 B057168345576 C0lO一281

28、35589( )53Disneyland,which attracts a lot of tourists from home and abroad every year,is in _according to the travel information ABeijing BHarbin CHong Kong( )54Two travelers plan to have a birdseye view(俯视)of Harbin,and they need to pay _from the information above A¥150 B¥300 C¥450( )55Which of the

29、 following is TRUE according to the Ravel information? AWater Cube is special in design BThe price of a ticket for West Lake is the highest CIn Disneylandyou cant see any cartoon characters(C) On my first day of hish sch001I saw a boy from my class walking back home after sch001His nalne w as DavidH

30、e was carrying his booksAs 1 was walking。I saw a group of kids running toward himknocking all his books out of his arlnsAnd then they ran awayDavid fell down+and his glasses went flyingHe looked up and I saw sadness in his eyes1 helped him to look for his glasses and said“The kids with bad manners s

31、hould be punished”There was a big smile that showed real gratitude(感激)on his face From then on。we became friendsThe more I got to know David,the more I liked himOver the next four years,we always studied,played together and had a happy time On graduation(毕业)day,I could see that he was nervous about

32、his speechSo I said,“Hey,vou will be the best!”Then he began,“Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you succeed through those difficult yearsOur parents,Oillteachers,but mostly our friendsBeing a friend to someone is the best gift you can give themIU tell you a story”I just looked at the ha

33、ndsome popular boy in amazement as he told the story of the first day we met Everyone Was surprised to hear all about his hardest momentI saw his Mom and Dad looking at me and smiling that same thankful smileNot until that moment did I realize its deep meaningNever underestimate(低估)tlle power of you

34、r actionsWith one small action,you can change a persons lifeAs you can see,“Friends are angels(天使) to make us rise when our wings(翅膀) have problems flying”根据短文内容判断正、误。f注意:市区考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”,县(市)考生将答案填写在题前的括号内。正确的填“A”,错误的填“B”)( )56The writer and David were classmates( )57The kids with bad

35、 manners were punished by the writer when they knocked David down( )58Everyone was surprised to hear all about DavidS hardest moment( )59ne writer realized that one small action could change a personS life before hearing DavidS speech( )60The underlined sentence at the end of the passage means“A fri

36、end in need is a friend indeed(真正地)”(D)根据图示所提供的信息选择最佳答案。( )61ne number of the students who took part in English competitions in_grew faster from 2008 to 2009 ASchool A BSchool B Cneither school( )62In the English competition in_,School B had 100 more students than School A A2007 B2008 C2009( )63Acco

37、rding to the information above,these two schools had the sanle percentage of the students who won prizes in_ A1istening Bspeaking Creading( )64_students in School A were given prizes for their speaking skill in 2009 A100 B200 C300( )65Which of the following is TRUE from the information above? A,11le

38、 students from School A and School B won prizes in five skills BThe students from School B did wont in listening of all skills CThe students from School A need to improve tleir writing skiH 第卷五、任务性阅读(本题共10分,每空1分)先阅读(A)、(B)两篇短文。然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列四项任务。(A)choose them easy communicate close Are you the o

39、nly child in your family?If SOy you are the most important person in your parentsheartsThey are the 66 people to you in the worldHowever,many teenagers like you have trouble 67 with their parentsThey always complain(抱怨)that their parents say too much instead of listening to what theyre thinkingWhen

40、they do something wrong,getting away from parents seems to be the only 68 In fact,what your parents do just shows love for youThey love you more than they love 69Whenever you need help,they are always there,standing by youTry to put yourself into their shoes,and you11 understand them 70(B) Co-operat

41、ion(合作)is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives youFirst,discuss all you would like to do with your classmatesChoose one of the members to writedown what!youre talking aboutThen,with the ideas you get,list all you wantEveryone shares tlle duty for the projectYou can collect in

42、formation not only from books but also on the IntemetMaking a sunrey(调查)and doing a research are also good waysAfter that,all the members put what has been found togetherTry to make the project more wellorganizedIn the end,you can give a report in front of your class to show the results of your hard

43、 work任务1:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。使文章通顺,连贯。合理。(每空一词。每词限用一次) 66_ 67_ 68_ 69_ 7 0_任务2:根据英文释义及首字母提示。拼写单词。71.i_plan;opinion 72.s_use,pay or have something with others任务3:同义旬转换。每空一词。 You can collect information not only from books but also on the Intemet You Can collect information 73_from books 74_on the Intemet任务4:根据短文内容简答问题。 What can you give in front of your class to show the results of your hard work? 75_

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