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1、2016 湖州中考英语试卷卷考生须知:1. 全卷分试卷和答题卷两部分,试卷共8页,答题卷共2页。全卷满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。2. 试卷分卷和卷两部分,卷中试卷(1-66小题)的答案填涂在答卷上,卷中试题的答案写在答题卷相应的位置上,写在试卷上无效。说明:本卷共六大题,66小题,满分76分。一、 听力(本题有15小题,其中110小题每题1分,1115小题每题2分,共20分)注意:听力共分三节,答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束后,请将答案转涂到客观题答题卷上。听每段对话或独白前,你都有五秒钟时间阅读这一小题,听完后你将有五秒钟时间回答这一小题。第一节 :听下面的对话,每段对

2、话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the man give the report?A. Next Sunday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Friday.2. What does Linda like about the restaurant?A. The food. B. The service. C. The environment.3. Who went to the movie with the woman?A. Her sister. B. Her brother. C. Her cou

3、sin.4. Why is the man going to London?A. To work there. B. To visit a friend C. To have a vacation.5. Where are the speakers going to next Sunday?A. To the park. B. To the zoo. C. To the museum.第二节: 听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选择正确的选项,每段对话读两遍。请听下面一段较长对话,回答67小题。6. Where is Daisy at the m

4、oment?A. In the school. B. On a bus. C. At a bus stop.7. How might Daisy go home?A. By taxi. B. By car. C. On foot.请听下面一段较长对话,回答810小题。8. What do you know about Sam?A. He is lazy. B. He is impolite. C. He is careless.9. Where may Sam find his glasses?A. In the bathroom. B. In the living room. C. In t

5、he bedroom.10. Whats the relationship between the speaker?A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Wife and husband.第三节 :听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中给所的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,独白要读两遍。11. Whats the main rule Tom has to follow?A. Studying hard. B. Going to bed early. C. Cleaning his room.12. What time does To

6、m have to go to bed on school nights?A. By 10 p.m. B.By 11 p.m. C.By 12 p.m.13. How will Toms parents feel if he leaves things everywhere?A. Bored. B. Angry. C. Sad.14. What does Tom often put on the wall?A. Maps. B. Rules. C. Posters.15. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Family photos B. Family rul

7、es C. Family members.二、完形填空(本小题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I strongly believe the right words at just the right time could change someones life. When I was 3 years old,my parents 16 I was totally deaf. But from the third grade, they decided to put me in a “mainstream”s

8、chool where all of my classmates had 17 hearing. So I was the only deaf child at Blue Creek Elementary School. From the first day there, the other kids often 18 me and called me names mainly because of my hearing aid (助听器)and the way I talked. I was 19 throughout elementary school. Besides the probl

9、ems of “fitting in”with the other students, I also had 20 with most of my schoolwork. One morning, Mrs Jordan, my fifth-grade teacher, asked 21 a question in her math class. She was a large woman with a 22 that bounced off the walls of her tiny classroom, and it could even spread to the hallway. I 2

10、3 her lips(嘴唇)and immediately raised my hand. For once I knew the answer! 24 I was afraid when she called on me. Then I answered her question 25 I will never forget what happened next. Mrs Jordan pointed directly at me. With sparkling(闪光的)eyes and a wide 26 ,she cried,“THATS RIGHT, STEPHEN!” For the

11、 first time in my young life, I became a shining star. I had 27 been so excited before! Right then and there I made a 28 that I would make a place for myself in this world. No matter how many difficulties I might 29 in life, I knew I could overcome them. A simple three-word phrase had totally 30 my

12、young life,“THATS RIGHT, STEPHEN!”16. A. explained B. heard C. discovered D. agreed17. A. normal B. poor C. strange D. special18. A. thought of B. laughed at C. heard of D. looked after 19. A. Excited B. pleased C. surprised D. worried20. A. practice B. experience C. progress D. trouble21. A. us B.

13、them C. me D. her22. A. body B. mouth C. voice D. look23. A. found B. read C. followed D. touched24. A. And B. So C. But D. Or 25. A. happily B. quietly C. luckily D. nervously26. A. smile B. heart C. mind D. interest27. A. often B. always C. never D.ever28. A. decision B. story C. rule D. Differenc

14、e29. A. understand B. remember C. imagine D. meet30. A.protected B. changed C.controlled D. started四、阅读理解(本题有15小题,其中31-37小题每题1分,38-45小题每题2分,共23分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Emilys BlogShut Up zoos, Not Animals!You may think that visiting zoos is harmless fun, but youre wrong because zoos are

15、just prisons(监狱)for animals. The difference is that prisoners get out after a few years! Animals in cages look bored and are boring to look at. After all, we all know what an elephant looks like, weve seen the on TV. So why make animals suffer by shutting them up for our fun?Shut up the zoos instead

16、!Posted by: Emily on April 19, at 18:12 Comments(3)Comments I partly agree. But some zoos arent there for our fun. Ive just got back from Jersey Zoo. It saves rare(珍稀)animals and breeds them. Then it returns the babies to the wild. Not all zoos are same,you know.Posted by: Angela on April 21, at 18:

17、17 Quite agree! Every time I go to the zoo, I never look into the poor animals eyes! Kept in the small and smelly cages, they look so lonely and sad. Hope one day they will return to nature, where they can live happily and freely with their families.Posted by: John on April 22, at 12:21Personally, I

18、 think zoos are fantastic places for children, They can play with animals and enjoy themselves so much there. Also they learn a lot about animals. Why shut up? Posted by: David on April 22, at 21:0531. Emily thinks a zoo is .A. a fun place for children B. a terrible place for animalsC. a warm home f

19、or animals D. a popular place for visitors32. Who thinks some animals can be well protected in the zoos?A. Emily B. Angela. C. John. D. David.33. John never looks into the animals eyes in the zoos because he .A. feels sorry for them B. feels kind of shyC. is afraid of them D. is angry with them BIn

20、the modern age, human society runs on energy. Most machines need electricity to operate. Humans can not live without electricity even a single day both in their daily life and work. They have many different ways to create electricity. But some ways are harmful to the environment.For example, fossil

21、fuels(化石燃料)are the most common kind of energy. They include coal, oil, and natural gas. First, people have to dig them from the ground. This can sometimes harm the environment. However, scientist are creating cleaner and better ways to do that these days. So the environment is not harmed as much as

22、before. But when people burn these fossil fuels,they can give off a lot of harm gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. This might harm the environment.Tidal(潮汐)energy is another way to make electricity. This uses the ocean tides to make electricity. But some k

23、ind of tidal energy can kill many fish and other sea animals. Also dams(大坝) can create lots of clean energy. But dams create lakes and change the way that rivers run. So they can do great harm to the balance of nature around the lakes and along the rivers.Nuclear(核)energy is a very powerful form of

24、energy. It is also very clean. But many people are afraid of it because it uses radioactive materials. Also, there have been some very serious accidents in the past which caused great harm both to human and nature. But the technology is much better these days. So many countries are starting to use n

25、uclear energy more.34. According to the passage, which of following is TRUE about fossil fuels? A. They are dug from the ground. B. They are considered expensive.C. They hardly harm the environment. C. They are not widely used in the world.35. From the passage, we know that tidal energy can .A. caus

26、e serious accidents B. change the way that rivers runC. give off a lot of harmful gases D. kill many living things in the ocean36. Nowadays many countries start to use nuclear energy more because .A. its a common kind of energyB. people are not afraid of it nowC. its cheap, clean and safer than befo

27、reD. people cant live without nuclear energy37. The passage is probably in the part of in a newspaper. A. health B. science C. culture D. Sports C Chip was in first grade when I arrived at his school as a counselor(辅导员). It was shocking to me that he was described as an angry, uncontrollable and evi

28、l(惹人讨厌的) boy. How could such a little boy, after being in school only one year, be considered”evil”? Over the next several months, I came to know Chip well enough to see that he was neither evil nor uncontrollable. But, one day, Chip threw a chair at his teacher and was sent to my office. I asked hi

29、m what made him do this, He replied that his teacher hated him. He felt there was no way to ever get her to like him. I asked him if he would tell his teacher this. He nodded, and we called her into my office.When the teacher came, . He then said that he knew he was a very, very bad boy, and he didn

30、t think anyone could ever like him. His teacher listened to him with heartfelt compassion. Then she gave him a big warm hug, telling him she didnt hate him at all and, actually, she cared very much about him. Only sometimes Chips behavior really scared her. It was clear to both Chip and me that she

31、really meant it.I put my left arm on his shoulders and the right hand on his heart. I told him how wonderful and lovely I saw him to be. I praised how special and brave he was to express his hurt feelings.As I was speaking to him, his whole body came to rest on my right hand next to his heart.It was

32、 a moment in time unlike anything I had experienced before. From then on, Im pleased to see his behavior improved through the rest of school years.A childs mind is clear and sensitive(敏感的). He receives whatever others say without protection. It is as easy to consider someone hopeless as it is to con

33、sider him able in this own special way.38. The first paragraph mainly tells us .A. Chip was very popular at schoolB. the teacher didnt care about Chip at allC. Chip had no way to get others to like himD. the writer thought differently about Chip39. Which of the following is the best sentence to fill

34、 the blank in the passage?A. she couldnt control her feelingsB. I advised her to be more patientC. Chip became angry and crazy againD. I encouraged Chip to express his feelings40. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 shows that Chip .A. accept the writerB. wanted a restC. was quite afraidD. felt a

35、 little nervous41. What can we learn from the passage?A. No pains,no gains. B. Love me, love my dog.C. Expect higher, act better. D. Where there is a will, there is a way. DArent mobile phone, email and voice mail supposed to help us communicate more easily? Sadly, thats not always the case. Take th

36、e other day for example, when I was walking through the park with my friend, suddenly his mobile phone rang and he answered it- leaving me alone and cutting our conversation dead! In fact, the park was filled with people talking on their mobile phone. They were passing other people without even look

37、ing at them, or stopping to walk their dogs. Clearly, people preferred the voice on the mobile phone to human contact(联系).Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Development in communication technology seems to keep people from human contact. With e-mail over the Inte

38、rnet, we can communicate without even meeting that person. Even some food stores are using self-scanner(自助扫描仪) so that you can check yourself out.As the contact between human beings becomes automated(自动化的),my feeling of being disconnected gets stronger. Dont get me wrong. Im not against machines. I

39、also own a mobile phone, a voice mail system, and an e-mail account. Giving them up isnt a good idea, as they are useful to have around. Its just that when they keep us away from human contact, I began to feel sad. More and More, I find myself answering e-mail instead of talking to people. The techn

40、ology that was made to help keep us in contact with each other is, in fact making me feel more lonely.What is to be done? Well, Ive made myself a plan to use less technology: no e-mailing people who live near me,and no letting the voice mail pick up when Im at home.42. The example in Paragraph 1 sho

41、ws that people now .A. communicate more easilyB. dislike talking face to face at allC. prefer talking on their mobile phones D. are only good at using mobile phones43. The underlined word disconnected in Paragraph 2 probably means . A. lonely B.satisfied C. stupid D. interested44. It can be inferred

42、 (推断)from the passage that . A. the writer is going to give up mobile phonesB. machines are now not useful to have aroundC. machines actually keep people closer to each otherD. the writer decides not to phone others a lot when with friends45. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Technology and

43、Human LifeB. The Importance of TechnologyC. Technology and Human ContactD. The Development of Technology 四 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) Ravi 是保险(insurance)公司的一名业务员,公司安排他明天外出见一些客户。假设你是Ravi,请你根据公司要求和客户信息,对照市区地图设计合理的拜访路线,并把地名代号AE填入46-50小题相应空格处。 Requirements:(1) Visiting time: 9:00-17:00(2) Each visit takes

44、an hour including traveling time.Notes about customers:Ravis visiting route(路线):Ravis office 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 五 选词填空(本题有6小题,每小题0.5分,共3分)用方框中所给的词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确,每词限用一次。A.necessary B. succeed C.along D. August E. silent F. exactly 51. In my hometown, is the hottest month of the year.52. It is quite to check the paper before you hand it in.53. Stella walked alone in the dark street during the hours of the night.54. Keep your dream and work

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