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1、丹东市2022年初中学业水平考试英语试卷注意事项:考生答题时,必须将答案写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。第一卷选择题1、听录音,按要求完成任务。(请将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每小题1分,共20分)(A)听问题,选择应答语。(录音播放一遍)1.A.Five. B.Lovely. C.Bycar.2.A.Bypracticingalot. B.Myfather. C.Attheageof12.3.A.Heistall. B.Heisaworker. C.Helikeseggs.4.A.Itdoesntmatter. B.Idontthinkso. C.No,thanks.

2、5.A.Chinese. B.Blue. C.Juice.(B)听五段短对话,根据其内容选择正确答案。(录音播放一遍)6.Wheresthesupermarket?A.Inthetrainstation. B.Outofthebusstation. C.Acrossfromthetrainstation.7.WhatdidDavedolastweekend?A.Hewentfishing. B.Hewentswimming. C.Hewentboating.8.HowoftendoesTomgotothemovies?A.Threetimesaweek. B.Threetimesamonth.

3、 C.Threetimesayear.9.Wherearethey?A.Inastore. B.Inaschool. C.Inahotel.10.HowwasJillsholiday?A.Itwasfun B.Itwasgreat. C.Itwasboring. (C)听长对话,根据其内容选择正确答案。(录音播放两遍)11.WheredidMikegolastsummervacation?A.Tothefarm. B.Totheoldpeopleshome. C.Tothecountryside.12.WhatdidMikedoasavolunteer?A.Fedanimals. B.Made

4、cakes. C.Didsomecleaning.13.WhatdidSallydoduringthelastsummervacation?A.Milkedthecow. B.Tookphotos. C.Rodeahorse.14.HowlongdidSallystayinthecountryside?A.For5days. B.For10davs CFor15days.5.HowareMikeandSallygoingtohelptheirparents?A.Bycookingdinner. B.Bymakingthebed. C.Byfeedingchickens.(D)听短文,根据其内容

5、选择正确答案。(录音播放两遍)16.Howwillthestudentsgotothemuseum?A.Bytrain. B.Bysubway. C.Byschoolbus.17.Whattimewillthestudentsmeetnextmoming?A.At7:00 B.At8:00. C.At 9:00.18.Whatshowcanthestudentsseeatthemuseum?A.Aphotoshow. B.Arobotshow. C.Achessshow.19.Wherewillthestudentshavelunch? A.Atthemuseum. B.Inthepark.

6、C.Intherestaurant.20.Whocanthestudentsaskiftheyhavequestions?A.Mr.Liu. B.Theirparents. C.Thepoliceman.单项选择(从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每小题1分,共20分)1. Tina and I are good friends. _ usually help each other.A. IB. SheC. TheyD. We【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:Tina和我是好朋友。我们经常互相帮助。考查代词辨析。I我;She她;They他们;

7、We我们。此空指Tina and I,用人称代词we。故选D。2. Im really thankful to my parents. _ their help, I have been very active.A. OnB. AtC. FromD. With【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我非常感谢我的父母。在他们的帮助下,我一直很积极。考查介词辨析。On在上;At在;From从;With有。根据“.their help, I have been very active.”可知,在父母的帮助下,很积极。with“有”符合语境,故选D。3. Theres something wrong wit

8、h my _. I cant hear anything clearly.A. eyesB. armsC. earsD. hands【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我的耳朵出了问题。我听不清东西。考查名词辨析。eyes眼睛;arms胳膊;ears耳朵;hands手。根据“I cant hear anything clearly.”可知听不清东西,应该是耳朵出了问题。故选C。4. Although he is _, he plays basketball very well.A. tallB. shortC. handsomeD. outgoing【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:虽然他个子矮,但

9、他篮球打得很好。考查形容词辨析。tall高的;short矮的;handsome英俊的;outgoing外向的。根据“Although he is., he plays basketball very well.”可知,为转折关系,即虽然他很矮,但是篮球打得好。故选B。5. We can _ ourselves because we have already been old enough.A. depend onB. work onC. get onD. put on【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我们可以靠自己,因为我们已经足够大了。考查动词短语。depend on依靠;work on从事;

10、get on上车;put on穿上。根据“because we have already been old enough”可知岁数足够大了,可以依靠自己。故选A。6. How do you like the two hats? _ the blue one _ the red one is my favorite. They are too ugly.A. Both; andB. Either; orC. Not only; but alsoD. Neither; nor【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:你觉得这两个帽子怎么样?蓝色和红色的都不是我最喜欢的。它们太丑了。考查连词辨析。both.a

11、nd两者都,谓语动词用复数;either.or要么要么,谓语动词就近原则;not only.but also不仅而且,谓语动词就近原则;neither.nor既不也不,谓语动词就近原则。根据“the red one is my favorite.”可知be动词是单数,排除A;根据“They are too ugly.”可知这两个帽子都不喜欢。故选D。7. Mom, flowers for you. Happy birthday! Thanks, my son. The flowers _ so sweet.A. getB. soundC. smellD. taste【答案】C【解析】【详解】句

12、意:妈妈,给您的花。生日快乐!谢谢,我的儿子。这些花闻起来好香。考查动词辨析。get得到;sound听起来;smell闻起来;taste尝起来。根据“The flowers. so sweet.”可知,花应该是闻起来香,故选C。8. Is your toothache getting _? No, its even worse.A. more terribleB. more seriousC. betterD. stronger【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:你的牙疼变好了吗?不,更疼了。考查形容词比较级辨析。more terrible更可怕;more serious更严重;better更好;

13、stronger更强壮。根据“No, its even worse.”可知回答是否定,更疼了,说明询问是否好一些。故选C。9. The lights of Toms house arent on. I think he _ be at home now.A. mustntB. needntC. wontD. cant【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:汤姆家的灯没亮着。我想他现在不可能在家。考查情态动词。mustnt禁止;neednt不必;wont不会;cant不可能。根据“The lights of Toms house arent on.”可知此处是语气强烈的否定推测,灯不亮即人不可能在家。故

14、选D。10. Mingming, where is your brother? Look! He _ on the playground.A. runsB. is runningC. was runningD. ran【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:明明,你的弟弟在哪里?看!他正在操场上跑步。考查动词时态。根据“Look!”可知,此句用现在进行时am/is/are doing的结构,故选B。11. Why do you hardly make mistakes? Because I do everything very _.A. carelesslyB. unluckilyC. careful

15、lyD. comfortably【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:为什么你几乎不犯错?因为我做每件事都很仔细。考查副词辨析。carelessly粗心地;unluckily不幸地;carefully仔细地;comfortably舒服地。根据“Why do you hardly make mistakes?”可知几乎从不犯错,而不犯错的原因应是做事仔细。故选C。12. Eric tried to _ why he was late for work, but his manager didnt believe him.A. warnB. explainC. imagineD. mean【答案】B【解

16、析】【详解】句意:埃里克试图解释他上班迟到的原因,但他的经理不相信他。考查动词辨析。warn警告;explain解释;imagine想象;mean意味着。结合语境和空后“why he was late for work, but his manager didnt believe him”可知埃里克的经理不相信埃里克解释说明的迟到理由,这里用动词explain。故选B。13. Do Chinese people like ping-pong a lot?Yes. It _ by people of all ages.A. playsB. is playedC. playedD. was pla

17、yed【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:中国人很喜欢乒乓球吗?是的。各个年龄段的人都打乒乓球。考查时态与语态。主语“It”指代乒乓球,与动词play之间是动宾关系,结合“Do Chinese people like ping-pong a lot?”可知用一般现在时的被动语态,其结构为am/is/are done。故选B。14. If each of us makes efforts _something meaningful, our society will become betterand better.A. to loseB. to be lostC. to doD. to be don

18、e【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:如果我们每个人都努力去做些有意义的事,我们的社会会越变越好。考查动词不定式作目的状语。to lose失去,动词不定式的一般式;to be lost迷失,动词不定式的一般式;to do做,动词不定式的一般式;to be done被做,动词不定式的被动式。make efforts to do sth.表示“努力做某事”,do something meaningful表示“做一些有意义的事情”。故选C。15. Mom, I helped a little girl find her way home. _!A. Well doneB. Have a good day

19、C. What a pityD. Good luck【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:妈妈,我帮一个小女孩找到了回家的路。干得好!考查情景交际。Well done干得好;Have a good day玩得愉快;What a pity真遗憾;Good luck祝你好运。根据“Mom, I helped a little girl find her way home.”可知做了好事会受到表扬。故选A。16. Next year, _ a new road leading to the village.A. there isB. there areC. there will beD. there wa

20、s【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:明年,将有一条新路通往村庄。考查时态。根据“Next year”可知此句时态是一般将来时,There be句型的一般将来时结构是There will be。故选C。17. Can we win the basketball game tomorrow? Of course, _ we try our best.A. ifB. orC. unlessD. though【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:明天的篮球比赛我们能赢吗?当然,如果我们尽力的话。考查连词辨析。if如果;or或者;unless除非;though虽然。“we try our best”是篮球比赛能

21、赢的肯定条件,用if引导条件状语从句,故选A。18 Do you know _? They think it is very successful.A. when the 24th Winter Olympic Games took placeB. what the foreigners think of the 24th Winter Olympic GamesC. why the 24th Winter Olympic Games took place in BeijingD. how the Chinese players did in the 24th Winter Olympic G

22、ames【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你知道外国人是怎么看待第24届冬奥会的吗?他们认为很成功。考查宾语从句。根据“They think it is very successful.”可知问句询问看法,用句型What.think of。故选B。19. Its a pity that there is no ticket for sale. Dont worry. I _ the tickets.A. am buyingB. buyC. was buyingD. have bought【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:很遗憾没有票出售了。别担心。我已经买票了。考查时态。根据“Dont worry

23、.”可知别担心,因为已经买票了,过去对现在的影响,用现在完成时。故选D。20. Who locked the door yesterday? _.A. I doB. I willC. I didD. I can【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:昨天谁锁门了?我锁了。考查一般过去时。I do我做的/我愿意,用于一般现在时;I will我会的,用于一般将来时;I did我做的,用于一般过去时;I can我可以,用于一般现在时。根据问句“Who locked the door yesterday?”可知询问的是过去的事情,因此回答也应用一般过去时。故选C。II.完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四

24、个选项中洗择一个最佳答案,使短文完整、正确。Last weekend at the airport, I had some time before the airplane took off. While wondering what to do, I decided it was the perfect time and place to do something _21_.Outside the waiting hall there was a girl who had _22_ for sale. I told her that Id like to buy flowers for so

25、meone else, and she could decide _23_ she wanted to give the flowers to. At that moment, she was not able to _24_ what I meant, so I suggested perhaps she should give the flowers to someone who looked a little sad. That was because he or she might need some _25_.At first, the girl answered, “Thats _

26、26_. Nobody has ever done so, as I know.” But then I explained a little more about the idea. Its just an act of kindness to a _27_, and then she understood.“In fact, Im not sure what will happen,” I said. “But you will have the chance to make someone have a good day.” At that time, she started to se

27、em _28_ about it. She smiled at me with her eyes wide open.She went to take the flowers out of the water, and I said, “Wait! Its fine to leave them there _29_ the stranger comes. Then you can take out the flowers to cheer the person up.”At that moment I think she was between surprised and happy beca

28、use it might be her first time to meet a customer like me. I _30_ for the flowers, said goodbye, and went away. What a nice day I had!21. A. kindB. commonC. oppositeD. honest22. A. drinksB. candiesC. flowersD. toys23. A. whichB. whoC. whatD. whose24. A. understandB. askC. requireD. express25. A. che

29、ering upB. putting upC. turning upD. setting up26. A. perfectB. wonderfulC. famousD. crazy27. A. driverB. strangerC. playerD. speaker28. A. sadB. excitedC. afraidD. worried29. A. untilB. althoughC. soD. because30. A. stoodB. lookedC. foughtD. paid【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. B 2

30、9. A 30. D【解析】【导语】本文讲述的是作者在机场等飞机,他觉得这个时间和地点找点善事做再好不过了。外边有一个女孩在卖花,于是作者买了花,让女孩把花送给看起来伤心的人,让他能振作起来。因为做了这个好事,作者那天也感觉非常开心。【21题详解】句意:在思考该怎么做的时候,我觉得这是做善事的最佳时间和地点。kind善良的;common共同的;opposite相反的;honest诚实的。根据“Its just an act of kindness”可知,是做善事,故选A。【22题详解】句意:在候机大厅外面,有一个女孩在卖花。drinks饮料;candies糖果;flowers花;toys玩具。

31、根据“I told her that Id like to buy flowers for someone else”可知,小女孩在卖花,故选C。【23题详解】句意:我告诉她,我想买花给别人,她可以决定她想把花送给谁。which哪一个;who谁;what什么;whose谁的。根据“and she could decide.she wanted to give the flowers to”可知,让女孩决定把花给谁,故选B。【24题详解】句意:在那一刻,她不能理解我的意思,所以我建议她也许应该把花送给一个看起来有点悲伤的人。understand理解;ask问;require要求;express表

32、达。根据“and then she understood”可知,开始女孩不理解,故选A。【25题详解】句意:那是因为他或她可能需要一些鼓舞。cheering up使振作;putting up张贴;turning up出现;setting up建立。根据“who looked a little sad”可知,伤心的人需要鼓舞振作,故选A。【26题详解】句意:起初,女孩回答说:“这太疯狂了。据我所知,还没有人这样做过。”perfect完美的;wonderful精彩的;famous著名的;crazy疯狂的。根据“Nobody has ever done so, as I know.”可知,没有人这样

33、做过,所以女孩认为很疯狂,故选D。【27题详解】句意:这只是对陌生人的善意之举,然后她就理解了。driver司机;stranger陌生人;player运动员;speaker演说者。根据“Its fine to leave them there.the stranger comes.”可知,是对陌生人的善意,故选B。【28题详解】句意:那时,她似乎开始对此感到兴奋。sad悲伤的;excited激动的;afraid害怕的;worried担心的。根据“At that time, she started to seem.about it. She smiled at me with her eyes

34、wide open.”可知,女孩变得激动,故选B。【29题详解】句意:把它们放在那里,等陌生人来。until直到;although虽然;so因此;because因为。根据“Its fine to leave them there.the stranger comes.”可知,把花放在那里,等待需要的人来,用until引导时间状语从句,故选A。【30题详解】句意:我付了花的钱,说了再见就走了。stood站立;looked看起来;fought打架;paid付款。根据“I.for the flowers, said goodbye, and went away.”可知,此处是pay for短语,意为

35、“付钱”,故选D。IV.阅读理解Passage 1根据短文内容,从每个题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。Text 1: Liu Yang, born in October 1978, was chosen as the first Chinese woman astronaut in space in June, 2012. She made history. In June, 2022, she was sent to space again by Shenzhou-14.Picture AText 2:Lhasa is the capita

36、l of Tibet. The Potala Palace (布达拉宫) in Lhasa makes Tibet famous all over the world. On the other hand, Tibet is also well-known for its beautiful natural sights. So a lot of visitors go there every year.Picture BText 3: Recently, short video platforms (平台) have offered a fun and easy way to show th

37、e traditional art forms, such as paper cutting, shadow play works (皮影戏), Peking Opera. Young users know more about traditional Chinese culture from those videos.Picture CText 4: Hands in the pockets This is commonly seem in daily life. In Sweden and France, putting your hands in your pockets would b

38、e considered impolite in a business meeting, even though you may wear a suit.Picture D31. When was Liu Yang sent to space for the second time?A. In 1978.B. In 2012.C. In 2021.D. In 2022.32. There are _ reasons why Tibet is well-known according to Text 2.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five33. Which picture

39、shows the traditional art form mentioned in Text 3?A. Picture A.B. Picture B.C. Picture C.D. Picture D.34. Where can young people learn about the traditional Chinese art forms easily?A. In space.B. In the Potala Palace.C. On short video platforms.D. In Sweden and France.35. Which one would be consid

40、ered impolite in a business meeting in Sweden and France?A. Putting your hands out of your pockets.B. Shaking hands with business partners.C. Wearing a suit with pockets.D. Putting your hands in your pockets.【答案】31. D 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. D【解析】【导语】本文是四篇文本,分别介绍刘洋,布达拉宫,皮影戏和双手插兜。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据“In Jun

41、e, 2022, she was sent to space again by Shenzhou-14.”可知,2022年6月,她被神舟14号再次送入太空。故选D。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据“The Potala Palace in Lhasa makes Tibet famous all over the world. On the other hand, Tibet is also well-known for its beautiful natural sights.”可知,根据文本2,西藏之所以出名,有两个原因。故选A。【33题详解】推理判断题。分析四张图片可知,Picture A

42、展示了文本3中提到的传统艺术形式皮影戏。故选A。【34题详解】细节理解题。根据“short video platforms have offered a fun and easy way to show the traditional art forms”可知,短视频平台为传统艺术形式的展示提供了一种有趣而简单的方式,故选C。【35题详解】细节理解题。根据“In Sweden and France, putting your hands in your pockets would be considered impolite in a business meeting, even though

43、 you may wear a suit.”可知,在瑞典和法国,即使你穿着西装,在商务会议上把手放在口袋里也会被认为是不礼貌的。故选D。Passage2It was a fine day. The sun was shining and the wind was gentle.The kids were playing in their backyard. Suddenly a little cat got stuck (卡住) under the fence (篱芭). The kids tried to free the cat, but they couldnt. So they ask

44、ed their mother for help. The mother freed the cat. The cat looked so cute that the kids asked their mother if they could keep it. The mother said, “I dont mind myself, but you must ask your father, too.”The kids waited anxiously (焦急地) for their dad back from work. When they heard their father openi

45、ng the door, they both shouted loudly at the same time, “Hi, daddy!”“You are surely happier than usual to see me today. Whats up?” her father said.“Nothing daddy. We just love you so much,” the girl replied. Then their mother said, “Go ahead. Ask your dad.”The girl told her dad what had happened and asked to keep the cat. The

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