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1、八年级上册人教版英语单项选择(50题)练习题及答案及解析及解析一、选择题1The cakes are delicious. Hed like to have _ third one because _ second one is rather too small.Aa; aBthe; theCa; theDthe; a二、选择题2 Who was calling you on the phone just now? _ was my mum.ASheBThatCItDThis3Which would you like to choose for your PE entrance exam, b

2、asketball or volleyball?_. I prefer football.ABothBEitherCNoneDNeither4Todays Yangtze Evening, please. Theres only one copy left. Would you like _?AtheyBthemCitDone5Online short video apps like Douyin make _ more convenient to learn about the world at home.AitBthisConeDthat三、选择题6 Do you really think

3、 you can learn that much in only a couple of hours? Yes. We will try a very useful _ of dealing with memory problems.AreportBprocessCmethodDactivity7Yuan Longping and his team have succeeded in planting saltwater rice.Ive heard about it. He has made a huge _ to our countrys agriculture.AinventionBco

4、mpetitionCcontributionDproduction8Because plenty of _ were found, Sanxingdui Ruins was named the Scientific Education Base for Chinas Youth (中国青少年科教基地) in March this year.AstandardsBprojectsCtreasuresDinstructions四、选择题9Theres a _ feeling that a high price means good quality.AsuddenBjoyfulChardDgener

5、al10It is a _ choice to decide whether take on a new challenge or remain the same.Yeah, I just have difficulty making the decision.AsimpleBstraightCdoubleDtypical11I like collecting old stamps because they are _.AsimpleBvaluableCimpossibleDnatural五、选择题12It is a good idea to experience life _ the sch

6、ool by volunteering. Take an active part in it, and you will make a difference to the world.AaboveBbeyondCoverDagainst六、选择题13Excuse me, sir, but smoking is not allowed in hospital.Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill _ my cigarette.Aput inBput upCput outDput on14Have you made a plan to raise money to pr

7、otect the animals in danger?Yes. Now we are thinking about how to _.Apick it outBcarry it outCfind it outDput it out15Please _ the water when you brush your teeth.Atake downBturn upCtake awayDturn off七、选择题16We teenagers _ have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing _ be created.Amay; ca

8、nBmight; shouldCshould; canDmust; has to八、选择题17How beautiful _ dress is ! She must be happy to get it _ birthday present.Athe; as aBthe; like aCa; as aDa; like the九、选择题18_ is it from Binhai to Shanghai?It takes about three hours to reach Shanghai by high-speed train.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow ma

9、ny十、选择题19When the new city square _ next year, it will be a good place for people to relax.Awill be finishedBis finishingCwas finishedDis finished20Im afraid I cant finish the task in such a short time.Dont worry. Can you finish it, if you _ two more days?Awill giveBwill be givenCgiveDare given十一、选择

10、题21Its nearly four years since I worked in that firm. I _ a band with other fellows.AoperatedBhad been operatingCwas operatingDam operating22Are you available at 3 tomorrow afternoon? -Sorry, I _ a meeting at that time.Aam havingBwill be havingCwill haveDhave23Mom, its so late. Why dont you go to be

11、d?Your brother hasnt come back yet. I _ for him.AwaitBam waitingChas waitedDwaited十二、选择题24He ran quickly all the way to school, _ he was still late.AbutBandCorDso25Diana isnt here, _ leave a message on her desk.AorBsoCandDbut26Many people arent attracted to this project, _ I want to know more about

12、it.AasBorCuntilDbut27Id like to stay longer, Im too busy.Aand Bbut Cor Duntil28- Thomas, spend less time on computer games; _you will do worse in your studies. - All right.Aso Bbut Cor Dand十三、选择题29Liz, Id like to take a weeks holiday._. Were as busy as a bee.AGo aheadBWith pleasureCForget itDThats r

13、ight30Im going hiking this afternoon. Would you like to go with me?_, but I must finish my homework first.ASorry, I dontBThats rightCId love toDNot at all十四、选择题31Dont you think your hair is too long?Yes. I am going to have it _ soon.AcutBcutsCcuttingDto cut32 Doctor! I cant fall at night. Dont worry

14、! You are too stressed. Just be relaxed and take some pills, then youll be better.Asleepy; asleepBasleep; sleepingCsleep; sleepDasleep, sleepy33-The two old friends were _ busy _ with each other that they forgot the time.-Yes. They hadnt met for over ten years, so they kept talking the whole night.A

15、too; to talkBtoo; talkingCso; to talkDso; talking;34People are advised to avoid _ their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.AtouchBtouchedCtouchingDto touch35Your English will be better if you practice _ English for an hour every day.AspeakBspeakingCto speakDto speaking36Nowadays, teachers ough

16、t to consider _ more time on teaching research.AspendBto spendCspendingDspent37_ twice, the cat refused to move near to the table unless the dog was away.ABeing bittenBBittenCHaving bittenDTo be bitten十五、选择题38Have you been to SuNing Plaza in our city?No. Although it _ for more than a week, I am far

17、too busy to go there.Ahas startedBhas openedChas been openDhas been on39Olivia, are you sure your aunt _back from America?Yes. My mom told me. Im going to see her now.Ahad comeBcameCis comingDhas come十六、选择题40As theyre handmade, each one _ slightly in shape.AvariousBvariedCvariesDvariety41Please pay

18、attention because this information_ all of you.Ais concerned aboutBconcernsCwill be concernedDis concerning42Thats why I help brighten peoples days. If you _, whos to say that another person will?AdidntBdontCwerentDhavent43This kind of house _warm in winter and cool in summer.Ais foundBfindsCis felt

19、Dfeels44He _ his English teacher when he was visiting Paris.Ahas metBhad metCmetDwould meet45 Why hasnt anyone come to the party? Oh, my god! I _ the wrong date in the invitation letters the other day.AwroteBhave writtenCwill writeDwrite46Have you ever visited Russia, Wilson?一Yes, I have. I _there l

20、ast summer for two weeks.AstudiedBwas studyingChave studiedDstudies十七、选择题47The place _ interested me most was the Childrens Palace.AwhatBwhereCwhichDin which48The holiday is coming. Where do you want to go?Id love to go to the place _ interests me most.AwhichBwhoseCwhatDin which十八、选择题49Everyone make

21、s mistakes, and no one will make progress _ he is willing to learn from them.AunlessBifCthoughDbut50Mike, can you tell me how to speak in an online class?Sure, click on this icon you start to speak.AafterBuntilCbeforeDsince【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1C解析:C【解析】【详解】考查冠词。句意:蛋糕很可口。他想再吃一个,因为第二个蛋糕太小了。第一空的序数词

22、前面加不定冠词表示“再一,又一”;第二空特指第二个蛋糕,要用定冠词。故选C。二、选择题2C解析:C【详解】句意:刚才是谁给你打电话?是我妈妈。考查代词的用法。She她;That那;It它;This这。根据“Who was calling you on the phone just now”可知,是询问对方是谁,指代不明身份的人常用指示代词it。故选C。3D解析:D【详解】句意:你想在体育入学考试中选哪一个,篮球还是排球?都不选。我更喜欢足球。考查代词辨析。both两者都;either(两者中的)任何一个;none一个也没有(三者或三者以上);neither两者都不。根据“I prefer fo

23、otball.”可知,篮球、排球都不选。故选D。4C解析:C【详解】句意:请拿一份今天的扬子晚报。就剩下一份了。你要吗?考查代词。they他们,主格;them他们,宾格;it指代同类同物;one指代同类异物。分析句子并根据“Theres only one copy left.”可知,空格处作宾语且用单数的代词,所以排除选项A和B;又结合句意,这里是指要不要剩下的这份报纸,是同类同物,故选C。5A解析:A【详解】句意:抖音这样的在线短视频应用让人们在家里了解世界变得更加方便。考查代词辨析。it它;this这个;one一个;that那个。根据“makemore convenient to lear

24、n about the world at home.”可知,考查句型make it+形容词+to do sth.使做某事的。故选A。三、选择题6C解析:C【详解】句意:你真的认为你能在几个小时内学到那么多吗? 对。我们将尝试一种非常有用的方法来处理记忆问题。考查名词。report报告;process过程;method方法;activity活动。根据下文“dealing with memory problems”可知,此处指的是处理问题的方法,故选C。7C解析:C【详解】句意:袁隆平和他的团队成功种植了盐水水稻。我听说过。他对我国的农业做出了巨大的贡献。考查名词辨析。invention发明;co

25、mpetition竞争;contribution贡献;production生产。根据“Yuan Longping and his team have succeeded in planting saltwater rice”可知这里是说贡献很大,故选C。8C解析:C【详解】句意:由于三星堆遗址发现了大量的珍品,它于今年3月被命名为中国青少年科教基地。考查名词。standards标准;projects项目;treasures珍品;instructions说明。根据“Sanxingdui Ruins was named the Scientific Education Base for China

26、s Youth”可知,三星堆遗址被命名为中国青少年科教基地,是因为在这里发现了很多珍品,故选C。四、选择题9D解析:D【详解】句意:人们普遍认为价格高意味着质量好。考查形容词辨析。sudden突然的;joyful高兴的;hard困难的;general普遍的。根据“Theres afeeling that a high price means good quality.”可知,此处应该是普遍认为价格高意味着质量好。故选D。10C解析:C【详解】句意:决定是接受新的挑战还是保持现状是一个双重选择。是的,我只是很难做出决定。考查形容词辨析。simple简单的;straight直的;double双重的

27、;typical典型的;根据“Yeah, I just have difficulty making the decision.”及语境可知,接受新的挑战还是保持现状是一个双重选择,故选C。11B解析:B【详解】句意:我喜欢收集旧邮票,因为它们很有价值。考查形容词辨析。simple简单的;valuable有价值的;impossible不可能的;natural自然的。根据“I like collecting old stamps”可知旧邮票是有价值的,所以喜欢收藏。故选B。五、选择题12B解析:B【详解】句意:通过志愿服务体验学校以外的生活是个好主意。积极参与其中,你将改变世界。考查介词的用法。

28、above在上方;beyond在之外;over在上方;against倚着。根据“life.the school by volunteering”可知是学校之外的生活。故选B。六、选择题13C解析:C【详解】句意:对不起,先生,医院里不允许吸烟。对不起,我没看到标志。我要把烟灭了。考查动词短语。put in安装;put up张贴;put out熄灭;put on穿上。根据“Excuse me, sir, but smoking is not allowed in hospital.”可知是要熄灭正在燃烧的烟。故选C。14B解析:B【详解】句意:你制定了筹款保护濒危动物的计划了吗?是的。现在我们正

29、在考虑如何去实施这个计划。考查动词短语。pick out挑出,辨认出;carry out实施;find out发现,找出;put out熄灭。根据上句可知,已经制定好了筹款保护濒危动物计划,可推测出此处正在思考如何实施计划。故选B。15D解析:D【详解】句意:当你刷牙的时候, 请关闭水源。考查动词短语辨析。take down取下; turn up调高; take away带走; turn off关掉。根据常识可知,故选D。七、选择题16C解析:C【详解】句意:我们青少年应该有梦想。有梦想和努力,任何惊人的事都能被创造。考查情态动词。may可能;can能够;should应该;might可能;ha

30、s to不得不;must必须。第一个空表示“应该”,用should;第二个空表示能力,用can。故选C。八、选择题17A解析:A【详解】句意:这件连衣裙真漂亮呀!收到一个这样的生日礼物她一定很高兴。考查感叹句及冠词。the定冠词,表示特指或双方已知事物;as a作为;like a像一个;a不定冠词,泛指一个。根据How beautiful可知是how型感叹句,根据句意和语境可知dress是双方已知的事物,用定冠词“the”修饰dress。根据“birthday present”可知用as a作为一个符合句意。故选A。九、选择题18B解析:B【详解】句意:从滨海到上海有多远?坐高铁到上海大约需要

31、三个小时。考查特殊疑问句。How long多长;How far多远;How soon多久;How many多少。根据答语可知,此处对距离提问,故选B。十、选择题19D解析:D【详解】句意:明年新的城市广场建成后,将是人们放松的好地方。考查动词时态和语态。根据主句“it will be a good place for people to relax.”时态和时间状语从句的“主将从现”的原则可知,when引导的时间状语从句应用一般现在时,且主语和动词之间是动宾关系,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,构成形式为:be done;主语“the new city square”是第三人称单数形式,故助动词应

32、用is;finish的过去分词是finished。故选D。20D解析:D【详解】句意:恐怕我不能在这么短的时间内完成任务。不要担心。如果再给你两天时间,你能完成吗?考查条件状语从句的“主将从现”和一般现在时的被动语态。will give一般将来时;will be given一般将来时的被动语态;give一般现在时;are given一般现在时的被动语态。分析句子可知,此处是if引导的条件状语从句,所以本句使用一般现在时;又因为本句主语you是动作give的承受者,所以使用一般现在时的被动语态。故选D。十一、选择题21D解析:D【解析】试题分析:考查时态。句意:我在那家农场上班快四年了,我现在正

33、和其他伙伴经营一个乐队。根据句意可知,用现在进行时态,故选D。考点:考查时态22B解析:B【解析】试题分析:考查时态。根据时间状语at 3 tomorrow afternoon可知用将来进行时,表示将来时间点正在发生的动作。句意:明天下午3点钟你在吗?对不起,那时候我将正在开会。故B正确。考点:考查时态情态动词23B解析:B【详解】句意:妈妈,现在很晚了。为什么你还不睡? 你哥哥还没有回来。我正在等他。考查现在进行时。wait表一般现在时;am waiting表现在进行时;has waited表现在完成时;waited表一般过去时。结合语境可知,母亲还没有睡觉,是因为她正在等未归的哥哥,故句子

34、应用现在进行时,故选B。十二、选择题24A解析:A【解析】【详解】句意:他一路上飞快地跑到学校,但还是迟到了。考查连词。But:但是,表示转折关系;and:和,表示顺承和递进;or:或者,表示选择关系;so:因此,表示因果关系。根据句意可知前后句是转折,故选A。25B解析:B【详解】试题分析:句意:Diana不在这儿,所以在她的桌子上给她留言吧。or 或者,否则;so 因此,所以;and 和;but 但是,表示转折。根据句意可知选B。考点:考查连词。26D解析:D【详解】句意:很多人对这个项目不感兴趣,但我想了解更多。考查连词辨析。as因为、由于;or或者、否则;until直到;but但是。分

35、析空格前后句可知,此处构成转折,用“but”。故选D。27B解析:B【解析】句意:我想要呆的时间更长一些,但是我太忙了。and和,而且,表示并列;but但是,表示转折;or或者,否则;until直到时候。根据句意stay longer和too busy是相反的意思,故应表示转折,选B。28C解析:C【解析】句意:-Thomas,在电脑游戏上可以少花点时间,否则你将在学习上会更糟糕。-好吧。A. so因此;表示前后是因果关系;B. but 但是,表示前后是转折关系;C. Or否则,要不然的话; D. and和,表示前后是并列关系。根据句意故选C。十三、选择题29C【详解】句意:利兹,我想要度假一

36、周。算了吧。我们像蜜蜂一样忙碌。考查情景交际。Go ahead继续吧;ith pleasure乐意效劳;Forget it算了吧;Thats rig解析:C【详解】句意:利兹,我想要度假一周。算了吧。我们像蜜蜂一样忙碌。考查情景交际。Go ahead继续吧;ith pleasure乐意效劳;Forget it算了吧;Thats right那是正确的。根据” Were as busy as a bee”可知表示很忙所以想去度假的愿望不可能实现,用“Forget it”。故选C。30C【解析】句意:-今天下午我要去徒步旅行。你愿意和我一起去吗?-我很想去,但我必须先完成作业。A. Sorry, I

37、 dont对不起,不去,但是dont不是上文的答语;B. Thats r解析:C【解析】句意:-今天下午我要去徒步旅行。你愿意和我一起去吗?-我很想去,但我必须先完成作业。A. Sorry, I dont对不起,不去,但是dont不是上文的答语;B. Thats right 那是正确的;C. Id love to我乐意去;D. Not at all一点也不,用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。也可以用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。本题考察交际用语,应本着“礼貌、委婉”原则。原句表示邀请,只有C项是句型would you like to 应邀的答语。故选C。十四、选择题31A【详解】句意:你不认


39、epy困倦的;asleep入睡的;sleep睡觉,动词;sleeping睡觉,动名词。第一空根据固定搭配fall asleep“入睡”,可知用asleep,排除AC;第二空要用动名词修饰其后名词pills,sleeping pills“安眠药”。故选B。33D【详解】试题分析:句意:这两个老朋友那么忙于交谈以至于忘了时间。是。他们十年多没见到了,所以他们聊了一晚上。考查句式sothat因此以至于;be busy doing忙于做,故解析:D【详解】试题分析:句意:这两个老朋友那么忙于交谈以至于忘了时间。是。他们十年多没见到了,所以他们聊了一晚上。考查句式sothat因此以至于;be busy

40、doing忙于做,故选D。考点:考查sothat句式。34C【详解】句意:建议人们避免用未洗的手触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴。考查非谓语动词。avoid doing sth意为“避免做某事”,固定短语,空处应填动名词作宾语。故选C。解析:C【详解】句意:建议人们避免用未洗的手触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴。考查非谓语动词。avoid doing sth意为“避免做某事”,固定短语,空处应填动名词作宾语。故选C。35B【详解】句意:如果你每天练习说一小时英语,你的英语会更好。考查非谓语动词的用法。speak动词原形;speaking动名词形式/现在分词形式;to speak动词不定式;to speakin解析:B【详

41、解】句意:如果你每天练习说一小时英语,你的英语会更好。考查非谓语动词的用法。speak动词原形;speaking动名词形式/现在分词形式;to speak动词不定式;to speaking介词加动名词形式。练习做某事:practice doing sth.,固定用法。故填B。36C【详解】句意:现在,教师应该考虑花更多的时间在教学研究上。考查非谓语动词。consider doing sth考虑做某事,动名词作宾语,故选C。解析:C【详解】句意:现在,教师应该考虑花更多的时间在教学研究上。考查非谓语动词。consider doing sth考虑做某事,动名词作宾语,故选C。37B【详解】句意:猫

42、被咬了两次,除非狗不在,否则它不肯靠近桌子。考查非谓语动词。根据句意,逻辑主语“the cat”和动词“bite”之间是被动关系,故应用过去分词来表达,作原因状语;bite的解析:B【详解】句意:猫被咬了两次,除非狗不在,否则它不肯靠近桌子。考查非谓语动词。根据句意,逻辑主语“the cat”和动词“bite”之间是被动关系,故应用过去分词来表达,作原因状语;bite的过去分词是bitten/bit。故选B。十五、选择题38C【详解】句意:你去过我们城市的苏宁广场吗?没有。虽然它已经开业一个多星期了,但我太忙了,没有时间去那里。考查时态和延续性动词。根据时间状语“for more than a

43、 week”解析:C【详解】句意:你去过我们城市的苏宁广场吗?没有。虽然它已经开业一个多星期了,但我太忙了,没有时间去那里。考查时态和延续性动词。根据时间状语“for more than a week”可知,此处应用现在完成时;open作动词时,是非延续性动词,start也是非延续性动词,不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,要改为延续性动词或表示状态的词; open作形容词时,表示状态,能与表示一般时间的时间状语连用,be open意为“营业的”。所以此处应为has been open。故选C。39D【详解】句意:Olivia,你确定你的阿姨已经从美国回来了吗?是的,我妈妈告诉我的,我现在要去看她。考查现在完成时。had come已经来了,过去完成时;came来,一般过去时;is解析:D【详解】句意:Olivia,你确定你的阿姨已经从美国回来了吗?是的,我妈妈告诉我的,我现在要去看她。考查现在完成时。had come已经来了,过去完成时;came来,一般过去时;is coming正要来,现在进行时;has come已经来了,根据前面的are you sure your aunt和答句My mom told me可知,应该是你的阿姨已经回来了吗?应该是现在完成时,即过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,故选D。【点睛

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