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1、英语小学六年级小升初毕业模拟培优试题测试卷(含答案)一、单项选择1_ are your grandparents?They are in the kitchen.AWhoBWhereCWhat2Sam is _ about Bobbys plans. ()AexciteBexcitingCexcited3The mouse the lion out from the net at last. ()Ahelp; gotBhelp; getChelped; get4To keep safe, you _ wait on the pavement and _ cars and bikes. ()Ac

2、an; look out forBcan; look forCmustnt; look out for5The children are _ about the _ football game. Theyre shouting _ in the playground. ()Aexcited; exciting; excitedlyBexciting; excited; excitedlyCexcitedly; exciting; excited6The snow show will begin tomorrow.下面划线部分字母组合发音,哪一个与所给例词发音不相同:()AclownBknowC

3、slow7She _ clothes last weekend. ()AwashBwashedCwashing8My brother likes _ TV in the evening, but he _ TV yesterday evening. ()Awatches; doesnt watchBwatching; didnt watchCwatched; watched9- behind the door?()- There are some umbrellas.AWhat areBWhatCWhats10What day is it today? ()_.AMondayBfineCsun

4、nyDMay 1st11How _ is it? ()It is 4.81 kilograms.AheavyBtallCmuch12The boy was short before, _ hes tall now. ()AandBbutCso13_ Im going to visit the moon. ()ALast MondayBOne dayCFive days14This building has _ floors. Our classroom is on the _ floor. ()Afour; twoBfour; secondCfourth; two1 horse is usua

5、lly _ than a sheep. ()AheavierBheaverCheavyer16I am 45 kilograms. He is 54 kilograms. He is _ than me. ()AshorterBheavierCheavy17How many _ do you see? ()I see three.ApotatoesBtomatoesCgreen beans18Look! There is a monkey _ the two trees. ()AbehindBbesideCbetween19Im _ and _ than you. ()Atall; stron

6、gBtaller; strongerCtall; stronger20_ are these apples? ()Twelve yuan.AHow manyBWhichCHow much二、用单词的适当形式填空21John _ (fall) off his bike and hurt his foot last Monday.2id you _ (read) books yesterday?23Tom _ (get) up early last Monday.24Tomorrow is our farewell party. Well _ (have) lots of fun.25Did yo

7、ur father _ (see) a film last night? No, he didnt.26She would like _ (drive) the car on the left side of the road.27Lily often _ (fly) kites on Sunday, but last Sunday she _ (not fly) kites.28There _ (be) some meat and vegetables in the fridge.29Nancy likes cooking some _ (tomato) soup. 30This good

8、basketball _ _ very well. (play)三、完成句子31Yuan Longping is a great _ (科学家) in China.32He only _ _ _ _ (喝一点儿水) every day. Its not healthy.33John wants to be an _ (宇航员) one day and walk on Mars.34We borrow books from the _.3hopsticks are _ for western people, but they are _ for Chinese people.36Wang Yap

9、ing gave her daughter a g_ when she came back to the earth. That was a star.37I w_ TV with my mother last weekend.38The old fisherman goes _ (钓鱼) every morning.39W_ there any boys in the park?Yes, there were.40Did you help them c_ their room?四、完形填空Chris is 12 years old. He _41_ in a village in Engla

10、nd. The school in his village is not far _42_ his home, so Chris often goes to school on foot. Chris usually gets up at about 7:00 in the morning. It is not_43_. So he has a quick breakfast. He _44_ for school at about 7:50、 It takes him about 10 minutes to _45_ to school. He gets to school at about

11、 _46_ oclock. Sometimes Chris rides his bike to school. School starts at 8:50、 His favorite subject is math. He thinks numbers are _47_.Chris has a _48_. He hopes to go to a big city like London someday. So he can take the subway. “I _49_ take the subway. It must be a lot fun,” he says. Can his drea

12、m _50_? “Sure, it can,” says Chris.41、AlivesBworksCteachesDplays42、AonBinCfromDat43、AlateBearlyCbadDgood44、AgoesBcomesCleavesDgets45、AtakeBrideCmeetDwalk46、AsixBeightCnineDten47、AquickBrightCinterestingDfree48、AhabitBbridgeCdreamDfriend49、AneverBoftenCusuallyDalways50、Ahave funBcome trueChave timeDc

13、ome in五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。Boy: Hello!Girl: Hi! Whats your name?Boy: My names Mike.Girl: I am Chen Jie. I have a new bag.Boy: Really? Can I see it?Girl: Sure. Here you are.Boy: Oh, its nice.Girl: Thank you!51、The boy is Mike.( )52、Mike has a new bag.( )53、The girls name is Lucy.( )54、Chen Jie has a

14、new book.( )55、Mike and Chen Jie meet for the first time(第一次).( )六、阅读理解I had a dream (梦) last night. I was a taikonaut. Peter was in my dream. He was a taikonaut too. We were in a spaceship. We saw many stars. We went to Mars (火星). Mars was very cold. There was no water or air. And there were no tre

15、es. But there were Martians (火星人). The Martians were very friendly. We became friends and played games. We had a lovely time!56、Last night I had _. ()Aa spaceshipBa good dreamCa present57、It was very _ on Mars. ()AHotBcoolCcold58、There was/were _ on Mars. ()AMartiansBtreesCwater59、The Martians were

16、_. ()AtallBangryCfriendly60、We _ with the Martians. ()Aplayed baseballBplayed gamesCplayed chess【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:B【详解】解析:C【详解】句意:Sam对Bobby的计划感到激动。be excited about对感到激动,故答案为C。解析:C【详解】句意:老鼠最后帮助狮子从网里出来。事情发生了,用一般过去时,help变成过去时helped,帮助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth.故选C。解析:A【详解】句意:为了保证安全,你/你们_在人行道上等候,_汽车和自行车。A可以

17、;注意。B可以;寻找。C禁止;注意。根据语境可知,为了保证安全,你/你们可以在人行道上等候,注意汽车和自行车。故选A。解析:A【详解】句意:孩子们对这场令人兴奋的足球赛感到很兴奋。他们在操场上兴奋地大喊。be excited about对感到兴奋,固定短语;exciting令人兴奋的,修饰事或物;第三空修饰实义动词shout,用副词形式excitedly。故选A。解析:A【详解】所给单词snow,show和tommorrow中划线部分都发/,A中划线部分发/a/,B中划线部分发/,C中划线部分发/,故发音和所给例词不一样的是A,故选A。7B解析:B【详解】句意:上周末她洗衣服了。本题考查动词的

18、过去式。A洗,动词原形。B洗,动词的过去式/过去分词。C洗,动名词/动词的现在分词。根据last weekend上周末,可知句子为一般过去时态,动词用过去式,故选B.8B解析:B【详解】句意:我的哥哥(弟弟)喜欢晚上看电视,但是他昨天晚上没有看电视。本题考查动词形式。watches动词第三人称单数形式,watching现在分词或动名词,watched动词过去式,watch动词原形。like to do/doing sth.喜欢做某事,排除A和C,故选B。9C解析:C【详解】略10A解析:A【详解】略1解析:A【详解】句意:它多重?它4.81公斤。本题考查疑问词,how heavy多重,how

19、tall多高,how much多少/多少钱,根据答语可知问句问多重,故选A。1解析:B【详解】句意:这个男孩以前很矮,_现在他很高。A和,B但是,C所以,根据句意可知该句前后表转折,用but连接。故选B。1解析:B【详解】句意:_我打算去参观月球。A上周一,B有朝一日,C五天,根据语法可知C选项不符,该句是一般将来时,故用表将来的时间状语。故选B。1解析:B【详解】句意:这座大楼有四层。我们的教室在第二层。four四,two二,fourth第四,second第二,第一空表数量,用基数词;第二空做floor的定语,用序数词。故选B。1解析:A【详解】句意:马通常比羊重。根据than可知本题考查比


21、壮的,形容词原级。B更高的,形容词比较级;更强壮的,形容词比较级。C高的,形容词原级;更强壮的,形容词比较级。根据句意及than,可知句子将I我和you你做比较,横线处应填形容词的比较级,故选B。20C解析:C【详解】句意:这些苹果多少钱?十二元。本题考查how much引导的疑问句及其答语。根据句意可知询问价钱用how much引导的疑问句。A多少,B哪个,C多少钱,故选C。二、用单词的适当形式填空21fell【详解】句意:上周一约翰从自行车上掉下来并且伤到他的脚。此题考查动词过去式,last Monday是一般过去时的标志词,fall的过去式是fell,故答案为fell。2解析:read【

22、详解】句意:昨天你读书了吗?本题考查动词原形。read读,助动词Did后面加动词原形,故答案为read。23got【详解】句意:汤姆上星期一起得很早。根据last Monday可知本题考查一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,get的过去式是got,故答案为got。24have【详解】句意:明天是我们的告别晚会。我们将有许多乐趣。will后加动词原形,have有。故答案为have。25see【详解】句意:你爸爸昨晚看电影了吗?不,他没有。助动词did后跟动词原形,故答案为see。26to drive【详解】句意:她想把车开到路的左边。would like to意为想要做某事,为固定用法,其后应接动词d

23、rive,意为开车,故答案为to drive。27 flies didnt fly【详解】句意:莉莉经常在星期天放风筝,但是上个星期天她没有放风筝。前半句根据often可知时态是一般现在时,主语Lily是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词fly要用第三人称单数形式flies。后半句根据 last Sunday可知时态是一般过去时,又根据题干所给提示not和实义动词fly,可知句子是否定句,所以要借助助动词did构成否定,即didnt,后接动词原形fly。故答案为flies;didnt fly。28is【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些肉和蔬菜。该句是there be句型,该句型遵循就近一致的原则,也就是be动

24、词根据后面紧跟的名词的数的形式来确定,此处some meat离be动词最近,且是不可数名词,所以用is,故答案为is。29tomato【详解】句意:南希喜欢做西红柿汤。西红柿汤tomato soup,tomato做soup的定语,用单数形式,故答案为tomato。30 player plays【详解】句意:这个篮球运动员打得很好。根据句意可知第一空考查运动员player,前面有指示代词this,用单数;句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,第二空动词play用第三人称单数形式plays;故答案为player;plays。三、完成句子31scientist【详解】句意:袁隆平是中国的一位伟大的科

25、学家。科学家scientist,前面有a修饰,故用单数形式,故答案为scientist。32H解析: drinks a little water【详解】句意:他每天只喝一点儿水。这不健康。喝drink,水water,不可数名词,一点a little,修饰不可数名词,句子是一般现在时,主语He是第三人称单数,drink用第三人称单数形式drinks,故答案为drinks,a,little,water。3stronaut【详解】句意:约翰有一天想要成为宇航员并且在火星上散步。根据横线前的不定冠词an可知宇航员要用astronaut,一个宇航员名词用单数,故答案为astronaut。34librar

26、y【详解】句意:我们从_借书。根据常识,可知从图书馆借书。图书馆用名词library表示,the加名词单数表示类别,故答案为library。35 difficult easy【详解】句意:筷子对于西方人是_,但它对于中国人是_。根据常识,筷子对于西方人是困难的difficult,但它们对于中国人是容易的easy,故答案为difficult;easy。36gift#ift【详解】句意:当她回到地球时,王亚萍给了她女儿一个礼物。那是一颗星星。根据句意和首字母,可知考查gift礼物,前面有冠词a,用单数,故答案为gift。37watched#atched【详解】句意:上周末我和妈妈一起看电视了。根据

27、句中的last weekend,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,由句意和首字母,可知考查短语watch TV看电视,watch过去式为watched,故答案为watched。38fishing【详解】句意:老渔夫每天上午去钓鱼。go fishing去钓鱼,为固定搭配,fishing符合题意,故答案为fishing。39Were#ere【详解】句意:公园里有一些男孩吗?是的,有。根据答语可知问句中be动词用were,故答案为Were。40clean#lean【详解】句意:你帮它们_房间了吗?根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填clean打扫,help sb do sth.帮助某人做某事,d

28、o是原形,故答案为clean。四、完形填空解析:41、A42、C43、B44、C45、D46、B47、C48、C49、A50、B【分析】文章讲了克里斯的故事。41、句意:他住在英国的一个村庄里。主语是he,第三人称单数,居住live in,故选A。42、句意:他村里的学校离他家不远。far from离远,故选C。43、句意:克里斯通常早上7点左右起床。不是很_。所以他很快就吃了早餐。A.晚点,B.早的,C.坏的,D.好的。根据常识,时间很晚了,所以吃的快点。故选B。44、句意:他大约7点50分去上学。leave for离开去,故选C。45、句意:他_到学校大约需要10分钟。走到学校walk t

29、o school,故选D。46、句意:他大约7点50分去上学。他走到学校大约需要10分钟。他大约_点钟到学校。推算时间,大约是8点,故选B。47、句意:他最喜欢的科目是数学。他认为数字是_。根据常识得知喜欢的话形容词用褒义词,故选C。48、句意:克里斯有一个_。他希望有一天能去伦敦这样的大城市。A.习惯,B.桥,C.梦想,D.朋友,根据题意,故选C。49、句意:我_坐地铁。一定很有趣,根据翻译得知,从来没有坐地铁。never从不,故选A。50、句意:他的梦想能_吗?“当然可以,”克里斯说。梦想实现come true,故选B。五、阅读判断42F解析:51、T52、F53、F54、F55、T【解析

30、】六、阅读理解解析:56、B57、C58、A59、C60、B【导语】本文讲述了我的梦境在火星上的见闻。56、句意:我昨天晚上_。A飞船,B一个好梦,C一个礼物。根据I had a dream (梦) last night.可知我昨天晚上做了个好梦,故选B。57、句意:火星是非常_。A热的,B凉爽的,C冷的。根据Mars was very cold.可知火星是非常冷的,故选C。58、句意:火星上有_。A火星人,B树,C水。根据But there were Martians (火星人).可知火星上有火星人,故选A。59、句意:火星人是_。A高的,B愤怒的,C友好的。根据The Martians were very friendly.可知火星人是友善的,故选C。60、句意:我们和火星人一起_。A打棒球,B玩游戏,C下棋。根据We became friends and played games.可知我们和火星人一起玩游戏,故选B。

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