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1、外研版初三中考英语动词短语辨析易错题集锦及解析一、选择题1It is careless of him to_ the books on the table. What a mess!Maybe he is getting uncomfortable from staying up too late every day.Aknock overBknock downCknock offDknock on2A survey about why teenagers like bilibili so much was _ here last week.Ataken outBcarried outCtur

2、ned outDworked out3If the customer rings up for me again, please _ the call to the sales department.OK, I will.Arun throughBlook throughCgo throughDput through4What time does the first train to Beijing leave? Wait a minute. I am just _ the train times.Ataking upBpicking upCmaking upDlooking up5Amy,

3、how many of your classmates have brothers or sisters?Believe it or not, it _ to be one quarter.Atakes outBbreaks outCturns outDfinds out6We have waited for Tom for half an hour. Why hasnt he _ yet?He may have got lost. Let me call him.Acheered upBtaken upCstayed upDshown up7When you are given a diff

4、icult task, try to _ it and finish it.Ajoin inBstick withCsearch forDthink of8The workers _ a sign to warn people of the danger here.Aput outBput inCput upDput on9 Hi, Simon! You look so excited. What happened?We won the football match, and the result _ to be better than expected.Aturned outBfound o

5、utCworked outDcame out10Sometimes results will just _ opposite of our wish. We need to accept them anyway.Acarry outBbreak outCrun outDturn out11A big fire _ in a factory last month. It is important for us to be careful with fire.Aput outBturned outCgot outDbroke out12Daniel is the most modest boy i

6、n our class, because he never _ in public.Agets offBtakes offCshows offDturns off13Sorry to _ your valuable time.Its OK.Atake offBtake upCtake outDtake in14Whos going to _ the children while you are away?Dont worry. My mum will come.Alook atBlook aroundClook afterDlook like15The director of Up serie

7、s passed away, and the workmates are thinking about whether the documentary can _ without him.Acarry onBcarry outCtake onDtake out16Scientists need to _ several surveys before making a conclusion.Agive upBcarry outChear ofDlook for17How terrible the disaster is! Many people lose their homes and most

8、 of them are badly hurt.Im sure things are going to _ fine because the soldiers, the most lovely people, are trying to help them.Afind outBturn outCrun outDput out18Youd better_all the questions before having the test.Alook afterBlook atClook outDlook through19Volunteers _ leaflets to encourage more

9、 people to separate rubbish correctly.Aput outBfind outChand outDturn out20What can I do for you, Linda? I hope you can help me _ the useless words in my article.Amake upBcut outCturn offDput up21Theres no doubt the Belt and Road will successfully _ cooperation and development between China and othe

10、r countries along the line.Apush forBcare forClook forDhope for22My father always tells me to _ any possible challenge myself instead of giving up easily!Atake awayBtake offCtake upDtake on23Most boys _ toy guns while girls _ have dolls.Awould rather; preferBprefer; would ratherCwould rather; would

11、ratherDprefer; prefer24What a pity! The weather _ to be rainy. We had to cancel the sports meeting.Aran outBbroke outCfound outDturned out25A society cannot be successful if it _ tradition, but it cannot be successful either if we do something to stop progress.Atakes awayBthrows awayCgets awayDputs

12、away26There is no doubt that the United Nations will continue to _ building a community with a shared future for mankind.Alook forBcare forChope forDpush for27Excuse me, sir, but smoking is not allowed in hospital.Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill _ my cigarette.Aput inBput upCput outDput on28Please

13、_ the water when you brush your teeth.Atake downBturn upCtake awayDturn off29The Civil Code (民法典) _ to be a big success and it is a milestone in our country legal science. I cant agree more.Aturns outBputs outCtakes outDbreaks out30Where is Jack? His mother is looking for him.Oh, he is _ leaflets th

14、ere to make people know more about UNICEF.Aputting outBputting inChanding outDhanding in31How was your May Day holiday?Just so-so. We drove to Suzhou and tried to find a place for parking, but they were all_.Aturned upBstayed upCtaken upDput up32 How can I get good grades in the listening test, Miss

15、 Lin? You can the questions quickly before listening.Alook throughBgo overCpay attention toDtake notice of33Far water does not _ near fire.Aput upBput awayCput outDput in34The job _ to be harder than they thought.Afound outBturned outCran outDworked out35I promise I wont _ any more of your time. But

16、 would you please reply to my question right away?Agive upBmake upCput upDtake up36Many students dont know how to _ stress and become worried.I think theyd better ask their teachers for help.Aargue withBcome up withCdeal with37He used to _ with his friends and watch movies in the cinema.Astay upBwak

17、e upCcome upDmake up38He always _ his friends about everything. In fact, he has no thoughts of his own.Atalks withBplays withCdeals withDagrees with39All right, Ill take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will _ this kind of work Come on, Buddy! Dont be so serious.Atake offBtake outCtake onDt

18、ake up40No rules, all things will not be long. Without proper lessons, you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.Agive upBcatch upCkeep upDpick up41We should _ the job bravely instead of complaining too much. Its our duty!Atake awayBtake upCtake onDtake off42I know how busy you must be

19、and naturally I wouldnt want to _ too much of your time.Aput upBtake upCgive upDmake up43Life is full of ups and downs. When your friends are unhappy, tell them something funny and encourage them to _.Aput upBcheer upCstay upDgive up44The person who _ a new idea of how to work out the puzzle will be

20、 given a(n) _.Akeeps up with; praiseBcomes up with; prizeCends up with; priceDputs up with; award45A new high-speed railway station _ Taixing _ Shanghai will be built soon.Aconnecting; toBconnected; toCconnects; withDconnected; and46Your spoken English is very good. How do you improve it?Thanks. Mrs

21、. Wang always asks us to _ dialogues in our English classes and practice speaking English as often as possible.Atake upBmake upCput upDmop up47What do the students think of this book?Its really a good book. They all_it.Alook overBthink aboutCthink highly ofDwin the heart of48My father is crazy about

22、 DIY. Hes trying to _ a cupboard in the kitchen.Aput upBput inCput onDput away49Have you made a plan to raise money to protect the animals in danger?Yes. Now we are thinking about how to _.Apick it outBcarry it outCfind it outDput it out50The baby is sleeping. Would you please _?Aturned the radio on

23、Bturn the radio downCturned the radio offDturn the radio up【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1A解析:A【详解】句意:他真粗心,打翻了桌子上的书。真是一团糟!也许他因为每天熬夜太晚而感到不舒服吧。考查动词短语辨析。knock over打翻;knock down撞倒;knock off停工,中断;knock on敲(门、窗等)。由句中“careless”和“the books on the table”可知,此句是说不小心打翻了书,故选A。2B解析:B【详解】句意:上周在这里进行了一项关于为什么青少年如此喜欢哔哩哔哩的调查

24、。考查动词短语辨析。taken out取出;carried out执行,实行;turned out结果是;worked out算出。根据“A survey about”可知,是实施一项调查,故选B。3D解析:D【详解】句意:如果顾客再打电话找我。 请把电话转到销售部。好的,我会的。考查动词短语辨析。run through浏览,贯穿;look through浏览,温习;go through经历,通过;put through接通。根据句中“rings up”和空后“the call to”可知,这里指接通电话,故选D。4D解析:D【详解】句意:-去北京的第一班火车什么时候开?等等。让我查一下火车时

25、刻表。考查动词词组辨析。taking up 占用,开始从事;picking up 捡起;making up 编造;looking up 查阅。根据“train times 火车时刻表”可知,对方要查阅一下时刻表才能确定去北京的第一班火车什么时候开,故选D。5C解析:C【详解】句意:Amy,你的同学中有多少人有兄弟姐妹?信不信由你,结果是四分之一。考查动词短语辨析。takes out取出;breaks out爆发;turns out结果是;finds out发现。根据“how many of your classmates have brothers or sisters”可知,告诉对方,结果只

26、有四分之一的同学有兄弟姐妹,故选C。6D解析:D【详解】句意:我们已经等汤姆半小时了。他怎么还没出现?他可能迷路了。让我给他打电话。考查动词短语。cheered up使振作起来;taken up开始从事;stayed up熬夜;shown up出现,露面;根据“We have waited for Tom for half an hour.”以及“He may have got lost. Let me call him.”可知,此处是说Tom还没露面,所以要给他打电话。故选D。7B解析:B【详解】句意:当你接到一项困难的任务时,试着坚持下去并完成它。考查动词短语。join in参加;stic

27、k with坚持;search for寻找;think of想起。根据“finish it”可知,此处表示要完成它,应是要坚持下去,故选B。8C解析:C【详解】句意:工人们张贴了一个标志,警告人们这里有危险。考查动词短语辨析。put out扑灭;put in安装;put up张贴;put on穿上。根据“a sign”可知,是张贴标志,故选C。9A解析:A【详解】句意:你好,西蒙!你看起来很兴奋。发生了什么事?我们赢得了足球比赛,结果比预期的还要好。考查动词短语。turn out结果是;find out查明;work out算出;come out出现;根据“to be better than

28、expected”可知,此处说的是结果是,用turn out to be表示,故选A。10D解析:D【详解】句意:有时结果会与我们的愿望相反。不管怎样,我们还是要接受它们。考查动词短语。carry out实施;break out爆发;run out耗尽;turn out结果是。根据“We need to accept them anyway.”可知,有时结果会与我们的愿望相反。故选D。11D解析:D【详解】句意:上个月一家工厂发生了一场大火。对我们来说小心火是很重要的。考查动词短语辨析。put out扑灭;turned out证明是;got out出去;broke out爆发。根据“A big

29、 fire. in a factory last month.”可知,这里表示“火灾爆发”。故选D。12C解析:C【详解】句意:丹尼尔是我们班最谦虚的男孩,因为他从不在公共场合炫耀。考查动词短语辨析。gets off下车;takes off脱下;shows off炫耀;turns off关掉。根据“Daniel is the most modest boy in our class”可知,此处是从不在公共场合炫耀。故选C。13B解析:B【详解】句意:很抱歉占用你宝贵的时间。没事的。考查动词短语辨析。take off起飞;take up占用;take out取出;take in领会。根据“Sor

30、ry to . your valuable time.”可推断,空格处表达“占用”时间。故选B。14C解析:C【详解】句意:当你离开的时候谁来照顾孩子?不用担心,我妈妈会来。考查动词短语。look at看;look around向四周看;look after照顾;look like看起来像。根据“while you are away”和“children”可知,当你离开的时候,此处应是照顾孩子。故选C。15A解析:A【详解】句意:Up系列的导演去世了,同事们都在想,没有他,这部纪录片能否继续下去。考查动词短语。carry on继续、坚持、开展;carry out实施、执行、实行;take on

31、承担、接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任);take out取出、把带出去。根据上文“The director of Up series passed away”与下文内容的关系可知,此处表示在没有导演的情况下“继续”,应用carry on。故选A。16B解析:B【详解】句意:科学家在做出结论之前,需要完成数个调查。考查动词短语词义辨析。give up放弃;carry out 实现,完成;hear of听说;look for寻找。根据“several surveys before making a conclusion ”可知,指科学家在做出结论之前,需要完成数个调查。故选B。17B解析:B【详解】

32、句意:多么可怕的灾难啊!许多人失去了家园,大多数人受了重伤。我相信一切都会好起来的,因为士兵们,最可爱的人,正在努力帮助他们。考查动词短语。find out查明;turn out变得;run out用完,耗尽;put out扑灭;根据“because the soldiers, the most lovely people, are trying to help them.”可知,此处指的是“事情会变好的”,故选B。18D解析:D【详解】句意:你最好在考试前把所有的问题都看一遍。考查动词短语。look after照顾;look at看;look out小心,留神;look through浏览,

33、逐一查看。由语境可知,在考试之前浏览所有的问题,故应用短语look through。故选D。19C解析:C【详解】句意:志愿者分发传单,鼓励更多的人正确分类垃圾。考查动词短语。put out扑灭;find out找出;hand out分发;turn out结果是。根据“Volunteers.leaflets to encourage more people to separate rubbish correctly.”可知,此处表示分发传单,应用hand out。故选C。20B解析:B【详解】句意:琳达,有什么事吗?我希望你能帮我删掉文章中无用的词。考查动词短语辨析。make up弥补;cut

34、 out删掉;turn off关闭;put up张贴。根据“the useless words”可知,此处表达删掉没用的词。故选B。21A解析:A【详解】句意:毫无疑问,“一带一路”将成功推动中国与沿线国家的合作与发展。考查动词短语辨析。push for推动;care for关心;look for寻找;hope for希望。根据“cooperation and development”可知,是推动合作与发展,故选A。22D解析:D【详解】句意:我父亲总是告诉我要自己接受任何可能的挑战,而不是轻易放弃!考查动词短语辨析。take away带走;take off脱下;take up开始从事;tak

35、e on接受、承担。根据空后“instead of giving up easily!”可推知,应是要接受任何可能的挑战。故选D。23B解析:B【详解】句意:大多数男孩喜欢玩具枪,而女孩更喜欢玩具娃娃。考查固定搭配。本题考查prefer sth.“喜欢某物”以及would rather do sth“宁愿做某事”。两者都是固定搭配。结合题干可知,B项符合题意。故选B。24D解析:D【详解】句意:真遗憾!天下雨了。我们不得不取消运动会。考查动词短语。ran out耗尽;broke out爆发;found out找出;turned out最后是,结果是。根据“We had to cancel th

36、e sports meeting.”可知此处下雨是一种结果,用D选项最合语境。故选D。25B解析:B【详解】句意:一个社会如果抛弃传统就不可能成功,但如果我们采取措施阻止进步也不可能成功。考查动词短语辨析。takes away拿走;throws away扔掉;gets away逃走;puts away收起。根据“.tradition, but it cannot be successful either if we do something to stop progress”可知,此处表示抛弃传统。故选B。26D解析:D【详解】句意:毫无疑问,联合国将继续推动构建人类命运共同体。考查动词短语辨

37、析。look for寻找;care for关注;hope for希望;push for推动。根据“the United Nations will continue to building a community with a shared future for mankind”可知,此处要表达的是推动构建人类命运共同体,故选D。27C解析:C【详解】句意:对不起,先生,医院里不允许吸烟。对不起,我没看到标志。我要把烟灭了。考查动词短语。put in安装;put up张贴;put out熄灭;put on穿上。根据“Excuse me, sir, but smoking is not allow

38、ed in hospital.”可知是要熄灭正在燃烧的烟。故选C。28D解析:D【详解】句意:当你刷牙的时候, 请关闭水源。考查动词短语辨析。take down取下; turn up调高; take away带走; turn off关掉。根据常识可知,故选D。29A解析:A【详解】句意:民法典是我国法学史上的一个里程碑,取得了巨大的成功。我完全同意。考查动词短语。turns out最后是,结果是;puts out熄灭;takes out取出;breaks out爆发。根据“to be a big success”可知,此处使用turn out,表示“取得巨大成功”。故选A。30C解析:C【详解

39、】句意:杰克在哪里?他妈妈正在找他。哦,他在那里发传单,让人们更多地了解联合国儿童基金会。考查动词短语辨析。putting out扑灭;putting in投入;handing out分发;handing in上交。根据题干“he isleaflets there to make people know more about UNICEF”,可知是在发传单,故选C。31C解析:C【详解】句意:你们的五一假期怎么样?一般般吧。我们开车去了苏州并且想找个地方停车,但是停车场都满了。考查动词短语。turn up调高,出现;stay up熬夜;take up从事,占据;put up张贴,搭建。根据“t

40、ried to find a place for parking”想找个地方停车和空格前的“but”,可知没找到地方停车,停车场都被占了。故选C。32A解析:A【详解】句意:林老师, 我怎样可以在听力测试中取得好成绩?你可以在听之前快速浏览问题。考查动词短语词义辨析。look through浏览;go over复习,仔细检查;pay attention to注意;take notice of注意到,留意。根据语境可以推测出应是在听前浏览问题, look through符合句意。故选A。33C解析:C【详解】句意:远水救不了近火。考查动词短语辨析。put up举起;put away放好;put

41、out熄灭;put in提交;根据“Far water does not.near fire.”及结合常识可知,俗语“远水救不了近火。”此处使用put out,表示“熄灭”符合语境。故选C。34B解析:B【详解】句意:这项工作结果是比他们想象的要难得多。考查动词短语。found out查明;turned out证明是、结果是;ran out用完、耗尽;worked out解决、算出。根据“The job to be harder than they thought.”结合选项,可知是这项工作结果是比他们想象的要难,turned out符合题意,其它选项均不符合语境,故选B。35D解析:D【详解

42、】句意:我保证不会再占用你的时间了。但请你马上回答我的问题好吗?考查动词短语辨析,give up放弃;make up组成;put up建造,举起;take up开始从事,占据。根据“I promise I wont any more of your time. . But would you please reply to my question right away?”,可推知应该是占据时间,符合语境,故选D。36C解析:C【详解】句意:许多学生不知道如何处理压力,变得担心。我认为他们最好向老师寻求帮助。考查动词短语。argue with和争吵;come up with想出;deal wit

43、h处理。根据“become worried”可知不会处理压力才会担心,用deal with符合语境。故选C。37A解析:A【详解】句意:他过去常和朋友们一起熬夜,在电影院看电影。考查动词短语。stay up熬夜;wake up醒来;come up发生;make up编造。根据“movies in the cinema”可知,此处指他和朋友们在电影院熬夜看电影。故选A。38D解析:D【详解】句意:他总是和朋友们在每件事上意见一致。事实上,他没有自己的想法。考查动词短语。talk with与交谈;play with与一起玩;deal with处理;agree with同意。根据In fact ,

44、he has no thoughts of his own.可知是同意朋友的观点。故选D。【点睛】39C解析:C【详解】句意:-好吧,我接受了。但是我告诉你,这是我最后一次做这种工作了。-加油,Buddy,不要那么严肃。take off脱掉,起飞;take out取出,发泄;take on承担,接受;take up拿起,从事。根据句意可知,这里表示“承担这种工作”,故应选C。40D解析:D【详解】句意:没有规则的一切,不会长久。如果没有适当的课程,你弹钢琴时可能会养成很多坏习惯。考查动词短语辨析。give up放弃;catch up赶上进度;keep up跟上;pick up捡起,拾起。根据上文“Without proper lessons”可知,及下文“a lot of bad habits when playing the piano”可知,此处是养成很多不好的习惯。故选D。41C解析:C【详解】句意:我们应该勇敢地承担这项工作,而不是抱怨太多。 这是我们的责任!考查动词短语。take away带走;take

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