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1、初三中考英语代词用法总结(完整)及解析一、选择题1Wait a minute. I have _ more to tell you about the travelling plan.AsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing2Excuse me, I want to buy a birthday present for my younger sister.OK. We have new kinds of toys for girls. You can choose for her.AoneBitCthemDthat3Jeff dreams of becomi

2、ng a detective like Sherlock Homes. He thinks there is _ more exciting than solving a mystery.AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing4This book on animals is interesting. Id like _. Where did you buy it, Simon?In the bookshop near my school.AitBthisCthatDone5Do you know the percentage of the people w

3、ho want to leave the Earth in China?I think there is _. In fact, there is _ on other planets that can help people survive.Anothing; noneBnone; nothingCnobody; noneDnone; no one6Do we have any bananas for the party?Let me see. Yes, but only _.Aa fewBfewCa littleDlittle7Online short video apps like Do

4、uyin make _ more convenient to learn about the world at home.AitBthisConeDthat8Did you go to the popular tourist attraction yesterday?Yes. After waiting for hours to get in, I found _ too tired to finish the tour.AitBmeCitselfDmyself9Seasons in Australia are the opposite of _. Its autumn there.AusBw

5、eCourDours10Why did your family buy a second-hand car?We couldnt afford a new one, but even an old one is better than _.AnoneBeitherCnothingDneither11Wow! Jim plays the piano so well.Not _ can play it like this. He works hard at it.AeverybodyBsomebodyCnobodyDanybody12Have you prepared _ for the picn

6、ic tomorrow?-No, except the drinks.AnothingBanythingCeverythingDsomething13Jack, you left your coat in the playground again?It isnt _. Look, my coat is in my bag.AmineBmyCyourDyours14The apples are quite delicious! Can I have one more?Sorry, there is _ left, what about some oranges?AnoneBno oneCnoth

7、ingDnobody15The shop assistant in Xinhua Bookstore recommended me the four great classical Chinese novels, but _ was to my taste.AallBneitherCnothingDnone16You are supposed to bring _ to his attention that the journey will be really tiring.AthatBitCthisDyou17Is this _ bike?No, it isnt. I left my bik

8、e at home.AmyByourChisDher18Which of the two dresses will you choose for the party?_ of them is suitable for a birthday party. They are too formal.ANeitherBNoneCEitherDBoth19Teachers use _ knowledge to help children become intelligent teenagers.AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs20My mother tried to cook _ for

9、me when I studied in New Zealand.Adifferent somethingBdifferent anythingCsomething differentDanything different21I can take good care of myself. I do not depend on _.AanybodyBeverybodyCnothingDsomething22Its very convenient _ us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the statio

10、n or on the Internet.AtoBofCbyDfor23Your home town is really nice!The air quality is as good as_of Sanya.AitBoneCthatDthe one24New Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and is South Island.AanotherBthe otherCotherDthe others25Robots are created by humans for humans. Theres _ to be afraid of.A

11、somethingBnothingCeverythingDanything26My elder brother is creative, he is always full of ideas, but _ is useful to my knowledge.AneitherBnothingCno oneDnone27Jeffrey always remained calm and mastered his own feelings. No wonder he is a _.AsomebodyBanybodyCnobodyDeveryone28Some friends tried to calm

12、 down Mr. and Mrs. White and help solve their problem without hurting the feeling of _, but failed.AnoneBeitherCbothDneither29He thinks himself _, but we think him _.Asomebody, anybodyBsomebody, nobodyCanybody, somebodyDanybody, nobody30 The TV series Love Designer is the most romantic drama I have

13、ever seen. Im afraid its not _ cup of tea.AanybodysBeverybodysCsomebodysDnobodys31They have provided several ways to solve the problem. We can choose _ to start with.AitBthatConeDeach32As a child, I would sit for hours under an old tree doing _, which was simply day dreaming.AnothingBeverythingCsome

14、thingDanything33Are your parents angry with you about your English? Oh, _ of them is angry. They just told me to get better grades next time.AnoneBbothCneitherDeither34All of us will visit Beijing Daxing International Airport next week. Great! _ of us has been there before and we want to know more a

15、bout the local culture.ANoneBEitherCBothDAll35We all think _ comfortable to live in Yancheng. Its a beautiful and modern city.AthisBthatCitDwhat36Mary, is this _ blue bike?No, _ is a black one.Ayour; myByour; mineCyours; myDyours; mine37Which would you like to choose for your PE entrance exam, baske

16、tball or volleyball?_. I prefer football.ABothBEitherCNoneDNeither38 When would you like to go to Nanjing Garden Expo (园博园) with me, this Friday or Saturday? _. I am free only this Sunday.ABothBNoneCNeitherDEither39Excuse me, Linda, but which is for me?You can take _ half. They are exactly the same.

17、AanyBeitherCneitherDboth40Dora always comes up with new ideas, but _ is of any value to me.AnoneBnothingCno oneDneither41The teacher shared the photos of our school trip on her WeChat Moments. We can see them for _.AherselfBhimselfCourselvesDthemselves42Some friends tried to calm down Mr. and Mrs. W

18、hite and help solve their problem without hurting the feeling of _, but failed.AbothBnoneCeitherDneither43Excuse me, I want to buy a birthday gift for my brother.Here are some gifts for boys. You can choose _ for him.AitBoneCthatDthem44Tickets for Friday.Sorry, weve got _ left.AnoneBnothingCnoDno on

19、e45The weather in Beijing is cooler than _ in Guangzhou.AthisBthatCitDone46David, I have _ to tell you.Great! Im excited to hear our country has made progress in exploring the space.Asomething importantBanything importantCimportant somethingDimportant anything47He was the strong silent type.Yes. He

20、thought _ better to say nothing.AitBitsCitsDitself48Few films have had a greater effect on popular culture than Steven Spielbergs.Its just your cup of tea. To me, his works are _ more than entertainment.AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything49Wu Xinhai, a stay-at-home dad in Beijing, said: “I want m

21、y kids to have a different childhood from _.”AmyBmeCmyselfDmine50My parents have made _ a habit to go out for a walk around Xuanwu Lake.AthisBitCthatDone二、选择题51We have entered a world where robot operations become true with 5G technology.Hard to believe! Scientists are full of _ which leads to great

22、 changes in our life.AinstructionBinstrumentCinventionDintroduction52Mr Liu is a wise man,and he often gives us a few_ AsuggestionsBadviceChobbiesDknowledge53Sams _ is worth praising, but saving someone from the river alone is too dangerous.Yes. As teenagers, we had better ask adults for help.Ahumou

23、rBcourageCwisdomDpurpose54 Could you explain the saying “One tree cant make a forest.” to me, please? OK. It tells us that success comes from good .AabilityBpersonalityCconfidenceDteamwork55Do you know the four new great _of China?Yes. They are Alipay, high-speed trains, shared bikes and online shop

24、ping.AinventionsBintroductionsCattractionsDtraditions56Finding information is not a big deal today.Yes. The _ is how to tell whether the information is true or not.AadvantageBmessageCchallengeDknowledge57 How do you like Jianye Library? Wonderful! Im especially satisfied with the high _ of its servi

25、ce.AcostBvalueCstandardDprice58A _ is a person who is travelling or visiting a place.AstrangerBtouristCguideDcustomer59People in many foreign countries have parties on Chinese New Years Eve now. It means a growing _ in Chinese culture around the world.AdirectionBhabitCdreamDinterest60Do you feel lik

26、e moving to Mars?Sure. Im in no _ that life on Mars would be interesting.AdoubtBhurryCwayDagreement61Look! The children are having so much _ playing hide and seek in the flower sea.AjokeBfunCknowledgeDskill62Wow, you play the violin so well!Thank you, but thats the only musical _ I can play.Ainstruc

27、tionBinstrumentCintroductionDinvention63Learning English in a classroom is important, but using English in the real _ will improve your English skills greatly.AconditionBsituationCeventDposition64The new high-speed railway connecting Zhenjiang to Lianyungang is now in _ and it saves a lot of time.As

28、urpriseBspiritCsilenceDservice65As a student, getting up early and being afraid of missing the first school bell may be common _ for you. But thanks to new rules, you can stay in bed longer than before.AsignsBsymbolsCexperiencesDexpressions66Mr. Li always has his own special _ to make his lessons li

29、vely.AsurveysBinstructionsCworksDmethods67Yuan Longping is considered to have made a great _ to the development of agriculture.AprogressBinventionCintroductionDcontribution68Im new here in Suzhou. Take a map of Suzhou with you. Youll find it of great _ in helping you.ApriceBcostCinterestDvalue69The

30、air is very fresh in our city. There is less _ than before.Yes. The government has taken action to protect the environment.AwoodBpollutionCnoiseDwater70The sweater is not the right _ for me.Well, shall I get you a bigger one or a smaller one?ApriceBcolorCsizeDmaterial(材料)71For the time being we can

31、collect much _ either from books or on the Internet.AideaBmethodCinformationDsuggestion72Mr. Green, I cant remember some of the words. What should I do?Dont worry! Why not try to make _ with them?AdecisionsBsentencesCsuggestionsDchoices73Could you give me a few _ on how to spend the coming summer ho

32、liday?-OK. Let me see.AhobbiesBknowledgeCsuggestionsDinformation74The _of antibiotics(抗生素) in the 20th century has made a great difference to us.AinventionBinstructionCmethodDdiscovery75I have a poor _ of direction, so I am afraid to go out alone.AsceneBsilenceCserviceDsense76The boy is crazy about

33、football but he has no time to play it. He finds it difficult to keep _ between his schoolwork and his hobbies.AbalanceBpossibilityCrelationshipDsuggestion77Why are you so crazy about travelling, Wu Dong?Travelling can offer us real_of languages, customs and cultures.AattractionBbackgroundCdifferenc

34、eDexperience78A factory will be built for the _ of this type of new energy car.ApositionBpopulationCproductionDpronunciation79 Do you really think you can learn that much in only a couple of hours? Yes. We will try a very useful _ of dealing with memory problems.AreportBprocessCmethodDactivity80Beca

35、use of the outbreak of Corona virus, people all over the world are keeping a close eye on medical _ of Chinese medicine, like Lianhuaqingwen Capsule (胶囊).AvalueBpriceCcostDwealth81I was attracted by the ladys warm smile. It was really like a hidden _ .ApleasureBtreasureCattentionDinvention82 Can you

36、 describe what Mr. Greens daughter is like? Oh, she has the very _ of Mr. Green. Im sure you can know her at the first sight.AphotoBvoiceClookDtaste83All the _ was for nothing because the visit was cancelled. Put it away now.ApollutionBconnectionCsuggestionDpreparation84 Do you stay up at night and

37、get up late in the morning just like me? Never. I think youd better break that_.AhabitBprojectCabilityDadvice85I think some famous stars should pay more attention to their behavior because what they do can have a great _on teenagers.AchangeBimpressionCprogressDinfluence86Recently, he seemed to be no

38、t himself and gave up many chances. Wed better do something to stop him losing the _ of his life.AsenseBcourseCdirectionDcondition87The computer sells for 5,000 yuan, and it is much more than its real _.AcostBpayCvalueDprice88The filmmakers should pay more attention to improving the _ of a film than

39、 making more money.AqualityBpositionCcharityDpersonality89Searching for information is not a big deal today.Exactly, the _ is how we can tell whether the information is true or not.AadvantageBmessageCchallengeDknowledge90Have you heard of a new technology about TV?Yes. Its “8K TV”. I believe that it

40、 will make a great _ to peoples life.AsurpriseBprogressCdifferenceDchoice91 Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony? Sure! Mom will be angry if she sees this _, I think.AmatterBmessCtroubleDdifficulty92Whats your mother?She is a _ in a company.AnurseBfarmerCdoctorDmanager93Michael, co

41、uld you tell me the way to Haian Museum?Sorry. But you can download a map app on your phone that can show you _ and guide you to where you want to go.AconversationBlocationCinventionDintroduction94The shopkeeper gave some _ to use my new iPhone 12 for the first time.AdirectionsBattractionsCinstructi

42、onsDconditions95After listening to the _ to the Flower Sea, we become more interested in this place.AinfluenceBinstrumentCintroductionDinstruction96Mr. Zhang is an excellent Chinese teacher. He has over 20 years teaching _.AexperienceBprogressCinformationDknowledge97My grandmother knows the history and medical _ of many plants.AwealthBpriceCvalueDcost98A city is the _ of the human hand and mind, showing mans wisdom and creativity.AproductBprocessCprideDpossibility99US anthropologist Edward T. Hall said that in a conversation between two people, 65% of _ i

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