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1、Solar Car RacingUnit 9 lesson3 Clean Machines vocabularyvocabularypetrol pe-trol (英)汽油(英)汽油solar so-lar 太阳的,太阳光的太阳的,太阳光的racer ra-cer 赛车手赛车手sunlight sun-light 阳光,日光阳光,日光kindergarten kin-der-gar-ten 幼儿园幼儿园northwest north-west 西北,西北方西北,西北方southeast south-east 东南,东南方东南,东南方chapter chap-ter 章节章节impression

2、 im-pre-ssion 印象,感觉印象,感觉reliable re-li-able 可靠的可靠的operator o-pe-ra-tor 操作人员,接线操作人员,接线员员appreciate a-ppre-ci-ate 欣赏,鉴赏欣赏,鉴赏essay e-ssay 散文散文shopping shop-ping 购物购物 gas 气体,煤气,汽油气体,煤气,汽油 golf 高尔夫高尔夫 so far 迄今为止迄今为止take place 发生发生Part IPre-reading1.How many different kinds of cars can you name?Warm upWa

3、rm upDo you know the names of Do you know the names of the following famous cars?the following famous cars?Different kinds of fuelcoalcoalpetrol(petrol(汽油汽油)dieseldiesel(柴油柴油)gasgas(天然气天然气)2.What kind of energy do the cars use?3.What are the main disadvantages of cars?ObjectivesBy the end of this pe

4、riod,you will be able to:1.Get to know a solar car racer,the safe and clean solar cars,as well as their races.2.Build the sense of using clean energy efficiently.Pre-readingPre-reading Discussion:why do people invent solar cars?1.use the power of sunlight2.do not use petrol,gas or any otherfuel,no p

5、ollution3.clean and safe Listen and Read How many things did the interviewer want to know about?What are they?1 about a solar racer-Marie Logan 2 about solar cars3about Marie Logans favorite solar car raceWhile-reading:While-reading:True or False?1.Marie Logan began designing cars when she was a stu

6、dent.2.She has won most of her races.3.The team has nearly finished building a solar car.4.Marie has written a book about solar cars.5.Solar cars can work even in cloudy weather.FTTFFWhile-reading:While-reading:Task 2 Read the text with your partner and find out all the questions about solar cars.Wh

7、at is a solar car?Why are people interested in solar cars?A lot of people think that solar cars are too slow or not very reliable.How can you persuade them of the advantages of solar cars?While-reading:While-reading:can be trusted What is a solar car?Solar cars are cars that use _.They do not use _,

8、_,_.While-reading:While-reading:Why are people interested in solar cars?People have been _ about pollution caused by _ for a long time now.Solar cars are _,so there is a lot of interest in them.petrolor any other fuelgasthe suns energy for powerfuels like petrol and gasworriedclean and safe How can

9、you persuade them of the advantages of solar cars?Solar cars are getting better _.They have reached speeds of _.In tests,one car we built has _,even in cloudy weather.While-reading:While-reading:all the time 80 k.p.h.averaged over 40 k.p.h.Discussion What effect can solar cars have on our life?If yo

10、u were scientists,what else would you like to do to protect our environment?While-reading:While-reading:October 21st 2005 Sunny Task 3 We found Maries Diary of her favorite race,but some parts are unclear.Read the text and complete the diary.Tomorrow,this years World Solar Car Challenge will take pl

11、ace.Racers from the world have reached Australia for days.We have been talking about the great journey-about 4500km long cross the whole of Australia from northwest to southeast!The different shaped solar cars left us a good impression.Several days later,we will know the winner!While-reading:While-r

12、eading:take place Racersnorthwest to southeastimpressionhappenpeople who join the racethe way Sth.appears to youLook at these solar cars and design your own solar car with a group of four.Give it a beautiful name!Name Unknown Zhongshan University 中山大学中山大学无名无名Think of the SourceShangHai Transport Uni

13、versity上海交大上海交大思源思源号号 Sun Dancer Tsinghua University 清华清华“追日追日”号号Post-reading:Post-reading:Question support:What does your solar car look like?Whats the speed?What material will be used?What do you want to express through its name?or Language support:This is our solar car.It is in color of its weigh

14、t is its shape is like it can reach speed of It has a beautiful name,becausePost-reading:Post-reading:Part VLanguage Points1.impression印象(可数);假想;印迹印象(可数);假想;印迹have a impression of 对对有有的印象的印象I want people to have a good impression of me.leave/make a impression on 给给留下留下的印象的印象That young man has left a

15、 bad impression on me.那个年轻人给我留下了一个很差的印象。拓展:impress vt.impressive adj.be impressd by/with impress A with B 用用B让让A印象深刻印象深刻(1)我们对她精彩的表演有了深刻的印象。我们对她精彩的表演有了深刻的印象。We were all deeply _.(2)他的激动人心的演讲给我留下了深刻的他的激动人心的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象。印象。His exciting speech _ _.(3)她的教学比他的外表更能使人印象深刻。她的教学比他的外表更能使人印象深刻。Her teaching is

16、_ than his appearance.impressed by herexcellent performanceleft a deep impressionon memore impressive We all have a deep impression of her excellent performance.2.appreciate 欣赏;感激 +n.Nobody appreciated his talent.没人欣赏他的才能。没人欣赏他的才能。I appreciate what youve done for me.感谢你为我所做的感谢你为我所做的一切。一切。appreciate(

17、ones)doing sth.感激(某人)做某事感激(某人)做某事我很感激他总是帮助我。我很感激他总是帮助我。sb.appreciate it if如果如果将会非常感激将会非常感激I would appreciate it if you could give the chance to join in tour club.派生:AppreciationHave an of 对对有欣赏力有欣赏力He has an of beauty.In of 为感激为感激I write this letter in of his kindness.(1)如果你能够及时回复,我会非常地感激。如果你能够及时回复,

18、我会非常地感激。(2)她发现自己很难欣赏外国音乐。她发现自己很难欣赏外国音乐。(3)在那封信中,校长表达了对那位学生的赞赏。在那封信中,校长表达了对那位学生的赞赏。I will appreciate it very much if you can reply in time.She found it hard for her to appreciate the foreign music.In the letter the headmaster expressed hisappreciation of the student.二.Key Phrases:1.so far 到目前为止,常同到目前

19、为止,常同现在完成时现在完成时态连态连用。用。=up to now/by now far from远远不远远不So far Mr Wu has had six books published.即时演练翻译句子:到目前为止,我对她一点都不了解。I have known nothing about her so far.2.take place发生;举行,无被动,无进行。发生;举行,无被动,无进行。How did this accident take place?这次事故是怎么发生的?这次事故是怎么发生的?The sports meeting will take place tomorrow.运动

20、会将于明天举行。运动会将于明天举行。拓展:take ones place 就座就座take the place of代替代替happen happen to do 碰巧做某事碰巧做某事即时演练即时演练 下列句子均有一处错误,请找出并将其下列句子均有一处错误,请找出并将其改正。改正。(1)The opening ceremony had already been taken place when I got there.(2)How was the quarrel happen last night?(去掉been)(was改为did)3.Persuade sb.of sth.说服某人相信某事W

21、e finally persuade him of this wise decision.派生:Persuasion n.说服persuasive.adj 有说服力的Part IVGrammarPresent Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous1)A.Youve been _(design)solar racing cars for a long time.B.Ive _(design)five or six different cars so far.1.Fill in the blanks with the given words.designin

22、gdesigned2)A.Ive been _(take part in)races for about four years.B.How many races have you _(take part in)?3)A.Ive been _(build)a new car with a team from Queensland University.B.Weve _(do)a lot of work on it.taking part intaken part inbuildingdone4)A.Youve been _(write)a book about solar cars.B.Ive

23、only _(write)the first few chapters.writingwrittenWe use the Present Perfect to talk about a finished activity(achievement)and the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about an unfinished activity.1)Ive read Hamlet.Means:2)Ive been reading Hamlet.Means:Ive finished reading it.I havent finished reading

24、 it.We use the Present Perfect to focus on a result of an activity,especially when we give a number or quantity.We use the Present Perfect Continuous to focus on the activity itself,especially to explain visible consequences of it.3)Hes run three miles.focus on the result:focus on the activity and i

25、ts consequences:4)Hes been running for an hour.Hes covered the distance of three miles.This is what hes been doing for the last hour and why he is exhausted now.异同点分析 现在完成时侧重于表示曾经发生的动作对现在的影响或动作已经完成;现在完成进行时强调动作仍在继续。专题练习1.The unemployment rate in this district _ from 6%to 5%in the past two years.A.has

26、 fallen B.had fallen C.is falling D.was falling答案为A。in the past two years 意为“在过去的两年里”,最常与其搭配的时态就是现在完成时。通常句中有时间状语in the past/previous.years/centuries/days时,要用现在完成时。2.Customers are asked to make sure that they _ the right change before leaving the shop.A.will give B.have been given C.have given D.will

27、 be given答案为B。give 后接双宾语,the right change作直接宾语,customers作间接宾语,所以当customers作主语时,谓语动词要用被动语态。根据句意顾客被要求在离开商店前确认已被找零,表示某事发生前已经完成的动作,故使用完成时态。3.My friend,who _ on the International Olympic Committee all his life,is retiring next month.A.served B.is serving C.had served D.has served答案为D。时间状语all his life表示一段

28、时间,由后面一句下个月将退休,可知all his life表示的是从之前某个时间开始到现在的一段时间,故用现在完成时,表示从过去直到现在一直持续的动作。4.We _our new neighbors yet,so we dont know their names.A.dont meet B.wont meet C.havent met D.hadnt met答案为C。yet在这里几乎是使用完成时态的标志,根据句意又可以推断出前半句的意思是我们到现在还没有见过新邻居,故使用现在完成时。现在完成时在此表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响。5.I wont tell the student the

29、 answer to the math problem until he _ on it for more than an hour.A.has been working B.will have worked C.is working D.had worked答案为A。由句意可知,在学生研究这道题目的时间满一个小时之前“我”都不会告诉他答案,从句意推断,这里强调的是动作持续一段时间而且还在进行,所以应该用现在完成进行时。6.The power station _ electricity for the city for three years and their cooperation wil

30、l continue.A.provided B.was providingC.provides D.has been providing 答案为D。理解句意:这家电厂为这个城市供电三年了,它们的合作还会继续。for three years确定了要使用完成时态;现在完成进行时在此句中表示过去的动作持续到现在,而且还将继续进行。7.He _ for a project in Russia in the last three months and he will return home soon.A.had worked B.worksC.has been working D.is working

31、答案为C。在本题中in the last three months决定了要使用完成时态;从句意中可以推断出此处不是以过去某个时间点为基点的,故不用过去完成时。现在完成进行时在本句中表示从过去一直持续到现在、刚刚或即将停止的动作。8.Since she saw the old film last week,she _ the old song for many days.A.is singing B.has been singing C.sings D.sang答案为B。从since和for many days可看出要使用完成时态。现在完成进行时在此处表示从过去持续到现在重复出现的动作。Home

32、 work:1.Search for information about clean machines.2.Finish the design of your solar cars.Group CompetitionLanguage focus:Language focus:Error Correction1.My mother has been ill for five months.Im really worried of her.2.I average drink five cups of coffee a day.3.I am still not fully persuaded abo

33、ut the plans advantages.TaboutofTranslation1.全家人都为他的安全全家人都为他的安全担心担心。2.他们他们一直未能一直未能与公司取得联系。与公司取得联系。3.他他说服说服我们相信了这个计划的可行性。我们相信了这个计划的可行性。They have so far failed to get in touch with the company.The whole family were worried about his safety.He managed to persuade us of the workability of the plan.Guess

34、 Words1.n.a kind of fuel that is used to supply power to the engine of cars2.n.someone who competes in a race3.n.a school for children aged two to five4.n.one of the parts into which a book is divided5.n.particular period or event in someones life or in history petrolracerkindergartenchapterchapterM

35、ake sentences1.from northwest to southeast2.all the time 3.go up to Fill in blank 1.The p_ has run out,so he couldnt get his motorbike started.2.In summer wed better wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from strong s_.3.Her child is three years old now and is old enough to go to k_.4.Earth is one of

36、the planets in the s_ system.8.The train pulled out and ran in the direction of _(西北).northwestpetrolsunlightkindergartensolarMultiple choice1._ with average children,some children learn to speak and read and write when they are very young.A.Shared B.Compared C.Related D.Addicted 2.John is very _.If

37、 he says hell do something he will.A.generous B.responsible C.reliable D.nobleC BFill in blanks Ben has started a new c_ in his life.He has brought a s_ powered car!He says that he is now going to save a lot of money because he doesnt have to buy p_ any more and his new car will be so much more r_ t

38、han his old car.I get the i_ that he is really proud of his new car.impressionchaptersolarpetrolreliable Use the phrases all the time,take part in,so far,take place1.More and more college students are willing to _ the activity of volunteers.2.Great changes have _ in all fields in our country since 1978.3.I have a dog and a cat,but they fight _.4.Theyre delighted with the replies theyve received from the public _.take part inall the timeso fartaken place

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