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1、Lecture 3 Project Initiation塔大公布栏和娜姐都强调了 project Initiation个 ppt和lecture有所重合,我会顺带联系lecture来讲方便大家的理解.project Initia包念了这个图中的一,二,三phases)InatlatingP ro eess: Oey elop pro|ect ehflirter匚i utnt Proj日et仁忡白低已rPlanFifcrisiP reicts s: Eleifelcp pro|eiet rm anfflig&ment plAunOiitpLir 户reijiaijt. m白1冷genri在ric

2、 pl日占Ex4curtiiniProe&si iDireet aimd managie prejrt exeeuriEBonCujtp uts: Deli ver 白 b Iw or k p nT o i rTia ture IitToma ti on, eh a n g e req ue stsPdjq:.pl曰1 Ljpu日nws,Uc侦LinnwnT. updEit日r_IMIon I to ring and ContrclHirigP nacres : Monktor anci control project w-orkOurputs CTiangte requestsr proje

3、ct msrisgt:riient plan u pidjec-t dcjeunient updiaTesP re-rti s: PejriFomii I必曲 earrbrel Project Title Date of authorisation A summary schedule* A budget sumnwry, Brief description of projects objectives. Project success criteria* A s jmrn ary of the pl an ned approach for managing the project A rol

4、es and responsibility matrix A sign-off section for signatures of key stakeholders A comm ent se ction for stakeholders to provide important comments related to the projectOutputs: Chenge request stetus u p d ate project ma nag Ament- plen update?/ pjruJecT do til rrteliT U p datesDescription ofhow

5、the project is organized Management and technical processes used on the project Work to be done, schedule,andbudget information2.3 How to be good team Tolerale difFerent communication slyles and understard how diversity broadens your teams options. Conlribute to clear, colleclive undsrstanding of te

6、am goals. Maintaining the dynamism and int&grity of the team is as important as focusing on ths task Accept and share workload and meet deadlines Offer honest, constructive Jeedback on iindNidual and team progress. Ask for support when you need it and accept constiucti ve feedback on your performanc

7、e. Understand the context of the team - history, purpose and goals. Become familiarwith people on the team Ask yourself: What do I want to get out of working with this team?. Understand how teams develop and operate. Spend time on the planning process Use open and consulltative approaches to decisio

8、n makirig. Follow up on decisions Fos ter cooperation a mon g tea m mem be r$. Use strategies to involve all team members3. Executing3.1 Collecting RequirementsRequirement : a conditions capabi 1 ittyiatmust be met or possessedby a system, product, service,resultpr component to satisfy contract,stan

9、dard,specificatioar other formal document.收集要求最好越早越好,因为后面收集的成本很高。收集成本是反反复复的,因为有些要求 一开始的时候并不是那么清晰。3.2 Documenting requirementsRequirements management plan: describeshow projectrequirements willbe analyzed, documented, and managedRequirements traceabilimatrix (RTM) : tablethat listsequirements,various

10、attributesf each requirement,and the statusof the requirementsto ensure that allrequirementsare addressedLecture 8 Quality Management塔大公布栏,样卷上都没重点。娜姐说这章重点就是知道quality定义及基础内容即可)1. QualityDefinition: the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements Other experts define qualit

11、y based on:a) Conformance to requirements the project5 psocessesand productsmeet written specification与书面要求保持一致性b) Fitness for use product can be used as it was i符合原本使用用途 Project quality managementDefinition: ensures that the project will satisfy the needs for whichit was undertaken Process:a) Plann

12、ing qualityidentifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy them;taic is a standard of measurementb) Performing quality assurance periodicallvaluating overall projectperformance to ensure the project will satisfy the relevant quality standardsc) Performing qualitypo

13、ntrol monitoringspecificrojectresultto ensure that they comply with the relevant quality standardsLecture 9 Risk management塔大要点只要求掌握 project risk management proces娜&姐还强调了 positive and negativerisks, the categories o样卷没有相关题目)1. Positive riskse risks that result in good things happening; sometimescall

14、ed opportunities. Negative riskisnvolves understanding potential problems that might occur in the project and how they might impede阻碍 project success.Projectriskan uncertaintyhatcan have a negativsr positive effexntmeeting project objectives.The goal ofroject risk managemeiils to minimize potential

15、negative risks while maximizing potential positive risks2. Broad categories of riska) Market riskb) Financial riskc) Technology riskd) People riske) Structure/process riskA risk breakdown structure a hierarchy of potential risk categoriesfor a projectPPT 上就这么不负责任的给了这些点,也不知道娜姐为什么要特别提出来3. Project risk

16、 management processes(记住几大块就行了,每个点里我就是多解释了一些,relax)a) Planning risk managemen:tDescription:Deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities for the project.这阶段会得出 riskmanagement plan-a plan that documents the procedures for managing risk throughout a project这一阶段强调一些 topics: Methodolo

17、gy, roles and responsibilities, budget and schedule, risk categories, risk probability and impact, risk documentationContingency planare predefined actions that the project team will take if an identified risk event occ意外事故计划Fallbackplans are developed for risksthathave a high impact on meeting proj

18、ect objectives and are put into effect if attempts to reduce the risk 退r路 Hot effective 划Contingency reservesor allowances are provisionheld by the projectsponsor or organization to reduce the risk of cost or schedule overruns to an 应急ptable level 储备金b) Identifying risksDescription:determining which

19、 risks are likely to affect a project and documenting the characteristics of each.Risk identificattiooonls and techniquiensclude:BrainstormingThe DelphiTechnique: used to derive源于 a consensus 一致 among a panel of experts who make predictions about future developments InterviewingSWOT analysisc) Perfo

20、rming qualitative risk analysisDescriptionPrioritizing risks based on their probability and impact of occurrence.Risk quantificattioois and techniqusiclude:Probability/impact matrixes 审有学过)Liststhe relativprobabilitof a riskoccurringm5rhk N rkk.4one side of a matrix or axison a chart and the relativ

21、e impact of the risk occurring onthe other.*rfiik J刊我25 flUk 1 1Then list the risks and then label each one as high,riyc S iriik IOrisk ”medium, or low in terms of itsprobabilitofLowIrnp-actoccurrence and its impact if it did occurThe Top Ten Risk Item TrackingHelp to identify risks and maintain an

22、awareness of risks throughout the life of a projectWatch listA list of risks that are low priority but are still identified as potential risksd) Performing quantitative risk analysisDescription Numerically estimating the effects of risks on project objectives.Main techniquesinclude:Decision tree ana

23、lysisSimulation模仿Simulatiomses a representationr model of a system to analyzethe expected behavior or performance of the system.Sensitivity analysisA techniqueused to show the effectof changingone or more variablesn an outcome.e) Planning risk responses DescriptionTaking steps to enhance opportuniti

24、es and reduce threats to meeting project objectives.Four mainresponse strategifor negative risks: Risk avoidance / Risk acceptance /Risk transference / Risk miti躲a避 on接受,转变,减轻Residual riskire risks that remain after all of the response strategies have been implemented.Secondary risksre a direct resu

25、lt of implenientingarisk response.f) Monitoring and controlling :risksDescriptionMonitoring identified and residual risks, identifying new risks, carrying out risk response plans, and evaluatingthe effectivenesof risk strategies throughout the life of the project.Workarounds 全变措施 are unplanned respo

26、nses to risk events that must be done when there are no contingency。lans.Main outputs of risk monitoring and control are:Risk register updatesOrganizational process assets updatesChange requestsUpdates to the project management plan and other project documentsCloaGngProcess Ul。少白 prajeiCt &r pHm卷白O

27、utput Final p nQduc-tv servlm or res11 It trans rt lcn;orga nlzatlnEil prGicegg .ipd&tesProject tartP心FlrU吸1.Initiating这一阶段的主要活动就是Develop the project charter:Projectcharter a document thatformallyrecognizesthe existence a projectand provides direction on the project s objectives and management.制定出来的

28、charter必须给重要的股东看,并且让他们签字。因此a signedcharterisa key output of project integration management.1叩5$Output- the project charter A proj ect statement of work What products or services are Io be delivered, A business case Objectives, high-level requirements,tiine& cost goals A contract If dealing with an e

29、xternal organisation Enterprise environmental factors Governments nd industry stand ards, organisations infrastructure, martet conditions Organisational process assets Plans, policies, procedures, guidelines, 航mncial & management syslems, lessons learnt from previous projects2.Planning这一阶段的主要活动就是develop project management plans2.1 Projectmanagement plan document used to coordinate#* 1 2 all projectplanning documents and help guide a projecfs execution and control2.2 Common plan elementsIntroduction or overview of the project

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