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1、21杭州学军中学高中英语会考模拟试卷第I卷客观题一 听力(共两节, 满分1分)第一节:(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分 分)听下面5段对话, 每段对话有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How ofte does Frnk othe cookig at he?A Ever ayB OftnC. Oe in wile2. Whatwll thetw pers proaby ?A. Mov he compute nxt t he bookshel.B. Put

2、the cmputet to the doo Put oster on th dor.3. Why does te womanwant to take psining?A. Becaue of he pents.Beauseofh ilty n ing.C.Becausef makng a vg4. Whnill he mprblgt home?. t 9:15BAt9:5C.A0:155at an welearnfrm the converstio?. T tw speaker ar ivg n thesout.B. omani very sill.C. I is wnter no第二节:(

3、共10小题,每小题分, 满分分)听下面4段对话。每段对话有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间,每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第, 7题。6. What is e first epin sing t self-servic pup(泵)?A.Tae the ozzle(喷嘴) and ehe mp.B. Put heoln t.Go the cahier.7. How houd we sto he pump?. By prssig the“top”t.B

4、By itefautoaticay(自动的).C.ytrnn offthe powe听第7段材料, 回答第8, 9,题。8 Hwotedes the woman ave he terribe drem?A. At la four tims week.BAtleastthre timsaeeC. At lat twce a wee9. hy does te woman oftedrea about al?A. Becus sayig p la int tnigt.B. Becaus f eadin righteg sories befresleping?C. Becuse f er ear of

5、 imals听第段材料, 回答第10,11,12题。0ow wil the two sakers g to Hangzhu? A.y air . Bys C.B train11. Whendi they o nxt?. Las wek B.ast moth C. at ar.wht will ty do e?A. Talk o hel B.Surf theiner C. Book cket听第9段材料, 回答第13,1,题。13. Wha re the cidren oing tod? A. Look f the idden gits. .Hidearoundt buildng .Hve a

6、rouiscssion.14 Wat aete chiren eed too bforegoing ut f bulding? A. itatcore. B.Givethrnas t d. C.Stay togetherw thei res.15. W will got of tebuiding rogh hedobl oors? A. Teprschool chdn. B. The ird gradechildren. C The fouh ade children.二 单项填空(共1小题:每小题1分,满分1分)从A、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16.Dad, would

7、 yoplease ll me _ five minutes admire yunew watch? A. other B. oter C. moe D. less1. The sign read “ In case o _ fire, braktheglasan push_ed buttn” . ;a B. /;th . h; the D. a; a 18.I ke _in hering when wgooutng n thhil with a ma floers. A his . that C. then D.it19.n t eat ofagumnt we unt los_ f ou a

8、i purse. A. sight B onto C. heart . couage 20. st the ca _ yo bouhtust alfa yerago_ ned toougrepairi? . here;that B tt; at C. wic; ha D. er; wa21._ eough aieneinhe resarc, sh finalai to gan teiupot. A.ack Laking i . Lckng D. lckedo22. t s o god trig hat method, cause it wont_. A.wr B. use C.acice .a

9、fe3.-Whatsthemtr with yo tor ui? _ themeeting om, caugh on anail nxpedl A. Whe ceing B. Hurrnto C. Tomk my y to D.While Is hryin t2. In 199, only thre perss in our ompany wne rivate cas, bu nw the umer has icreae _2, whch mens thasincreased _00%. . by; B. to; to to; by D. b; to25 -G o picniin th rsr

10、t is Sunday,O? - _. oeery muh gettigrelaxed afer wodays. A. I codnagre mr mafradn C I bive not D. dont hik so三 完形填空(共15小题;每小题分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Resing or eams not asas a it loks. You illne to work hichroine sits u bes, and 6 sictoi. Soepeopl ike tdying night when ts q

11、ut ereothe find theey mrning isa 27 tim o get thins done. You mght enoy 2 tomusic h yu rese,but thiscan benlpfl. an yreally cocenrae 29 two things atonc? o tink ou tur youradio on!Your 31 islsoimortant whily rerevsng. Ths may b a more ha sual strsfulprid f yorfe, whn u 3 ak xtra aeo a opery. 33 miss

12、edmels,o junk food, or endless coffe! Geplenyofxercise 34 Iyoue gotedup with 35 yooing, o fnd i hard t oncetat, go 6 a waktoclear our hed. 37 exerise ill hep to eep your odyid r bain rking 8 .naly, you also 39 o tak teffo otocasonaly, see yur frinds,maetime to rel Thn you wll 40 t yor tuieresh and f

13、u ofenthuism!2 A. theB. thanC. terD.oftn27 A estB. goodC. worseD. wel8. . to listnB. havin lstened. lisenD. listeng9. A onB. inC. ofD. for0. A.essB. ifC.beforD. aft31. A. slimB diet. ahy.n2. A.shuB. ough. nedD. might33. A. SomeB. NoC. SetimeD. mtimes34 A.as wllBa e s.as. otso s35 A. whchB. whatthatD

14、.who36.A. andB. asC. D because37.A. SrnB. EveryC RguarDAlw38A. well. energeticC.goodDcct39.A. mustB. houdC. eD.may0.A. njy. sart.heD.retur四:阅读理解(共16小题,每小题分;满分2分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Aoo ften we accueotr of ntlistning, preteding that oelvsare faulles, yetn ur her we nw hatmany of

15、 temstakes we mecomeabutbease we aventlinedrfully enouhegetthgswong becaus we haent istened carefulyeouhWeget tings wrog because w havent quite unrsood ha smene eant heth wr akingt us.nynewho ha evertake the mnutes fa ng meenwil know ho hard i is to rmemb-spitethe benefi ofote-xctwteverynesi.But suc

16、css depeds etting ting riht-nd that ean itenng.itenn is not he sametig ashearig; itis nt aeft actvely.It demansatenio nd nentrtionImameaquizzng th seaker fradditinal iformation ororclarfiaio-ts alwas bet o ak tn coninereardlessand get thingswrogHowev,if ou alo yur ind to wander no somthngel, rafew m

17、ntes, ll miss hat he spakr is saying-obably t e ery moment hen h orheising somthing crtical.And nt having eard,you wn no youve issed ayhi ut i oo late mot ommn bad haitwehave is tosarthinkg o wha w argo t sayabot th uject ong befre h oter speakr h fnish. Wehe top lsgEve wose, this oftn adrudnssto ia

18、ttentiveness,as oe hv eciddwat t sy hereisa ir chncey will inerrupt to say itGooditeners dot inteupt.In fctit is oftn orexlainigt main dea ha you have st en tod beoregn on tome yor own points.ody isffned btis andishws tht youhav ltened ell.Aov all b patient and ac h many pepl arnovey d cmunicaorsIts

19、 heul to remembe thatte ways ople moeandpostionthemseve while heyar aki cn eva a greade abou what theyare sying.Eually impotant you should puorsl itheother esonsplae,ot intellectlyand emotinaly; itwill el yu to nertndwhat hey are getingat anforma rnse be too cever.aced wt a ko-all,many ppe keep qiet

20、ecas t see no on in cotnun41.Which i the ettitlefor ths pag?.Dt be to clevrB. a god listeeCDnt miss nyhin cicaD.Think of the seker2.In he ltaagraph, “ watthyre getig a ” mns _.what theyimly.ha they likwht they attack.whatthy ceve43.Wat the rterpion?Au want b a god itene, you hu evy leve and emotialB

21、pekers wntontie taking when thi lstenr explainhatheyve herDCIyu do want t get hings wrog, itsiporanto a goolistee.D.ts ard to be a god listener bcaue stening tss yo ur ntelligenc44.Whatis the leso e c earfom ths asage?A.ont ccuse er ofot lisening while talkig with themB.Dn gt nytin wron if yu mss ht

22、th speaer i sa.C.Listen nattentvely maycot ou th loss of ou sucessDTnk refuly ofwat yure goingt ay befoe t speaker finishes. BThee armany ays of deing success isaccurat to sy that ec of u ouow conpt o succss to the xtent t each of us sresonsibfor settngur ownas nd deemining whter w hve me hese als s

23、atacoriy Baus eac o us possessesuniqe ifferenesigeetiabii ndfavrale enionmtsin wih epressthebiitis, t is ecssarily ru that e must defie successbadl. r some pele, mpl eig able t live thei life with a miimm of mise n sufing is considered success. hiof e ceof ind theo shepherdh tndis shep,ejos hifrugal

24、 (简朴的) lie with his fmily in te beauty of ature, n whois rpecte becseheos good o cievng th goexpcted fand cceped himand his sciey On the her hnd, sem tateveough se eole ppear to e rich inateriassesions, myothe seem tobeirdonsider hmsves nsucsful when uded ythr own gs ofsuccess. Because not al eturs

25、cn be sccesful, ne shod n set urealsticgols o cievig sccess, bu i one asselcnfiencit would beunfortuate to seogls at to lowa level faieemet. Aweulor oncesaidto yong manw a expeencing frstratin wi his own prsion sucess: “Youo nt ave to set your goal to reachth moonn rer to have ucess n traveln. Somei

26、mesone cn be vey sccssl merel takingawalkin he park,or idnte subway downtw,” Thcounslr aed, “Yuhae norell faie and sold yor chnefor succes untl you hae en unsccsslat omething yourelly like, and t whic yu havegiven yourbet efort.”4.In hefirstparagrph, teauthr implies th _eessential in chievng success

27、 .A. alit an ga B ga nddemnation C. ailit and evirmenD.goals and evironmet4.Some rich peopleconsie temselvesusuccssfulbecaus . theilif is misrleB ty donotlve i ac .teir goal ae too lD. tey ae trich enough y theion sandard47.The staragraph mpe tat_.A.weou aveih al B. suces mean ahevingreatgo C.scss s

28、 tkiga walkin the parkD. sccessmen tryigonsbest at hatone reall lkes4.This pag inl talks about_A. th deinton ofsucs B how t achisucC. how to set gals D. thmortance o goasCWhen sh as a grl fsxten nd beor e bean tok in th store, ic had daed a un mn The yung an, nam Ned Cure, waslder tha lic.He was eml

29、yedon h local newspaprad f a lgtimhe wnt t s Aie alost eveyeveing. Togethethewowalke unde e tree trh te srets f the townnd take oat eylddoith tirives.lic ws thn a ry prttygr andoe ngt eook herito s armd kssed heHebame cted sad this he did no intnd to say ad Aice, btrayed y her sireto hve something u

30、tfl me ino ernro e, as grew excitd.he also taed.The our crst(壳) o er life, al of e naral syss nd eserv, wa tn awy and se gaehrlfoer to he emotos of lovehe,late n fall, Ned wet away t Clevlad try toget alac o city ewsaper drie n the wl,h ante to go wihm.With a trembn oie h tod hi whtwas in her mind.

31、“I ill workand youcan work,” she a “ I dontwntote ou to a nelss pn thatwil stop you makin rgress. Dont mary enow Wll get aong witut that we can b ogthe. Evnthoug welive in hsame use,no oneil say anything. In thcit wel be nknon ad peoplewill pano tnion o .”Ned wa zzed by his weetet etrmnationd wasals

32、odeeplyth. Hehad wte a irlfriendjst orliev he borom hislife bu ahaned hismind. He nowwated rotet er and care forher. “Yo dont ow ht youe takng abou,”hesaid arly, “Il etyo nosuch tng. As soo as I get a oodj, Ill comback. For he rse oll haveto styhere.Itst n ige can do. On theeveningbefore he leftWine

33、sburg,Ned wet to call on lice.Thewalked about throgh the steetsfor an hur and the ent fr a drive in thecountry. Th moo cm p and hey und teseves unableto k. T toed at ale whre a longeaow rn don o he bn of inCeek and there in the dimlight h issedher and promied ewoudloeer forever. When hy rerne town,

34、it did nt seem to them tha anytn i heutre ould blo (拭去)tthe wnder and baut of ta eveing “ ow we wll aveto tic ec o; whatee hppen,e will hve todo that,” ed sad ase lf tgirl t hr fthrs door He di not succeedin gtig alace on a veland nwspaper and ent weso hcg. or a ime he w lonly d ro to li almost every ay.Then he as caugt up by th fe of te cit; e no mak freds nd found einteei ife. In Chicao h bore at a us eethee wr sval women. One ofthmttacted hs attentin and he forgot Alice in WineugAt th nd oar e had stowrtietters, an only oce

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