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1、 New Horizon College English Book IV(Third Edition)Key to Unit EightContentsContentsSectionSection A A A meaningful lifeSection BSection B A turning point of my lifeC Contentsontents Section A Section A1.Words in use2.Word building3.Banked cloze4.Expressions in use5.Translationincur retrospective ex

2、pectancy stalk terminate batch chronicle condolence malpractice boycott 3.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.Each word can be used only once.1.After waking up from a long dream about an evil man that _ him in darkness,Jonathan found himself lying on a bench

3、 in the park.2.With the improvement of living conditions throughout the world,there has been an increase in the life _ of the human race.Words in usestalkedexpectancy3.The citys Real Estate Division will _ the lease for default if the tenant fails to provide detailed statements of the use of the pro

4、perty.4.One hour after the plane crash,the president offered _ to the families of the victims and promised to improve the safety of the nations aviation.5.Londons museums are presenting several exhibition _,more than 60 years of the citys fashion industry to reflect its role as a fashion exporter.Wo

5、rds in useincur retrospective expectancy stalk terminate batch chronicle condolence malpractice boycott condolenceschroniclingterminate Words in use6.He lost his job as a doctor in 1998,after being sued for _ because he once improperly gave prescription drug samples to a patient.7.On this historic s

6、treet,visitors can tour several homes from centuries past to get a(n)_ look at the citys traditional holiday celebrations.8.Some customers are calling online for a month-long _ of the famous soft drink to express their dissatisfaction with its declining quality.incur retrospective expectancy stalk t

7、erminate batch chronicle condolence malpractice boycott malpracticeretrospectiveboycottWords in use 9.Once a contract is signed,revisions of any part of the product design will _ an added fee for the client.10.All his parents sisters and brothers have big _ of kids,so he has nine cousins in total,al

8、l living here in Rome.incur retrospective expectancy stalk terminate batch chronicle condolence malpractice boycott incurbatches5.Fill in the blanks with the newly-formed words in Activity 4.Change the form where necessary.Each word can be used only once.1.In Canada,both the federal and _ government

9、s are clearly indicating strong support for the development of information technology.2.We heard some sounds of _,so we went in the dining room and found that a few dessert plates went over the tables edge and fell on the bare floor.3.Individual investors were able to purchase additional shares of t

10、he company because _ demand was weaker than expected.provincialbreakageWord buildinginstitutional4.Considerable numbers of people support the reforms of the economic system so as to get rid of _ and corruption by large corporations.5.Some parts of the human brain are particularly adept at translatin

11、g physical _ like warmth and coldness into psychological concepts like how we think and feel about people.6.He was studying what impact the water _ in some big industrial cities had on their traffic conditions in the rainy season.briberysensationsdrainageWord buildingWord building7.Many schools are

12、considering purchasing more books,having reading assistants in the lower grades,and expanding _ programs.8.Prices of regular unleaded gasoline have gone up sharply because some oil _ are offline for maintenance.9.The dragon,symbol of the _ civilization for 5000 years,represents the national spirit o

13、f China as being profound,powerful and grand.tutorialrefineriesorientalWord building10.In most national systems economic and social benefits are generally not _ rights,whereas civil and political rights may be.11.The Constitution of the United States provides that there must be a(n)_ election every

14、four years.12.If any student in the regular program shows _ skills during the first year of high school,he will be invited to enter into an advanced program without the need to take any exams.constitutionalpresidentialexceptional6.Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank.You

15、 may not use any of the words more than once.A.sparked B.striped C.leaflets D.figure E.suffering F.perceive G.imagine H.flexibility I.passionate J.depressing K.specimens L.seeminglyM.practically N.sued O.availabilityKaren was a young mother working as a clerk at a court in North Carolina.Though she

16、had been trained in criminal justice,she quickly found prisons and courts to be 1)_ places to work.When her daughter was born,she had to stay at home and be a full-time mother.At that point,she decided to 2)_ out what she really wanted to doJ.depressingD.figureBanked clozewith her life.She knew that

17、 she liked office jobs and didnt intend to give up her own career development,but she also enjoyed the 3)_ of staying home and raising her daughter.Therefore,it seemed that she just couldnt find anything that could satisfy these two 4)_ conflicting conditions.One day,Karen read in the newspapers tha

18、t a couple 5)_ their babysitter for abusing their child.It turned out that the babysitter had a long criminalH.flexibilityL.seeminglyBanked clozeA.sparked B.striped C.leaflets D.figure E.suffering F.perceive G.imagine H.flexibility I.passionate J.depressing K.specimens L.seeminglyM.practically N.sue

19、d O.availabilityN.suedrecord.Karen couldnt 6)_ hiring someone to watch her child without doing a thorough investigation about that persons background.This 7)_ a brilliant idea.Karen decided to do something to save other parents children from 8)_ the same fate,And this job didnt require her to leave

20、her home.The next day she got her hometown paper and looked at the ads placed by parents seeking babysitters.She called them and sent them 9)_ toG.imagineA.sparkedE.sufferingBanked clozeA.sparked B.striped C.leaflets D.figure E.suffering F.perceive G.imagine H.flexibility I.passionate J.depressing K

21、.specimens L.seeminglyM.practically N.sued O.availabilityC.leafletsBanked clozeoffer her baby-sitting services.Several of them jumped at it.Her business was born and has continued to grow.That was 15 years ago.Karen was recently named one of the top 10 business women in North Carolina and has even a

22、ppeared on Oprahs talk show.Asked about the secret of her success,she emphasized that it was because she was 10)_ about what she really wanted to do.In addition,Karen mentioned that patience and persistence were vital to her achievements.I.passionateA.sparked B.striped C.leaflets D.figure E.sufferin

23、g F.perceive G.imagine H.flexibility I.passionate J.depressing K.specimens L.seeminglyM.practically N.sued O.availability get revenge for alert to follow suit put out stay on the sidelines lay siege to turn up in the face of7.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the form where

24、necessary.Each expressions can be used only once.1.Although it is painful to watch him struggling with the difficulty,it is probably better to _ unless he asks for help.2.An anonymous letter _ the police _ the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport.3.We had never thought people would be in

25、terested in the house,so we were quite surprised that more than a hundred people _ at the auction.stay on the sidelines alertedExpressions in usetoturned up4.Almost two years had passed sine the enemy first tried to _ the town,but instead of being taken over,the town seemed as strong as ever.5.As wa

26、s shown in the study,when parents showed feelings of despair,their kids _ and acted in the same way.6._ growing alarm about the abuse of research data,scientists from around the world met to discuss how to supervise their own research.lay siege to followed suitIn the face ofExpressions in use get re

27、venge for alert to follow suit put out stay on the sidelines lay siege to turn up in the face ofExpressions in use7.The company planned to build computer models that can track the weather,and then to _ weather warnings on its website.8.He was waiting for a good opportunity to _ all the embarrassment

28、s that the game inflicted on him last year.put outget revenge for get revenge for alert to follow suit put out stay on the sidelines lay siege to turn up in the face of10.Translate the following paragraph into English.近年来,社会的发展和就业形势的变化对大学生提出了更高的要求。In recent years,the social development and changes i

29、n employment situation have put higher requirements on college students.Translation越来越多的大学生不再局限于书本知识的学习,他们开始走出“象牙塔”,利用业余时间积极投身于社会实践活动。TranslationInstead of confining themselves to the knowledge in books,more and more college students are stepping out of the“Ivory Tower”and taking an active part in s

30、ocial practice in their spare time.Translation通过社会实践活动,大学生可以更多地了解社会,增强社会责任感,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。Through social practice,college students can have a deeper understanding of society,increase their sense of social responsibility,and improve their analytical and problem-solving abilities.Translation同时,参加社会实践

31、活动还可以帮助学生认识到自身的不足,明确未来努力的方向。Meanwhile,taking part in social practice can also help students recognize their own shortcomings and have a clear idea about where they are to go in the future.Translation所有这些都将为他们积累社会阅历和工作经验,为未来的就业或创业打下良好的基础。All these benefits will help them build up social and work expe

32、rience,which will lay a solid foundation for them in finding jobs or starting their own business in the future.C Contentsontents Section B Section B1.Words in use2.Expressions in use3.Sentence structureimpetus vibrate indignant patron denouncetentatively activate timely serial adherence 4.Fill in th

33、e blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.Each word can be used only once.1.Deaf people set their mobile phones to make them _ rather than ring when a call or a message comes in.2.The employees of the organization were _ that the management had planted two spies among them.

34、3.The building was equipped with a strict security system which would _ an alarm if the door was left open for over 20 seconds.vibrateindignantWords in useactivate4.A voters religious _ may be one factor,among others,which influences which party he will support in the election.5.Research indicates t

35、hat nurses _ response to call bells communicates respect and caring to patients and positively contributes to patient satisfaction.6.He and his colleagues were warmly welcomed at the annual meeting as celebrated _ of the charity fund,which made them a little uneasy.adherencetimelypatronsWords in use

36、impetus vibrate indignant patron denouncetentatively activate timely serial adherence Words in use7.The labor unions throughout the city were _ conducting negotiations with employers in the hope of reaching a compromise.8.A soap opera is a(n)_ drama about the daily lives and problems of a group of p

37、eople and is shown over a period of time.9.The report _ the federal plans for the$600 million dam,saying that the government sacrifices the environment for corporate profits.tentativelyserialdenouncesimpetus vibrate indignant patron denouncetentatively activate timely serial adherence Words in use10

38、.Technological progress cold serve as a forceful _ for doctors to use electronic health records.impetusimpetus vibrate indignant patron denouncetentatively activate timely serial adherence 5.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the form where necessary.Each expressions can be u

39、sed only once.1.Economic depression in the country adds another barrier to the health-care system which _overwhelming costs.2.If there is no obvious social rule for behavior in a certain setting,a person may just act _his personal standards.is/has been swamped within adherence toExpressions in usedu

40、basin essencefeel strongly about tackup marvel atcome to life be swamped within adherence toExpressions in use3.He rejected our plan to continue to work on the project.What he said,_ was that we had been simply wasting our time and money.4.The problem with climbing the Eiffel Tower to _ Paris is tha

41、t you will miss a magnificent view of the tower itself.5.Grace wasnt prepared to commit to a major she didnt _,and it wasnt until her junior year that she made a decision.in essencemarvel atfeel strongly aboutdubasin essencefeel strongly about tackup marvel atcome to life be swamped within adherence

42、 toExpressions in use6.Berlin Tempelh of Airport,one of the oldest airports in Europe,_ by architect Norman Foster _“the mother of all airports”.7.When I entered the building,they were busy _ big signs _ on walls to prepare for the arrival of crowds of visitors next week.8.His new novel is acclaimed

43、 by critics as a masterpiece in which history really _and every character is vividly portrayed.uptackingaswas dubbed comes to lifedubasin essencefeel strongly about tackup marvel atcome to life be swamped within adherence to6.Rewrite the following sentences by omitting all or part of the predicate i

44、n the second clause.Model:His clothes were untidy,and his hair was uncombed.His clothes were untidy,and his hair uncombed.Sentence structure1.Susan will have graduated from the university by the end of next year,and Jessie will have given birth to a baby then.Susan will have graduated from the unive

45、rsity by the end of next year,and Jessie given birth to a baby then.2.Many female students like romantic movies,but many male students like action movies.Many female students like romantic movies,but many male students action movies.3.At the moment,Mike must be playing basketball,and Jane must be do

46、ing her homework.At the moment,Mike must be playing basketball,and Jane doing her homework.Sentence structure7.Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English,using the structure“there are/were few things+(that)clause”in a comparative structure.Model:_(很少有什么事情比更让我感到骄傲的了)my I

47、rish heritage.There were few things(that)I was more proud of than my Irish heritage.1._(很少有什么事情能比让我更加快乐的了)the welcome from my cat when I come back home.There are few things(that)I am happier about thanSentence structureSentence structure2._ _(很少有什么事情能比让她感到更有收获的了)being able to change someones life for the better.There are few things(that)she feels are more rewarding than3.Last month,_ _(很少有什么事情能比是我更渴望得到的了)an admission notice from the college that I have applied for.there were few things(that)I wanted to get more eagerly than

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