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1、七下个单元词组句型转换及重点句翻译Revision of Unit 7-12Unit 7一、短语:1卷头发 _/直头发 _2中等个儿 _/中等体形_3重 _/瘦 _4看上去像_5在五班 _6穿牛仔裤 _7 戴眼镜 _8篮球队长 _9受欢迎 _10有点害羞 _11喜欢讲笑话 _12停止干 _13 停下来干 _14流行歌手 _15戴着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手 _16有个新形象 _17去购物 _18漂亮长的棕色头发 _19短的卷曲的黄头发 _20来自美国的Ruth _二、句型转换:1. He is tall and has short hair.(对划线部分提问) he ?/_ _ he _ _?2. E

2、verybody knows me.(改为否定句) _ knows me.3. I think hes so great.(改为否定句)I he so great.4. He likes reading and playing chess.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he like _ ?5. Our math teacher does morning exercises with us every day.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ 6. They like Chinese food very much.(对划线部分提问) _ 7. Betty walks to school on

3、 weekdays.(改为否定句) _ 8. Sandy is watching TV at home now.(用every evening改写句子) _ 9. She often reads books in the living room.(对划线部分提问) _三、 翻译句子:1.你的朋友长什么样子? _2.他高/矮/中等个儿._3.他重/瘦/中等体形. _4.他留着短/长/卷曲/直头发. _5.马燕瘦瘦的,中等个.她留着短的卷曲的黄头发. _6.她个子矮,有点重,留着漂亮的长长的黑头发. _7. 她个子高吗?_ _ 8.她的头发卷吗? _8. 我想我认识她 / 不认识她. _ /_9.

4、 她总是穿着一件红连衣裙,白色的鞋._10. 她长的好看,但有点害羞. _11.她总是说个不停. _12.他喜欢看书和下象棋. _13.我妈妈戴眼睛. _ 14.我爸爸留着胡子. _ /_15.我最喜欢的音乐家是John Jackson.他高,瘦.他有短的卷曲的棕色头发._16.你还记得Johnny Dean? 那个戴着滑稽眼镜,留着长长的卷头发的流行歌手?_ 17.但是一些人不喜欢他的新形象._18.“我认为他并不是那么好.”来自纽约的Ruth说,但我妈妈不这么认为.”_19. 我可以去购物了,而且没有人认识我. _20李明喜欢看书和玩电脑游戏。Li Ming likes _ and _ c

5、omputer games.21王琳是我们的排球队队长。她个子很高。Wang Lin is the _ _ .Shes _ .22他矮个子有一点胖,他喜欢讲笑话。Hes and _ .He loves _ Unit 8 一、句型转换: 07-08七年下分单元练习第 33 页 共 33 页1. 牛肉西红柿面_2. 哪种面条_3. 大份/碗_4. 哪种甜食_5. 中份/碗_6. 小份/碗_7. 桔子汁饮料_8. 哪种分量/几号碗的面条_二、按括号内要求改写句子:1. Hed like a large bowl of porridge.( 对划线部分提问) _ _ bowl of porridge

6、would he like?2. My father would like beef dumplings.(改为同义句)My father _ dumplings _ beef.3. Id like a small orange juice.( 改为一般疑问句)_ you _ a small orange juice?4. Id like to have some porridge and onions. (改为否定句) I _ like to have _ porridge _ onions.5. She wants to eat dumplings. (改为同义句) She _ _ to

7、eat dumplings.6. Id like beef and tomato noodles. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ noodles _ you like?7. The large bowl of noodles is RMB 10. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ the large bowl of noodles?8. I like rice and fish. (改为否定句)I _ _ rice _ fish.9. He and I go to see the movie. (改为同义句)He _ _ _ to see the movie.10. Id like som

8、e soup. a. _ _ you like? (对划线部分提问) b. _ you _ _ soup?( 改为一般疑问句)c. I _ _ _ soup. (改为否定句)三、 翻译句子:1. 你要来点茶吗? _?2. 他午餐想要吃牛排。_.3 他们要点茶还是汤?_?4. 你要几号碗的面条?_?5 孩子们要哪种饺子?_?6. 特色一是20个饺子仅卖10元。_.7 牛肉西红柿面味道真好。_.8. 来买些蔬菜饺子给你的家人吧!_.Unit 9一、翻译下列短语:1.呆在家 2. 阅读 3.练习做某事 4. 购物 5.访谈节目 6. 散步 7.坐下 8. 站起来 9.上周末 10. 询问某人关于某事

9、 11.为而学习 12. 打扫房间 13.努力试做某事 14.下棋 15.弹吉他 16.怎么样? 二、句型转换:1.Its time to have dinner. (同义句) 2.He doesnt want to do anything.(同义句)He wants 3.He has no dog and no family.(同义句)He doesnt _ 4.She went to the movies last night.(划线提问) _ 5.They played volleyball yesterday.(一般疑问句并作肯定回答) 三、翻译句子:1、我花了十元买这本书。I thi

10、s book. = I buying this book. = It _ this book.2、你昨天怎么样去上学? _3、来些月饼怎么样?_4、上个星期她练习唱歌了吗?_5、在聚会上我们玩得很愉快。(1) (2) 6、他在找什么?他在找他的钥匙。 _Unit 10一、 短语翻译: 1、 呆在家里_ 2、去纽约市_2、 看望我叔叔_ 4、去了夏令营_5、去了山区_ 6、参观故宫_7、思考;对-有看法_8、让她开心_9、决定去天安门广场_10、在角落里/在拐角处_/_11、在水里玩的非常快乐_12、帮助我们学习英语_13、问我的学习情况_二、 句型转换:1. They went to the

11、mountains on vacation. (就划线部分提问)_2. He visited his uncle last Sunday . (改为一般疑问句,并进行肯定回答)_3. It was rainy the whole week. (就划线部分提问)_4. The students studied for exams. (就划线部分提问)_5. What do you think of Sichuan food ? (改为同意句)_6. The bus was too crowded .(就划线部分提问)_7. I had no money for a car . (改为同意句)_8

12、. I found that the old woman was crying in the corner. (改为同意句)_9. Theres some milk in the bottle. (就划线部分提问)_10. He would like to go to school on foot. (就划线部分提问) _三、 翻译句子:1、 天气糟透了,整天都在下雨。_2、 你想要便宜的那个还是贵一点的?_3、 你决定到什么地方去度假?_4、 你找到那位迷路的小男孩了吗?_5. 他把手表忘在家里了。_Unit 11一 、短语翻译: 1. 天气预报_2. 肥皂剧 _3. 情景喜剧_4. 脱口秀

13、/访谈节目_5. 知识竞赛节目_6. 不介意_7. 不能容忍_8. 发卡_9. 钥匙圈 _10.给写一篇文章_11.学校的杂志_12.一个十三岁的男孩_13.颜色鲜艳的衣服_14.采访某人_15. 实际上 _16.戴着围巾_17.想起,考虑到_18.介意某人做某事_19.同意某人/某事_二、句型转换:1I cant stare soup opera. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ _ soup opera ?2He minds you opening the window. (改为一般疑问句) _ he _ _ _ the window?3. Many people love spo

14、rts show. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ sports show?4. Many people love sports show. (对划线部分提问)_ _ many people _ _ sports show?5. We are talking to Alan, a thirteen-year- old boy. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ talking to?6. Their teacher liked wearing a beard three years ago.(对划线部分提问)_ _ their teacher _ _ years ago?三、翻译句子:1. 你

15、认为中国文化这个节目怎样? _ you _ Culture China?2. 他们无法忍受炎热的天气,但他们不在乎寒冷的天气。 They _ the hot weather,but they dont _.3. 他对京剧有什么看法?_ he _ Beijing Opera?4. 我妈妈总是想到所有的人。My mother _!5 - 你父亲喜欢蓄胡子吗?- 他年轻时喜欢蓄胡子,但现在他没蓄胡子了。- _ your father _?- He _ when he was young, but he _ now.6. 一个五个月大的婴儿会讲话吗? Can a _ talk?7. 请你打开窗户好吗?

16、 Would you _ the window?8. 很多小姑娘爱穿颜色艳丽的服装。Many girls enjoy _.10. 他们不同意我们的意见。 They dont _.11. 感谢你参加我们的节目。Thank you for _.Unit 121.上课迟到_2听音乐_3. 不得不 _4.别的什么 _5.运动鞋 _6.出去 _7.放学/下课以后 _8.什么事? _9.校刊 _10.我也不 _11.少年宫_12.校/家规 _13.做饭_14.穿制服_15.体育课 _ 16.喜欢赞美自己的话 _17.洗衣服 _二、句型转换:18.在课堂上_19.在上学的晚上_20.禁止交谈_21.在走廊上

17、_22. 在自助食堂里_23.在外面吃饭_24.在床上_25.和我朋友见面_26.十点之前_27.帮助我妈做饭_1. She wears sunglasses.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ ?2. I went to Shanghai with my family.(对划线部分提问) you to Shanghai with?3. The sun is shining.(对划线部分提问) the weather? / _ _ _ _ like?4. Listen to music in hallways.(改为否定句) _ listen to music in hallways.5. A

18、t school, we must clean the classroom.(改为同义句)At school, we _ _ clean the classroom.三、翻译句子:1. 外面很冷,你必须穿大衣。Its _. You _ _.2. 你必须到十一点上床睡觉吗?Do you have to _ 11:00?3. 我们班级有很多规定。There are _ in our class.4. 你认为你的英语课怎么样?What do you _ _ _?5. 我们不能在教室里吃东西。We cant _ in the _ .6. - 你们学校有什么规章制度吗? _ -嗯,我们上课不能迟到。_7

19、. 你上学经常迟到吗?_8. 我家有太多的家规。_.四、根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T) 误(F ) .Snapper feels it isnt fair(公平). He has too many rules in his house. He has to get up at five oclock every morning. He cant meet his friend after school because he has to stay at home and look after his little sister. He cant watch TV on school nig

20、hts. And he has to be in bed by nine - thirty p. m. .On weekends he has to help his mum with housework. He has to make his bed and clean their house. Sometimes he has to wash the dishes. He says he never has any fun.( )1. Snapper doesnt think it is fair.( )2. He loves the rules.( )3. After school he must stay at home and look after his sister.( )4. He cant watch TV on Saturday evening.( )5. He goes to bed before nine - thirty every night.( )6. He always washes the dishes.五、看图并根据短文内容填入所缺单词的正确形式:

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