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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑新概念英语第四册选择题汇总 新概念英语之所以经久不衰是因为以其全新的教学理念,好玩的课文内容和全面的技能训练,下面我就和大家共享新概念英语第四册选择题,盼望能够关心到大家,来观赏一下吧。 新概念英语第四册选择题篇一 Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension 理解 1,The basis of Western films, as defined by William S.Hart, is _. a.co

2、ntrast b.conflict c.evil d.outlaws 2,William S.Harts understanding of the West was _. a.absurdly romanticized b.influenced by his contemporaries in Hollywood c.part of history and mythology d.based on direct personal experience 3,The basic theme of early Western films _. a.concerned survival against

3、 Indians b.was about the clash between civilization and Nature c.was not appreciated by early audiences d.was about inheritance 4,The passage suggests that audiences, past and present, like _. a.stories about civilization b.simple living and simple rules c.impending catastrophe d.war and bad behavio

4、ur Structure 句型 1,William S.Hart appeared in nothing _Westerns.(11.1-2) a.except b.although c.only d.apart 2,Hart devised the protagonist _ he played inevery film.(1.3) a.whom b.which c.what d.where 3,Hart actually knew something about the old West _ he had lived as a child.(11.6-7) a.to whom b.whic

5、h c.in it d.in which 4,_ no period has been more absurdly romanticized, myth and reality did join hands in atleast one arena.(11.8-10) a.As b.Because c.When d.While Vocabulary 词汇 1,Hart devised the _ he played in every film.(11.2-3) a.leading part b.fighter c.cowboy d.first person 2,His hero was roo

6、ted in the mythology of a frontier that had _.(11.7-8) a.expanded b.disappeared c.become established d.changed 3,This period has been romanticized in _ fashion.(11.8-9) a.an exaggerated b.a realistic c.a ridiculous d.an amusing 4,Men accustomed to struggling for survival were _ by politicians.(1.11)

7、 a.confused b.surrounded c.pursued d.welcomed 新概念英语第四册选择题篇二 Multiple choice questions多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension理解 1,Patients only feel that they have been adequately treated if they _. a.have some remedy they can take home with them b.are confident in

8、the curative properties of a bottle of medicine c.can attend the medical out-patients departments of hospitals d.see that the state spends more and more money on drugs 2,Because doctors are always working under pressure, they _. a.are not happy about handing out remedies b.feel morally bound to advi

9、se patients about diet and right living c.are sceptical about the curative powers of medicine d.are inclined to give patients what they are asking for 3,Even educated people can be misled into believing _. a.that doctors know best b.you cant be cured by a bottle of medicine c.that a remedy that will

10、 cure one illness is also good for another d.they are experts in medical matters 4,What patients are looking for is_. a.finding out what is really wrong with them b.getting out of a doctors surgery as quickly as possible c.imposing their will on doctors d.having remedies which dont inconvenience the

11、m in any wayStructure Structure 句型 1,_patients attending the medical out-patients departments . (1.5) a.Most b.The most c.Majority d.Majority of 2,They only feel they have received adequate treatment _they are able to carry home a tangible remedy. (I1.5-6) a.in case b.when c.until d.unless 3,_most m

12、edical men are overworked, -(11.9-10) a.Therefore b.As a result c.Because d.On account 4,It is _the ignorant person who has such faith in medicine. (1.13) a.not only b.both c.neither d.nor Vocabulary 词汇 1,Our confidence in the curative _of the bottle of medicine remains. (1.2) a.substance b.possessi

13、ons c.contents d.qualities 2,The annual drugs bill shows no _of ceasing to rise. (11.3-4) a.indication b.signals c.signposts d.directions 3,Patients want a remedy they can _. (1.6) a.drink b.hold in their hands c.carry d.eat 4,There is no quicker method of getting_ patients. (1.8) a.on with b.away f

14、rom c.through d.rid of 新概念英语第四册选择题篇三 Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension 理解 1,The loss of the Vasa _. a.was discovered in 1956 b.had been known for centuries c.played a leading role in the growing might of Sweden d.increased the Kings

15、reputation as The Northern Hurricane 2,At the launch of the Vasa _. a.it must have been immediately obvious she was going to sink b.everyone in Stockholm was depressed by the event c.the people of Stockholm must have been very impressed by the spectacle d.the sailors knew they had been right to be s

16、uperstitious 3,The Vasa listed to one side because _. a.no one could see anything as a result of the gun smoke b.all the cannons of the anchored warships thundered a salute c.all gun ports were open d.the cannon made one side of the ship too heavy 4,Once _, it was impossible to prevent the Vasa from

17、 sinking. a.the wind freshened b.the sound of rumbling thunder was heard c.the port-holes were no longer above the surface d.the Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be moved to starboard Structure 句型 1,How long has the Vasa _at the bottom of Stockholm harbour? (1.2) a.lied b.laid c.lain

18、d.lying 2,First they _. Then they produced this floating work of art. (1.10) a.laboured b.had laboured c.were labouring d.are labouring 3,The cannons thundered a salute which the Vasa replied _. (1.15) a.at b.form c.to d.in 4,The mighty Vasa sank in the harbour where she _. a.was borne b.born c.was

19、born d.has borne Vocabulary 词汇 1,This must be one of the strangest _of the sea. a.mysteries b.tails c.storeys d.stories 2,She was intended to play a leading role in the growing _of Sweden. (1.7) a.ability b.forces c.expectations d.power 3,As she prepared for her maiden voyage, Stockholm was _. (1.8)

20、 a.churning b.boiling c.fermenting d.in a state of high excitement 4,The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be _to starboard. (1.21) a.pulled b.dropped c.lifted d.thrown 新概念英语第四册选择题篇四 Multiple choice questions多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension理解 1

21、,The remains of life forms can only survive intact if they are _. a.in seas and rivers b.under the ground c.covered up quickly in the right conditions d.preserved near water 2,Inland conditions ensure that the preservation of life forms _. a.is quite common b.is relatively rare c.occurs where there

22、are great numbers of species d.is always possible in favourable circumstances 3,Unusual circumstances for the preservation of life forms can be provided by _. a.mammoths b.crevasses c.freezing conditions d.fir trees 4,Animals were trapped in tar because they _. a.wanted to drink the tar b.were decei

23、ved by the appearance of the pits c.were extremely heavy d.were chasing birds Structure句型 1,The remains of plants are _more rarely preserved. (11.8-9) a.far b.very c.quite d.many 2,There is _anything to cover them over. (1.9) a.ever b.never c.rarely d.hardly 3,It is almost always _special circumstan

24、ces that traces of land animals survive. (1.13) a.as a result b.owing c.on account d.because of 4,In his mouth were the remains of fir trees-the last meal he_ before he fell. (1.17) a.was eaten b.is eating c.has eaten d.ate Vocabulary词汇 1,When you think of the _birds that one sees . (11.9-10) a.coun

25、tless b.uncountable c.uncounted d.unnumbered 2,They_ and are quickly destroyed by the weather. (11.11-12) a.die b.decay c.fall away d.are buried 3,_what happened was that (1.20) a.It seems that b.It looks c.He appears d.It shows 4,They were_ bogged in the tar. (1.21) a.apparently b.finally c.quickly

26、 d.eventually 新概念英语第四册选择题篇五 Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension 理解 1,When we have an intense experience of beauty we_. a.are tempted to believe it has some kind of meaning b.want to express the emotion it arouses in us c.know that it c

27、omes from a different realm of existence d.are open to suggestions 2,According to the writer, language a.is not powerful enough to describe other-worldly experiences b.always conveys meaning c.can convey beauty and serenity d.has only got one use 3,_can suggest a world beyond. a.All forms of art and

28、 Nature b.Only Nature c.Not only Nature d.Only great art 4,The writer implies that we would all like to _. a.explain the meaning of life b.explain the meaning of beauty c.have an explanation of the meaning of life d.express the inexpressible Structure 句型 1,A young man sees a sunset and because he_ u

29、nderstand(1.1) a.is enabled to b.cant c.is incapable to d.hasnt potential to 2,We are catching a glimpse of a light_ down to us(11.2-3) a.which shining b.that it shines c.shining d.to shine 3,And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, they_ convey a hint of beauty.(1.5) a.still b.even c.up to this tim

30、e d.always 4,If life _a vulgar flare(1.12) a.hasnt b.doesnt c.will not be d.isnt Vocabulary词汇 1,A young man is unable to express the emotion it _ in him. (1.1) a.is risen b.raises c.arises d.awakens 2,Its difficult to resist the suggestion that we are _ a light(11.2-3) a.briefly seeing b.viewing c.examining d.experiencing 3,In passing it leaves an indefinable _ and regret. (11.10-11) a.grief b.sadness c.desire d.sorrow 4,Nor should we invest with _ that which we cannot grasp. (11.15-16) a.explanation b.force c.power d.meaning 新概念英语第四册选择题汇总 第 14 页 共 14 页

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