1、Authoritarian parents:parents who are controlling,punitive,rigid,and cold,and whose word is law.They value strict,unquestioning obedience from their children and do not tolerate expressions of disagreement.专制型父母:父母倾向于控制、惩罚、严格与冷漠,他们的话语就是法律。他们崇尚严格的、无条件服从,并不能容忍孩子表达不同意见。Permissive parents:parents who pr
2、ovide lax and inconsistent feedback and require little of their children.放任型父母:提供不严格且不一致反馈的父母,他们几乎很少对孩子提出要求。271Authoritative parents:parents who firm,setting clear and consistent limits,but who try to reason with their children,giving explanation for why they should behave in a particular way.权威性父母:
3、父母是坚定的,制定清晰一致的规则限制,但试图给孩子讲道理,向他们解释为什么应该按照特定的方式行事。Uninvolved parents:parents who show almost on interest in their children and indifferent,rejecting behavior.忽视型父母:父母表现出对自己的孩子几乎没有兴趣,伴有漠不关心,拒绝等行为。271272272273Dose the parents style of discipline that parents use result in differences in childrens behav
4、ior?The answer is very much yesalthough,as you might expect,there are many exceptions.父母所采取的特定教养方式会导致儿童行为上的差异吗?答案是一定会的尽管正如你可以预期的那样,会有许多例外情况。272272272教养模式与特定文化的关系教养模式与特定文化的关系Furthermore,the findings regarding childrearing styles are chiefly applicable to Western societies.The style of parenting that is most successful may depend quite heavily on the norms of a particular cultureand what parents in a particular culture are taught regarding appropriate childrearing practices.同时值得注意的是,这些关于儿童教养模式的发现均主要应用在西方社会中。最为成功的教育养模式可能很大程度上依赖于特定的文化标准以及在特定文化中,何种类型父母被认为是具有恰当的教养经验273273