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1、创新方案湖北专版高三英语一轮复习配套汇编第二讲形容词副词和介词262020年4月19日文档仅供参考第二讲 形容词、副词和介词1.( 北京101中学高三模拟)Some people say that every Senior 3 student is undergoing the most stressful times and with this I cant agree _ .A. lessB. manyC. muchD. more【解析】D 考查否定词和形容词的比较级连用表示最高级的用法。句意:一些人说每个高三学生都经历最有压力的时光,这点我再同意不过了。cant agree more=a

2、gree most, 选D。2.( 北京101中学高三模拟)Great inventors dont _ graduate from famous universities. Some didnt even go to university.A. likely B. necessarily C. really D. particularly 【解析】B 考查副词A. likely “可能”;B. necessarily “必须”;C. really “真实地”;D. particularly“特别地”。句意:伟大的创造家未必毕业于著名的大学,一些甚至没有上过大学。not necessarily

3、 “未必”,选B。3.( 山东枣庄期中模拟)Divide the cake into quarters and share it _.A. equally B. usually C. directly D. regularly【解析】A 考查副词辨析。句意:把蛋糕分成四份,并平等地分享它。A“平等地,相等地”;B“一般”;C“直接地”;D“定期地,经常地”。故选A。4.( 山东枣庄期中模拟)A _ person is likely to make and keep more friends. A. considerate B. violent C. sensitive D. curious【解

4、析】A 考查形容词辨析。句意:一个体贴的人可能会交到并维持更多的朋友。A“体贴的”;B“暴力的”;C“敏感的”;D“好奇的”。根据句意选A。5.( 山东枣庄期中模拟)The tasks they faced seemed far_ their ability.A. within B. beyond C. against D. off【解析】B 考查介词辨析。句意: 她们面临的任务似乎远远超过了她们的能力。within 在.范围内;beyond超过,超出;against反对,倚靠;off脱离,远离。根据句意选B。6.( 山东潍坊实验中学模拟)Come and see me whenever _

5、. A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you【解析】C 考查形容词用法。句意:无论何时你方便的时候,都要来看我。形容词convenient的主语不能是人,排除A、B两项。本句是whenever引导的时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时,故选C。7.( 陕西西安交大阳光中学模拟)Besides being able to walk on for three days withoutdrinking, camels can al

6、so live for a long time _ small quantities of food. A. with B. on C. by D. without【解析】B 考查介词。句意:除了能够不喝水一直走三天,骆驼还能够以少量的食物为生很长时间。这里使用了live on“以为生”,选B。8.( 河南周口中英文学校模拟)The hotel was nice; the weather was warm; the beacheswere beautiful. _ _ Id say it was a great vacation.A. CompletelyBEventually CActual

7、ly DAltogether【解析】D 考查副词。句意:旅店很好,天气温暖,食物诱人,景色宜人。总之,我们度过了一个愉快的假日。A“完全”;B“最终”;C“实际上”;D“总之,总的说”。选D。9.( 河南中原名校联盟模拟)Many people are _ as to what to do when there is a fire.A. at a loss B. at risk C. at ease D. at a distance【解析】A考查介词短语的用法。此处at a loss “不知所措”;at rist “冒着生命危险”;at ease “轻松地”;at distanse“遥远地;久

8、远地”。句意:许多人当有火灾的时候不知所措。根据句意选A。10.( 河南中原名校联盟模拟)To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines but also _ the lines to know what is implied in the article.A. within B. beyond C. beside D. among【解析】B 考查介词。此处within“在.之内”;beyond“超出”;beside“在.旁边”;among“在中间”。这里beyond the line意为“弦外之音

9、”。句意:为了全面理解作者,我们不但必须读字里行间的意思,还要理解文章暗含的意思。11.( 河南中原名校联盟模拟)Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of、laughter _ _ physical and mental health.A. of; at B. on; at C. by; in D. of; on【解析】D 考查介词的用法。第一空考查短语be convinced of的用法,意为:相信。第二空on意为:在方面。句意:科学家们相信笑对身体和精神健康有积极作用。12.( 湖南师大附中模拟) Is it Jim who is

10、driving the new car? Probably. I know he has recently bought a _car. A shiny black German B. black shiny German C shiny German black D. black German shiny【解析】A 考查形容词的排序。在英语中多个形容词修饰名词时的顺序是限制性冠词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词数词序数词、基数词,描绘性形容词nice,good,interesting,beautiful.特征形容词大小、长短、高低、形状、年龄、新旧颜色形容词国籍、出处物质、材料用途、类别中心名

11、词。我们能够用下面的一段顺口溜来帮助记忆。限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老。颜色国籍出材料,作用类别紧跟着。由此能够判断shiny(描述性形容词),black(特征形容词)German(国籍),选A。13.( 湖南师大附中模拟)This new model of car is so expensive that it is _ the reach of those with average incomes. A. over B. within C. beyond D. below【解析】C 考查介词。A“越过”;B“在.之内”;C“超出”;D“在.下面”。句意:这款新汽车这么贵以至于普通收入的人

12、买不起。beyond the research of有超出能力范围之外的意思。选C。14.( 江苏盐城中学模拟)Just a month before the earthquake the school practiced anemergency drill showing the children how to _ find their “safe place”.A. calmly B. regularly C. automatically D. specially【解析】A 考查副词。 A“冷静地”;B“定期地”;C“自动地”; D“特殊地”。句意: 在地震前一个月,学校进行了紧急演练教孩

13、子如何冷静地找到安全的地方。选A。15.( 江苏扬州中学模拟)A good “teammate” doesnt _ _ make a good partner. Those who put their partners in this category were most _ _ to describe their relationship as slightly unhappy.A.necessarily, possibly B.likely, possibly C. necessarily,likely D.likely,likely【解析】C考查副词和形容词。考查副词和形容词。句意:一个

14、好队员未必是好的伙伴,把同伴放在这个类别里面的人最有可能把她们的关系描述成有点不愉快的。第一空是notnecessarily“未必”,第二空用likely,因为这是Sbislikelytodo.“某人有可能做.”选C。16.( 北京东城区模拟)Mr. Carter will be the main speaker _ the graduation ceremony. A. atB. toC. amongD. about【解析】A 考查介词。句意:“卡特先生将是毕业典礼上的主要演讲者。“在毕业典礼上。”at the graduation ceremony, to“到.给.”,among“在三者以

15、上.之间。”about“关于”。选A。17.( 江苏盐城中学模拟)_ _ the fact that many drivers are ever trained, we cannot stress too much the importance of traffic safety.A. Thanks to B. Despite C. As D. Although【解析】B 考查介词的用法。 尽管事实上许多司机都培训过,我们也不能忽视交通安全的重要性。A“幸亏,多亏了”;B“尽管,不论”;C“因为,由于”,引导原因状语从句。 Although“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。根据句意选B。18.

16、( 江苏盐城中学模拟)We have got a general idea of how our new flat will be decorated, but nothing _ at the moment.A. ambiguousB. ambitiousC. concreteD. permanent【解析】C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们有一个大致的想法,那就是我们的新公寓将装饰,但此刻没有具体的装修方案。A“模糊的”;B“有雄心的”;C“具体的”;D“永久的”,符合句意,C最佳。19.( 九江一模)Most of the inhabitants cant afford to buy h

17、ouses of their own, because the price is rising _ .A. all the way B. at last C. at the same time D. in total【解析】A 考查介词短语辨析。句意:大部分的居民买不起属于自己的房子,因为房价一直在涨。all the way“一直;自始自终”;at last “最后”;at the same time“与此同时”;in total“总共”。all the way“一直;自始自终”,符合句意。20.( 宁普通高中学业水平考试前测)He is _ careless that whatever yo

18、u say to him goes in at one ear and out at the other. A. so B. very C. such D. too【解析】A 考查句式结构。 “so + 形容词+ that”为固定用法。句意:她太粗心了,以至于你无论和她说什么,她都是一只耳朵进,另一只耳朵出。21.( 唐山期末)Samuel cant help having a big nose it is _ _ of him to be curiousabout others affairs. A. typical B. constant C. considerate D. unique【

19、解析】A考查形容词辨析。Itis typicalofsbtodo sth.“做某事是某人的风格”。句意:Samuel总是爱管闲事-对别人的事情好奇是她的风格。22.( 江苏南通期末调研)The traffic problems have severely affected economic development. _ we must spare no efforts to solve them.A. Furthermore B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Nevertheless【解析】B考查副词辨析。Therefore “因此”,表转折。交通问题已经严重影响了经济

20、的发展,因此,我们应该不遗余力的来解决这个问题。Furthermore“另外,而且”,表递进;Meanwhile“同时,其间”;Nevertheless“然而,不过”,表转折。23.( 烟台期末)Well get in touch with you as soon as tickets become _ .A. present B. precious C. available D. convenient【解析】C查形容词辨析。available“能够利用的,能够买到的”。句意:一有票卖,我们就将联系你们。present“现在的”;precious“宝贵的,珍贵的”;convenient“方便的

21、”。24.( 潍坊高三期末)Im about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.A. enthusiastic B. curious C. doubtful D. cautious【解析】D考查形容词。 be cautious about 意思是:对小心谨慎;谨慎于。句意: 我对你所说的话很谨慎,因为大意的评论很可能会伤害别人的感情。25.( 潍坊高三期末)In early autumn Steve applied for admission to college. He wanted

22、to go but to Cornell University.Oh,why not Harvard?A. anywhere B. somewhere Ceverywhere D. nowhere【解析】D 考查副词辨析。nowhere but 意思是:除了哪里也不。26.( 江苏南通高三期末调研)With the advances of technology, plastics have taken the place of many _ materials.A. conventional B.optionalC. artificial D. potential【解析】A考查形容词辨析。co

23、nventional“传统的、常见的”。句意:随着科学的进步,塑料产品已经代替了传统的材料。optional“可选择的、随意的”;artificial“人造的,仿造的”; potential“潜在的,可能的”。27.( 甘肃兰州一中上学期期中)They were pretty poor but most of their friends were even _.A.richer B. badly off C. worse off D.well off【解析】C 查形容词及短语辨析。句意:她们相当穷,可是她们朋友中的大多数的境况甚至更差。由语境可知C项正确。28.( 浙江温高三期末八校联考)As

24、 a typist, the most important aspect of the job is to be able to type quickly and _ _. A. faithfully B. actually C. roughly D. accurately【解析】D 考查副词。accurately “精确地”。作为一名打字员,这项工作最重要的一个方面就是快速、精确地打字。faithfully“忠诚地”;actually“实际上,事实上”;roughly“粗糙地”。29. ( 贵州五校一次联考) _ left before the deadline , it seems _ t

25、hat we will finish the task on time.A. Because so much time; likely B. As so many times; possible C. Though a lot of time; possible D. With a lot of time; likely【解析】D考查句式结构。该句中seem是一个系动词,在表可能的形容词中只有likely能够用语it is likely that结构,故排除B和C,时间是被留下的,A中使用的是原因状语从句,可是缺少了系动词。30.( 泰安高三年级考试英语模块)A _ identificatio

26、n card is required when you purchase foreign money from the Bank of ChinaA. valid B. perfect C. beneficial D. flexible【解析】A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当你从中国银行购买外汇时,需要有效身份证。perfect “完美的”;beneficial“有益的;和 flexible“灵活的”均不符合句意;valid “有效的”符合句意。31.( 金华十校期末)Our manager, who is particular about everything, will not accep

27、t your design unless it is truly .A. mysterious B. considerate C. curious D. novel【解析】D考查形容词辨析。novel 新颖的。句意:我们的经理,对一切都很挑剔,你的设计除非是真的很新颖,否则她们不会接受的。mysterious “神秘的”;considerate“考虑周到的”;curious“好奇的,古怪的”。32.( 金华十校期末)These days strange things happened _ in the small village, which caused a panic among the

28、villagers A. frequently B. fluently C. regularly D. deliberately【解析】A 考查副词辨析。frequently “常常,频繁地”。近来,一些奇怪的事情频频发生在这个小村子里。fluently “流利地”;regularly “有规律地”;deliberately“故意地”。33.( 上海春招)After the accident, we are _ concerned with the safety of school buses than we used to be.A. little B. less C. much D. mo

29、re【解析】D 考查比较级的用法。句意:意外事故之后,我们比过去更加关心校车的安全。34.( 九江一模)Many students tried their best not to make careless mistakes in theexamination but some of them _ found they failed A. eventually B. completely C. exactly D. effectively【解析】A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:许多学生在考试中尽力不犯粗心的错误,可是其中有一些最终发现自己没有做到。eventually“最终;终于”;complet

30、ely“完全地”;exactly“精确地”;effectively“有效地”。A项符合题意。35.( 厦门期末)She is quite to office work. You had better offer her some suggestions when necessary.A. familiar B. fresh C. similar D. sensitive【解析】B考查形容词辨析。fresh “没经验的,不熟练的”。她对办公室工作比较生疏,在必要的时候你最好给她提供一些建议。familiar “熟悉的”;similar “相似的”;sensitive“敏感的”。36.( 浙江调研

31、)We have our bad times but on the whole were _ happy.A. rarelyB. merelyC. fairlyD. chiefly【解析】C 考查副词辨析。语意:我们处境艰难,可是总体来说我们相当高兴。根据本句中的转折连词but可知应用fairy,表示“相当,颇”。A项表示“很少”,B项表示“仅仅”,D项表示“主要的”,都不符合句意。37.( 宁波八校联考)A volcano in Indonesia erupted on November the 16th, , and _, hundreds of people were killed. A

32、. consequently B. continuously C. constantlyD. consistently 【解析】A考查副词词义辨析。consequently“因此,结果”。句意:在 的11月16日,印度尼西亚的一座火山喷发了,造成了数百人遇难。Continuously“不断地,连续地”; constantly“不变地,经常地”;consistently“一贯地”。38.( 蚌埠质检)I hope I will not be called on in class as Im not yet prepared A. readily B. actively C. adequately

33、 D. attentively【解析】C考查副词词义辨析。adequately 充分地。句意:我希望这节课别被叫起来回答问题,因为我准备的不充分。readily“乐意地”;actively“积极地”;attentively “注意地,留意地”。39.( 西安一次质检)We put our books in the bookcase to keep them from dust. A. empty B. free C. loose D. short【解析】B 考查形容词辨析。free from没有的。为了不让书上沾上了灰尘,我把它们书放进了书架。40.( 苏北四市调研)The concert w

34、e attended last night was really wonderful.Yeah, I had never been to_ .A. the best one B. a better one C. a worse one D. the worst one【解析】B 考查形容词的比较级的用法。这里比较级和否定词连用,表示的是最高级的意思。句意:“我们参加的音乐会太精彩了。”“是的。这是我参加的最好的一场。”41.( 吉林期末)The patient is supposed to go to the hospital for checks.A. common B. normal C.

35、 regular D. usual【解析】C 考查形容词辨析。regular checks“常规检查”。句意:(医生)建议这位病人应该到医院进行常规检查。这里指的是定期的检查,因此选regular。42.( 桂林市、防城港市 高三第一次调研)Credit cards are useful when traveling.True. They save us the trouble of taking too much cash.AparticularlyBpartlyCexactlyDgradually【解析】A 考查副词。修饰形容词useful,表示程度,因此用particularly,意思是

36、“特别”。前半句句意:当你外出旅游的时候,信用卡特别有用。partly“部分地”;exactly“精确地”;gradually“慢慢地”。43.( 福建南安期中)Made up of people from different parts of the world, the neighborhood is much more_than any other.A. reliable B. different C. flexible D. varied【解析】D 考查形容词辨析。由于(这里的人)来自世界各地,因此邻里关系比其它任何一个地方更多样化。varied 意思是:“多样化的”。44.( 浙江调

37、研)Weve got a general idea of what we want, but nothing _ _ at the moment. A. concrete B. ordinary C. standardD. abstract【解析】A 考查形容词辨析。本句前半部分提到只是有笼统的想法,由此可知此刻还没有任何“具体的”内容,故A项正确。后三项分别表示“普通的”;“标准的,抽象的”;与语意不符。45.( 合肥质检)Though youve got a tight schedule these days, I would be _ _ if you could afford time

38、 to attend our meeting today.A. concerned B. fascinated C. grateful D. determined【解析】C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意“尽管你时间安排很紧,如果今天你能腾出时间参加我们的会议我将很感激。”根据句意选grateful“感激的”。 46.( 宁波八校联考)The little man was _ one meter fifty high, who is often laughed at. A. almost more thanB. hardly more than C. nearly more than D. as m

39、uch as【解析】B 考查形容词比较级。hardly 相当于no。句意:这个人不到1米5,常被人嘲笑。47.( 浙江调研) Have you read the newly-published novel by J. K. Rowling? Yes. I _ recommend this book to anyone who is sick of the same old stories. A. brieflyB. instantly C. fully D. awfully【解析】C 考查副词辨析。根据答语的内容可知说话全力推荐这本书,因此选fully意为:“完全地”。briefly“简短地”

40、, instantly“立即”, awfully表示“非常”。48.( 银川一中模拟)In that school, English is compulsory for all students ,but French and Russian are _ _. A. special B. regional C. optional D. original【解析】C 考查形容词辨析。对应前面的compulsory (必修的),因此选optional(选修的)。句意:在那所学校,对于学生们来说,英语是必修的,而法语和俄语是选修的。49.( 北京四中期中)None of the underwater

41、workers has been harmed by the great fish. _, most fish were so friendly that they played with the instruments.A. Instead B. Even though C. However D. Though【解析】A 考查副词的用法及含义。句意:水下工作的工人没有一个被大鱼伤害,相反,大多数鱼很友好以至于它们和和设备玩耍。50.( 三明联考)Of the two, I would prefer _ camera, which is very easy for me to carryA.

42、a small B. a smaller C. the small D. the smaller【解析】D 考查形容词的比较级和冠词的搭配。这里特指两个之中较小的那个,因此用the smaller camera。51.( 三明联考)We know playing computer games for long time can harm ones _ health.A. regularB. magical C. physical D. reliable【解析】C 考查形容词辨析。句意:我们知道长时间玩电脑游戏对我们的身体健康有害。physical health指的是“身体健康”。regular

43、“定期的”;magical“魔术的”;reliable“可靠的”。52.( 桐乡模拟)After a lot of questioning, Jack _ _ admitted he had taken the car. A. frequently B. eventually C. absolutely D. generously【解析】B 考查副词词义辨析。句意:经过一系列的询问,杰克终于承认是她偷了那辆车。因此选eventually意思是:“最终,终于”。frequently “频繁地,经常地”;absolutely “完全地,经常地”;generously “慷慨地,大方地”。53.( 西安一次质检)My mother seems for a woman her age.A. enough energetic still B. enough stil

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