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1、22年6月大学英语四级真题及答案(第一套)ar rtin (5 minuts)(请于正式开考后半小时内完毕该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Direions:Fr thipart, you re alowd 30 miuts wite avertiemet on yur cpus wsi to sel acomputer youus at cllege. Yr dvrtiemet ay inclu i an, spcfiction/eaures, cndito and price,and or cont nformation.Y should reat least 12 od but nmore t

2、a 180wors.PatI LtenCmpreesin (30 miutes)conDirens: In hs secton,youwill h thre new reportt h en f hnews epot, yo willharto o hree uesios. Botte es report a qests will e spken only one Aft you hear queo, yo us cooh best swe fromthefor choie marked), B), C) and).e mrk hecorrepding letter n Answer Shee

3、t 1 wihasingle ltrog thecentre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Questns 1 to 2areaed on the convesatn yuhave jst eard.1. A) Te man in te car wa abst-mindedB)he test drvemadeawrong judemet.C) Th self-divng sytm wsfutD)Te car was oig at a fsspeed.2. A)Theyhave don ettr than conetioncar.B) Thy hae aused seveal sevre

4、ae.) hey hav posed a thret t other divers) Th he generaly done quite wellutons 3 4 based o h cvrsaionyu have just hea. A) He ok anationaak. B)He is auen ensecialis C) reodh byod mtboot ) Hedrove thbeesway frohis car. A) Thy re ookinafte the qee B)hey were mking aot of noise C) he were lokingfo nboxt

5、oive n ) They were dniin unique way Qesin 5 to 7re basedn theconversaion you hajt had.5. A) Th icvero a nw speceof snae ) The secodtrpto mll remote islan C) Thfinding of 2new peciesorg D) he latest tst o rare anmal seis6. A) Apisonous ake ttckd him n his feldrip) He disoere a rar fogon a esertC) A s

6、ake cawldono s head n hi leep) e rma tall pal byaccin7. ) Fromts genesB) From t lenthC) Fromit ognD) From iscolourSectio BDirtion:In this seto,ou ihr twoong oversaios. At te nd ofeach convsation, youwil ar for questonsBoth heconversatio and he uetios will beskenonly once Aftryouea a eston, youst cho

7、ethe estwer from the fourchois mrkdA),B), )ad D).Then arkte correspndin ttern Anser Shet 1 with a singl ln thoughtentre.uetions o 11 are bsed on te cnerstionyou have js ha.8. A) Te securtycheck takes tmeB) h tchec a ot o ugaeC) His fht is leaving ils th 2 ors) The airrt s g way from the hotl9. ) I c

8、ashB) B ct ardC) Wt a traelrs cecD) th hi smart one10. A) Gvehim a receipt) Cofimis ightC) Lok after his luggag) i a poterfor him11 . A)Siingup fo memerh of SHoelB)Stng in the sme t next tie e comeC) odnghr luggageont the ipor shutleD) Posti coent on e hotelbpageQueos 12 to15 reased on the conversai

9、on you hve jst hea.12. )H ite onl oyiis aily) He beomes ear n inC) He has stopped makig terril faceD)Heis hs teachers favorite studet13 ) Tell im toplay inh ackyard) Do soethn fnny to amu himC)Gie hm soe chry stns to pla thD) Wrnh ofanger by akingup a sor4.A) Theycouldbrk ps legs) They cou oetme ter

10、rify adusC) The could fly aga astrngindD) They uld nockppuncoscus15. A) Onewoulget a spotor ongusf heytd aidelieratelyB)On ul av o ae hir he to remove inter hairC)Onewulgo toprisn f theyput a tam n upsid wn)On wod hvecrl hair i hey ae oouh stalereaetion Direcons: n hs section, youwillhethrepsg of le

11、ctes r tas folowedby tr or fu questions.Thercoding will e plye y nce Afer uhr a quetion,ou mutcoe the bt answrfm efou choices markd A), ), C) and D). Ten markhe crrepondig letteron Anse Sheet 1 ith a singleie through th cere.Qustons o18arbae o passageu haejstard.6.A)Everytiseem chngng. B) Poplewre f

12、ormlaciplne. ) op wereexcied to o traellgoveres. D) Thgs frmte Victorian era cae back alve.17. ) WatchinTat omeB) Meetingpeope. ) Drinking cffe. D) ryne foods.18. A)He interte in sylishdresses B) H was al o tka lot o money. C)Hewsa stdet in he 960s.D) H a man ful of imginaio.Queis 1 o are based on t

13、he paseouaveusthar. 19. A) Tey vod lking a tem. B) Ty unawaymmediately C) They show ange on hir faces. ) They mke threaenigsounds2 A)Ittrnsto itswner fr hlp. B)It trs awayo avi conflict C) Itlokay and gtsngry, o.D) I focses it eyes o tir mouh.21. A) B observig heiacial featue cfully.) By focusino pa

14、rclarboyoveent. C) y takginther facial presio as a whole.) B inteprting ifferentotionsin dferen ys.Quesins 2to are bed h age you have jsear.22. A)Thy haveto look for fand heleunderround.B) They take litle ntie te chanes in tmpeate. ) Th reor to diffent means to survivethe bitte cold. D) Thehave diff

15、icuty adingto h cangenvironent.23. ) T have ther ightreded to mnmum. ) Ty consumeteenergy stoed befor thelong sleep. C) They can maintan ther hearbe a thenormal ra ) Teyc eep e bod eperaure armand stle.24. A)By stayin i hdg ps nd eing veryitl. B)By eeking foodand shelern eple ouss. C) Bgrowing cr ha

16、i tosa warm. ) By storin enogod beforehand5. ) To sa safe. ) To saveenergC) Tke ompany D) To rotet eyoung.Parteingomprehension (40intes)Seion ADrecti:I hsecti, there is a page ih ten blnks You ar eued to seet word r acbnk from lis ohocs gen n a wor a following the passge.Read the pssgethrugh creuly

17、befor ain yr coie,Ech choice n th k s ienifid by a letter leasemark the corresponng etter forch itm onAnserSheet 2 ta sigle lne troug e enre. Youmay notuse an ofthe wds in e bank more thnnc.uestn 6to 3arebaed on he fooing pasag.The mthod fo makg beer ahange over ime Hps(啤酒花),fr xaple, whic gie many

18、dem beer ts bitter lvor,area(26)_ rct addti te bver. This wsistmentioed in refeene tobrewignt nith century. Now,eerchers have fud (27)_grnt in rue (残留物)om ,00-yerold bee brei equpmt. Whi dggingtwo its at a sie in he entr plais ofCn, scinists dsored fragms from pots ndvesels. Th diffrent shps ofte cn

19、taners (28)_thwre usd to brw, fiter, and sore beer. hey may be acnt “eermking tols,” an the alest (29_evde f erbwn in Chna, e resarcrs repod ine Poceigs of the Natnl Acaemyof ciee. To (30)_that theory, te em exained e llwish,drd ()_insie he vessels. Th mjritof ris,abot 0,wer fm cl cops librly (大麦),a

20、ndabout 10% er bits o root, (2)_lily,whichwuldhave mae th beer seeter, thesciensts say.Barley ws annexpectd nd: th ropwas mestcat in esternEurasia and didbcoe a(33)_foon cal hantil abot ,000 ars a, acorin t th eeahrs. Bad onthat iin, hey ndicatearly ayav(34)_ i thegionot a fod,ut as(5)_mateia fr ber

21、 beng.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。A) ArrivedB) ) cnsumingC) ) diectD) D) exclusively)ncludngF) nform) awH)acheI) reieyJ) rmisK)esourceL) saplM) sugget) surpisigO) tetectio BDireon:thisctin, yo rgonto rada pase wthten taements ttched it Each stamnt ctains inorain give ioneof h pararap. Idetify te pargaphrowhic

22、h the noatinis eried Y aychoose a argrphrehn once. Each paragrap s arke with a letter. Ansr the questions b markingcorrsoning leter onAseheet Thelesin ndCursef th Pple WoNeve oeA hanfl f pple ca recall almos ery day f their lives normus dealad fer yers of eserch,neurcientts (神经科学专家) re finllyeginnng

23、 to udrand hheydo t.A ormt of us, meory is mes oflurred and faed pcures o ourive.As muc s we would like toclng o toour past,even thesadestmns can bewahed wa withtie.k Nm Vsehht esoing fr an dayi the past 1 yars,however,nd hell gvyu the tis ofthe wther, hat he waarin, or even whatsde o the rain hewas

24、 sitti on his oure ork. “My memy i le lirryo ido apes, wak-toghf vey dyo my liffrom aingoleeping,” he eplains.C Vei can even pt adt whn tetapsste reci:15 Dcbe2023, when he met hifirst irfriend at his betrinds 16t ithay arty. e d alaysha a goo emor, bu he tri ofyoung ve em to have shifd agear in his

25、ind: from nowon,hewld sart ecding his woe life in detai. “I culd tel youverythingaboutery ay after that.”D Neless t say,opl lie Vesh areof geat interst to noscenshopng to undersnd th way th bain recrdsou live. copleof recent paers have nal opee awindow n tee peopes extraoinary mis An such reseach gh

26、 even suest ways for u lltrev our pstwith greaterclrt.E“Higly spior aubiaphal memory”(or HSAforsort) irst cam t light therl23s,t a ong wmannamedJil rcemailing the nuoscinis and memory eeacher Ji MGaugh onedy,sh claid thtse coul recall evryday of her fe sincehee of 2. Cold he hlp exlain her eperiencs

27、? MGauhinvted e hi lab,an beant tst h: h oul v ea date and ask hero el him aout he wdentson htday Tru o herord,h was orect almst v iGItidnt akeongfor magaznes ad ocenary film-mkersto coeo udesther “toa reca”,an ha to the susequeea ierest, a few dzen other subects (ncludng Veiseh) hve inecome fward n

28、d cntactedthe te at thirity fCliri,Ii. Interesingly, thei mies are highly ef-cend: alhughte can emmber “autobiograia” lif evetsi etaordina dtai, ty em tbeno btte than aerag trcling impesonalinfomation, uchas ranom (任意选用旳)litsof wds.Nor are they ecesarlbetter atemmbering rdof drin, sa. althugh thir m

29、mors are vast, they are stil likel to suffe rom “false memorie”Cearly, thr i nch hin as “pefet” memorytheir extrorina minds sil ingtheame flw tolstht est of u ry. e qustionis, how? Lawene Patihis at the iversy of StnMississppecently stied around2pee with HSA d fud tt escoedprtiulrlyhgon tw easres: f

30、ntasyponeness (倾向)andabsrption. Fatasypnnesscul beconsierda tendenc to imagine and dydream, whre absorpionis thetenencoallw u mdto beco fll absorbed in anctivit to pcopleaention the sensatins (感受)and te eperces. “m extely seitve t ounds,smellnd visual dtail,” expains icleonoue,ho has akn partn man o

31、f tesestudies. “I deinitely etins morestrog thnte veraeersn.”J he abopths e t etablishrongfoations forrcollecton, says Ptihs, nd tfanas proneness mean tht tyrvii those memoie gin and agan i the comg wesnd nthsE time thi initiaemor rac is “epld”, it ecomes en tongr In oe ys, youprobaby o thruh th pro

32、cssafer abg eventikeyur wedingday,b the difnc i hat tas to teir or pshogc tenencies, the HSM subjct are o i day in, ay out, othewho of thilves. Notveone ih a tendnc t fatasi willdeop H, though, o Patihs uges that omein t avcaused the tohn so ch abou theipst. “Mbe some experence in their chdoo meant

33、that they becam bsssed(着迷)wth alenas ad what happeed to thm,”says Patiis.Lhe peop wit HAMIve nvwed woul certilaetat can be mixdblssig.On tels sid,ialows y oelive the most transfraie and enrchg eperinces.Veeh,or istace,trveld a o in hiyth.Inhs spa time,hevisitedthe local rt alleries, andepintns are n

34、owoged dee in s uobiogpica mmories.M “Imgiebeingable toremmber ever anting, on everwll, n every gller space,btwen nely40 counties,” he ays. “hat big educationi atby tef” Withthisoprhensivekledge ofistory f t, h as sine become a oessl pinter.N ohue,no a hstory eher, agree ta helpeding cerainarts f he

35、r education. “Icn defiiely rembr whteed certan dys at schoo. I cou imagne wht h teah ws saying o hatit ooked lke tebok.”O ot eeyone wih SA s xpeiened te eefis, wr. Viewing e pasinhigh definion ca make i verydiffiult togtoerpai ad egret “Itcanbe veryhard to rg embarassigments,” ays Dohue.“ou fel the sameeotiosi s just asraw, ut a rsh. You cnt trff hat stream ofmori,no matterho h o t.” Veise arees “Iis liehavngs oenndstheyae jst a prt of you,” saysP Th mean thy often hve mae pecialefft olay the past to rest. Bill, fo instance, ofte getainf

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