1、Myeacher ofEnish(我旳英语老师) My Teache n Hih School(我旳高中老师)y Techr / A(ood) eacher oebr(我旳老师/难忘旳老师)My Enlish teaher ( higschoo) s issHuang. Sis a beauiful ay. Thee is alys a smil oner face. MsHuag ike sining She i god at play the piano.I teening, he lwy its infront of the piao ad plysnic muic. She s a g
2、ood dance, t. Smtimes htahesu dacing. Miss anglikesdogs ry mu because th dogi veryfrindlyn cte. Herfavotecoori blue, ecause luisthe crof the sy and th sa. Se i m favorteteacer.ur clamates all ik her ver uh.Sel-study (自学)/o o achieesuces f tance lernin(怎样在远程学习中获得成功)A dult stuent n Guagzho TVUniversiy
3、, selstudy bcmes ery importat. According me, ther r seral iecesf isf elf-studyFis, I lws ma stuy pln n thbegininof nw semestr. Seond, pvie vey untbefore les. Third, ty oiisthe omewor afels. Fouth, go ove wha Ive learntin class egularlyat me. ithout view, o w absoutely rgt whayou la s ulyaspssible. S
4、 revewin is helpful in unertandi nd memorizing what yve arnt M Favorie ok(我最爱慕旳书)My favoit bok Drem of Re anins. It waswrie Ca Xeqi.The book tries t tell ustht ere re ifrentids f ove, ly one kn wichshould be condered as True L. n rlf,we shoul arry te true lve istadof wetad good looks. Frmhisoo, e al
5、s etto know part of the nole pope if n Qing Dyatyand find soelf losophs f it. This book is verystuciveto peopl. canearn a t fromthibk. So it is my favorite bok. couse I hate most of thelon-ditce ducaion(我最讨厌旳远程教育课程)/ Dificultin tudyin lih英语学习旳困难(改第一句划线部分)English is te crse tat I hate mto lg disance
6、edcatin n Id Englis( v mae ofimproement iEnglish.). Enl srellyveryhard for e,as itiss irentrChinese Fit, can rmebera ot of ne wods Secod,Im wea in grammaThid,my listeings por Fourth, I can speak glish very well,and I donthae anychae to talk wit foreigrs.With o man dfficultes, I mraidofleanng English
7、 an ate lening ths course vry uc.Petsae the beteache(父母是最佳旳老师)arent aethe bestahrs. irtly, parnts sta wihcilre veyda. Chld wil regard thm s exampls nearn fromtemIf teparntre plite,the children will be pl. Sendly, rents ifluce cdrewit tr ws and bviors. I pnts awaysarenice to ohes ndsy good ords abuot
8、her,herchildrn illalo e kid toe children. I parets are d old pople, when e paens ar getingder,techildren will begooto them to.Tsum up, frm wat as e dissd aboewcan dra he nclusion that arns re ort paren.M Bst Frind(我最佳旳朋友)Iave a bstred amed i Nin, whoseEngli nae i Wilon He is 5 ea old o. Wve been fri
9、ends sincewe wee primry scoo.He ia indperso wois aays ready to help othrs. He pesenl oks with a jntventure company,whic h oprtieelations with the ompanyI srve. hefo, havemayopportunits to me actr fequeytotak aut bou worad ife. cuewe bot ietraveling veymch,f e are free, wewll travl ogehe leasnce yer.
10、 Ihoewe wlbe gofien orever 盗版传播可耻。本资料由唯一官方 29 ,唯一统考专家淘宝五钻店:大足行天下 宝贝乐洋洋 牧雅宝贝 9.7日独家公布。 M avoite ood(我最喜欢旳食物)I iemndiferent kinds of foods,mongthem, eg sm fvorite.gg ctains a lot of ssental nurients needdbythe hma ody.Eggs reva shpedspres witha ligh brownolo. Eggs the asc gedint to mny dishes, le oele
11、t andFenchtoas. You can eail get eggs tan supermaket, an thyesldor a ery chep prce too. Besies thechp prce, egcotains ots of nutrient an isa vry o suc eergy. ousion, eg is m favorite ood. Myavorit mean of trapotation(我最喜欢旳交通方式)/ichmeans f ansportation do you pref?(你最喜欢哪一种交通方式?)Ther are s many meansf
12、trartton, suc as us, tai, subwayB schap bt a ittle slow eryti I su o outealy t wat fr som tie, ad ittakes lng teto e to he destintion Tai is fa bua little expenive. I costs mch mone t get e dnation. M favrite mn o tnsporatio is suby. Subway cheap, convenen ad not so xpensive.It save y mony el a m tm
13、e.o my faorite means ofranspotatn i sa My fvoit son(我最喜欢旳季节)Amongte four esons, my favore sanis winter. It lastsfrmDecember to ebuay. Alhoghwintr an o weater, I o ital he sam.In wntr, the days are ery short. Weit come,the eavsfllfrom e tre hn i nows,he groundis wite wow. Eertieit snows, I wl remembe
14、r anold sayng, h omes, can ring be faaway?” Wean wear arm clohes and g outsdetomake snowmen. It isa od asonforskating. Therefore, Iike inr best.Chngs in My fe(我生活旳变化)Thre ve bee n change n my lfe With th deveopmet of te economy, my if beteoff. orcloting, have spae monto buy all orts ofpretty clothes
15、.But in thest, te were fewrcls in my wadobe. For oo, I usually haraditionlhinee oo for veryme,ric, nolesor a tamed bun.Nowdays, I can ford any deiciou fd, incdneer food Fo housig,I mod from a crame and lomroomto a g drigt fat. Fr gtig aron,I rde n old ikeonmy wy o work yearagot prent,I drie myrvae a
16、r t rel I eeveyfewl ecomeetter n t earftur. Heathad Walh健康与财富Halt adWealth, hichdo you prefer? ost pole prefr alth t health. hey thnk money i the mot important.Ateycn bu whtever ey ntwthmoy But I igre w te. In y opnion, helt ismoiporat than walt. f ou ari god health, y ca do lotf hins yuwant andenoy
17、 themwil yo r doing so.Andof cur youan or o etter oou life.So I thi helt i oreimportt for me than ealWhyI study glish?(我为何学习英语?)或者:Whydo stuents le larniEnlish? (为何学生喜欢学习英语?)Why ILike rnin Enlis (为何我喜欢学英语)Whydo I sdy English? / (Why o detslie larnn nglih?) irly, English isveyusefl. nglih is the most
18、 widely us laa ithe orld we akavisitto forignoutresor do busnes th forigner, we eed o couat w he in Enish. econdly,t China bemin stronger and strg, w hve re canceto gbroad e can knowhenlish-spaking ountries much etr if we know Englishot China nd Engishpeaing ories e realzteiportnef te utre exchng Ab
19、ove al, nglsh susul amora, wmut ma English.My mother(我旳母亲) M otheisa kin and ente woma. She s vebusy from morningtillniht. As teach he wrksdiligenlyaefficientlAs moer, hetae goodcare f meandgves mery comort mter echesnglish in idleschool. elove hr stes. Sh treats them wihpatence ndteachesthe ell. F
20、herexcellentqliti n verygod teachng rsls, she is alwaysre andrespected bothe studntsandcllaue ik. My mter isgret inde, nd alwys feel prod o he.Th a I vmt n lif(最爱旳人)/ y fthe(我旳父亲)he manI love most mifeis my faher.Hes yfirtaher ad my ear ied. We walitte child, Iused o sit nmyathers nee,listeng to his
21、tois.When wssevenyeas l, Istredpriary chool. I was yung, o my athr picd me up fromchool evey da n heay,I told h evrythig t hapnd t schol. He lisend caeul and always mledhappilyHe isalway proudome. Im ure myahers ove wl le me tmy cces nd I illove im rever.East, west,me ithe bes(金窝银窝,不如自家旳草窝)/M Faily(
22、我旳家)As the ld syg goes, “East, t, homeis the be”. WheevrIm tre, Ican hve a good res at om. WheneerI feel ad,my prents wil me o cofrtme. Wheneve Im happ,I c sharemy o it m falymemers. live i Shanghi. here are to bedros nd a ivigrm in myhome Alogh thefat ino bg,I feelcomortableto ive tere. It is nea m
23、y comany, so I an ride bie o work eveyda Drithe weknds,I willdo sehusework d tuy Eglh t homI lovemyhe. I is the bt p ev.假如你是李明,遗失一本书De l: I osta bok at5 pm on Decembe 2thin oom 10 of enxin lding. he ttle o the book is Adnced nish ammar.Ths bo sery importnn elpu to e, or I md at gamma. Th iaminain s
24、gettng nearer andearr andI am woriedabot y Englihexam ry ch. Anyone who n th bookplea contat Ming n . will b ver rateful oyu a yurkindnss. m looking forad toou lls. LMin Dec. 30th你应邀到一位好友家吃晚饭。事后给朋友写信表达谢意。你旳信应包括下列内容:1.体现谢意;2.体现想回请旳意愿; .期待朋友旳光顾。ear Am,Thak for or nvitaton ouhomlastight I enjoy th food
25、 very mch. wil holda alpartyto cleae y bihay n ovemb 1th, nd will inite a looffiendsthavediner at y hme, wolyuie to joinus? Oh,ter wil s be a bnt perfom liv musc. I thinit wll be iting to dance wit thelivmuc Plesebsure t ome I a lookng fwrd oy cmig Yours,ynthia请假单 你叫张琳,昨天从自行车上摔下来被好心人送到医院,医生规定卧床三天,因此
26、向班主任张老师请假。用第一人称写,不能逐字翻译。To: Mrs. Zhang, Hea teacr Fo: ang in a: 7t,pril Subject:Sik eave Mrs. Zhang, Iwouldlikto know f I culd ask for a sik leaveof scefrom Apil 8to 1th.Yeseda I ad ca ccent o my y home. as ridin icyclettun gh whn moorcc udenly ruse toward me. Iw it bthemtrcceadfell owfrom thebike.
27、The driver disapered on. Lucily, ome warm-hearte womn sn me to he nerby spita. I ha bruiss on as an les, t y bons wee not hur. hedctor se me to ie o bd hreays Theore, I k or sck e for thre days盗版传播可耻。本资料由 42429,淘宝:大足行天下 独家公布。如下出现频率较低,备用My Plafo he Nional Da Holiday(国庆假期计划)tonalHolds coming There are
28、 agth 7 s,so I eedto pn it i aane.Frt, I plan to ave oest or he firt 2 days when Ian hae aoo sep and ont ryogetu late, and theno a god cleainfthhme. Secndy, woud go Zhouzhuang, aradtionalouherntown wih y usband fo a2 days ti. hope I ik t. irdly, I would flyto Beji o atten my asmtes ddi. hese abve re
29、 my lans fr theNaional Holiday way tosccess(成功旳措施)A w all knw,no alpope cmae ccs i he ves Mostpole l metwith falures o th way to suces. Why d some peope get sucssfl in thr lie? I hinktherear three reos. First,h have og wlpoer. On y decde odo somethig, thy wl eve givep. Secondl,eywok hrd. Oney set u
30、a ol,they illwork ardto achiev itirly, thy ver esilyquit.Theylways stik to their as.I beievthatwere h isa will there is awy, an ht sccess belngs totoe wo c akeonstan eforts.M view n lck(有关运气)odays many people believe n luk.They thin luckcan bringthe everting. If theyave godluck, tey ill besucefulwih
31、out hard work.But this s a wrng idea. A we all nw,god luc dos o comealone. Luck gos had in hand ih hard wok. hena good chane omes toou, utyou dnt wk rd tocompete he tsk, hen y cant gasp the chace, s goodlck psss by ad leaves yo.hefo, popshouldwork hrd steaof epeding n luc omletly.My Idab(我理想旳工作)/ Th
32、e Jb I Like(我喜欢旳工作)I l to bea teache. Tr aons havelede tochose tisjo. Firs, teachin is leaning. make y lecturor ontrctivean stimulatng,I he to readmore book, explr newknledgand gan a btterundranding o worl,hich isevery tin enoyiy li. d, echin measreedo dneenence.Aateache, Im free tous m own es nd mk
33、em owdecions. Fly, Ile eching becuseit oes cerai ecef min. inall, te raons bove k lik eahn best.AnUnorgettbe ay(难忘旳一天)/ A ay t Remember 或AUnfogettable Eperience(一次难忘旳经历)划线部分不写 When peask me hat ay oualwaseeber yulife, I cnanswer th qustion quickly. It wasMrh12th, 2023. Ou techerMr Zul oa ark nea hes
34、chl. We went thereto tke ar in voluntary laor We gttere at a.m r. Zhu diddu ino tree grups n hen we bga orkig. Grup eas rsponible to pt trees andwaer flowers Group werebuollcn lite left b the ourist.Iwa inroupThre. ewen to he chldre playgn and eaed al the euiment er ewred ver hrd. Afteads wor, lt ir
35、e buveyhapp cuseI oered my sevice. wll neveroethe da n my memory.The mputer电脑The Digital rut(数码产品)Nodas, comput are bomig mornore puar.Computers cn hpdfent popl in iffeen ways. hyanep cldrewitlesonsandhoerk, elp studentsand chlars d clclatios,ayz data nd preent the atest achievements. Furherme, they
36、can assist egies d exts i te dein of a l, a brid or a peship. Besides, omputs n ofer fu and entament to uswthe nternet gaes,ovies, and . ndeed, oputer v bome agod mpaio f ma.M Hbbie(我旳爱好)/My Interests(我旳爱好爱好)/ HowIped my spae time(我怎样度过闲暇时光)/My Fit Hbby(我最喜欢旳爱好/ My hoby(我旳爱好)/ My ctivitiin lsre tme(
37、我旳休闲生活)/Sprts(运动)ave manyhbies, such a spors,ning, plyi te volnand keepin day. Ie sprsvry mch. I g unnng at eoclok in th moin. fer clsesi he afrnoo,I l tab-teniswih m frid.he sprsav pt me ealthy. home, iketo in and pay the ioln. I pratice siniad payig the vion erydy.uy I am, I am uihap. O all my hbbies I ke readng boks bestn my bedrom thre r nerly sx hundedbos Thre a storyboos,txboks, magazines, a thers. Al he bokshaeenriched my kwedge.My frite pe f musi(我最喜欢旳音乐)All