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1、五十二病方 Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases 马王堆汉墓出土得先秦医方书。灵枢经 Miraculous Pivot 约成书于战国时期。素问 Plain Questions 黄帝内经素问得简称。现存最早得中医理论著作,约成书于战国时期。黄帝内经 Inner Canon of Huangdi; Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor 为灵枢经素问两书得合称,简称内经。现存最早得中医理论著作,约成书于战国时期。神农本草经 Shennongs Classic of Material Medical 现存最早得中药著作,约成书于西汉以前。难经

2、Classic of Questioning 中医理论著作,旧题秦越人撰,约成书于东汉以前。伤寒杂病论 Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。已佚。后世根据该书佚文,分别整理成伤寒论、金匮要略。伤寒论 Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。金匮要略 Synopsis of Golden Chamber 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。针灸甲乙经 A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸学

3、著作,魏晋间皇甫谧撰。脉经 Pulse Classic 中医脉学著作,西晋王叔与撰。肘后备急方 Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency 中医方剂著作,东晋葛洪撰。刘涓子鬼遗方 Liu Juanzis Remedies Bequeathed by Ghosts 中医外科著作,晋代刘涓子撰,南北朝齐龚庆宣整理。雷公炮炙论 Master Leis Discourse on Drug Processing 中药炮制著作,南北朝刘宋雷撰。神农本草经集注 Variorum of Shennongs Classic of Materia Medica 中药著作,南北朝

4、梁陶弘景撰。黄帝内经太素 Grand Simplicity of Inner Canon of Huangdi 黄帝内经整理注释类著作,隋代杨上善撰。诸病源候论 General Treatise on Causes and Manifestations of All Diseases 中医病因证候著作,隋代巢元方等撰。备急千金要方 Essential Recipes for Emergent Use Worth A Thousand Gold 中医方剂著作,唐代孙思邈撰。新修本草 Newly Revised Materia Medica 官修中药著作,唐代苏敬等撰。千金翼方 A Supplem

5、ent to Recipes Worth A Thousand Gold 中医方剂著作,唐代孙思邈撰。本草拾遗 A Supplement to Materia Medica 中药著作,唐代陈藏器撰。食疗本草 Materia Medica for Dietotherapy 中药著作,唐代孟诜撰,张鼎增补。外台秘要方 Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library 中医方剂著作,唐代王焘撰。食医心鉴 Heart Mirror of Dietotherapy 中医食疗著作,唐代昝殷撰。海药本草 Oversea Materia Medica 中药著作,五代前蜀李

6、珣撰。太平圣惠方 Taiping Holy Prescriptions for Universal Relief 官修中医方剂著作,北宋王怀隐等撰。经史证类备急本草Classified Material Medical from Historical Classics for Emergency 中药著作,宋代唐慎微撰。太平惠民与剂局方 Prescriptions of the Bureau of Taiping Peoples Welfare Pharmacy 官修中医方剂著作,宋代陈承、裴宗元等撰。圣济总录 General Records of Holy Universal Relief

7、官修中医方剂著作,宋代赵佶等撰。本草衍义 Augmented Material Medical 中药著作,宋代寇宗奭撰。圣济经 Classic of Holy Benevolence 中医综合性著作,宋代赵佶撰。小儿药证直诀 Key to Therapeutics of Childrens Diseases 中医儿科著作,宋代钱乙撰。伤寒明理论 Concise Exposition on Cold Pathogenic Diseases 中医伤寒著作,金代成无己撰。幼幼新书 New Book of Pediatrics 中医儿科著作,南宋刘昉等编撰。宣明论方 Clear Synopsis on

8、 Recipes 中医方剂著作,金代刘完素撰。三因极一病证方论 Treatise on Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors 中医综合性著作,宋代陈言撰。儒门事亲 Confucians Duties to Parents 中医综合性著作,金代张子与撰。妇人大全良方 Complete Effective Prescriptions for Womens Diseases 中医妇产科著作,南宋陈自明撰。重修政与经史证类备急本草 Revised Zhenghe Material Medical for Emergency from Classics and H

9、istory Documents 中药著作,宋代唐慎微原撰,曹孝忠等校勘,金代张存惠增补。 脾胃论 Treatise on Spleen and Stomach 中医综合性著作,金代李杲撰。仁斋直指方 Effective Recipes from Renzhai House 中医方剂著作,南宋杨士瀛撰。外科精要 Essence of External Diseases 中医外科著作,南宋陈自明撰。洗冤录 Records for Washing Away of Wrong Cases 法医著作,南宋宋慈撰。 兰室秘藏 Secret Book of Orchid Chamber 中医综合性著作,金

10、代李杲撰。秘传眼科龙木论 Nagarjunas Ophthalmology Secretly Handed Down 中医眼科著作,未著撰人,约宋元间编撰。汤液本草 Material Medical for Decoctions 中药著作,元代王好古撰。瑞竹堂经验方 Empirical Recipes from Auspicious Bamboo Hall 中医方剂著作,元代沙图穆苏撰。饮膳正要 Principles of Correct Diet 中医营养学著作。元代忽思慧编撰。世医得效方 Effective Formulae Handed Down for Generations 中医方剂

11、著作,元代危亦林撰。十四经发挥 Elucidation of Fourteen Channels 中医针灸著作,元代滑寿撰。格致余论 Further Discourses on the Properties of Things 中医综合性著作,元代朱震亨撰。局方发挥 Elaboration of Bureau Prescription 中医综合性著作,元代朱震亨撰。回回药方 Huihui Formularies 方剂著作,未著撰人,约成书于元末。丹溪心法 Danxis Mastery of Medicine 中医综合性著作,旧题元代朱震亨撰,明代程充校订。普济方 Prescriptions f

12、or Universal Relief 中医方剂著作,明代朱主编。救荒本草 Material Medical for Famines 中药著作,明代朱等撰。本草品汇精要 Collected Essentials of Species of Material Medical 中药著作,明代刘文泰等撰。名医类案 Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians 中医医案著作,明代江瓘编。古今医统大全 Medical Complete Book, Ancient and Modern 中医学丛书,明代徐春甫辑。医学纲目 Compendium of Me

13、dicine 中医综合性医书,明代楼英撰。本草纲目 Compendium of Material Medical 中药著作,明代李时珍撰。万密斋医学全书 Wan Mizhais Complete Medical Book 中医学丛书,明代万全撰。赤水玄珠 Black Pearl from Red River 中医学丛书,明代孙一奎撰。万病回春 Curative Measures for All Diseases 中医综合性著作,明代龚廷贤撰。针灸大成 Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 中医针灸著作,明代杨继洲撰。证治准绳 Standards f

14、or Diagnosis and Treatment 中医临床医学丛书,明代王肯堂撰。寿世保元 Longevity and Life Preservation 中医综合性著作,明代龚廷贤撰。外科正宗 Orthodox Manual of External Diseases 中医外科著作,明代陈实功撰。医贯 Key Link of Medicine 中医医论著作,明代赵献可撰。济阴纲目 Outline for Womens Diseases 中医妇产科著作,明代武之望撰。景岳全书 Jingyues Complete Works 中医综合性医书,明代张景岳撰。类经 Classified Canon

15、 内经注释类书,明代张景岳撰。霉疮秘录 Secret Record for Syphilis 中医性病著作,明代陈司成撰。温疫论 On Plague Diseases 中医温病著作,明代吴有性撰。审视瑶函 Precious Book of Ophthalmology 中医眼科著作,明代傅仁宇撰。医方集解 Collected Exegesis of Recipes 中医方剂著作,清代汪昂撰。汤头歌诀 Recipes in Rhymes 入门性方剂著作,清代汪昂撰。外科证治全生集 Life-saving Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment of External D

16、iseases 简称外科全生集。中医外科著作,清代王洪绪撰。医宗金鉴 Golden Mirror of Medicine 中医学丛书,清代吴谦等撰。临证指南医案 Guide to Clinical Practice with Medical Records 中医医案著作, 清代叶桂原撰,其门人辑。幼幼集成 Complete Work on Childrens Diseases 中医儿科著作,清代陈复正撰。喉科指掌 Guide Book for Laryngology 中医喉科著作,清代张宗良撰。串雅内编 Internal Therapies of Folk Medicine 中医临床著作,清代

17、赵学敏撰。串雅外编 External Therapies of Folk Medicine 中医临床著作,清代赵学敏撰。徐灵胎医学全书 Xu Lingtais Complete Medical Book 中医综合性著作,清代徐大椿撰。本草纲目拾遗 Supplement to Compendium of Material Medical 中药著作,清代赵学敏撰。续名医类案 Supplement to Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians 中医医案著作,清代魏之琇撰。竹林寺女科 Bamboo Forest Temples Secret o

18、n Womens Diseases 中医妇产科著作,清代竹林寺僧撰。温病条辨 Detailed Analysis of Epidemic Warm Diseases 中医温病著作,清代吴瑭撰。疡科心得集 Experience Gained in Treating External Diseases 中医外科著作,清代高锦庭撰。傅青主女科 Fu Qingzhus Obstetrics and Gynecology 中医妇科著作,清代傅山撰。医林改错 Correction on Errors in Medical Classics 中医脏象著作,清代王清任撰。验方新编 New Compilatio

19、n of Effective Recipes 中医方剂著作,清代鲍相璈辑。植物名实图考 Textual Research on Reality and Titles of Plants 中药著作,清代吴其濬撰。理瀹骈文 Rhymed Discourse for Topical Remedies 中医外治法著作,清代吴尚先撰。血症论 On Blood Syndromes 中医血证专著,清代唐宗海撰。重楼玉钥 Jade Key to the Secluded Chamber 中医喉科著作,清代郑梅涧撰。新针灸学 New Acupuncture and Moxibustion 中医针灸著作,近代朱琏撰。

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