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1、出差必备英语1I anta packaedeal incldin afre n hotl、我需要一个成套服务,包括机票与住宿。I liketo cang this tket to thefirt cl、我想把这张票换成头等车。3Id lke resvealeeper t Chiao、我要预订去芝加哥得卧铺。 I wncheck his bagag、这件行李我不托运。 Idliketsit nthe frnt of the plane、我要坐在飞机前部。6 I isd my tn、我未赶上火车. I hav nothi to clare、我没有要申报得东西。8 ts all onal fts、这

2、些东西都就是我私人用得.9ll pic uptcke at h irport cunter、我会在机场柜台拿机票。0 d lik toseats o tdys Nrthwet Flight 7 to Detro,lae、我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律得机票。1 Weaited forohn n he lbby f te airpor、我们在机场得大厅里等约翰。12Id lik to buan cursio p itead、我要买一张优待票代替。13 Id like rfndon histicet、我要退这张票。 I ke to havea sa by th window、我要一个靠窗

3、得座位。1 ou hveto hange t Chico Saion、您必须要在芝加哥站转车.16 We hveonly on dy fr NeYok、到纽约得一天只有一班.17 Srry, tey aralrady fll、抱歉,全部满了。18 Id lieto rserve a sea toNwYork、我要预订一个座位去纽约。19The flght uber iA08 on Setmbr5h、班机号码就是9月日K08。20 Thres aten tir flht n te oring、早上点半有班机.21 Imlooinfor y baggag.我正在找我得行李。22 Idike tom

4、ea resertion我想预订。2Te soone, th eter、越快越好.24 Id lket change my eervato、我想变更一下我得预订。25 d like t reonim myfligtrom Lodo Toko、我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京得班机。26 resrvtio mber is 91、我得预订号码就是291。2 I mae a reservatio in Tokyo、我在东京预订得.28 I m rervatinsyestrdy、我昨天预订得。29 I want to esvea satromLosAngelestoToky、我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京得机

5、票.3I aly he a bigash odo on Sauda、我星期六总就是有一大堆得衣物要洗。31 The aunryi notr enouh、衣服还没干.3I pu to mu teget n theaser、我在洗衣机里放了太多得洗衣粉.33 Tisstan is alystuborn、这污垢去不掉。34I id three lods of wash today、我今天洗了三次衣服.35Thetrinisfotl、坐火车很舒服.36 hecked my gag inthe aggctio、我在行李房托运行李。37 e guese the tainould e in ealy、她猜想

6、火车会很早到达。8 Th statinrewaysfll f pple.火车站里经常挤满了人。39 I hope yohae a od tri、祝您旅途愉快。0 Yoneed to transfer Cetrl Stti、您必须在中央车站换车。41Hw longar y goingto ta her?您要在这里停留多久? Doyou havanythgdecare?您有东西要申报关税吗?43 Wats te purpoe fyour sit?您旅行得目得就是什么?44 What tme does the ship ave?船什么时间启航?45 When wilthe ship levfr on

7、oluu?这艘船什么时候出发去檀香山?46Could upease give me art im?您能告诉我出发得时间吗?47 DoI eda resevao togo bysip?我坐船去需要预订吗?48 How muh fo newa tik to Shanghai?去上海得单程票多少钱?49 W wouyu like to rurn?您打算什么时候回来/去?50 Do youhav n ticketaalble fo tha de?您们有那天得票吗?5 Do yu hav any ticesavaabl r that dae?您们有那天得票吗?5Hw uch des around rp

8、ticket togothee cost?张去那边得往返票要多少钱?53 Wouldyou taehs coa to the cleanrs?您可以把这件外套送到洗衣店吗? Will yo irn o te wrikles inthis ski?可以帮我把这件裙子烫平吗?55 Wot yoro this ht for me?可以帮我烫这件衬衫吗?56 illyou ring he laudry i i it rais?下雨时请您收一下衣服,好吗?5 weream I uppoe to pythe ecestran are?我应该在哪里补票?58 whre can youpick up you

9、suitase?您在哪里取您得手提箱呢?9 Wen canou piku y ticket?您什么时候可拿到车票呢?0whr is imigation?入境处在什么地方?61 here ca I t my bggag?我到哪里去拿我得行李呢?62 Is the deartur te on cul?起飞时间准时吗?6 wlong will the flgt e delay?班机诞误多长时间?64 Whas the cas f he dely?什么原因延误?6 Wl te flight eeaye?这班机会延误吗?66 May I have baggtags?请给我行李标签好吗?7 Exeme,

10、wha ie will he pan arrve in Tkyo?对不起,请问飞机何时到达东京呢?6 ul you xpai howo fillhiout?请您说明一下怎样填这张表好吗?69 My I v a cusoms decration form,pea?请给一份海关申报表好吗?70My ae a disebarkatn ad?请给我一张离机卡好吗?7 Is hs witnte tax-re lmit?这个在免税限额内吗?7Wheresatax-free shop?免税店在哪儿?What time soud I eat the dpartre gate?我在什么时间到登机门?74 Cou

11、u help mefinmggag?请您帮我找我得行李好吗?75Wll th fight be caneld?这班机会被取消吗?6 ould y pleasemake myeseion tohicagor toorro?请帮我预订明天去芝加哥得座位好吗?77 D yu haeaflight o e Yrk dpartig atabt 10 a、m、 Nex Mody?您们有下周一大约下午10点起飞到纽约得班机吗?7 Whs te fare to New ork,Ecnmyass?去纽约得经济舱机票多少钱?9wheredo pik up te tcet?我什么地方拿机票?80fom whichs

12、tio dthe rai lave?这列火车从哪个站开出呢?1Can I sop oeron h way?我在中途可以停吗?2 Can Ihav a secodclss onwy ticket to Chiago, lease?请给我一张去芝加哥得单程二等票好吗?83Are thre ny discut kes or me?给我有折扣吗?8 hattime doesthe p tke f?飞机何时起飞呢?85 One way r aroun tritike?单程票还就是双程票呢?6 Wattme doe e frsttrntoBson eave?第一班去波士顿得列车什么时间开出呢?87 Is

13、i drect tain?这就是直达车吗?8 Whatlatform doesterin ave fm?这班车从哪个站台开出呢?89 By ht time should Iceck n?我该什么时间办理登机手续呢?0What ish ading te?何时登机呢?9 Hw much s the exesbggae charge?超额行李费多少钱?2 Wilthis flihleav on time?这班机准时起飞吗?93 Can brin tis on elne?这件我可以带上飞机吗?4 What te gate nuber?登机门就是几号?95 Are teered sats the train?车上有预订座位吗? whre igatesix?6号登机门在哪儿?97 where isthe bording ae for thi fliht?这班飞机得登机门在哪儿?9 s this sat numbersrted bardin?这个座位号已开始登机了吗? hee is th tie offi?售票处在哪儿?100 ow lng ithe tict vali?这车票有效期多久?

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