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1、外研版高中英语_必修一module1学生自主学习单Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighPeriod 1 Introduction 一、.词汇初探1_(adj.)热心的 2. _(adj.) 学术的3_(n.)信息 4_(n.)理解;领悟5_(n.)(常作复数)指示;说明6_(n.)方法7_(n.)态度 8.behaviour(n.)行为;举动_(vi.)行为,举止9_ (n)书写 10. _ (n) 课本.短语互译1be similar to_ 2ones attitude to/towards _ Period 2 Reading Comprehensio

2、n.词汇初探1_(n.)省2bored(adj.)厌烦的;厌倦的_(adj.)令人厌倦的_(vt.)使厌烦3description(n.)记述;描述_(vt.)描述,描写4_(adj.)吃惊的;惊讶的amazing(adj.)令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 _(vt.)使惊讶5. _网站,网址 6. _ 极好的7_(adj.) 令人难堪的embarrassed(adj.)尴尬的;embarrass(vt.)使尴尬8. _(adj.)以前的9impress(vt.)使印象深刻_(n.)印象_(adj.)印象深刻的.短语互译1have fun _ 2in other words _3. 用有趣的方式 _

3、4期待,盼望 _5对印象深刻_ 6远离 _7一点都不像 _ .完成句子1老师是一位姓沈的非常热心的女士。The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman _. (过去分词短语作后置定语)2我们使用新课本,沈老师的教学方法一点也不像我们初中老师的教学方法。Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching _ of the teachers at my Junior High school. (that的指代用法)3我认为上沈老师的课我是不会厌倦的!_in Ms Shens class! (否定转移结

4、构)4换句话说,女生人数是男生的三倍。In other words, there are _. (倍数表达法)课后巩固:1. 写出下列短语的中文意思be similar to _ attitude to/ towards _in a serious and polite manner_ far from_ nothing like_ something like _have fun_ in other words_ look forward to sth./doing sth._ be impressed with ;_ Period3 Important Language Points词汇拓

5、展:(1)enthusiasm u.n.狂热; 热心; 积极性 enthusiast c.n. 狂热者;爱好者be enthusiastic (doing) 对.热心(2)amazing adj.使人惊奇的amazed adj. 感到惊奇的amazement n.惊讶固定搭配It is amazing that be amazed 对.吃惊 be amazed 因做某事而感到吃惊 to ones 令某人吃惊的是in 惊讶地 练习:1.他热心于科学研究。2. 我的新同学热心帮助别人3)He told us the news in an voice.4) The expression on her

6、 face suggested she was when she heard the news.5) , the little girl was able to recite the whole poem.5) Im (收到.来信很惊讶) my school teacher again. 3. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms. Shen.called Ms. Shen. 非谓语动词短语作后置定语练习:这座湖叫东湖。他住在一个四面环山的房子里.(surround)4. Ms. Shens method of teaching

7、is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(1). nothing like 完全不,根本没有;完全不像,根本不像There is nothing like what I wanted.It looks nothing like a horse.There is nothing like swimming as a means of keeping fit.【链接】something like 有点像,用于肯定句anything like 大约,有点像,用于疑问句或否定句练习:1) 这门课程一点也不像我期望的那样

8、。 2) 她看上去有点像你妹妹。 (2). 辨析that, it, one it 表同类同物that 表同类异物,具体one 表同类异物,泛指练习:Many parents said there were differences in their approach to educating their children compared with _ of their parents. A. thoseB. oneC. bothD. that 5. I dont think I will be bored in Ms. Shens class!(1)否定前移我相信他不知道这个秘密。_我想我不会

9、再来了。_(2)bored adj.感到厌倦的boring adj.令人厌烦的搭配:be bored 对.厌倦 be tired 对.厌烦be tired 因.而疲劳练习:1). I dont consider him a nice man to work with. Im getting bored his empty talk.2). What do you think of the talk? -to tell the truth, it was (bore)3). Many of us were soon (tire) of it and began to do something e

10、lse.4). The boy (令人厌烦的) story because he has read it several times. 6. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.(1)In other words 换句话说in a/one word 总而言之keep ones word 遵守诺言break ones word 不遵守诺言,食言have a word with sb. 和.谈一谈练习:1). You didnt perform as well as the other competitors, _

11、, you failed.A. in other wordsB. after allC. in the endD. at the same time2).My head teacher (跟我谈了谈) about the grades last week.(2)倍数表达法1). 倍数+as adj. As2). 倍数+比较级3).倍数+size/length/with/height/depth练习:1).Ten years ago the population of our village was _ that of theirs.A. as twice large as B. twice a

12、s large asC. twice as much as D. as twice much as 2) After milk was found containing chemical melamine (三聚氰胺) the price of them is discounted _ it was before.A. half as many asB. as half as manyC. as half much asD. half as much as7. I am looking forward to doing it. look forward to 期盼,盼望(to 为介词后接n.

13、或doing)练习:Mr. Brown expressed his hope that he would look forward to _ the city and _ the people there once more.A. visiting; seeingB. visit; seeC. visiting; to seeD. visit; seeing8. Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school. impress vt.使印象深刻搭配:be impressed by/

14、with 对.留下印象impress sb. with sth. 某物给某人留下印象impress sth. on sb.某物给某人留下印象练习:1). His father _ on him his mothers words.A. learnedB. studiedC. knewD. Impressed完成句子:He impressed me his honesty when we met for the first time.His speech (给某人留下了深刻的印象)。课堂练习:翻译:1.她对新的教学方法很热心。_2.在那儿,我们看见一所四周都是树的房子。_3.她看上去有点像个新的

15、电影明星。_4.我想他不会通过考试的。_选择题:1. The cost of renting a house in central Xian is higher than _ in any other area of the city.A. that B. this C. it D. one2. How men first learned to invent words is unknown, _, the origin of language is a mystery.A. in a word B. on the contrary C. on the other hand D. in oth

16、er words3.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen_we speak.A. as twice much as B. as much as twice C. twice as much as D. as much twice as4. What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is _it is long. A. half not as wide as B. wide not as half as C. not half as wide as D. as wi

17、de as not half5. We are looking forward to _ a chance_ the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.A. being given; watching B. be given; watch C. being given; to watch D. giving; to watch6. We are much _ with the standard of the childrens work on the exhibition.A. moved B. touched C. surpr

18、ised D. impressed7. -What _ did the country leave on you after a year of your staying there?-Well, I think what _ me most was the friendliness of the people there. A. impression; impressed B. impressed; impressedC. impression; impressing D. impressive; was impressed Period 4 Grammar 语法点击:(1)一般现在时态的用

19、法1) 表示习惯性、经常性出现的动作、状态。关键词,时间状语often、 usually 、 always 、sometimes 、never ,every day、on Sunday / Monday I usually _(go)to school at seven.She never_(play)computer games.2) 表示目前的状态。They _(like) swimming.He _(look) like his father.3) 表示客观事实或普遍真理。The earth _(go)round the sun.Winter _(be) colder than summ

20、er.4)在时间,条件,让步状语从句和时刻表?(节目单等)中,用一般现在时表示将要发生的动作或状态。If it _(be ) fine tomorrow, we shall visit the Great Wall.School _(begin) on February 5.达标训练任务 用所给词的适当形式填空1) I_(be)a student. My sister_ (be)a student, too.2) The train _(leave) at 10:00.3)We always _ (clean) our classroom after school.4)Our teacher

21、told us that the sun _(rise) in the east. 5)Sometimes he_ (play) football after school. He really_ (enjoy) himself. 6)They _ (go) to Guangzhou every week.8) He will call me if he _(come) here.(2) 现在进行时态1)表示现在或者目前一段时间内正在进行的动作,常见的标志性词有now, look, listen. We _(study) at Shangao Middle School.2)现在进行时与alw

22、ays, all the time 等连用时表示“赞扬,惊讶,讨厌”感情色彩,带有较强的交际性功能。 He is always _(make) mistakes.3)现在进行时表示将来时态。有些动词如go,come,leave, arrive, start, finish 等表示起止,位移得动词的现在进行时,可以表示即将发生的动作,做表示与将来的时间状语连用。 -Its time for dinner. - I am _(come).达标训练任务A:.用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Look! The cat_(run)up the tree.2.He is always _(ask) his

23、parents for money.4.Tom_(play)the piano in the room. Please ask him to come here.5.Listen! They_(sing) in the classroom.6. I (ride) my bike now. 7. She _(leave) for Japan tomorrow.8. Amy and Sam (do) their homework now.任务B . 汉译英1.我们正在看电视._.2.他们正在打扫教室._.3.汤姆正在吃早饭._.III. 探究发现:以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词找出课文中含有-

24、ing和-ed结尾的形容词的4个句子并且翻译该形容词的意思。(P2-3)1) _.2) _.3) _.4)_.我的发现: 1) ing 结尾的形容词,通常译为_.2) ed 结尾的形容词,通常译为_.语法点击:以-ing 和-ed 结尾的形容词的用法1)ing 结尾的形容词,通常被称作现在分词形容词,表示中心词或主语的性质和特征, 通常译”令人感 到的。2) ed 结尾的形容词,通常被称作过去分词形容词,表示衷心词或主语的感受,通常译为”感到”3) 这些形容词在句子中作定语,表语,宾语补足语等。 a. Hainan is an amazing place. _.b.Everyone is ex

25、cited by the news of holiday._.c. I find the book so interesting that I keep on reading it until midnight. _.达标训练A任务 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. Without dreams, even a rich man would find his life_(bore)2. _(disappoint), she asked me to take her the train station.3. He was _(please) with their warm welcome.4.

26、 He may arrive on time if he is _(interest) in the match.5. The children were _after the trip.(tire) 6. Her _ face make us _(surprise).7. The _trip lasted a whole day. (tire)8. There is a _(amaze) look on his face.9. Toms parents are _ at his _ results of the exams(disappoint)11. The mistake he made

27、 makes him _(embarrass).课后巩固1) Seeing the _(satisfy) make on his paper, her burst into a _(satisfy) laughter.2) After a _(relax) holiday, the _(relax) students returned home, full of energy.3) On hearing _(move) story, she couldnt control her _(move) tears.4) The _(puzzle) look on his face showed th

28、at he didnt catch what I had said.5) He spoke in such a _(frighten) voice that all the listeners face turned pale.Period5 Listening and Cultural Corner一、大声朗读下列单词,翻译中文意思,并在文中找出它们correction_ encouragement_ enjoyment_ explanation_ fluency_ misunderstanding_ progress_ pronunciation_ system_ disappear _

29、teenager_ move_ cover_ diploma_ semester_二、翻译下列词组be fluent in_ make progress_at the beginning_ at the end of_be divided into_ take part in_课堂知识:Language Points1. secondary school 2. cover seven years 占七年 ,写出下列cover 的其他意思。1) The story covers only three days and is very interesting. _2) How far can we

30、 cover a day? _ 3) Will 10,000 dollars cover the bill? _ 4) Im covering a traffic accident . _3. at the end of +时间/地点 :在.结束的时候,在的尽头in the end _by the end of _, 如果后面跟过去的时间,通常与_ 时态;和将来的时间连用,通常与_时态连用练习:(1). The school is situated _ the street(2). Well have an exam in English _January(3). Im sure everyt

31、hing will be fine _(4). _ last month they had planted 10,000 trees.4. The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December be divided into_ 分辨 divide_ separate_(1) Please _ the apples from the bad ones.(2) Please _ the apple into halves.the first of which i

32、s 引导的是非限制性定语从句。这是由“名词/代词+of+关系代词”引导的定语从句。这种形式可以用于指人,也可以用于指物。指人时关系代词用whom,指物时用which。Her sons, both of _ work abroad, ring her up every week.2. I take part in all kinds of after-school activities.take part in_ join_join in _ attend_(1) My uncle_ the Party in 1978. (2)Will you _playing basketball? (3)

33、Did you _ his last lecture? (4) The teacher _ our discussion yesterday. 课堂练习:.填词1Praiseactsasan_(鼓励)totheyoung.2Ithinkthereistoomuch_(解)betweenthem.3Ididntgetmuch_(乐趣)outofthatnovel.4The_(改正)ofallmymistakestooknearlyanhour.5A_(文凭)isveryimportantinfindingajob.6Itisnoteasytoeducate_(少年).选词填空takepartin

34、;divide;abit;cover;disappear1Shewantedto_theactivitybutshewastooill.2Itwillbeeasiestifwe_themintogroups.3Theywerehopingto_40milesyesterday.4Shetriestodo_ofexerciseeveryday.5Davidwatchedhercaruntilit_fromview.单项填空1We_thecake_tenparts,andeachofustookoneshare.Adivided;fromBdivided;intoCseparated;fromDseparated;by2Willyou_us_singingthesong? Ajoin;inBtakepart;inCattend;inDjoin;with3 IamgoingtotakeatriptoEurope_thismonth.AattheendofBbytheendofCintheendDintheendof

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