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1、小学英语5B第五单元知识点一、四会单词1、 擦、洗clean: 就是动词:第三单: cleans, +ing:cleaning(直接法) 短语:clean the car(洗小汽车) clean the classroom(打扫教室) clean the table(擦桌子), clean 也可以做形容词:干净得: a clean classroom(一间干净得教室) 区分:wash: wash clothes(洗衣服) wash the dishes(洗碗) 2、 烧、煮cook: 就是动词:第三单: cooks, +ing:cooking(直接法) 短语:cook breakfast/lu

2、nch/dinner(做早餐/中餐/晚餐), cook nice food(烹饪美食),cook fish(烧鱼) cook也可做名词:厨师:a good cook (一名好厨师)区分:make: make a cake(做蛋糕) make a salad(做沙拉)3、 忙碌busy: 就是形容词:前面用be动词:My mother is busy、 反义词: free(空闲得) 4、 花园garden: 就是名词:复数:gardens, 短语:in the garden(在花园里) 区分:park 5、 甜得sweet: 就是形容词,前面用be动词:My grapes are big and

3、 sweet、 短语:so sweet(如此得甜) too sweet(太甜), very sweet(很甜)sweet也可做名词:糖果: eat too many sweets(吃太多得糖) 二、三会单词6、 父母parents: 就是复数名词, 做主语时就是其她人称,对应得助动词就是do, be动词就是are, 7、 扫地sweep the floor: 就是动词短语,sweep:第三单:sweeps, +ing: sweeping(直接法) 8、 洗碗wash the dishes: 就是动词短语,wash:第三单:washes(+es), +ing: washing(直接法) 9、 整

4、理床铺make the bed:就是动词短语,make:第三单:makes, +ing: making(去e法) 10、 种植 grow: 就是动词:第三单:grows, +ing: growing(直接法), 短语:grow grapes(种葡萄) grow flowers(种花) 同义:plant11、 害虫pest:就是名词:复数:pests, 区分:rest12、 瓢虫ladybird:就是名词, 复数:ladybirds, 13、 走了,离开go away:就是动词短语,go:第三单:goes(+es), +ing: going(直接法) 类似短语:run away(跑了) fly

5、away(飞了)三、短语1、周六早上Saturday morning 2、在周六早上 on Saturday morning 3、洗小汽车 clean the car 或clean a car 4、帮她 help him(动宾) 5、做早餐 cook breakfast(lunch, dinner) 6、在起居室里 in the living room 7、扫地 sweep the floor 8、在她卧室里 in his bedroom 9、擦桌子 clean the table 10、整理床铺 make the bed 11、洗衣服 wash clothes 12、洗碗 wash the

6、dishes(dish得复数要加es) 13、在下午 in the afternoon 14、今天下午 this afternoon(前面没有in) 15、很忙 very busy 16、我与海伦 Helen and I 17、吃水果 eat fruit(fruit就是不可数名词) 18、瞧电视 watch TV 19、帮助她们得父母 help their parents 20、葡萄上得害虫 the pests on the grapes(在某处得某某要先翻译后一个某某) 21、听风儿吹 listen to the wind blowing 22、瞧着花儿生长 watch the flower

7、s growing 23、喜欢坐着 like sitting 或like to sit 24、喜欢唱歌 like singing 或like to sing 25、把水壶放在上面 put the kettle on 26、把水壶拿下来 take the kettle off 27、种葡萄 grow grapes 28、在她得花园里 in her garden 29、又大又甜 big and sweet 30、走了 go away31、跑了 run away 32、飞了 fly away33、喜欢画画 like drawing(like+动词ing) 34、想要画 would like to d

8、raw 或want to draw(动词不定式:to+动词原形)35、画一件连衣裙 draw a dress 36、画得好 draw well (动词+副词)37、在厨房里 in the kitchen 38、当心 look out 四、知识点1. 现在进行时:正在做某事提示词:listen, now, look, 现在XX点,某人在做某事, XXX在哪?正在做某事,现在进行时得构成:am, is, are + 动词ing、例句:am:肯定句:I am helping him、 ( 我在帮她。) is:肯定句:She is cooking dinner、 ( 她在做晚饭。) 否定句:Im no

9、t helping him、 ( 我不在帮她。) 否定句:She isnt cooking dinner、 ( 她不在做晚饭。)一般疑问句:Are you helping him? ( 您在帮她吗?) 一般疑问句:Is she cooking dinner? ( 她在做晚饭吗?)肯定答:Yes, I am、 ( 就是得, 我在。I 与am不能缩写) 肯定答:Yes, she is、 ( 就是得,她在。she 与is不能缩写)否定答:No, Im not、 ( 不,我不在。) 否定答:No, she isnt、 或 No, shes not、 ( 不,她不在。)特殊疑问句:What are yo

10、u doing? ( 您在做什么?) 特殊疑问句:What is she doing? ( 她在做什么?)are:肯定句:They are eating fruit、 ( 她们在吃水果。) 否定句:They arent eating fruit、 ( 她们不在吃水果。) 一般疑问句:Are they eating fruit? ( 她们在吃水果吗?) 肯定答:Yes, they are、 ( 就是得, 她们在。they 与are不能缩写) 否定答:No, they arent、 ( 不,她们不在。) 特殊疑问句:What are they doing? ( 她们在做什么?) 其她:Where

11、is Tim? He is sleeping in his bedroom、 (Tim 在哪里? 她正在卧室里睡觉。) Its four oclock in the afternoon、 Mike is playing football in the playground、 (现在就是下午四点。Mike 正在操场上踢足球。) Where is she singing? Shes singing in the music room、 (她正在哪里唱歌?她正在音乐教室里唱歌。) Who is cooking dinner? Mikes mother、 / Mikes mother is、 (谁在做

12、晚饭?就是迈克得妈妈。) Who is watching TV? Tim and Jim、 / Tim and Jim are、 (谁在瞧电视?就是Tim与Jim)2. 动词现在分词得构成:(1)直接法:cleaning, cooking, sweeping, sleeping, doing, washing, helping, watching, eating, growing, blowing, singing, going, drawing, drawing, (2)去e法: skate skating, makemaking, dancedancing, writewriting, h

13、ave having, ride ridinge ing, taketaking, leave leaving, wake waking(3)双写法: putting, running, beginning, stopping, swimming, shopping,chatting, sitting, getting, winning3. 动词+宾格:Im helping him、 Helen and I are helping her、 We can help you、4. am is are + 形容词:My mother is busy、 5. 我与某某某:Helen and I ar

14、e helping her、6. 单数变复数:dishdishes 7. 动词第三单:washwashes 8. 不可数:fruit 9. 同义: grow = plant 10. like doing与like to do: I like singing、 I like to sing in the morning、11. 介词: in the kitchen, in his bedroom, in the living room, in the morning, in the evening, in his garden, like to sing, listen to the wind

15、blowing, like to sit, put the kettle on, on the grapes, take it off12. 特殊疑问词who得用法: 情态动词: Who can play basketball well? Mike、 / Mike can、 (谁篮球打得好?就是迈克) Who should have a rest at home? Su Hai、 / Su Hai should、 (谁应该在家休息? 就是苏海。) 一般现在时:Who lives on Moon Street? Su Hai and Su Yang、 / Su Hai and Su Yang d

16、o、(谁住在月亮街?就是苏海与苏阳。) Who walks to school? Yang Ling、 / Yang does、 (谁步行上学?就是杨玲。)现在进行时:Who is cooking dinner? Mikes mother、 / Mikes mother is、 (谁在做晚饭?就是迈克得妈妈。) Who is watching TV? Tim and Jim、 / Tim and Jim are、 (谁在瞧电视?就是Tim与Jim)13. ing字母组合在单词中发/ /音得单词有:bring, morning, sing, spring, evening, living roo

17、m, anything, king, swing, wing, finger, stocking, pudding, dumpling, 以及动词现在分词中得ing(swimming, drawing)小学英语5B第六单元知识点一、四会单词1、 蔬菜vegetable: 可数名词:复数:vegetables, 短语:green vegetables(绿色蔬菜) grow vegetables(种植蔬菜)2、 西红柿tomato: 可数名词:复数:tomatoes(加es, 类似得:potatoes, mangoes, heroes, 不同得:zoos, photos, radios), 短语:

18、tomato juice(西红柿汁) tomato soup(西红柿汤)3、 土豆potato: 可数名词:复数:tomatoes(加es) 短语:cook meat with potatoes(土豆烧肉) 4、 寻找look for: 动词短语,区分:find(find强调寻找得结果, look for强调寻找得过程) 5、 喜爱love: 动词,第三单:loves, +ing: loving(去e法) 同义:like6、 面包bread: 不可数名词, 对应得助动词就是does,be动词就是is,二、三会单词7、 运动,比赛 game:就是名词,复数:games, 短语:a footbal

19、l game(一场足球比赛) play puter games(玩电脑游戏) play a game或 play games (玩游戏), 同义:match8、有气味,闻起来smell:就是动词,第三单:smells, +ing: smelling, smell +形容词:smell nice(闻起来很香)9、 肉 meat:不可数名词,对应得助动词就是does,be动词就是is, 短语:cook meat with potatoes(土豆烧肉)10、 我等不及了!I cant wait!:11、 准备好ready:就是形容词,前面用be动词:Dinner is ready、准备好做某事:be

20、 ready for + 名词,be ready to + 动词原形 12、 好吃得,美味得yummy:就是形容词,前面用be动词:Its yummy、 同义:nice, delicious13、 获胜,赢win:就是动词,第三单:wins, +ing: winning(双写法)14、 太好了,太棒了yeah: 就是副词, 同义: great15、 生气得,愤怒得angry:就是形容词,前面用be动词:He is very angry、 生某人得气:be angry with sb, 反义:happy16、 斑,点spot:就是名词,复数:spots, 10个点得瓢虫就是害虫,7个点得瓢虫就是

21、益虫。17、 抓,抓住catch:就是动词,第三单:catches(加es), +ing: catching(直接法) 短语:catch a ladybird(抓住一只瓢虫)18、 赶走 driveaway:动词短语,drive:第三单:drives +ing:driving(去e法)短语:drive the pests away(赶走害虫)三、短语1、回家e home或go home 2、一场足球比赛 a football game 或 a football match3、烧肉cook meat (meat不可数) 4、闻起来很香smell nice (smell后面跟形容词)5、洗一些蔬菜

22、wash some vegetables 6、烧一些西红柿汤cook some tomato soup(soup不可数)7、做土地烧肉cook meat with potatoes 8、等不及cant wait9、寻找look for 10、在冰箱里in the fridge 11、一些苹果汁 some apple juice 12、 一些橙汁some orange juice (juice不可数) 13、准备好了be ready 14、吃肉eat the meat 或eat meat15、一位很棒得厨师a great cook 16、穿过我们得小镇 through our little to

23、wn17、用筷子吃eat with chopsticks 18、戴着她得金色王冠wear her golden crown19、用刀叉吃eat with a knife and fork 20、 许多害虫a lot of pests 或 lots of pests 或 many pests21、晚上六点 six oclock in the evening 22、 在晚上六点at six oclock in the evening23、吃葡萄eat grapes 24、赶走坏瓢虫drive the bad ladybirds away25、赶走害虫drive the pests away 26、

24、十个点ten spots27、做一个沙拉make a salad 28、烧一些土豆汤cook some potato soup29、从学校回家e home from school 30、又累又饿tired and hungry31、面包与水果bread and fruit 32、闻起来很香甜smell sweet (smell后面跟形容词)33、喝水drink water 34、刷她得牙brush his teeth35、穿上她得外套put on his coat 36、沿着这条街走walk along this street 或 go along this street37、喜欢吃苹果lik

25、e eating apples 38、在她得花园里in her garden39、牛奶与果汁milk and juice 40、不错not bad四、知识点1. 单数变复数:knifeknives(以f或fe结尾得名词变复数要把f或fe变为ves) potatopotatoes, tomatotomatoes, mangomangoes, 2. 动词第三单:catchcatches (以sh, ch结尾得动词变第三单时加es: washes, watches, teaches、)3. 动词不定式(to + 动词原形):e + to + 动词原形:Sam es to help Bobby、 Mo

26、nkey, Rabbit and Elephant e to see Bobby、 want + to + 动词原形:I want to cook some tomato soup、 would like + to +动词原形:Id like to cook some tomato soup、 Would you like to cook some tomato soup?(要用some)happy + to + 动词原形:Bobby is very happy to help them、 how+ to + 动词原形:Do you know how to get to City Cinema

27、?4. am, is, are +形容词:He is very angry、 Its yummy、 Its nice、 Dinner is ready、5. look for与find:find强调寻找得结果, look for强调寻找得过程:I cant find my pen、 Im looking for my pen、6. 不可数名词:juice, soup, bread, meat, water, milk, fruit, 7. 动词+宾格: They cant help me、 They can help you、 I love it too、8. from: Liu Tao es

28、 home from a football game、 Sam catches a ladybird from the grapes、9. 10个点得瓢虫就是害虫,7个点得瓢虫就是益虫。10. 中国人用筷子吃饭。西方人用刀叉吃饭。11. 介词: in the evening, in the kitchen, in the fridge, in Bobbys garden,e home from a football match, catch a ladybird from the grapes,cook meat with potatoes, eat with chopsticks, look for some juice, through our little town, e to help, on Sams hand, 12. qu字母组合在单词中发/kw /音得单词有: quick, queen, quiet, quite, quack,

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