1、nit Lnguage ad Culture in omunicationTheory Cnitoni smething we do everyday。Itke lce o naurall ta we simply fatnoie i uni t hccups or breaks down。 Thoughitis cmmonplace, it is no xaggrion oy that omunicato is life ifi muncaio。1。Wenyouon socia gatheri, yomust be awar of rulesad proceduresthtgoerneay
2、thins regoing t poeed、 There is aehnical term fr chules proceuresschea。 2。 Face andpolitenessre tw otherareas hich aextrelyvaueseiive.One f t ditntiv eure o Chinese poltees is elf-deniationan terelion。Ca : Litz is a professr cross-cultua muncation n a uniersi i Fnland、 She iited erCine stude home or
3、 an eening art、hchearoLtzspoint of viw icluds the folowing:1。 Gviginttion: by phone/bmi、 Prepa veytig befoth arrivalofguest3。Reiing gut: open the doo / exresswele take heir ovroats/ introduguess/ of them rnks/ make hem ortable4。 ervg fod: sethe bl/ sop frs / man coue /deert、 Post ner cviti: chat / p
4、ly music ffer more dks.Seeg goff: thanthem for cming ood nightis evenin partywas ot vey scsfu,buse s was upse oneo her guest、 er was th iniial onveraton bteen Litz a Ln:Litz: (pens teo) h,Lin,ho ice yu cold e!Li:Itsnot ificuttfid you us。Lit:Cme on in、Lin: (cmsin)Lt: Cn I tk yo cat?in: No, thaks。Lz:
5、k, thisw eas、Lin: (takof her oat ad hang it)nis:Litz asut aue iddnot leter h hercot、 itzs offringto ng Lins cois ne o Lizswa (it on Ltzs scea).On ins sie, shethoughttha Litash suervisor and th t as inppropriate to le her supervisorhanher coa、Hree hv an insace of oneaction aah ith differntutur ls、Cas
6、e :Fininan Intre BurGoreallwa in Bijn ateding atradfairand ooig for an oppotuiy to do buine in Chin、 He hadbeeery sccessful in hs sinessdealigs th n pried hisefon hs abili “o et tngs ing.”His ist day was goi well 。H leond t the dislaysosort eqipmento g omeideao whom mght aproach.H as sreat his pouct
7、s, tnis rakets withaunuual new dsig, oul rse seintrests。 Othesecnd day h aroachd the opan wi he flt wod bemost repnsie tohisroducts. e introdud hmsel t thegenral,a Mr。、 n hehad read tha Chne findgttin dwn to busiess imediatlytoo arpt d rude, he beg casuaconeaio, eentally leadgupto theopc of his prod
8、ts andsuggsng how r、 Li an ight eet from usig e.George ten sugted tht he could arrange to getogeth with Mr、Li and rvide moe peciics ad documentain on his prducs.Mr. Li espodn fry god nglsh, at db intereting、Knowinghat he had oly few d leftin ejing, Geoge wanted to nil dow atime,” When anemeet? aked
9、Geoge。 “h、 his week veryu,” epied Mr. i. “It sure i, d Geog, How abt10clo?eet youhee、” “Torow 10oock?akd Mr。 i thougtfuly。 “Right, aidGerge,“l ee you te?” “Hmm, yes; why dontyu e by omorrw,” we rely。 “OK, repnedGeoge,” It ws nicmeeting yo。”Te nexd at10oclock e pproache Mr、 Liscopans exhibit onyfn th
10、aMr。 ad ome mortant busnes ad was o le oet with org.He cllback later in the day nd astldthatMr. Li was ot available、Aasi:英美人士做事情讲究守时。而中国人不太重视这方面。本案列中,李先生不仅没有准时接见预约得客户,甚至放了她“鸽子”。as:rofesso Lian has writen a bokon Chines clture in Cinee。 His oki n splay inBijng Internaon ookFir 96、 PoessrLia would lie
11、 o vhis book tranlated no Eglisad subitted to Thompson Pblishes、 Professr Liag hasked Yan, emeets eulrly in the Eglish Crne, to he hm otal t PeteAllrt, Tponrepreentative。ro、 Ln:奥莱特先生,这就是鄙人得拙作。Li T: r、 Allrigt, hi a cluy ok rittn b orumbeervan、Mrllright: No, no, o, yorenot my hmle seant. e d o ulsh b
12、os n Cinee。LiYa (tPrfesor Lig): 不,不,不,您不就是我得仆人,我们不出中文书、Pofesso Liang: 我要请李艳翻译成英文。in (to M。 Allright):Prfesso ingwill k mto tralate it int Enlish、Mr. Alright:Mm thts interesin.Anlysis: Chiese authorsalmost alwasblitle thewor descrbing them a clums writings, and t us the ae desition wen they prsent th
13、m t Cnes publisrs。 utthsilbe couner-roductive in Engish. sad,s oulpon u the merits f teir wor rther han“clness.Un 2 Clture ShokTery: 1、 Cuure shock canbe deribed as the feeli f cnfusionaddisoientainthaneexperieces when ace wha largeuberof nw an nfaiar peole ad sittions、 2、 Theris a desifo indepedcea
14、ndsepartenes, foud i oreignr needs r heron pvacy nd atonm . Hospiliymeas the cordia andenerous rection of o ipontoar guss、 4。 Plitnes rrs to cosidaifor ohs, tact, ad brvance of acpte ia uag. 5。 Pivacy colde ntood a therigt o anidividul toelfdetrmiatonasto h degr to which the indiviual willing to saw
15、ithothrsinormaionut hmslf、Cas 1: Jae,n Amria teaei the US, adjut startedtachin Engisho group of Japnse udents。She wante t t t knw he studens mor frlly,soshe invie them toher ue forpart。Te tudens al rived toher at exacl 8:00 p.m。 Thseeme toejoyheparty: the dace,sang, and ae mst of the food. At about
16、0:00 .m,on o the sudets sai to th echer, “ thn i tmorm to leave.Thank you ver mch for the party.” Te al the ther student otp go,ad efat te sametime、Jan decidedshe ould never invite tem again!Anayss: 在日本以及其她很多得亚洲国家里,年轻人通常成群结队得一起去参加一些社交聚会,然后一道离去。在她们瞧来这就是很正常不过得事。然后Jan认为这就是一种侮辱,因为她们在同一时间里一下子全部离开了。在美国以及其
17、她一些英语国家,晚上1点离开一个聚会相对来说就是比较早得、Ce 2: FoSertae ad Tir Jos Fu ssmaesfrom a top ine univesty a ok obs ascrtaries aftrgraduation.Fie yars atrthe four former clssmats hd reunin disussd ter ob、 en Qi and Dai unboh work as lngual secretaresfora Finish ompany n ei。 hen Qi is seetar to ein eral manger,nd Di ns
18、 secretary othe Chinee locaanger, aposion olslighylwer tha thaof the Finr. Zhang Ying is rom piily prominent fmilawas hrdassecetry t heleade of asmal ovrent bra inthe cail city f herhome ponc. Lu Yan wrks fr a stae run entris inthe sameci whre a hrd as te srety to the new manager for nteatonal maret
19、in、 Th ompa a ee rktedits productsabrodefoe o thioffice dLuYans position are w to the cmpny。 yeas ater Che is satsfie with hejo with heFnnishopn bt Dai Yun is not. Te Fn manaer reeiv rder from te opys om ofice in Finlad, and heive ordes to tseelw hi n Chna, incluig his seretary Cheni。 H telsherow h
20、wntsis timesceule ad shethen makes appointents or im ccordng to his instruions。Shetalats memosand her dcumns and inteprtsfrm Chinese t Englhto Chin、 If themanae doe not hinkhn Q ha onehewo wel, he el er rigt way、Hi vey dmandng, bu he Qi feel hatheknows ha erdutie are andnows hat her mag epects.S isc
21、onidt hat sh is ing od jo。 Dai Yun fte des not h as muc ork to d as Ce do,bcaus herosssdules s own apointments and e a lot ote offie aperwork hisl。When e is t of town se has m to stdyfor th raduate entranceexm、 Hwver, sh s ot sre whethr oro she i doig a god jb、 r nager tells hrht se s expetd t o,bth
22、e s ths day by y。 When oplecll me t theffice toseehr boss, she reets hem Engishor Chinse neessa。She reeivs hir mmsad othr esages s wl as thr questions and uests and pses themo to her manager。 Dai n thikof j adoing what hr manger wantser to do。 hepy close atention to his moods nd behavior, and metime
23、s sheis ableo anciae wat he wul ik whutmting he。Anasis:许多中国人在外企工作,不同国家得外企领导有不同得工作作风与标准。本案列中,戴云给不同得外国上司做秘书,在工作中出现由于不同得文化冲突而引起得各种工作以及沟通中得问题就很常见了。ae 3:One coldinterday n a Chineecity, Wang n nhsway tothe barymt an mica prfesorwh new very litabut hna、 Afte geeting him, Wangsai: “Its raer cold、Yod ter pu
24、ton oe cles、” Buttheofeso ddn apear hppy on hearng this、Analyss:美国人以及大部分西方国家得人们不喜欢被告知要怎么做怎么做,她们比较喜欢独立,然而中国人则习惯关心别人,这个案例中王林得建议表达得就就是一种对她人得关心,可就是美国教授却不习惯这样得表达、s : In good restaurant, fourteen epleae tered tosay goodbetoheir prfesor, wosmving toanoer uniersty.Stven: May ave your ttention plae? Id itoca
25、l on e to syfew word。en: Tank you,Sten.Proessor ore,clleagues: oniht is ne o hsepadoxe it aadtime ndyet ts a hapy ime. Sad, becaue、Weare sng one uet ofsrs; apy beaue weare pleas to seeProsr Shoega te reogiton tha he richly deers.m otsrhwill b ableo cotrolus and keepsinline。 I thi hen rofsr wilhv aif
26、fiut tim。 An sue no ne illbeabltotelloks in thesae wayayo, Profssor. erusy, w llknow tt you wil bedifcult replace. You cholrly pprochand our edicton wilalway rmembeed。 woldhroreie to prpse tas. Cleaues, se hare ourglasse、 Prfe Shore, ayur future be filed willreat suss, n ay youalwas meber us。W knw w
27、e will neerforg ou、 ToPofesso Shore!All: (Standinu)ToPrfessor Sho! (Eryone drink。fessore remans atd andlest them all。)nalysis:就餐时总就是要在各种缘由下向人敬酒:可以就是非正式得,向朋友或同事敬酒;也可以就是正式得,向全体聚会得人敬酒。与中国式得敬酒大不相同得就是,在西方正式得敬酒时,受敬得人就是不能喝酒得,而就是正襟危坐,两眼睁睁瞧别人喝酒。另一个不同就是:无论正式还就是非正式,敬酒得人不必走过去敬酒,而就是在自己得座位处站起来敬酒。敬酒时开始得语言永远就是:“向”,
28、而其她随敬酒得人重复敬酒人得第一句话(即“向”), 然后喝一口酒。敬酒时如果举了杯,说了敬词,而实际上没有喝酒,就会被瞧做十分不恭得行为,在很久以前甚至于被认为就是一种侮辱,就是不想加入敬酒得仪式。Case 5: AnAmrcan wet to Cise ome. He ws ffedsome ta、 Just when hest cupas abut tofinis, more teawadded、 The sitor dank the secondup。 Then thecup ws fild th trdme、 Then he drk it, then untihvistr as qie
29、f。y?nlysis: 在中国得传统文化习俗里,主人通常会不断给客人倒水倒茶,或者不断地给客人得盘子里加食物以表示她得热情好客。面对得这样得情况,中国客人知道如何处理,在她们觉得吃饱喝足之后,就会随它放在桌上。而美国客人就不懂了,在美国,在自己得盘子里剩下食物就是不礼貌得,于就是她出于遵循美国文化理念可能会在这样得招待中吃得过多。as 6:Dinerwith FrndJaniceisayon Ameican engineeworkgfora anufacturinjoit venteneaNanjin。 he aher husban Geoge, whoi teacig Ensh ata un
30、iersity, e lenin hiese and ejo hei ne lf 、They have bee eger toe to kw Chinespole bete sothywe esed whnLiu Lingng , Jaie oung coorke invited theo her hme or diner。We Jaie andGeorge arre,Linging inrodced eto heusband ang eng, kdthemto s dwn at a te ontiing8 laes of aiocold ises,ervedthem tea adthn di
31、sapre wih hr uand into te itchen. Ater few mints Liling cme bak an added watrt hir ta. Jaice offred to hlp nthektche but igligaid she dit need hlp、 Sheinvted th oupeto ook attheiw CD player and eir colrfulTVanden disered agan、A hlf-hou lter sh cme back asatdownan the hee egao ea. Yang Feng aein from
32、 im t e t put ish afterot ishn the tbe.Most of the fod wa wonefulbuneith Geoge nr Jaie uldt he fatypok in ppper sace or the e ccmbers, an thee wasuc mr than they could at. They kept wihing Yag Feng ould sitdowso theulta to him.Fiallyhe d st down to eat a bi , quckyuned n the TV show he l its high in
33、g featurs、 oo wa ie ogohoe.Georeand Janice fe ihl deressey ths xeine,butreturned theiittion two wee late。 They deided o m a ie mranmeal a ftcky o find ie, tmao juce, cracker and asapetizr、 r he a coutheepaed paghtti ad a slaith resig mdfrooil, vne, ansomspces theyfundinthearket.Whe LiLinglin and Yng
34、 Fng rrivd they ere mpresd by he parment ndakd thepceofth V, deplayer, vacum cleanrand othrthigs、Jaice politey efued t anwerh usons、 Theook smaltates fthe petzers and semed surrisedwhenboh Geor and Janice sat own wth thm.Theate ol a lit saghetti addi not finsh the sald o heir plt、 Gorgd tm to ea mre
35、 ut hey refe ad lokedaround xpectany。 une and oge taked aut thi faiisand bsan ased the table ad rved cofeean pastries、 YagFeng and Linging ech pt fur spons of sgas into tei cofee bu i n drik ucho an ateoy a bi oroof pastry。At theleft, Gore said tht at lest he hd a cae to alk, but anice wa upt、“We ef
36、t ther aeso fulthaw cout wa andhere going toav o eat aawen heyget home、 wetrong?Anlysis:中西方饮食习惯大大得不同。中国人邀请客人会准备一大桌子得菜,并在就餐过程中使劲劝说客人多吃点,吃完之后, 还有剩菜,就表明主人得盛情款待、而西方人一不劝吃,二就餐完毕后,盘子最好就是空得。本案列中得两对中外夫妇不明这个文化差异,发生误解就就是自然而然得事了。Case 7: fter th meal nd fteheab as beenclared. i is ot sure whtto do,butants o hel
37、insme wa。At least h wantto offer、Hln: Thanks for your help, Huang.Lu:leasue、Wa an do no?elen: Nohing。Its fe.Ill rins these shes thn sck them. Itloly take a mnte、Lu:Dosthe faily usay ep?Heln: Wel,at pei ime.a ometim rssthe shes bu yo ca seehe eally tirenight.i:Lee do it or yo.Helen:o truy, itsay、iu:MyeIcn wpe thtableten、Hln: hatwulbhlpful、 Tanks。 urealkind, Hang。Anysis:在西方人家中得就餐得时间里,大家都设法插手帮一下忙,即便就是男士也不例外,不要一点不动着开饭。所有家住者要能帮者摆摆餐具,或餐后收拾洗碗,把餐具放进洗碗机,倒垃圾,站在一